T M I 'M D v Y THK HKDMONP SFOKKSMVN THE M U S I FOR 1914 J. F. HOSCH, M. I). HAS BEEN MADE UP PHYSICIAN and SURGEON OFFICK: N. K. Corner 6th and K Sta. Redmond, ONE HI NDKKD \ N I» NINKT\ EIGHT N IMKM SELECTED O rego n K v re y s e c tio n o f I lie I o s s i ) n -en ln l on Ih» Mat F. H. RODEMEYER PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Thin Year I- K c p - M 8 Mayfield. Roberts James Cram, Roberts Grant Miller, Paulina F. l! Minor. Bern! F N Wallace. lai.llaw W E Sarnie I Ijodla* J W Howard. Lower Bridge J R Howard. Lower Bridge W C McQuIatoa. Bend ttan McDade. Madras Walt II May. Gist E W McGuire, laldlaw John Aldridge. Haycreek Wm Joalln. Haycreek Homer Norton. Post 8 D Pervlral. Gateway Jacob Reams. Gateway. C II Irvin, Redmond Harvey Harris. Redmond. G W Wells. Redmond Chas Mead. Redmond J A Thompson. Redmond Wm Morse, lamonta ('. F Smith. Prlnevllle C. L. Roberta. Prlnevllle T F Buchanan. Prlnevllle F. I) Scammon. Gilchrist Guy Seara. Powell Butte. R M Smith. Bend Cole K. Smith. Bend Chaa. Stanborough. Bend W H. Staats. Bend Arthur Sumner. Metollus Z Taliaferro. Redmond G. M Telfer. Anhwood John Tetherow. Cline Falla L. K Troop. Paulina H C. Topping. Culver Millard Triplett, Bend C. M Redfteld. IVschutes J N Williamson. Prlnevllle G. M Cornett. Prlnevllle (' M Elkina. Prlnevllle. Alez Smith. Vanora Clyde Johnaon. Sisters C W Parrish. Madras F S. Towner. Prlnevllle. G W Wiley, Prlnevllle George Wells. Prlnevllle N P Welder. Bend C. L. Shattuck. Prlnevllle standing comntHlee 1» the luncheon pr»»|H>«tloti as a 1 > J B Hue suggest*«' " > « 1 '« * « , . „ • » ..f ihis d u b thst « » '»>• »** “ ‘,|- herc patronize home lo.lustrlee which met * B h ( « * o r J H Roberts, chairman ot G>* Committee on Usag es made « port «ltd submitted sample» of I ut- Il vo i tons sttd plus ON On motion the « u r » Hull o f the club securing badges * * • laid over J A AAlll.ov moved that 'b e cln'* Incorporate, which motion prevailed The president Stated that sll mem (vers should think seriously in Go m aile r of securing a d u b room an t be ready at the next m eet in g « » < \ Rtdmond, - Oregon I)H . J. B A R R DEMIST HAVE ANY Mi'll.DINt; I'Koiu.Klts V o i II M IN D FO R U O M IN I. \VK I* S it it; I- SI III AT V OU COM Ulus,; I IN j W j , W MIM V « »1 II SHINS THE NEXT TIME Y(>|' Vili-! IN I'oWN AND W E'LL SKI- t VNT III l.l* YOU OUT FOR I.K.s I'llK DI'!IT-NDS A LOT ON W IIAT Yol ance of atlendlug the AgnvuUuinl Short Course to be held In “ r;ue Rtdmond, - Oregon Dr. Theo. Beletski, V. S. Veterinarian Denton G. Burdick LAWYER Ml>N£Y KIND OK LUMHKR YOU'I l. NEED ke (, o . IN«. TO lit ILI» AND THERE'S A I'll KEH ENCE IN t.KADI'S W AV THE TRIUK LET'S TALK OK Dll I KENT IT OVER any . WK'VE ALL KIND «. