It Pays to Buy Good Groceries IT IS MONEY SAVED TO BUY THE BEST GROUERIES OBTAINABLE. YOU WILL REALIZE THIS FACT IF YOU BUY FROM US. FOR WE MAKE A SPEC IALTY OF SELLING NOTHING BUT HIGH GRADE GOODS IN ALL LINES OF OUR GROC ERY TRADE. OUR GOLDEN W EST LINE OF GROCERIES W ILL BE SURE TO PLEASE YOU. BOTH AS TO QUALITY OF GOODS AND PRICES ASKED FOR THEM. USERS OF THE ABOVE BRAND OF GOODS WILL TAKE NO SUB­ STITUTE— LET l'S NUMBER YOU AMONG THE USERS OF (¡OLDEN WEST GOODS. YOU WILL NEVER RE (¡RET IT. AND WI LL THANK US FOR C ALLING YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER. PLACE A SAMPLE ORDER FOR SOME OF THESE SAT- ISFACTORY GOODS THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE NEED­ ING GROCERIES. NOTH » sT, Department of the Ititelo, l > Stales Land Office. The »*•»»•*• ,,rr gon. January IS. •**< To Carl 1. St,,ekdale of Madras Ot ««itoti, i *ont «*•!•'«* ... You are heieby notified that 'l«'l .In x Houghtallns »h o s i " * » r' J \\ Brewer. Redmond Oregon. »• Ilia poalofflce address, did on o. 2V 1913. tile In this office Ills dult corroborated application lo contesi gli,I secure the cancellation of tour H o m e s t e a d Entry, serial No made May t. 1*M * \Y S«*« tlon |own»hli» ' S Range 12. K XX'lllaiiietle Meri diati, and as grounds tor hla contest he alleges Dial said Carl 1. fi» , k dale has made no Improvements •» said land, that he has never lived on said land nor done anything toward cultivating the same Y o « aie therefore furthei noti tied (hai the said allegations »111 be taken as confessed, and »our sani entry »III be cancelled without f.n ther right to he heard, either before this office or on appeal. If von tad to file In this office » llhln t»enlv d a t a after the FOl Id 'll publication or thta notice, as shown belo», »our an s»er. under oath, apeclftcally te spending to these allegations of con lest, together »llh due proof that you have served a cop* of your an s»er on the said contestant either In person or by registered mail You should Slate In >»ur answer Ih.» name of the post office to which you deaire future notices to ho sent to vou II FRANK XX'OODCtH'K. Register Dale of tirai publication January is . m i the o l d e st b a n k in REDMOND SOI It ITS I i)>«• i il lrr.itnirnl. Hobb’s Cash Grocery and Bakery REDMOND, OREGON thinks he has mail« more money front his hay this year than anyone at Powell llutte Henry Tweet is plowing the forty on the McCaffery place that he farmed last year A rabbit hunt was held In the vl cinity of Ueo Morgan's laat Sunday The shooting was line, and much sagebrush was blown to pieces, and some rabbita were killed also M A Y ItK I.IK X K T H K t '\ E M P L O Y * S IX T Y N IN E W H O T O O K K X A M I The Central Oregon Irrigation Co made a $25 donation to the Wilson N A T IO N S I'X S w K D K it S IT I XTION school We have another new settler here — Henry Myer, who has started Votile for Putdlcatlon new house near the Gibson plare Department of the Interior. P S Work is progressing rapidly on Mr Kiss laind Office at The Dalles. Oregon, l-am l Hoard Passes I pon Se*- T u e n t) S e »en T e a rlie rs in Cniuk ('«>. the Frank Kisaler house ler's brother in law. Mr. Stevens o' fanuary 14. 1914 Notice Is hereby given that t¡•■"rge Kedmond. Is helping with the work era l tit lier Matte -XX Blow \ o u in Possession o f tin e F Scott of laiwer Bridge. Oregon, «-J.Y4MI Sum Y ea r C ertiH rates Lire here and work here, buy here who. on April 25. 