UtalrMtewl of tl»e Comlilloa of I HI SIATE BANK OF M U N I ) It Pays to Buy Good Groceries III liM i'Mi. OHE Al the Cii'»«*' of 1» Wsinews Janus, t IS. 1 * 11 « YHK T O T A L M MHFM |GGME'»Y- | J It IT IS MONEY S A V E D TO BUY THE BEST GROCERIES O BTAIN ABLE . YOU W IL L R EALIZE THIS FACT IF YOU BUY FROM US. FOR W E M AKE A SPECIALTY OF ME*»*M IP Ee 1 »»ana and plerouaU1 1 #8.314 »» (iverdrafls III* I« Real Estât », Fur. and Fl 1 1 urea . .. t.koo 00 ■aiM : 7« 1 kalt "N H IM I IMI I n d e r Th ese Permit« 4 l'J .I * t '• re« Will Me Irrigale»! and Much Total 1113.14« 1J 1 1 k IUI.ITI KM 1 Ik.OO" 0«) t'apllal SI»,-k 1 00« M Surplus 1 n.ll.blcl Profita 1.13) 0| p i h »ilT a Wfi.UIT (HI H ors epow er ti e n e m le d SELLIN G NOTHING BUT HIGH GRADE GOODS IN ALL LINES OF OUR GROCERY TRAD E. For the year 1913 a tolsl o f I H I I I ' 1 < IS Total permits » e r e Issued by lhe Stale 1 is ear lhe a bur • Stale, lien, u Engineer for the appropriation of SURE TO PLEASE YOU. BOTH AS TO Q U A LITY OF water. Under these permits 4 41. W H R O D M A N , Cashier GOODS A N D PRICES A SK E D FOR THEM. USERS OF I l l acre* »III be Irrigated. 11.314 h a o r s e p o » e r »III l*c developed and THE ABOVE BR A N D OF GOODS W ILL T A K E NO SUB­ 41 rewervoir* constru cted *t » total cost o f approximately $ 7 .# 1 ) 0.0011 STITUTE— LET US NUMBER YOU AMONG THE USERS During the quarter ending t*ec OF GOLDEN W E ST GOODS. YOU W IL L N E V E R RE­ 31, 1113. !>1 permits « e r e Issued for the Irrigation o f 8 933 acre# an.l lhe GRET IT. AN D W ILL TH A N K US FOR CALLING YOUR develo pm ent o f 1.9 5« horsepower ATTENTION TO THIS M ATTER. A m ong 1 hese permits » » * one i»*ued ffA to F P Small o f Tilla mook, and P PLACE A SAM PLE ORDER FOR SOME OF TH ESE S A T ­ C Urle o f Camas. Wn . for lhe de velopment o f t . 3 o ! horsepower wllh ISFACTORY GOODS THE N E X T TIM E YOU ARE N E E D ­ the water» o f the Trwsk river In Till ING GROCERIES. YOU WILL HUY YOUK Fl KN HTM M a m o o k county The follow in g are the permit* la- RKDMOND ‘ I Dtf sued In Crook co unty (he past q u a r­ YtH ( \N |X> NO IIK n r .lt ANYWIIKKF. ter Edgar l-sughlln o f Paulina haa COMK IN AND UK OONVLNt K!>. » * * ■ ” tw o permits, on e diverts lhe water WAIT TILL YOU NKKD TDK GOODS. from Mud spring* in section IS. Ip is s. r 1 4 e for the Irrtgatloa #1 30 errs, gnd the other diverts the water from Braver Creek lu See 19 Tp 1«. S. R 35 E for the irrigation o f 310 acre» N la xgenhauih o f I’ rinevllle dl vert* the flood waters In See I S . Tp 14 S K I t E for lhe irrigation o f 9S acres like and satlafactory manner and as­ Geo It T a ylor o f Prineville. haa tw o permits, on e fur the Irlgatlnn of surance ran be given that the work S a rre t wllh the waters diverted will be fully completed at an earlv fr o m tw o springs located In Tp I I S date. K 17 E . and lh e » (h e r for the irri 4. That all such projecta ahould ga llo n o f 100 arree with the waters he handled only by the atate or fed­ o f Little Bear Creek diverted In See eral government. Mon 33. Tp U S K IT I Crawford moved to atrlke out th e1 ('h a s Coch ra n o f Meadow, for d o ­ last two paragrapha but hta motion mestic supply and the Irrigation of UKOl'ND IH U KI.I, NOAKKI) SO I failed. 