It Pays to Buy Good Groceries YO l’ W ILL REALIZE THIS FACT IF YOU BUY FROM US. FOR WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF SELLING NOTHING BUT HIGH GRADE GOODS IN ALL ik viii LINES OF OUR GROCERY TRADE. IN REDMOND SOI H ITS SURE TO PLEASE YOU. BOTH AS TO QUALITY OF USERS OF THE ABOVE BRAND OF GOODS W ILL TAKE NO SUB­ STITUTE— LET US NUMBER YOU AMONG THE USERS OF GOLDEN WEST GOODS. YOU W ILL NEVER RE GRET IT. AND WILL TH ANK l'S FOR CALLING YOUR ATTENTION TO THIS MATTER. IJght I’lant for Hale— The Spokeamau ha. a practically | new gaaollue lighting plant for .ale It la an up to dale pm w w gyate* ! and will be gold very reaaonable Keaaon for selling changed to ele- trtclty. PLACE A SAMPLE ORDER FOR SOME OF THESE SAT­ ISFACTORY GOODS THE NEXT TIME YOU ARE NEED­ ING GROCERIES. l.lbrrtil Trent metti. Safe!) Hrpoall lUixra lor State Bank of Redmoi REDMOND. OREGON Furniture YOU P L E A S A N T RIDGE A L R E IN FO R C E D CONCRETE B CILD INO BLOCKS These blocks are made by the wet process, giving tbem three times the strength o f a machine made block. Persona suing to build should see our material before placing orders for any other kind. It w ill pay them. Estimates furn­ ished on application. Call on or w rite to H EG ARD T, E L L IO T T & CO.. REDMOND. ORE. C. H. BAGGOTT’S Fred Fuller moved onto the An­ drew Nelson farm this week Mr Fuller has the Nelaon place leased for the present year. Earl Woods la blasting out stump, on big place th l. week. Ka.raui Peter.on acid two dairy cows last week to Fred Wallace, of Laidlaw. Messrs Melael and Anderson are going to make a shipment o f hog. to Portland this week. Rasmus Peterson made a trip to Redmond after grain this week A goodly number from this vicini­ ty were present In Redmond on Sat­ urday to hear Uoe. West talk. Earl Woods hauled a load o f po­ tatoes over to Camp 1 o f the Tumalo Project this week for Henry Hewing J. A Chase ha* caught the bobcat that got away from him some -time ago. Aubrey Perry ran the Redmond water system pump Saturdsy while his father attended the meeting In Red mond. Mr and Mra. A. O. Provoat went to Bend Monday on a visit. Alex Duval and Otto Rutger are hauling wood to Redmond this week Mr. Doty has been selling s great deal o f hay lately. C- D. Jarrett la cutting hla sum­ m er’s wood. TERREBONNE Quick Delivery Express and Transfer Line A ll Orders Given Prompt Phones: Attention. House, 2603; Stand, 712. Leave Orders at the Redmond Pharmacy. Mrs. D. C. Hall visited friends In Redmond a few days last week Mrs. Shelter will soon be Installed as postmistress, having received the appointment. A large crowd of people from here visited Redmond last Saturday In or der to hear Gov. West talk about Ir­ rigation. M. Greeley baa returned after a 3- R E P O R T OF TH E CO ND ITIO N OF TH E REDMOND BANK OF COMMERCE at Redmond, Oregon, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business January 13, 1914. RESOURCES Loans and discounts ......................... Overdrafts, secured and unsecured L IA B IL IT IE S $61,022.39 Capital stock paid in $ 351.73 Surplus fund ...................................... Bonds and warrants ........................... 6,213.02 Banking house Undivided profits, less expenses and 4,640.22 .................................. Furniture and fixtures ............... 3,012.00 Other real estate owned 3,390.08 Due from banks (not reserve banks) 1,336.92 Due from approved reserve banks Checks and other cash ite m s .............. Cash on hand ..................................... Expenses ............................................ Other resources .................................. 1,958.34 82.30 5,586.73 348.06 253,80 T o U l ......................................................... $88,196.58 taxes paid....................................... . 1,452.49 2,205.67 Individual deposits subject to check 42.959.00 Time cert'Acates o f deposit 4,505.9ft ... 