The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, February 05, 1914, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    « r r lo rw
a pro rat«*«) « kki -, | *
m l Ir aal 11 17 a t \ m y m t \ i \ proportion
A t r t y for p Ar l « of a *la>
In iNTupiiluni wh«*r«* pay
r _
I í 11 I
i" I
I 1 I
p p
1 I II
I t i m i I« IIIA<lr by plr< r r A l r , D i r p i o k
BO rt| l lito l l l i l
A Mf k v r
(k l
n is y w m
i I mi vm I
The mailmuni weekly hour*
ahall I mi 64
The maximum hour«
for any day are Bled by the aiate
law at lo
S In aome occupation* aufflclenl
caperle nee may l.e bad In a few day*
or a few week* to warrant the week­
ly wage of $a 26 In caae employer*
In auch occupation* fall lo ealabllah
voluntarily a reaaonable term for et
perlenred worker*, the Coiumlaalon
will call ronfereneva and fli appro­
priale term* of eiporlenrr The pree-
ent ruling almply indicate« (hat In
no occupation will more than a
year * experience be re<|ulred
i aae aeveral month*' experlenoe I*
required. It would be In accord with
the purpcMie of the law to have a
gradual alep up In I he rate of wage*
from the beginner'* wage« until the
rate of |t 36 a week I* reached
II la not Intended to Include
In the order fur a So p m dlamlaaai
any oreo pal Ion. the very nature of
the aervlce of which require* night
Th r In dual rial W rlfa rr Com ml* work
| U n f N haa m l M l Or4*(
. i 5. ahlrh aal>
J Take Notice Th a i pursuant In
Ihr authority In II vrslril br Ihr Urn
krai U « l of Ihr State Ilf Oregon
1 1
1*13. Chapter «2 . pages »2
!> '
anil In arcor«lanre with Ihr dr
It. r initiation hr II duly niadr and rm
|.|rrr,i thr Induatrlal W rlfa rr Com
Jti.iaslim of Iba Slate of Oregon here
11>r ofilrra that
Honor roll for the week eliding
I No person. Brin or corporal Ion January SU. 1914
II. hoii One
I rli a 11 employ any etperlsuied adult
Willie Khret.
1» »man In any Indualry In llir atalr
Carol Kenyon.
I ul Oregon. paid by time rate of pal
Josephine Parrish.
I n ■ nl al a weekly * a | r ra lr of Iraa
Charlie ItiMlman.
Edmond Wood*.
I Mian right dollar« and twenty five
Herbert James.
I I'rnta l | l i l l a week. any Iraarr
David Floyd
amount bring h rrrby drrlarrd Inad
He* Floyd
«quale to aupply Ih r nn raaai y coal
llernlce Khret.
Im m ise H o a c h
»1 lit lng lo auch «roman worker* and
| lo maintain Ihrm In bralth
llooni Tw o
Nor ahall any auch person.
l.yie Aniu-raon
[ rrm or cor (Miration employ women In
Predille Alchlnaon.
any indualry In Ih r atalr of Oregon
John Male*
Curii* lleaaley.
for tuorr than 64 hour* a wrrk
Clifford llucklngham.
Nor ahall any auch prraon.
Donald Carolili.
firm or corporation pay Inexperlem •
Ilarnld Cline
ed adult woman workrra rinployrd
Koreat l-.filera.
(Varar Fsrrls
by tlnir ra lr of payment, al a rate of
Johniiy listi»<>n.
wage* Iraa than $6 0 « a wrrk And
luvwrence l.ynch.
ihr mailmuni length of lima auch
Jesae Lynch
workrra may br ronaldrrrd Insxpcr-
Charles Morrlll.
phllo Smith
letirrd In any Indualry ahall not ei
Civile Dahl
feed onr year.
Marcia llrewer.
4 No peraou, Arm or corpora­
Il atei Caughey.
tion owning or conducting any mer­
Loretta Isiree
Wlnlfred Munì.
cantile. manufacturing or laundry
Kdna Magati
ralabllahmrnt In Ih r atalr of Oregon
Klla Fair
ahall employ women worker* In
Marlan tllltlng*
auch ralabllahiuenl later Ilian the
Hoorn Three
hour of B SO p m of any day Thl*
hour of dlamlaaal doea not apply to
Kveral <>gg
Lloyd lleekwlth.
telephone and telegraph companies,
Lilian Lauderback.
i on fret lottery
ralabllahment*. rra
Allha Mohler.
tauranta and holela
Susan Woods.
Said order ahall become effecfl»*
Helen Smith
tluy Uobblns.
from nnd after February 7. 19)4
Irene Weatherley.
After auch order la effective. It
Kenneth lluchley.
ahull br unlawful for nny employer
Wayne Lauderback.
Violet Tinner
In the alale of Oregon affected there
Cynthia llobbs.
by lo fall to observe and comply
Itartleffe Kendall.
therewith, anil any peraon who vlo-
Hurry Hanson.
laiea aald order ahall I»* denned
Virgil lleekwlth
Catherine I’urrlsh.
