Miss Jeasie from Portisi»»! * - M li k i n g S h o r t h o r n a n d A y r a h . r * c o w s . im p o r t a a b y M r . J. J M i l l f o r t u t N o r t h O a k s f a r m , n a a r 9t. P a u l. M nn. 2.— T h a m i l k i n g S h o r t h o r n b u ll. B r j n a b y 'a C o r n i n g S t a r , 107990, c h a m p i o n o f E n g l a n d aa a t w o - y a a r old , i m p o r t ­ ed b y M r . J. J. H i ll f r o m B a b r a h a m M a l l. C a m b r id g e . E n g l a n d . J.— T h a m i l k i n g S h o r t h o r n co w . E a a t o v a r A i r k - lo v in g t o n 14th. im p o r t e d b y M r . J. J. H i l l f r o m J. C h iv o r a A S o n , n a a r C a m b r id g e , E n g l a n d . By PROFESSOR THOMAS SHAW h e r e is now In the quarantine I ts «u|ien«>r to tbe milking Shorthorns. at South tguelss- tbe largest ini- J railed in Britain tbe dairy Shorthorn (ortatlon of milking Short horns He believes that this type o f cow la ever brought to America Heretofore I <>ne tbat la admirably suited to tbe only a few individuals of this class needs o f the average farmer, and in this he la unquestionably righ t not- have ever crossed the Atlantic for this withstanding the teaching o f many In iountry These cattle were purchas­ our experiment stations to the con- ed in Kngland by Mr. J J. Hill and trary will be brought to his North Oaks farm Mr. Hill's Shorthorn Importation not far from St. Paul Mr. Hill is a i-onsista of twenty-eight animals, of strong believer in the value of the which three are males. Tbe females two purpose «-ow that is. the cow for are young cows from two to aix years j milk and also for lieef. usually spoken old. They are all now milking and of now as tbe dual purpose cow. and will calve again In due time Individ • f cows o f this class he reganls none ually they rank high, having been T i hnsrn wltb much care. They have milk record* running from tlM JU to lO.Otk) pounds a year. There Is certaiuly large room for this class of cattle in all the north western states. This does but mean that there Is no place for tbe dairy breads. There i n « ide plate also for the dairy breeds, but viewed from the standpoint of the present and pros pertive demand for lieef there la a much larger place for dual cattle.. This In future must come from the arable farm, and It must coma main­ ly from dual cattle tbat will be milked. WM S'oM'Uibrr 3. shll« 10 county offleert at the frame time I'andulAte* for all the»« olt\ both for state ant pterson h«d a m u s s a r llls tratti ber a tue frlghlm e«! at a H*ht an»| after nearly «Irmolishln* hls bue** bfoke Untar \\ ìth (he ald of ltm »c l.iu lr Ir» f u t ) tntproattbg rev lis i tl|00tl »*• arul htDir lor lure* held In thr \\ 11»« frk'hcH$1 hoUM Mr and Mra 1 and Mr and Mr» Yatea took î y dinner « ith tl« \ ¡tack Anderson. o has been al Sears most of the ter. Is s o r tin g for I jr*' llnhba Allan VYiitrotrn an*! t hls father in iss. Mr l(« m * sere II« id visitors on NVrdneaday •Mr Moora. s ho b n*ht the Golden place, la ntakln* g«* I headsny s lth hls n e« hi»U»e l.arl t'harlton took a i load of grain tn Mrilmond for G«»«» * Mobbe Tues day Mrs A W Haïti returned i honte Mondai from a short 1 slth her daughters In Pfittevill has been completed it w ill consist of high class lands— lands upon which u o k k im ; on k . F. D. first mortgages can be made, and all o f the appropriation made by the o i r ok REDMUND state fo r reclaiming the lands can re­ Continued from 1st page vert to tbe treasury If the federal government, after an investigation. IV « have *l*Jed in building up wllh thè old Tetherow road about J . concludes that the reclamation o f the North Canal unit is feasible, th? Leg- good business for clever advertisers miles west of Telhernw bridge, | islature can then authorize that this thence essi alone the Tetherow road money be used by the state in co­ m ; h M«*\K ON P A K T OK TH K TKKHKIIONNK to thè I) c Cole place, and thence operating with the government in COMMERI I l i . I I.I ll on the main road Into Hedmond Th* reclaiming it. This is the plan I al­ County Supi J K Meyers was a Governor West's Plans for the ways dlatance of the route la abuut 31 visitor at the school Monday have advocated, and it Is one ml Ira Mr Greeley started on hls pil­ which will not make It necessary for North ( anal Project Are grimage In search