1910, made Home­ stead Entry No n t is j for K ^S U and sell here, that's the way to make and XV X*SK *» Section 26. Township the town bigger, better and brighter 14 South. Range II East. XX illam ette Meridian, has filed notice of lu- tentton to make Final Three Year R E S O L U T IO N The State Desert I.and Board last Sixty-nine per cent of the teacher* Proof, to establish claim to the land week instructed O. Lauregaard. pro­ who took the December examina­ Be it resolved by the Common Coun­ above described. before XXV II Dag cil of the City of Redmond, Ore­ gett. I S Ogmmlsrloner. al Red ject engineer for the Tumalo Project tions passed. 21 per cent failed, and gon luond. Oregon, on the 21st dsy of to proced with building a road 10 per cent wrote for exemptions, That a sidewalk of the width of Pebruury. 1914 around the project reservoir site, to according to an announcement made four feet bs, and the same Is hereby Claimant names aa witnesses build a drain from the upper part of by State Supt. of Public Instruction ordered to be laid In front of th Edwin It fg ii n og, 1. X Hunt. following described premises, to-wlt Roy L. Kidder, all of Lower Bridge. the reservoir, to put the drops in the Churchill. The percentage of fail­ l.ots one to six. both Inclusive, In Oregon, and John Swanson of Sta­ feed canals, and to construct the core ures at the examination was a little block eight, lots one to six, both In­ terà. Oregon wall of the reservoir dam up to 20 higher than the previous one. 16 clusive. In block thirteen; lots one H FRANK WOODCOCK. or 25 feet. This will give work to per cent of the applicants then fail­ to six. both inclusive, in block twen­ Register ty-eight. facing and bordering on First publication Jan 22 Fet, 19 about 100 additional men, and will ing to pass. A number of teachers Eighth street; lots one and twelve go that far in relieving the unem­ write for exemptions at each exami­ in block eight and lots one and Notice for Publication nation. for. If they score the 93 twelve In block nine, facing on A ployed situation. Ivepartment of the Interior. P S The board authorized the comple­ mark. It is not necessary thereafter street; lota six and seven In block Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. tion of units of the project covered for them to be examined again In thirty-two. and lot six In block thir­ January 8. 1914 ty-one, facing on E street; lots one Notice Is hereby given that Harry by the old Columbia Southern canal the subject covered by the examina­ and twenty-four In block twenty as soon as 95 per cent of the land in tion. Those awarded one year cer­ seven, facing on C street; lots one to C. Metscl, of Deschules, Oregon, who on October 14. 1912. made Home six, both Inclusive, in block fifty- stead Entry No 010758. for SE'« the units was signed up by the set­ tificates in Crook county are: four. facing on Seventh street, lots tlers. This affects the settlers who Amelia M. Johnson, Grtzxly. Section 15. Township 16 South. one and twelve In block fifty-four Range 12 East. XX'lllaiiietle Meridiani Harriet L. Doisen. Bend. were on the land when the state took facing on F street; lots one to six has filed notice of Intention to make Elon H .Ross. Bend. over the project. both inclusive. In block fifty-three Final Commutation Proof, lo eatab and lots one to six, both Inclusive. In llsh As recompense to the widow of Victor L. Shawe, Haycreek. claim to the land above deaeriti block sixty-eight, facing on Eighth ed. before XV It Daggett. IT H Com Robert Edgerton, Fife. the man who was killed by a falling street; ail of the above described tnissloner. at Redmond. Oregon, on Hadaway Cochran. Howard. derrick on the project, the board In­ lots lying and being in the original the 21st day of February. 