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. REDMOND. ORKf.ON ALFALFA SFB VVK HAVE READY EOR DKL1VEUV AT ANV TIME HIE REST KIND OK VII VIKA SEED. AND N O W IS THE TÍME TO IT.ACE VOLK ORDERS. AISO HAVE EOO!» SEED HARLEY AND HU E STEM WHEAT. We timke a a|wciixlty uf arlltnil Dia* ls-v| kind nf Seed »litaitmLIr. and whet) you buy of u- you ktii.w you an- ifettlnif thr Iwat that money can buy. Cull of) US la-fore plaz'IBK your onlrra for -wed this <|>rinif and let us wrvr you. WE \HE NOW IN V HOSITION TO II DI E Et.t.S ON CONSIGNMENT. KKDMOMi UNION WAREII 01 SE fft ROIIKRT MeSIIERRY. Manager Prosperity for One Is Prosperity for All W. B. DAGGETT Attorney at Law The Best Hams Voi i VNNOT i.KT \NY BETTER II VMS ANY­ WHERE III VN TIIK ONES W E CURE ol KSELYES RM.HI MERE IN REDMOND AND KKEI* ON SALI VI VI I riMES \T OUR MARKET, ol K TIUCB VKE CHE VTER Til \N THOSE UH VIH.ED PM IMTOKIED II VMS. EETT US SHOW YOU. RKDMOND MARKET J. M. ROE, I’ruprlriur. WILLARD H. WIRTZ Vincent’s LIVERY, FEED and TRANSFER W ood and I r o n W o rk If there it anything you want in thr nl>o\e line call on me. I have a plant capable of doing all kinds of work in wood and iron, anti will -»'«• you money on all ordent placed with me. I can make any furniture you mny want. K. W . D A V I E S Ili<- Old Pioneer ItlackHmith o f Rtulmond (’entrai Orejfon Garage “ R E E D Y ’S 9» ‘ ’"! Y < ag^ ( IreetingH to nil o u r cu.ttom* 1 ,lNl- Diank them for tiieir ruatom d u rin g th* ' " i t closed. W e nature you that we will I * ,l *" I«* wit ion Ilian ever to take care **f y«*ur needs. U m i. h,ta never lu-«-n a time when we rould g>v* ' - r prices tban the preaent. Tirea, which Du principal expt*nae of a car, are now reduce«! A. ' " " l' l n »m 7 1-2 tier cent to 20 per cent. " j*I''' r'"w fu rn ish in g It T reat-O -Lite Recharge« • nr $2.|y0, ZKROEENh o il TV AP farmers In this seetum the Import || 11| \N MM HE FIU.URINU ON. press their views on Ihv s ub,— I J \V Brewe r urged upon the The following is the jury list for the year 1914. Thirty-one names are * tile Febr ua ry JJ Wanted all to drawn from this list for each term of loin together and boost for I’ttne court: vllle Homer Alexander. Madras. II II M. Mickle was elected a W. S. Ayers. Prlnevllle Office in Khret Bros, block 8. M Bailey. Prlnevllle mciub»*r of thr fl u b Frank* Barber. Ash wood, Thoe S Barnes. Prlnevllle. IK K H i \T IO N C O N G R E S S Ja-ob Becker. Prlnevllle Earnest Beesley, l.a Pine. P R E S ID E N T M V S P I \N J. H. Betts. U tnoot* Joseph Bixby. imperial. i Conti muni from Ut J. C. Bollman. Gateway. J. G Bolter. Cross Keys t »• in differ in* In it« form »• to it» G. A. Bradley. Redmond. u «*». *iul It» Intor«!» furrtipOBtl to M K Braun. Madras. E. P Brosterhaus. Bend tho IISUAl tytM» of »trret III A It* Pltru V Q AlMnitham RsdBOBd. »Ion« T h »r o should br mu« h »i r o n « Ralph Armstrong. Culver. *»r a ml clo»«*ly totl control of Walter Bacon. Redmond. . thwN» liu (irovrut«OU \n«l » b » t »»* Harold Baldwin. Prlnevllle. particularly object to 1» to be hAm Jas. Rice. Haycreek l»»* red bjr A Ion A dl»t«liur govern W D Barnes. I.aid law. Johnson Building ment g u »r t li «n »h lp a » is now n c r By Bennett. Barnes Burr Black. Hampton. «*I»« m | PEN IN SI l . t I IIU.ANI/.ES B. Bowser. Bend “ W h y cAUt l u d r S adi Ut each l»E\ EIJH'MENT I.E V«.l 4 J W. Brewer. Redmond o n « of u» enjoy our own trouble» lu H Brookings. Hampton The senlers between the IVschute* * o r k l n « out th«*o p r o b le m »’ W e «r e Wm Brown. Laldlaw and Crooked rivers. In the Peninsu­ here on the « r o u n d And ought to John Bulger. Prlnevllle. la section, organized a development know more or le »» About * h « t 1» Raymond Calavan. Prlnevllle. Claude Christ. Redmond league on January 21. with M M good for u* ** W h en Asked About hi» view» on C. F Chalfan. Gist Davenport aa chairman and James I Wm Claybaugh. Prlnevllle. Allen, secretary. The league will the North ( ‘ a ii a I project Mr llsule* J. J Coen. I^ldlaw. 