K it Ilf y of a mlademeanor and upon
America Hodman.
conviction thereof, ahall he punlah
Ilessle Kuhles.
ed by a tine of not leaa than $26 nor
Lester Ynrnell.
more than lliiti or by Imprlaonment
David Lore«
Cecil Holloway
In the county jail for not leaa than
I" day* nor more than three month*,
lliMim Light
or by both auch flue and Imprlaon-
Kvelyn Smith.
tnenl In the dlarrellon of (he court
Frances Thompson.
Section 9 of Chapter «2. Ooneral
Stella Huasell
l.awa of Oregon 1913. provide* that
Freda Ililckley.
John llrewer.
every employer affected by I hi* or­
Sam Hales
der «hall keep a copy ported In a
Wayne Chase.
conaplcuoua place In each room In
Itobert Johnson.
Paul l<oree.
ealahllahmenl In which women work
W ilbur Dlltlmore.
era work.
Douglas Mullarky.
Liplanatlon of Order No. H
Hale Ordway
1 a. The minimum wage* died
Lester Hagan.
Norman Hagan.
hy thl* ruling are wage rate* Con­
He* Alllngham
working for lea* than a full week I») W rlfarr < ommission
of th r S U O Send» Out
O rder No. 5
|l.igr« Placed ul $H.25 Weekly
.H Hour* lo C onstitute a
W erk’« W ork — Penalty for
Son Compliance W ith O rdrr
Ism Farlelgh.
benefit the aelller* on the Cary act
At a recent meeting of the
State l.and Hoard both Crawford and
I .e w I * voted again*! Oovernor Weat’a
proposition to have the t'nlted State*
and the state take over the north
unit of the Central Oregon Irrigation
Co'a Irrigation project.
M rller King* Sweet Song
Inasmuch aa thl* stand on part of
the Iwo officials la believed to be
Inimical to (he beat Interest* and fu­
ture of the Cary act section and the
whole of Central Oregon. Mr Ellin
ger I* Inclined to take both Mr l«ew-
I* and Attorney tieneral Crawford to
lie reverses the uaual proce­
dure. however, of writing on men
and measures to the public prints,
and Instead wrltea to the men In
question themselves Incidentally he
makes a few remarks on puaaant on
politic* wlilrh can hardly lie sweet
music lo I heir ears
Writing to Mr ls*wla he says
"Y o u r actions make me sore and ev­
ery man I meet Is sore at you and
the real of the board, who voted
against the governor'* plan, which
plan would Immediately and effec­
tively eliminate the Central Oregon
Irrigation Co and bring a return of
prosperity to Central Oregon
"M r Crawford and yourself ought
lo realise your absolute Inrompeten-
cy In everything (he servants of the
|M*ople should be
You are making
asses of yourselves by showing your
«pleen against the only friend on the
board the state of Oregon ever hail
The sooner such men as you are
j forced from public office, the better
for all concerned, anil I assure you
that If the »«.ttler» of Oregon have
their way you will get your walking
papers quick "
o m n ii.
Kedmund. Or., Jan. 27, 11)14
Itegular meeting of the Common
Council of the City of Heduiond. O r­
egon. held at the office of the City
Recorded on the 27th day of Janu­
ary. 1914.
Present : Mayor Hoach and Coun-
cllrnen Immele, lleSouia, Atkinson.
1’ hoenlx. Karri* and Heedy.
called to order by Mayor Hoach
Minutes of previous meeting read
and approved.
tin motion the following billa were
approved and ordered paid
W I. perry .....................$«7 53
W. k Young .....................
J. 11. Vincent ...................
Deschutes Power Co........... 77.60
Turn A bum l.mbr C o . . . 10.70
Proportion of K. It Metcalf for
the position of pumper at a salary
of $500 per year read, and on motion
further consideration thereof was
deferred until the next regular
meeting of the Council.
liond of A O. Alllngham, given
by the National Surety Co., read,
and on motion accepted and his pres­
ent bond released.
Itond of II. J. U v e read, and on
motion accepted.
Application of C. R. Mcl.allln for
a plumber’» permit, accompanied by
a bond In the autn of $2000, read,
and on motion approved and the re-
M rd M ,M truct„ , to ,M u i
t 'heeclng \Yunl*. fo r 4'aaillilate
After applying the particularly
euphonious word "barnacle" to the
attorney general. Mr Klllnger pro­
ceed* to say a few words on Mr
Crawford's candidacy for the gov-
ernshlp. They are very comfortable,
cheering w ords of encouragement, a*
"Provided that
should nominate you. Just keep tab
on what amount of voles you gel In
Central Oregon. 1 think you will be
able lo count them without the aid
of your siM-retary. If ever you had
a chance here In Central Oregon
(which Is doubtful), you have effect-
Ively eliminated II by your continual
opposition (o the first and only
friend that the settlers on the Carv
lands In Oregon ever had upon the
State IVesert Land Hoard.