40 acres with (he waters o f Indian The vote upon the reaolutlon aa Creek, diverted in See 31, Tp 13 S FAR THIS SEASON R. 21 K Official Report of Meeting Held introduced was a* followa: G T Hubbard o f Grandview, for | Ayea: Weat. Crawford. Lew la. the irrigation o f l o acres with the At Salem on Monday. Noes: Kay. waters o f Mrt ollus Creek, diverted Believing the board now commit­ January 20th in See 34. T p ! • S U I# I ted to a policy of atate or govern­ S n o w fa ll a m i K ain« H av e l*ut the A. Bru ndage o f Culver, for do m e » ment reclamation the governor Intro­ tic supply, with the waters o f Crook Soil In C r o o k Cou nty In duced the following resolution: ed Riv er in See 14. Tp 13 S H I3E F in e C o n dit io n Whereas. It appears that the Cen­ A E McClellan o f Shanlko. for W EST INTRODUCES tral Oregon Irrigation Co. haa de­ the irrigation o f 8 acre* with (he wa MANI ! V. rt units OF ROUGH AND DKESSBD ter* o f a sprin g which is located in ---------- TW O RESOLUTIONS clared It willingness to surrender a FINK U MHKIt. OUR MILL IS T H E NEAREST See. 1 1. Tp x ■ K M R portion of its irrigation project to J. T McClellan o f Shanlko, for ■ the atate and federal government for ,, . _ 1’OlNT THAT Yol C A N G E T HI' II i:\IHE m , .. ... . . . . I* the farmers In Central Oregon, do m e s tic use completion, providing it be relm- ^ the dry and lrr„ . led Mc. David Milburn o f txvwer Bridge, LI MHKIt OUR W ICKS ARK RIGHT buraed for certain expenditures tlon, >nd „ , * * u l ,y ,n the form„ ri One Resolution Carries by Vote made upon said portions in order j 0 not ge( a bumper crop this year f o r the Irrigation o f 43 acres with I '; Mile«* Southwest of Iridian. the waters o f Squaw Creek which Is of 3 to 1 but Members “ Craw­ that said sum so received may be ex- it will not be on account of lack of div e rte d In Sec 8 , Tp H S U 12 E pended toward the completion of the moisture In the ground. Though M I) Nye o f Robert*, for the irri fish” on Resolution for North balance of the segregation (except­ 1 there has not been any extremely ga llo n o f 8 acres with lhe waters o f teu per cent per aunura fro m tha 5 th N « m < e «>» < i i ' f t t t ing the Benham Falls project) and. heavy snowfall at one time this sea­ Little Bear Creek, div erted In Sec & day o f Noveml*rr, 1912, logntbwr Canal Proposition wlth th« further suiti o f F lf ly P o l ­ D e p a rt m e n t o f the Inlvrt*. Whereas, there Is likelihood of the son, enough snow and rain* have T p 18 8 R 11 K lar», a> aitorney fa«« and fo r Ila lax.-.d Office. The Palis*. federal government co-operating fallen at different times so far as to rivai* and distoii-sementa. and also J a nu a ry 3. 1911 put the ground In splendid condition. N otice fo r P u b lica tion for an ordwr o f sald Court io seli ihe with the state In this undertaking, The ground has not been ' otei. at T o lasurel I. Nl. of W s . h . Uonteslec D epart ment o f the Interior. U S atlarhed personal property b e lo ng and. any time during the*, storms and Ing to (he defen dant in (*rook ro u n Y o u * r e h e re b » lo'Mflwd tk*i Jl**^^ The following is what happened at Whereaa. the settlers upon said the moisture has had a chance to go I-and Office at T h e Dalles. Oregon. ly. Oregon, to salisfy sald Judgm enl, Wllwon Ja nu a ry 14. 1914 W ood* gl'** l", *| a meeting of the Desert Land Board project and the residents of that sec- Into the soli. attornwy Issa and rosta Falla. O r e g o n . *a ' • p o s t s * « 1 Notice la hereb y given that Georg e held January 20, 1914: tlon of the state are a unit In sup- in the northern part of the county F Scott o f Lo w e r Bridge, Oregon, rhis su ni mona la pubtished by or- drew*. dJd o n Dwcwmiref 4. 