1 (1 he favored the »t«nd Attorn»» aeud a representative to the Irrlga R W Br— CU. Prlnevllle. Gene ral C r a w f o r d b »d t«keti regard tlon Congress that meets In Port­ Wm Brown. Metollus in« the »tute and fetlerAl «overnmeu( land February 13. Earl Benton. Redmond. Treat« all Domesticated taking over the projr«t « a d rum S. S. Black. Ashwood. Animals pletlng It. Wm Bogue. 1-a Pine M INISTERIAL ASSOCIATION Office: 6th Street, opposite H S Cram. Prlnevllle. ORGANIZED IN REDMOND Postoffice Alex Brown. Redmond II U K \\ I NT l- T Dam. Culver. Phone, 1910 A meeting of ministers was held Geo. Dee. Grizzly. To rent a huuiM« D. Arnsmler. Metollus. at the M E parsonage her* Monday To «ell a house REDMOND. - OREGON I. Arnrmler. Metollus. afternoon. February 2. for the pur­ T o net a boarder Theodore Aune. Bend. pose of organizing the Redmond Dis­ T o rent a room ('has Boyd. Bend. trict Ministerial Association Rev T o »ell Anythin« B F Johnson. Prlnevllle. B F Harper of the Pendleton Pres­ T o buy Anythin« Roy Joslyn. Laments. bytery. presided After a full dis­ Chris Kass. Madras l*»e The SpokrtuiAU'» cussion the following officers were Ole [.arson. Grandview. ('lAASlfleU Ads elected : ('has. Dtllon. Gateway. Only one rent a word H F Deltzel. Madras. Prest Rev F Harvey Successor to G. A. McFariane A. J Harter. 1-aidlaw. Vlce-Preat. -Rev. W E Ragan and Burdick & Murphy If you wAnt to buy or »ell An Auto J W. Henderson. Prlnevllle. Sec -Treas Rev. G. H Harrison Otto Hohfeld. Madras. or A n y t h i n « el»«*. Advertise Floyd Houston. Held "F IN A L Jt DGMENT" Jas Hurt. Gateway. in two reels, and fifth picture of A. Moryow. Grizzly. Practice in ail courts and U. S. F. M McClIntlc. Madras “ What Happened to Mary", at the Land Office G. Nye. Held Sparks Theater Thursday and Frl ('has Oliver. Sisters. day. REDMOND. OKF.GON D. Mackintosh. Bend. E. E. Matthews. Gateway. A AI.KNTINE P ARTY L. Metke. Bend Nick Monner. Gateway. The Sparks orchestra will give a Selwin Montgomery. Prlnevllle. W. C. Moore. Madras Valentine Party at Ehret's hall. Sat­ H. C. Shoemaker, Redmond. urday evening. February I t Danc­ C. W Starr. Howard ing will be the main feature of the W. J. Stebblns. Madras evening At 11 o'clock a valentine R. J. Strmser, Metollus. Hy HOLLAND poatotllce will be opened and valen­ Martin Tellefson. Madras. tines distributed. The lady receiv­ Robt. Osborn. Culver. If you i r » a farmer lh» ing the most lumber of valentines, ('has. Pazton, Lamonta. value of your farm dr- l . S. COMMISSIONER either comic or pretty, will be W. A. Picket. Terrebonne. pends on thr value of thr Seth Rodman. Gilchrist. awarded a valentine souvenir, adjoining farm, and thr Geo Rodman. Culver. l-eave or address your valentines In J. F Weigand. lamonta. OFFICE ONE DOOR NORTH Value of both depend# on care of Sparks Theater up to 6 Fred Weise, Sisters. the value of property in Hie