^ HAI MARCH Ifl UIKTY ih m mUKITOKY ItliiM I UMNiK I. II. o . r. m il II 11 "III. Kfer«f>' Hull V lall I hm brother« rue aortll«1? In » H,-,l lo attend II LEO (MIDWAY. V II j h u it t e m o k k . [iteli A W Him« ■ h ili I III M l I lls l u t i I « mir ist I lit! Ol for Hielt I Hurt erreur to II llu u er Abatini I Company l'l Ine* Ille. Oregon Lila Inaiiraiiie The Iu«nl t«nt)la playera playe«l u «••tiea of tcatnr« un t li«* Itodmitn court« Sutulay, and a num ber of Itood «corea a e re Iliade III the differ­ ent tnati h««« The high wind Inter fe n d RomeiAhat with the gainea. i|uttil a Ml « II x iRROoft »!»*’ ml I« to îlot of (own o rd in i muât bn n |M>uiul rapacity I* ratur, nor«! taro r The enterprising town of Hlalera la ah . ..*tv I pblll" fat a till of Jo *X Celebration olle of Ibi* good o|.| faabloiii'il Kirill of rventa. Money la • Ireuity In sight there In airftli leni am ount to muke the < elebrutlott an aaaured auit eaa Mr and Mr« I* M Iteedy made an auto trip to I'r liievtl!«* Sunday I OH HAI.K I Nu I •» Iw» I«avai Cr« am H«*|>a f in flfiN 'IlM rotti] y W 1*11 ATT. Itadtiiond J7tf I' loir r »• 1« fui i* I » » it• *• a I Hodmond liai i1f Ill Iti'ilniiiml anil Vicinity *1. \SSIMKI» COM MN k ✓ t Empty oil barrela, f t 0 0 .each. Ittedy'a llarage. 34tf la»«t Saturday wan the flrat day of spring, according to the calendar, but according to the nice w eather that ha« p m alito) here for some time, spring arrived In Kediuotid ami Vicinity the ft ret of March ri'aaotiablf« Imjulr«* at lini tarifer« received here from south I ’ .*»«• Haul» I ern Ohio ca) that «now there and In Kentucky wa« «till on the ground th*' KM«* M u t II l i t HIM« fore part of th!« monili Th!« Is a big I ltr«l C orlltfll», 92 ra« It contrant with thin section of the [l Hod «'Kan fui bfttflilBf, 76r | ( lilted Sfat««. snow the pun* tufting of IS ra* tm. Iu per l«o winter ha« lesen where very light, and also II It IIIItief (Im ll eff KR. 91 par where this season1« garden« are a l­ iK Mr» ltoa«-(Mi lluaar«). | ipa mo«! all In now Moral Come to ■ Central Oregon und Crook county If you want to enjoy a good cllm ute. \\ I M I li a it t to buy a team of hor»«*a for I.ym h k Huberts, the large do- hr«l purpose» Will lie at Hotel partrtxoit proprietors of tills »I», U ntinom i. ott March 2 0 or city, are «tore out their apriti* Ad'lreaa K W TOM KM, rare mall order getting catalogue and will have It Oregon, U ntinom i. Ore 3*lf3 ready for dint rlbut ion alnait the flr«t «>f April The firm was so well «at infl' d with resulta obtained from the previous catalogue« they Issued that the coming < alatomi«* will lx* much enlarged and contain a larger list of goods carried by the firm than any previous Issues ornes: N K. C orner «th am) K Hta. Kctlmolttl. Oregon F. H. RODEMEVER PHYSICIAN and SC Itti EON Kyen Tented. (»I rkhcm l*ro|H*rl> Kilted Offlei' in Khret Urns. block Kctlmoml, - Oregon I)R. .1. HARK DENTIST J o h n s o n R iiiltlini; Sunday was a real March day l*i this section, and especially In Krd > monil The wind blowcd from all di­ rections and carried clouds of dust w ith It This Is second windy day so far experienced here this m onth, the rem ainder of the month having been sa nice and tulld as any person could I desire Roadster, 1-paraenger, f 50 cash, for i|iib k »ale Iteedy'a O arage 3