of the promised The [wdiloti ah«) a rraolutlon of the legisla tu re to m a k e further ap­ land. Monday morning propriations or the i s s u a n c e of Members Take Itewdil, to the l ‘ro|e Outlined the Commercial Club favortng lhe Henry llegardt and Kdwln Klliotl j bonds.” o f Culver, spent Sunday with friends route has l>een sent to our ænalors osition o f a Weekly lim n State Treasurer Kay has expressed Uere and représentatives In Washington himself opposed to the state enter- Cncle Dick Hastings recently sold tint bering Th* commute* la alao working on I ing Into the irrigation business elth- 19 head of good dairy stock to some a H K D route for thè people west NOT A DOLLAR NEED parlies near Bend >y dl.e. t t r o-oprlaLo.. o* ’ v *v-- K c Me calf haa opened a blark- and south of here ! issuance o f bonds. State Engineer BE APPROPRIATED le w is , another member of the State ■®)H> shop lu Ihe east end of town The suggestion made by 1. K. Nlnean Nielson came m last week O L D “ B I L L J O N E S " IS Desert le n d Board, favors the issu­ Tuesday from Portland and la sbak .. .. ' r" ' ance o f bonds, and declares he will Smith at the la s t’ meeting o f the Ing hands with old friends in this ----------- HONORED HV ( OI NCTL wage a campaign fo r constitutional Commercial Club that Monday noon vicinity he established by the club amendments authorizing the Issu­ luncheons , , . .. . The people o f the peninsula met I Continued from 1st Page) Bond Issue Will Not Be Requir­ ance o f bonds for this purpose and is . bearing fruit, and the more the Friday night to d ls c u « the p .« ib n which will be voted on at the general subject is talked over the more Ity of getting water on the land In ed to Reclaim I>ands Adjoin­ election. B ills friends noticed there was many o f the members favor the that section If ever water can he plan run on this land It will be some of something on hls tnlnd and at last Attorney General Crawford is op­ ing Redmond in the C. O. I. dropped to the fer» of the eiplred li­ Already about IS o f the members 1 •'«trai Oregon's best soil, posed to the purchase o f the unit by ~~ vens*. so 2u of them chipped in to Co’s. Segrega t ion the state from the company until the have expressed their willingness to MOS$tJ MOW Intu ii..on*, ami '* '* I I . » $ cents each and secured another II- remainder o f the system o f the proj­ ect is satisfactory, and Secretary of It is expected that at least as many t “ ••_h of h i. fri.-,..,, a. ,h*y In favor of either, was the declara­ T K L K P H O V K CO M PAXV tack o f asthma Wednesday night t,„i and speak to hi, " m " " ’ h’ tion made by Governor West in dis­ I s K s KOB H IliH K R K I T E cussed and a ' stock o f ammunition laid in to lire at the regular meet- In now reported some better but h >• * ' '* * ,l” * cussing a number o f interviews Ing.” as one member was heard to Mr- «nd Mrs lianlterry made a **l recognition which hare appeared in the press on A Salem dispatch o f the 22nd remark. ' rl£ fct0 K‘■d,non,1 !■** Thurs.lay * '1" ,hal '* ,h«n some humam tbe subject by members of the State There are a few men and learns can do says: A llegin g that the rates estab­ Desert Land Board. repairing the . canal where about tn N*■»i* •- f.-i PlM iratlos .. 'pa . of . .. "A ccording to interviews which lished in 1911 are unlawful, and too feet It . broke the have appeared in the press recently, low to maintain good service, 1 " ' 8 Pi..... 'ihls Is tbe'ssnm d • m *' H E.HER1 L A N D H O A R D by members o f the State Itesert Deschutes Mutual Telephone Co. of Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon, water had to be turned off „n ac IS W llv J r „ .. ... Redmond, has filed an application January 14 191« count of th.. canal br-aklng , , 'G A I N S T U E S I Land Board, some of the mem her * ___________ _ _________ ^ with tbe State Railroad Commlaslon Notice is hereby given that Kdwln About five Inches of snow fell i. are opposed to tills unit being re- (Continued from 1 st pM e ) claimed by the state In roK)¿-"ration Pcrmlslon Jo Increase H Peterson, o f l-ower Bridge. Ore- this locality last Friday nlirhf -________________ " The rates adopted are unlaw­ gon, who. on August 11, 1910. made with the government either by dl- them. ’ K” Homestead Kntry No. 07290 for 8E I’ L K IM A \ T ItllM K providing f „ r , he Isau.nre of rect appropriation by the Legislature ful. It 1s held, because they discrim­ (4N\V*4, W V4N W 14 Section 25. 