t iii k h u ay T IIK The Redmond A Good Time to Visit Us Published #v*ry Thursday by H. H. * C. I * PA1.MKK St’ H S i'H lP T IO N HATKS K S I* .. ON YO U R M IND FOR COMING SPRING , Spokesm an A d v .rtt.le « "l*01* *t>P»oatloe «*< »• k“ ‘’ * n K nt.r.d |JH>, •» «•■ "’‘.I ‘ * at th e poatottl»«* »• On* rear ................................. $1 60 n ^ jnl0nd. Or«*wu. under the art of Six m o n t h s ............................... »0 March 3. 1ST» .6 0 * - Three months .06 Orth lai Paper *>1 « t<) 1,1 I t , « t u t e l i l i Single copies 81 BSA H l r T I U N IF YOU H A V E A N Y B U ILD IN G PROBLEM S J u lr W E D SUGGEST T H A T YOU COME IN A N D W AR M YO U R SH IN S TH E N E X T TIM E YOU A R E IN TO W N A N D W E L L SEE IF W E P A T R O N IZ E ♦ CHANTS. HOME INDUSTRIES \ND HOME MER E VER Y DO LLAR SENT W AY C A N T H E L P YOU OUT FOR LESS M O NEY ♦ ORDER HOUSES NEVER COMES BACK T H A N Y O U ’RE FIG U RIN G ON. ♦ TO l ’S FOREVER. TH E K IN D O F LU M B E R YO U ’L L NEED D EPEND S A LO T ON W H A T YO U ’ RE GO­ ING TO B U ILD A N D T H E R E ’S A D IF F E R ­ ENCE IN GRADES. TH E PRICE L E T ’S T A L K OF IT D IF F E R E N T OVER. ANY­ W A Y — W E ’V E A L L KINDS. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. REDMOND. OREGON ALFALFA SEED W E H A V E R E A D Y FOR D E L IV E R Y A T A N Y TIM E T H E BEST K IN D OF A L F A L F A SEED. A N D NOW IS TH E TIM E TO P LA C E YO U R ORDERS. ALSO H A V E GOOD SEED B A R L E Y A N D B LU E STEM W H E A T. W e make a specialty o f selling the best kind o f Seed obtainable, and when you buy o f us you know you are getting the best that money can buy. Call on us before placing your orders for Seed this spring and let us s e n e you. W E A R E NOW IN A PO SITIO N TO H A N ­ DLE EGGS ON CO NSIG NM ENT. REDMOND UNION WAREHOUSE CO. ID M \ ll j ♦ BE I.OY \l. TO A Ol R CO>IMl M 'l'* L M A IL ORDER HOUSES T A K IN G \D\ \ NT AGE Under the above heading the Prineville Review of last week published the following: Few people know that many o f such men as Morgan and oth« i financiers are back o f the great mail order institution', but it is a fact, and they are the power which the country merchants must contend with goes without saying. As the new parcel |**'t rate' are now in force the mail order merchants are reading the conn try papers and are watching the advertisements with eagle eye' When they find that the IMfChSIltS DOl UM the !'-‘ t- ' ■ U> ad vertise their goods they immediately Hood the country with thetr catalogues— they well know the farmers want to '«•«• the prices in black and white The Hillsboro Independent publishes the plan outlined by a merchant o f that town to meet the condition and give the mail order houses a set back. It says: The plan is for the business men to unite and buy space in the local papers for a year, the space to la* tilled with the cards of the different merchants. In effect this would la1 a busine." director' and would at least inform the readers of the paper, many o f whom it must not be forgotten, are new comers, w hat lines of business are represented in Hillsboro. The business man figured that there are more than 100 dif ferent concerns in the city, only a small proportion of which in­ vite trade or let the people know they an* in business through the columns o f the papers. The Independent has believed merchants have not availed themselves o f this method o f meeting outside competition to the extent they might. The business directory plan cannot but ac­ complish good and emphatically advertise the business resources o f the city, but we believe in addition a strong effort to attract business should be made by detailed description o f weekly offer­ ings, and if possible, the prices asked. O f course, then* is the merchant who says advertising doc - not pay, but he has his answer in the statement of the catalogue house manager. Used intelligently as the catalogue house u-es it. it returns a big per cent on the investment, but it should al­ ways be considered an investment, not an expense. The Best Hams REDMOND MARKET The action o f farmers in this section joining the Redmond Commercial Club is a gtxxl one and is to la* commended. By all classes in the club, working together for one common end the upbuilding o f this section— unlimited results can la* accomplished for all the people here, farmers and town people have the common interest at heart, the future prosperity o f Redmond and the sur­ rounding ocuntry. YOU C A N N O T GET A N Y B E TTE R HAM S A N Y ­ W H ER E T H A N THE ONES W E CURE OURSELVES RIG H T HERE IN REDMOND A N D K E E P ON S A L E A T A L L TIM E S A T OUR M A R K E T. OUR PRICES A R E C H E A P E R T H A N THOSE CH ARG ED FOR IM PO R TED HAMS. LE T US SHOW YOU. J. B. ROE, Proprietor. Wood and Iron Work The Desert Land Board is against the governor in his prnpo- sitions to help out thi« section o f the state with irrigation, but the governor says he is going to put through the North Canal Project, anyway. We are all with you, governor, on this subject. ------------------------ .