11U. j O i l . ore . e h a ,ff keM All members being present but port of such a movement, be It In the Culver. Metoliue and Madras w ho. on April 25. 1910, made Home dwr o f the tlon U ripringer. Jud ge Secretary of State Olcutt, who was Resolved, that it Is the sense of sections, where there Is no Irrigation stead Entry No 0 8 5 * 5 for K t y g W « o f thè County Couri o f Cro ok ro u n a p p lir a lio n 1« roaleai and savwrt* -..ewissd • Section 25. Township ty. Oregon. 28tb da» o f Dereiubar. • a i . c e l l a i ; >n o f > out of the city attending a meeting the Deseit Land Board that If poesl- this moisture will be especially bene­ and \V ( j 8 E 1913. dlrertlng Ihal thè asme he try Serial N o « 9 4 7 » mad* *•« » 14 South, R a ng e 11 East. Wiliam ficial, and an Immense yield of oats of the Board of Regents of the Cni- ble the raid project should be re- publlshed for slx consecutiv a weeka .4« 1. HI -*ud wheat Is assured. This season's •tie Meridian. haa filed nolice o f In • he ilrsi pilhllrallon o f whlrh la Ihe 1911. f o r HW SIX veraity of Oregon at Eugene. claimed through state and federal tent to ria ke Final Th ree Year , NWh •» crop will make up for the short crop P r o o f, to establish claim to the land Arsi day o f Jsnuary. 1 * 1 « and thè S U . s o . I I a n d 13. Tp 15 M It 11 t * ' The following resolution was in- co-operation, and to this end a care of last year, which was due to lack a b o v e des cribed, b e fo r e W II |>a»: laat on the l l i h day o f Febru ary and aa g ro u lid a for I ■ cost«*1 * troduced by Governor West: fu| Investigation be made as to the of moisture In the above sections. ge t l. U. 8 Coiumlarloner, at R e d ­ 1914 a lle g e s that aald Ijsurel LW"J* Whereas, is appears that since the expenditures of the company upon Ix>cal Weather Observer T. O m o n d . Ore gon, on the 21st day o f Daled and publlshed Ihe flrst baa fa ile d l o eaiab) • kl* ros'd«» first segregation list was filed with the unit It proposes to surrender, al­ Stevens reports that five Inches of F e b ru a ry. 1914 Unir Jsnu a ry I, 1 1 1 4 ■ >n «aid tr a c t, tha ho ka* f*b«d • Cla im ant names aa witnesses the state under the Carey act in Ap­ so as to tbe cost of Its reclamation snow fell on the 17th, and 1 81 < o i l ! « a le aald Ira.' IV W 1 A W II.L C O X . Edw in R. Peterson, I, A llunl, Ait orney for Plalnllff ih al aald .-niryWS* ril, 1902, there have been filed from and such other information as the inches of rain fell on the 20th and R o y L. Kidder, all o f Low er Bridge! r Irsi pu bllra llon Jan 1-Frh 12 al a n d o n e d aald Ira*' for *p *»'l* time to time about 30 similar segre­ circumstances and the best interests 21st. About five Inches of snow fell O re g o n , and John Swanson o f SI* *1« m o n th * laat past *nd f (t# ri acres, and. vote being as follows: W. J. BUCKLEY First publication Jan 2 2 -Feb i s S ia le . U n d Odile, T h e Dalle». O m - S la te s In Urn* o f war ' o' her»* Whereas, it appears that but two Aye: West. gon, January 12. 