"Oovernor West has a plan for
completing the North Canal Cnlt of
the C. O. I Co., which means a very
great deal for this vicinity, but you
and other members of the board are
now playing a 'dog In (he manger'
game with the governor, simply be-
cause you do not feel friendly to­
ward him. The benefit hi* plan will
be lo Central Oregon, or the good It
will do for the settler, does not enter
Into your consideration
You have
yet to give a decent excuse for your
| opposition to this matter.
"I wish you would come to lted-
mond and bring the other 'barna-
(there that's pretty word
again). "J. H. la*wl*. with you. and
let u* have your Ideas regarding
I your scheme for reclaiming (he land
here. I can assure yotl of a full
house and a hot reception.
I might find It profitable to open your
campaign for governor here In Red­
mond. You would gel a f«»ellng of
what public opinion I* regarding
your long service on the board. We
! have your measure, and have known
full well that both Lewis and your­
self were wolves In sheep'* clothing,
Here's hoping that you will wake
I up."
K K i* o n r
on the payment of the annual li­
cense fee.
The Water Committee reported
that the Stale Hank would collect
water rent* for one per rent of the
amount collected
On motion the
report was approved and accepted
Iteport of Ordinance Committee
on the proposed ordinance granting
a franchise to the Deschutes Mutual
Telephone Co. read, and on motion
(he same was approved and the rom-
mlttee Instructed to lake the matter
up with the telephone company.
No further business appearing
Council adjourned.
J. A. W 1LLC O X . Recorder.
(Continued from 1st Page)
these projei-ts, such as bulletins on
potato growing, etc. These will be
distributed through the clubs, and
will be of value to parents as well aa
lo the children. The work of organ­
ising the clubs will fall largely upon
the county superintendents working
through the teachers. The I'ntver-
slty of Oregon, the Oregon Agricul­
tural College, and the Oregon Nor­
mal S«-hool have proml*«>d to send
out men In addition to the field
workers from this office to help the
superintendents in this work.
The State Fair Board has appro-
prlated to this department $1000 to
be distributed among the boys and
girls as prlxes at the State Fair. The
board has also promised us $500 to
be used to entertain two boys from
each county for the whole week at
the Fair. The boys will be under
the most careful supervision and will
make a study of every department of
the Fair, Including especially the
poultry and stock Judging, in addi­
tion to thl* we expect to send the ten
children who stand highest in the
state contest to the Panama Kxposi- |
Hon at San Francisco.
Nil L L P
S \ I.L
I have some old Kwea and some
Lambs for sale. Call at my ranch ,
14 miles w«**t of Redmond, or write
F R E D W IE S E .
Slaters. Ore. j
Hampton— The swindler beat you
You know of the bargains In your ou' of only *600*
Rhodes Ye*. I was a pretty good
store. Don't he aelflsh. Te ll other*
to him.
I about them.
Public Sale!
Saturday, Feb. 7 ’14
I will hold my first annual Livestock Sale on
at 10:00 o’clock sharp, at McLALLIN’S RANCH, 1*/* miles
north of Redmond Depot.
20 head of High Grade Dairy Cows and Heifers, some
fresh, some to freshen soon.
30 head of Duroc Jersey Hogs.
10 head of Bred Sows.
15 October Sow Pigs.
3 Boars ready for service.
Here is an opportunity to lay the corner stone of the
greatest industry of Central Oregon.
TERMS: 10 months’ time given on approved security.
Three per cent discount for cash.
Col. J. C. Thrall. Auctioneer.
W. S. Rodman, Clerk.
And points on the S. P. & S. Ry. in Washington.
Tickets on sale daily March 15th to April 15th.
Inform your eastern friends of this chance to move to
the Pacific Northwest at very low rates. Fares may be de­
posited with local agents.
C h ic a g o ................
Peoria ..................
Si L o u i s ..............
Milwaukee ..........
Little Rock . . .
M e m p h is ..............
New Orleans . . .
............ 37.00
............ 37.0«
............ 36.70
............ 42 50
............ 48 05
St. Poul ................. ......... $30.00
Minneapolis .......... .........
D u lu t h ................... .........
Kansas C i t y ......... ........... 30.00
Omaha .................... .........
St. J o s e p h .............. .........
Lincoln ..................
Daily between Portland and Central Oregon points. Leave
Bend 8:30 p. m.. arrive Portland 8:10 a. m. Leave Port­
land 7 :00 p. m. arrive Bend 8:00 a. m. Tourist sleeping car.
Berths. $1.00. First-class day coaches.
Connections in Portland to and from Willamette Valley.
Puget Sound. Spokane and all eastern points.
Two limited trains daily via Spokane and East.
H. BAl'KOL, Agent. Redmond, Oregon.
R. H. Crozier, Asst. C.en. Pass. Agt., Portland. Ore.
Theae blocks are made by the wet process. giving them three
times the strength of a machine made block.
Persons going to build should see our material before placing
orders for any other kind.
It will pay them.
Estimates furn­
ished on application.
Call on or write to
4k CO..
RED M O N D . O R E.