1914 O. O. Groves. Terrebonne. structed Mr. Lauregaard to give her plat of the City of Redmond Also Claimant names as witnesses lots live to eight, both Inclusive, In Eva Janet. Post. employment and decided to recom­ Olaf Anderson, William Gift. Hen block one; lots six to ten, both tnclu Ty ‘ »ray, all of Deschutes, Oregon, mend that the Legislature authorize Angeline S. Young. Bend. slve, In block two; lots six to ten Rasmus Peterson of Redmond S. K. King. Madras. the board to pay her $2500 out of j both inclusive. In block three and and Oregon. the project funds. Mr. Lauregaard Roy Lowther. Culver. lots six to ten, both Inclusive. In H. FRANK WOODCOCK, block four of Bhret's First Addition H. B. Shaw, I.amonta. was instructed to take out liability ...___ Register to the City o f Redmond, facing on A Ivy B. Davidson, Bend. insurance for his men until July 1, Hr*t publication Jan 16-Feb 12 street. Also outlot twenty-one. Mary H. Demarls. Post. when the workmen's compensation more particularly described as fol HI XIMON'S L. Mae Ritchie, Redmond. law becomes effective. lows; Commencing at a .joint sixty • feet north of the northwest corner W. W. Klmmel, Prinevllle. He was authorized to purchase an­ In the Circuit Court of the Hint,- of block five, original plat of Red of Oregon within and for ( rook Dora M. Van Meter, Post. other automobile for use on the pro­ mond, thence east three hundred C ounty. Nell Mastin, Haycreek. ject, and his salary was increased feet; thence north two hundred thlr- Redmond Bank of Commerce a Mrs. Della Foster. Terrebonne. from $300 to $359 a month. l ty-flve feet; thence west three him corporation, plaintiff, dred feet and thence south two hun­ Ellas S. Payne. Lower Bridge. vs. dred thirty-five feet to place of com P L E A S A N T K IIM .K ('has II Clark, defendant. W. G. Glasco. Grandview. ! mencement. faring on A street. Also To i has 11. Clark, the above named H. A. Beckwith, Cline Falls. Messrs Provost and Duval made a 1 lot two In block one and lots two and defendant. Gay McCoy. Sisters. business trip to Bend Tuesday. i three In block two. of Mountain In the name of the State of Or«- View Addition to Redmond, facing gon you are hereby required to ap Mrs. L. Coryell left last Wednes­ Max Neilsen, Highland. on E street. day morning for Portland for a visit pear and answer the complaint file 1 Ethel Bois Fogg. Hampton. Such sidewalk to be constructed agalnat you In the above entltli.ii with relatives. Ethel Marlon Holmes. Bend. of materials and in the manner as action on or before the n th day of Mr. Rasmussen Is hauling lumber follows: February. 1914, and If you f«,| to „„ from Anderson Bro’s. sawmill for a P O W E L L BI TTE Of two Inch plank, four feet long, appear, for want thereof the plain large house he is going to build. laid crosswise on two stringers of tiff will take Judgment against y„„ Mr. and Mrs. Savoy of Bend, have I Jack Perry is out nlowlng nearly *wo ,,}r " ’ *■ Pl*t>ha. the Inside edge for the sum of Three Hundred Forty been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Provost p 7 of said sidewalk to be three feet $ our Dollars and Eighty one cents this week. , * r9Ty * * * H* '■ breaking two mule from th>> |o| o f th„ pr* mtoM with Interest thereon at th,. rate ,,f Mr. Fuller is baling hay for An colt*- “ "<• he has the best plow front of which the ssme is laid ten per cent per annum from th. drew Nelson this week .“ r011" '1 ‘ he Buttes. The whole of ssld sidewalk to be ‘ ,H°.y.N0.VtS.b* m of a - Fifty ‘ "get | her I>ee Whittimore is clearing ud a , Melvl" i o ster has his traction en- commenced within ninety days after i with the further r' sum m| , . f , . . . gine and a crew of men busy pulling the passage and publication of this lari, as attorney fees and for It. 