--------- G. W. DAVIES Some o f the people in the western part o f the county are get­ ting the county division idea into their heads and working out « plan to try and have the county cut up into three small counties. W hy add any more taxation expense than what we now have? Central Oregon Garage « R E E D Y ’S 99 W e send New Years Greetings to all our custom­ ers and thank them fo r their custom during the year just closed. We assure you that we will be in a better position than ever to take care o f your needs. There has never been a time when we could give you better prices than the present. Tires, which are the principal expense o f a car, are now reduced all the way from 7 1-2 per cent to 20 per cent. We are now furnishing B Prest-O-Lite Recharges fo r $2.50. Z E R O L E N E O IL in any style, 60 cents per gallon. You cannot find a better oil or price anywhere. Building Materi O F A L L K IN D S Lumber Shingles Lath Brick Lime Cement Roofing and Building Paper Door and \\ indovv Screens Sash* Doors GIVE US A CALL PRICKS KICK! Mothers Say That Snowflake Flour Is I he BUST on the Market COU SAI.K It Y A I X fìltlK'KKS A. (i. ALLINGHAM Wines and Liquors Imported and Domestic Cigars Nothing hut the BUST in nerved nt our pi*« hVdmoml, ( )regon Cane.’ ’dates for governor or spring1! * up as thick as leaves on a tree, and nearly every locality has one— except this part o f Cen­ tral Oregon. But there is yet time for some ambitious man aroundabouts here to get in the ’huckleberry picnic for the gu- bematorial race. I f there is anything you want in the above line call on me. I have a plant capable o f doing all kinds o f work in wood and iron, and will save you money on all orders placed with me. I can make any furniture you may w a n t.' The Old Pioneer Blacksmith o f Redmond D«*iilt*r in J * A N D YOUR TOW N BY TRY ING TO BUILD IT UP. *♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦****** I mm ele R . C. \M> Is I-OS I j Governor West says he is going right ahead w ith his plans fo r the state and federal government taking over the North ( ’anal Project irrespective o f any action the Desert Ijuid Board may take to try to hamper him in the matter. He says that with the united support o f the settlers and business men in this section favoring his plan for completing the project he is sun* to succeed This sounds good to the people here and they will give the gov­ ernor all the assistance in their power to help along in putting the North Canal Project in a condition for early completion. RO BERT M cSHERRY, Manager ' ^ j, RICHMOND 8POKKSM AN Remember that water rents are now payable on or before the 10th o f each month, and if not paid by the 10th a penalty will la- added, and if allowed to run until the 15th of the month the water will be shut off. And there you are. This continued moist weather is sure bringing a smile to the faces o f the dry farmers in this part o f Central Oregon, for it as­ sures bumper crops o f all kinds the coming fall. The name o f Lynch & Roberts in Redmond stands for good goods and better values, and when they advertise a sale the people know it is a bona fide sale— no fake about it. The “ dead” sometimes come to life for a short time, is evidence o f that in Redmond lately. W IK I, l»K< ll»K ON TI M I M I IM H Eats Whin you want the BEST M E A L IN REDMOl f«r the MONEY, you can get it by calling <>n L. Y ( »1 Ntl, the well known man at the veteran restaur Redmond Grill Open Day and N ight There dec talon. Member* o f the board aro Siale Knglneer J. H. Lewis. project Knglneer O. I.auregaard, Knglneer C. M. Red field o f the Central Oregon Irrigation Co. and I). K. Haney, n Portland <*nicln**#*r. The character o f the dam to be built to atore the watera o f Tumalo Creek for the Irrigation o f the land* under the atate’a project will be de­ cided by the consulting board o f en­ gineers at a meeting to be held In a Local new«, Renerai new« and the few daya. The board haa already lateat newa are featurea of thl* pa gone over the project and the data per. aecured. but la aw aiting additional Information before reaching a final Newspaper advertising paya WILLARD II. WIItTZ ATTO|{\ KV-AT-1. »W ***** IH vIrtrf A ttorney i r,m k W. B. DAGfilTr Attorney at law I ’. H. f*OWMISMl«»'»:B County OK6TI 1C ONK IMMHl NORTH HANK OK f-OMMlRCk 1‘ R IN K V II.l.K , O R M jo N IIK H M O M !. O K ***