Published at the o f Central Oregon RK DM OK'D, ( ROOK C O U N T Y . OREGON. THUILSDAY, MARCH h I’ropoM-d ( hange« in th«* On-gun Conni it ut ion May Appear li«'f(irr Flection •INC s HOI K L A W l*ROl*OSHD 111 CARIA |fiinu n's League and Socialists Initiate Measures to Limit lime of Work— Other Ceti* lions Are Circulated in State Oregon c ltlie na wil l vote upon I I li «n i utItitial • i n « m i n t a n d latta r..j >«-«1 lijr ( h r laal l ^ g i s l a t o r r . and i itiid probably m«»rr lo *ub i • * « I upon p i l l i o n al i hr gì nrral « linn (Ida >nar. * * » « a rrrvnl pi«*n «Hawaii h I'a lltlona for (ha ¡iflat loo o f a alalo « Ida r i g h i h«»u- » i>ro|Hiard by Horlallala. pr«»t hlltta r an a t un » «I matti o f Hrcllon 9. i* n XV, o f I Ito r ona ll lu ll on . and r (hr a «mirti ■ rig h t hour l a « , pro « 1 tty Ihr VVotnrit a Klghl Hour h a tr brrtt fll«’ «! with til«- L w » , f State and all r«*qolr« I: f«tr ha tin g th r m i r a o f Ihr k.< « if *• a on Ih r Italiota h a t r I m « li > I W H l " l ( n t la ha vin g petition* | .»i r «I for In itiali ng a ntraaurr kr-M ling for an attirndturnl lo Ihr ¡i - ! n on homra, l l t r i I ih k. toola y anti II I) \\ agnon haa aul* uStlnl a form o f prt ltlon lo Ihr Hr«** h 'a r t of Hiair fo r an am nid nir nt ^rotidlng f«tr a aur ta t f «*r ralalng f' d iMir to tlrfra y thr nit rita «'* of Ihr k for rarh floral te ar It would L prraona ow n in g land amt nat ■ ral f«a«mrrna. Irv y lng ItU ertila oli W »• !» | l o o ab«tu< I2Ì.OOO aaa«*at»« d h .« ! nat Ion, f i oil ra<*h 9 1 00 ab«ttr f t " .mio aaaraard talu all on . 92 «>n ■*.» ti 11un alcova 9?&.ono, and 93 on L-». h 9100 a l w r t 9100,000. Illll W o u ld lirgn li clr |*a| • S Jarkaon o f I'o rlla n d haa pro I • * d a inraaurr fo r Inll la ll on at the « Ing rlM-iiott, an amendment to -ret Ion IN. A rtic le I. o f th r <*oh*tltil tmn providing lh al r«»mi»n»*atloii for land taken for publtr uar aliali not Ite al a rata mora than double the atei age yearly rata o f aaaeaaiiirnl of property for taxation during the t h r e e a*ii«*aatiirnl year a u n i before the a*»c*#ment yea r In wrhtrh Ihr action la brought to condemn thr proparty. Mr Jarkaon ala«» haa propoard a te .«aure am ending Hr«-1ion ! «td a O regon U w i . rela ting lo Ih«* '.nation o f land that la not public Ih«« follo wing are (he number* and Hllra «tí the aineiidtiiofita lo the « oliai It ul Ion and iiieuMiiicN proposed f«tr referendum by the l«eglalaiurr Vng 101 No fo i ib .«i!.« nd merit o f Meet Ion '• o f Article II of the I oii*t 111| t Ion of I »regoli mo u* to require Voter* to he eltlxeti* of the I oiled State*. In ul| e l d Iona, t|lile*H otherwise provided for III the rollali tut Ion lo'j Yea. lo t No Kor conalltu- Honal a me n dine ri I of Section H of A r t i d e V | ! m u u EBl i It. (M B MKMHKHS KKDMOM* I’M O N WAKKHOt'MK KKEHJHTIX« KOR CI.KAK L A K E learn. The idea 1« aln,o«t univeraal A M » K K IBSnS ENJOY THEM - IX». SENT O l T HtMiS AND F R O J E lT CAN BE DONE that the breeder muat begin with high grade vow« A* a rule he will ; SELVES IM M ENSELY SH E E P YESTER D AY FROM THIS CITY succeed later with low grade no»«, becauae of the lea« co«t. But he muat give attention to the «election of long bodied »owa. Thla will In - i The following from the Sisters «„re the production of relatively The Redmond Union Warehouse The "Home Made’’ banquet given large lltlera and of good bacon pro­ by the Commercial Club In Khret'a Co. yesterday made a community Herald of last week will be of inter­ hall laat night waa one of the mo8t shipment of hogs to Portland as fol­ est to people in Redmond and this duct Ion in the progeny. It ahould he remembered that with pleuaant aortal affairs ever held in lows: Wm. Ogg. Redmond. 12: J. O. Sho- section: aowa of mixed breeding improvement the city. About 160 members of the bert. "The tools and all necessary im­ Powell Butte. 6: Hobbs. club, their wives and friend« were cornea chiefly from the «ire If purely preaent and passed the evening In Powell Butte. 77; Henry Tweet, plements were taken to Deep Canyon bred. The more mixed the breeding playing cards, eating and dancing Powell Butte. I; Andrew Nelson, De­ the first of the week preparatory to of the dam. the more surety will the, The Sparks orchestra furnished schutes. 3; T. D. Osborn. Powell starting with the grade work the progeny reae,utile the alre Aa mar­ music for the event during the early Butte, I: G. F. Havens. Powell last of this week of the first of next ket« are at the preaent time. It will part of the evening and for dancing. Butte. 