o'clock Valentine Day. after which RANK OF COMMERCE J. N B Gerking. Laldlaw. time you are requested to take them neareat village or town W J Wood, Cline Falls REDMOND, - - OREGON to Khret's hall and drop In poatof- Farmg near progperoug W E Claypool. Cline Falls. flee there Dance starts at 9 o'clock John Coombs. Prlnevllle. towns are always more •harp. John Collins. Bend valuable than those near C H Oarkott. Bend. dead or dying settlements. John Daley. Gateway. NEEDLE IN t AI.E'S HTOM A< II Barney Cummings. Metollus. And this Is true without re­ M. M. Davenport. Terrebonne. gard to the fertility of Dr. The». Itclet«kl Performs a Suc­ Caleb Davis. Post. the soil. F E Dayton. laldlaw . cessful Operation The farmer depends on Floyd Dement. Bend. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Chas. Dennison, Sisters. the town Just as the town Thos. IteYoung. Rednxwid, A few days ago Dr. Theo Beletakl depends for prosperity on W. I Dishman, Prlnevllle. the veterinary surgeon of this city, Deputy IHotrirt .Vttorney Crook the farmer Their destinies R. M. Doty, Redmond. was called upon by W. K. Abbey to are Interlinked, their In­ C. A. Douglas. Terrebonne. County look at a calf of hla that had a large J P Duckett. Sisters. terests are common. W'haf swelling In the cheat. The doctor W. J. Eagles. Bend. hurts one hurts the other opened the chest and found therein R M Elder, Bend. Poor crops will affect the n sacking needle about live Inches D. J Evans. Mill Creek. PR IN E V ILLE . OREGON Glenn Eyere, Bend. city resident who does not long that the calf had swallowed 3 Wm. Farrell. Gateway. months ago while eating aome twine even raise radishes, and Clarence Ferguson. Roberts. The operation was successful and the depressed business affairs John Ferguson. Bend calf la all right now affect the farmer who de­ A. J Flala. I-aldlaw. F F Flsch, Madras. pends on soil, weather and C LU B IS TO LUNCH Arthur Fleming. Redmond. muscle for his living R U. Fllcklnger. I-aldlaw. Money sent to mall order EVERY MONDAY C. W. Foster. Prlnevllle. houses helps to turn thriv­ James Fuller, Mill Creek. (Continued from 1st Page) D Frank. Redmond. ing towns into dead ham W. 8 Fullerton. Sisters. lets. It thereby depreciates Melvin Foster, Powell Butte. would be sure of receiving favorable the value of farm land It Hugh Gee, Prlnevllle consideration at the hands of the A D. Geyer. Prlnevllle. decrease« the population of Congress H. Corner. Prlnevllle. the towns that moat dl J. W. Brewer talked along the Bruce Gray. Poet. reetly use the products of S. E. Gray. Madras same lines as Mr Phoenlz. and sug­ the farm It lowers the REDMOND, - OREGON Carl Wlndom. Culver. gested that all the Irrigation organi­ Geo Woods, Sisters. price for butter and eggs, Phone No. 1702 zations In the county be asked to Carl Woods. Sisters. for chickens mid for fruits consent to hold a meeting In Port­ Mart Woods. Sisters. and vegetables. I>. A. Yates, Redmond. land a day before the Irrigation Con­ SHIPMENTS 111 W IK E H O I SE Ho. Mr. Farmer. If you D. L. Miller. Sisters. gress convened and work out some Reuben Engstrom, Banrs. deal with a mall order definite plan to present to the Con-' Good I tu - i ne-- |{cportf