'ot of landI for spring crop trees. resolution and to be completed with- costa and disbursements, and also Mr. McMasters Is clearing up 30 Crls. Hletz took a load of hogs to In sixty days thereafter and the cost for an order of said Court to sell Un­ acres of land for C. H. Irvin which town Monday to be shipped through of the same to be assessed against attached personal property belong he is going to sow to cow peas. the Redmond I'nlon Warehouse to the premises In front of which the ng to the defendant In Crook Maud Malkinson of Redmond, vis- Portland These pigs were only sev- same Is constructed In proportion of n rn e".T ' ° and costs J>•>'K 4 Red at the Doty home Sunday. * n months old and weighed from the benefits to be derived from such lM attorney fees Mr. Coryell visited at the home of **? l° **>« Pounds each. improvement In the manner pre- This summons Is published by or tn*r* wer* ov«r forty *rrlb«*d by law. der of the llori U Springer lodge wm jonnaon »una&y preaont at the Sunday School held Provided, however, that the Maid of the County Court of c r,,.,k Henry Gray of Deschutes, was a jn Wilson school house. The sidewalk shall be built, constructed ty Oregon. 2B,h dsy of Decen t Sunday visitor at the J. A. Chase Sunday School has been organized and laid without expense to the City 1913. directing that the Mn " Wayne and Etta Chase attended but a short time, but has met with of Redmond published for six consecutive vVeck h Passed by the Common Council of the first publication of which |M lh, Sunday school and church In Red- great success, some of the member* | coming four or five miles the City of Redmond, Oregon, at a first dsy of January. I » t 4. mond last 8unday. . Mr and Mrs Truesdale spent Sun-: regular meeting thereof held on the J. A. Chase made a shipment of ' " V " ‘ h* ,2' h •’’ebruary day at the Skeen home. i 27th day of January, 1914. hogs to Portland this week Monday, Gua Rhode has returned from J. F. HOBCH, Dated and published the tire! through the Redmond Farmers' Portland where he went with 200 of j Mayor, time January 1 , 1914 I ’ nlon Warehouse. the sheep he has been feeding this Attest; J- A WILUTOX winter He reports very favorably J. A. W ILIA’ OX, 31tl Recorder. Try our Classified Ad*—-le word. of the sheep business and says he j Kirs, p u b n c ^ o n ^ n 'T - F e h '? ^ WORK ON TUMALO FOR MANY TEACHERS IN AB0UT100M0REMEN CO. GET CERTIFICATES lU S IN L s s Uoivwrxiillvr M.wrr Bridge, lire gon. and John Swanson of Slaters. Oregon H FRANK XX'OODCtH’ K. Register First publication Jan 22 F,d> 19 YOUK YOU W IL L BUY YOUR FU R N ITU R E A! R E U M I IN D YOU CAN IM> NO METTER ANI where COMB in YND BE CONVINTE» DOHfl WAIT TILL YOU NEED THE G'K)I& ('. II. IRVIN. Furniture & Undertakag If you want to SELL your property list it with “That Man McCaliery” He doesn’t ask an exclusive right; he can sell il a p Hotel Redmond Bar Il Kit M \ N J. I«OVE. I'vnprietc ( \KltlKS NOTHING HUT THE BEST «KST IIIMNHS OF LIQUORS. WINKS \NI> UK. \US IN C a l i f o r n i a M 1 YT 4 .lt Iw THK \ XXIK 11K A HKAHOV XtlT • HI. HKsr IIIPT ION OK A <'LIM ATE. —GET t 14 H ELP I’ L A N a rot'— v i s i t ...... 1 ‘ " ,l ,,f ■ '•"•I'tni- Fruit and Flowers Outdoor rt|e.rts rl,m »men« th- (.range tjr„v ra Trlp. ttt0 ll#. ( h„ Hurf fi.» f 1 ' l" of VRrtfit • ni ti mr menta for whlrh < fttriioiiR R ot M i T Itti* m KETH AT K E O I'C E I) It XTEf '«•R I H NlMOXIK INNM ilJtni DE- **• IHPTIX E OK I XI.IKOKNI \, A l, s" l '»IC I XltKs. TU KKTH 0|( RKSKRX XTIONH •’»II on any Agent of the OKK m , n .XX XSMINGTON It X II, ROXI» * v u IMATM93I CO. The Spokesman h' • IM xml posted on news mntterH all the m