1914 D. O. BURDICK You srw. th e r e f o r e , furlhsf lo'-*^ concerns have during the 14 years'! Noes: Kay, Crawford, Lewis. Notice f o r Publica ti on BOB ROBERTS ! T o r * rl l* Htorkdale Of M»lirna. O r ­ that th e aald a lle ga tio n» will b* :«■ time fully completed their projects, egon , Con lesi ee It will be seen that Lewis and F W. McCAFFERY by th is offica aa having hsas »» D epart ment o f the Interior. U S You are hrreby notifled Ihal Mei the same being: LEO ORDWAY Crawford supported the first resolu­ fewaed by you. and vour sal* l^and Office at T h e Dalles. Oregon vln A. Hou ghla ling. » 1,0 « i v e . ca re J a n u a ry 8 , 1914 Brownell Desert Reclamation As­ tion which was general In Its terms C. H. IRVIN rill lot c a n c e l e d then-ulidsf ■ll***« rlwhl t to he to heard'«** N otic e la hereby given that Harry J X\ lirewer. Red m on d. O re go n a . yo u r f u r t h e r righ W. H. HUDSON • sociation, 240 acres. and thus appeared to favor state and nddrewa, dld on Nov In. e it h e r b e f o r e Ibi» office ar « • * C. Melael, o f Deschutes, Oregon who i " Deschutes Reclamation & Irriga­ federal reclamation, and crawfished, J J. ELLINOER on O ct o b e r 14. 1912, made Hom e 34. «-»IT. Ale In Ibis office bis duly peal. If yo n fall Ale I« 3 Hh» rorrob ora ted a p p lh a ilo n l0 r„ u, „ t w ithin Iw anty daya aller tks WJ" tion Co., 1280 acres, making a total when a specific proposition was p ut, DOUGLAS MULLARKEY stead En try No 010 75 8 , for H E ', GEORGE HOBBS of 1520 acres, Sect ion IS. T o w n s h ip 16 South'. and secare thè canewliation o f yoi»r p u b lic a ti o n o f this n o th * u • v to them. LEE HOBBS R a n g e 12 East, W il la m ette Meridian Hom es iead Entry, serial S o 0 M 47 '«•low, y o u r answ er, under *»••*• Whereas, the Columbia Southern Statement by Governor West WM. FLOYD ha* died notice o f Intention to make w*uHkM * r u h 1411 f,,r h ' v n k i , : 'I d e a l l y m e e t in g and resc»»#'** project went on the rocks and had to The action of the Desert Land HERMAN J. LOVE 2- T o w n s h lp 14. th ese a l l e g a l l o n s o f c o n i c a l . ®f " Fin al C o m m u ta tio n Pro o f, to •-stab u u SK * be taken over by the state in order Board will In no manner put a stop H. Hnnge 1 2 . E , Wlllamellw Meri- fall w it h in that lim e lo dis 1 # ^ WM CLAYPOOL llah claim lo lh e land a b o ve dear rib “ * r“ « n d s for h i . con test office d u e p r o o f that von ha»* to protect its good name, and. ed. b e fo r e W. II Daggett, U H Com JOB HOWARD to our endeavors to bring relief to he a ile g e . th . t a.|,| , - . r | |. niisaloner, at R e d m o n d . Ore gon, on a c o p y o f y o u r answer on ••* 1^ Whereas, others are experiencing the settlers upon the C. O. I. Co. RICHARD DOTY the 2 1 st day o f February. I 9 H aiid I "li*1" ' " p r o v e , , , , n i . I.n r o n i e s i a n t e it h e r In person « C. M. CHARLTON financial difficulties which can only project through state and federal co­ Cla im ant names as wIincmo-H If 'hi* **»»**. land ■»' re g is t e re d m a il H. RICHARDSON lead to the state having to come to operation. The matter will be push­ O la f Anders on , W illiam G lh , ||en ” ‘ J Z d o " " * ' 0 'hl« K i n s a n i m a d e by I b e de live ry " f » C. K MERRICK «uiuvitfinK ini* H itrn«v the rescue, and. ry Gra y, all o f Deschutes, Oregon ed vigorously by my office through y o u r a n s w e r l o Ihe coni** GEORGE W. DAVIES and Rasm us Paterson o f Redm ond ned T b a t T h " ,- lr,; f” r' ,' f " rU" ' r noti- per son, p r o o f o f such oervW* Whereas, as a rule the said Carey different agencies, and I am confi­ Ore gon. MATT CAROLIN . "akeI, « ? * ld » R I l»e l»e wither Ihe aald c o n i 's i a o l * act projects in the state have not dent that with the support of the MR. BUCHANAN H. F R A N K WOODCOCK. ", h wm".’ ’ , “ ,,d Tour ««''I ten a c k n o a l e d g u i a n l o f hl» •##•* proven a success, and. settlers and business men of Crook DAN GREENHALGH thèr r ilh tu r- Ihe c o p y , s h o w i n g lh e d a l * <» ™ Whereas, the state is demonstrat­ county we will be successful. Flrrt publication Jan 15 Feb* 'l;* 'h ls office STEVE LEONARD ‘ " ' " rd' •l,h * r ««'(o re cel pi. o r ( h e affidavit " f ,l1*, ,|g ing upon the Tumalo Project that by w h o m ( h e d e liv e ry was m*d*. * If. F DeSOUZA fi le In ,hi ,V" ai,l’ " ' ‘ 1' ,f f« " . a e i ,1 l . : ’ ? " ' * 1M,,n ' » * n ( r daya Ing w he n a nd w h e r e the i"P' SUMMONS these lands can be reclaimed by it In J. T. HARDY M A N Y MEMBERS FOR d e li v e r e d . If m a d e |,y regl«'*»” ^ ¿ ROBERT McSHERRY less time and at less coat than by pri­ In the Circuit Court o f the Hlaie 1 ' i o o f o f auch a ervlc e mu *1 ''"***7^ A. C. LUCAS COMMERCIAL CLUB o f Oregon within and for Crook vate corporations, be It ' h e affidavit o f the para«n kf County. JNO. KISSLER Resolved, 1, that no further re­ Ihe r o p y waa mail ed », * 1***.. O. A. BRADLEY Continued from 1st page R e d m o n d Bank o f C o m m e rce » and th e poa loffire to whl *'1 ^ quests for temporary withdrawals be co r p o r a tio n , plaintiff, THOMAS SHARP m a il ed, a n d th is affidavit w* entertained or preliminary contracts v*. WM O. PHOENIX OU8 STAGEY a c c o m p a n i e d by the post ua#*#» Cha* B Clark, defendant. be entered into. TIM LANE GEORGE NITCHE c e lp l f o r th e letter. ,g 2. That no further permanent E W. PRATT CLIFFORD ORDWAY Y o u a h o u ld state In y " " r *n ,| “defendant.Cl* r*’ ' h" “ k° T* n,n‘' " ' h e n a m e o f th e powloffi«* , contracts be entered Into where pre­ M D WRIGHT ROBERT WHITNEY In the nam e o f the Stale o f Ore you d e s ir e f u t u r e notice* lo » P. O. JOURDAN H. BAUKOL liminary contracts exist unless an go n you are hereb y req uired to an •a you. ,lWw DR. RODKMYKR J. H. VINCENT pear and answ er the com plain t Died iron clad guarantee Is forthcoming •1 F r a n k w o < h k ' ( m ' k H. FRANK WOODtWj^ Against you In the a b o ve entitled CHARLES REEDY O. W. FARRIS that the lands will be speedily and a d d o n on or b e fo r e the U t h day o f F. T. REDMOND J. A. THOMPSON Dale of fimi publication. fully reclaimed. F e b ru a ry , 1914, and if y o „ fail OUR GOLDEN W EST LINE OF GROCERIES W ILL HE Furniture Hobb’s Cash Grocery and Bakery ( ’. II. IIÌY IN , F u r n it u r e & I m l e r t a k i i « REDMOND, OREGON r PLENTY OF MOISTURE If you want to SKIJ, your property | list it with “That Man McCaffery” He doesn't ask an exclusive right; he can sell it ip i| Anderson Bros.’ Saw , r ‘" .. . . . 3. That no further extension of time be granted upon contracts un­ less It can be shown that work Is bo- Ing carried on In a faithful, business C. A. ADAMS ROY RANNELL8 H ■ WHITMAN ALBERT MOHLER P. M. REEDY JOSEPH BUCKLEY W. E. YOUNO Watch the ade In this paper and shop early and often. ..'-è u ! ' V , »... ... rpTw i n ,11 .*"a ' h o r , o agnitiRt f ,h '' tiff will ta ke W Judgment yo„ fo r lh e sum o f T h r e e Hundred Fortv Four Dollars and E lgh ty -o n e cents with Interest thereon at the rale of >. 1914. Ja|. Date of second publica'Ion, unry 15. 1914. i.nsiff 39 . i v i 4 >r ,|llri1 W b llc n ilo n January Dale of third puhllcnG""- 22, 1914. ju Dale of fourth publication, • r y T " l 9 f| / ° " r,h '■ ' " " • • » " « e Kel.ru "»ry 29. 1914. .ry 2,. n ù " '1 11 *r 1 '■ r, J.,,,,-