2; U E. Nichols. Powll Butte. for the building of the steel bridge not matter much what breed the alre About 11 o’clock the tables were set 7; Peter Pauls. Powell Butte. 6; H. , that the county will build over the cornea from, but It la pretty certain for the banquet, and all the eatables Cram, Ochoco. 13; Van Allen, Red­ canyon. The camps are being es­ mond. 1; A. Mohler. Redmond. 6; tablished and preparations made for that the market« of the future will and drinkable«, wrlth the exception S. F. Towner. Prineville. 12; lloscoe of the coffee and augar. were home give the preference to n alre of bacon grown or home made products. And Howard. l>esehutes, 3; H. J. Harris, the convenience of the men. “ An Important change haa bean breed«, aa the Yorkshire« or the there were all kinds of good things Sisters. 20. made in the original plans. It having Tan worth. Other shipments were as follows: been decided to construct a 200 foot to eat. It la peculiarly unfortunate that After the banquet the floor was George Russell. Ochoco. 5 steers; steel span bridge at the bottom of hog cholera ahould ho brought Into cleared and dancing waa Indulged in Fred Welse. Sisters. 2 cars mutton the canyon. This structure will be sheep; Thos Sharp, Crooked River, I 60 feet high, reducing the grade to the Northweatern atatea It might for a couple of hours. This Is the flrvt banquet of the , 2 cars of cattle. less than the original plans called have been kept out of theae. It for and shortening the distance ma­ was not here originally, but It haa kind ever given In Central Oregon, anil those who attended are looking CLUBS W I L L M EET HERE terially. been brought there. Hog cholera la forward to a repetition of the event. “ In the changing of the plans by already In the Judith llaaln. It la Arrangements have been made for building the bridge It will Increase In other portions of the Northwest. N EW E X P E R T E N G A G E D ! all the commercial clubs on the west, the expense by several thousand dol­ It la there becauae It haa been : side of the river to meet in Redmond lars. but owing to the fact that this brought there. There waa no necea- At the meeting of the County next Tuesday evening. March 10. to is the most important work needed aity for bringing It. One precaution Court yesterday at Prineville Com­ formulate some concerted action in on the west side of the river It is be­ would have kept It out. but evidently missioners Bayley and Brown voted »«H'tiring representation at the com- lieved that it will meet with the ap­ due precaution was not exercised or to dlseharge the expert who has been j ing election for the west end of the proval of the greater majority of the It would not have been Introduced. making an examination of the coun­ county. It Is expected that the Bend, | tax payers ” Madras. Culver. Opal City and Sis­ With the completion of this bridge It will not avail to nurae hog cholera. ty records and hire another Arm to ters clubs wilt send delegations to it Is almost an assured fact that all It la no more pure than the climate do the work. Judge Springer oppos­ the meeting. the freighting of material for the ed the proposition. of (¡real Britain and yet hog cholera Clear l,ake electrical project the la plentiful there. Hog rholera la a Hill interests are putting it, lu the NEW STO K E H E R E R. R. O F F M T A L H H E R E germ dlaeaae. It will come into any mountains west of here will be via country Into which the germ« are It Is understood that negotiations Redmond, as the haul will be shorter The following Oregon Trunk lly carried, and It will flourlah there officials were In Redmond yesterday are under way for a new general and easier than over the route on the This howaoover pure the climate may lie for a brief visit W. I). Scott, gen­ store here. A man wss In the city other side of the mountains When «wine, therefore. are eral manager; W. C. W’ llkes. assist­ last week looking over the field and freighting will amount to a large sum during Its continuance, about brought Into any part of the North- ant freight and passenger agent; F. if satisfactory arrangements can be two years, and Redmond will be the made he will occupy the brick build­ A. Bralnard. superintendent; Alex weat, let those who bring them make and l.npfer, chief engineer; O. 11 Whlt- ing on the corner of 6th and C Sta., headquarters for freighter* absolutely sure that they do not fleld. general road master; J. D. Dix- formerly the Khret Bros’, store, with those coming In to outfit before go­ a large stock of general merchandise ing out to the project. > on, master mechanic. Continued on I’age 2 A