8K bond« for reclamation work, he inate against stockholders and non- aa- or the issuance o f bonds, and some serled. favor the latter,” declared the exe­ stockholders. It Is asserted, and are South. ‘ RaiTge' n V !s rtT °W n is m e tti Tu'Vd ly 's 'h il^ M ' l" " V '1 s,' ‘‘ 1 ' a Meridian haa «le d n»iir.. n - .. e H . »g y ¿ wnl" Anderson » *' *r, .| cutive. In discussing the situation not sufficiently high to maintain a Meridian, hau filed notice ,.t o f i Inten- ID m ê " h oe./ \ o ' was ’‘ " a ' d 1'- '*• - on Ih l. question Year P P roof roof shipment .hin,...-., * Redmond for • *ould fm ,,r no - - reclsmatlon , "T h e intimation Is also given that I good service and provide a reserve e Hon to make Final Three Tear work to establish claim to the land above j.-ari Woods' „ „ „ a . b) the state . j,11., .. , r have favored diroct appropriations fund for emergencies Clyde B. Aitchlsori, a member o f described, before W B Daggett. V. #d here la«t T u e ïd îv 'n lK î"? , “ Vr' V > irl*''<*- or bond issues for the work when, as Aitorney •; a matter o f fact, I have never ex­ the Railroad Commission, was here eneral Crawford In voi- Tuesday to listen to arguments of of- pressed myself in favor o f either *t again M did so ,h- ^ « l » t l « a dec lared The unit ran be reclaimed thru !’ ren' o f ,h*‘ phon'* ‘■<” " P « n r •"<> of be vit bout apologies," and George F Scott. L A. Hunt, Roy son federal and state aid according to a business men In regard to increasing L. Kidder, all of Ixtwer Bridge. Ore- cv |>rnv„ . , . "f « .... O..... *M absen, plan _I have always advocated« with­ the rates. Another resolution Introduced gon. and John Swanson o f Sisters, dairy stoc k this w eekh flV,> of out a single dollar being appropriat­ by Advertising Is the cultivation that rio , „ r ed by the next Legislature, and with­ ° re* 0n H. F R A N K WOODCOCK. A l*,t ,,u r* 1 * b lle driving a four- he Governor providing th*r reqursta for teni|M>rsry with • out a bond Issue being made. The makes business grow. Register horse team home from Redmond one M . day last week was passed by a boy * * w* 1* be entertained that , , last Legislature appropriated $«50.- First publication Jan 22-Feb 19 on horseback, which caused hi. hor ">“ • perm.nent ' " ° f" r Want to get what you want? Try 000 for the Tunialo Project, and It to become frightened Mr llmlnary will be completed this fall. A fte r It Handbills? We print them. want ad in The Spokesman. vai lost control o f the h o r«-. and , „nies. . ' , S "« * "■"sfactory guaran IS NOT NEEDED Y SOON Ï0 BE INSTITUTED r ï I' îîst ““-'v’ s & ’S i r tea la aitati spendily ther mi conti set «he « o r li ls t fall h fui, liliali tory luminar < I»at Ihe s or k an enrly dntr rteasurer K ». lo Vote Agalli* The presili ti • clted that un i, i t s o « ottipani» • i:. ih II, (he elidi« and that ac*r», K proslm ately 7 Iliade llo s e c tr alida o f dullat* h mi ptojec la Ho* t her re« ite«t thai e % per le tiri ti* Pi, «h i« li rould imi !» * otulu* lo thè r« » A lo PtS|r» I * I an» opporr I hocauae It « annoi dm'lafvd Mr l\ » s e pleaae at an* .«•«»I ut loti meati* i am oppoard lo M | of fa*U|ei| th> thla probleut |» Attontey Gei. ed parta o f th« ed that he «ante«] * I * et» a fair « ha *le. h o sever. V ìi * tisi* The P o s d e r \ . a»ked for an ni< d a rla o f «»110 }ear that thè rompati i IMM) and «o«|ld io afrurtion until i «Spila* tiuvur that thè rompan« feport o f « hat II Ita plana II «aa «h lr h lo mnke th< r t} la In llaker r« J. F. ilOSOUB. PHYSICIAN and SCKtiHON orrirg N K > Corner «ih sa4 K I * lU-dmoml, O r ff« F. h . m m \ m PHYSICIAN and SI KHKON 1 . 1 **« Kym T«**t«*«L P kvpnb littrd Bru* O fflc r in Ehrtrt Redmond. * Mur! Orrfoe IU J. M u I t a u c DR. B. L SEARS Physician and Surftot • Mitre • l|.|M.«lte P.eloOcS I n • Mtt. e I>4| lt t : ii4 IIM I and lig h t • *111 *•<>' DR. J. I5AKR DENTIST Johnson Ituililmg Kcdmond, - On-jiofl Dr. Th(*o. BeleLski'V.S. Veterinarian Treats all Domestlcalei Animals Office : (th Hire*!. oppooM* Poeloffice Phone, I9I<> HKDMOND. * OKKU0R Denton (¡. Burdick Suc* essor to (I A M< Karla*» and Burdick * Murphy LAWYKK Practice in all courts atei B. i Land Office III.DVIO V It. . (HUM S®