10 , 000.00 Liabilities other than those stated 40(1.92 T oU l ....................................... $ 88,196.58 State o f Oregon. County o f Crook, 88. I, Chaa. B. Drake cashier o f the above named bank, do solemnly awear that the above statement Is true to the beat o f my knowl­ edge and belief. CHAS. B. D R A K E , Cashier. Subscribed and awom to before me this 21st day o f January, 1914. J. A. W ILLC O X , Notary Public. Correct Attest: Guy E. Dobson, L. E. Smith, Directors. You ran talk to practically all the Read our advertisements people in town through thte paper, profit by them. and The clam does not advertise wants to be a clam? \ !> l ( AN COME BUY 1*0 N O IN AND W A IT T IL L IN YOl YOUR ____ BETTER BE FURNITURE j ANYW HERE C O N V IN C E D . (JUKI N E E D TH E GOOD» •KINKY II I I \T— The Brostus Bai FIN EST BRANDS OK t t I N t ' I.BJI OKS YND I Hi\lt.H r Who If >mi want to SUL your property list it with “That Man McCaffery” He doesn't ask an exclusive light; he can sell it a p Homestead Entry No 0131?, for navy or m arin« corpa of th* N • »SE V» 8W ', 9F V and 8E K W Míales la time of war or N Section IS, Township 14 South. You are. therefore fuMbsti Range I t Eaat. Willamette Meridian that the said allegations s Ul kt I haa Hied notice to make Final F ite by this office as having has* Year Proof, to eatablish claim to the tesami by you and your Mit 1 land above described. before W ar­ w ill be rsueeled (herctindsr ren Brown Co 1 • <-rk a! Brine your further righi to ta «sari 1 E. E. H ito s. I s. Proprietor. ville. Oregon, on tbe lis t day of Jan­ In. either before this office arsi uary I • I « ffifii, H you tall t ta this i Claimant names as witnesses within twenty days sftsr th* M elon Foster, Alvtn Higgs. James public attua o f this notice; gt 1 • iriffiu, Chris Sells, all of Powell 1 below, your answer un.1er I Notice for Publication Butte, Oregon rlflrnlly meeting and reefs Department of the Interior. P 8 thee« allegations of 'btest. at !f| It FRANK WOODCUCK. I .ami Office at The Dalles. Oregon. Register fall within that time to Hs k f January 14. 1914 First publication Iter 14 Jen 11 office due proof that mu hat* I Notice la hereby given that Edwin a ropy o f y«»or answer oa th* I R Peterson, of 1-ower Bridge. Ore­ conte-(ant atibar In par NOTH E i d • o n I » H f gon. who. on August I I . l* lu . made If this s e u l Is-parimciil of the Interior. I ’ nlted registered mall Homestead Entry No 07290 for 8K ' « N W V W S NW Section ; i . SE States Ijtnd Office, The Dalles. Ore­ made by the delivery of s refit your answer to the . ..ntsalMt Vs N K Section 2«. Township It gon. January 12. 1914 South. Range I I East, Willamette To Carl 1. Htrirkdal« of Madras. Or­ pereon. proof of such servire be either the said rnntrstagtT : egon. Contest«« Meridian, has filed notice of Inten tlon to make Fins) Three Year Proof You are hereby notified that Mel­ ten acknowledgment o! ht* rsrstpf to establish claim to the land above vin A Houghtallng. who gives rare the cwpy. showing lb- .1st» of Ml« f II described, before W ll Daggett, P J VV Brewer. Redmond. Oregon, ae •d p i o f I he sffi>!»> msd* MM» S Commissioner, at Redmond. Ore his postnlfice address, did on Nov by whom th* deliver v • gon, on the 21st (lay of February 2k. 1911. file In this offi.e his duly ing when and where (hs raff MM 1914. corroborated application to contest delivered . If road" by reg;sler*4 sMH Claimant names as witnesses and secure the cancellation of your proof o f auch aervtcc must coa^sffi George F Scott, !,. A Hunt. Roy Homestead Entry aerial No » » 847, the affidavit o f the person hf vhMffi L. Kidder, all of laiwer Bridge, ore made May 4. 1911, for SID NEY«' the ropy waa m all«.I stating gon. and John Swansou of Sisters. WVkSKH Se* iion j ; Township 14' and the poatoffice to «hick tt * 1 Oregon. B,*,, *1 s. Range 12. K . Willamette Meri­ mailed, and this * f II F R A N K WOODCOCK. dian. and as grounds for his contest ari onitvanled by the 1 »'tiisatsr* *1 l Register be alleges that said Carl I, Slock ceipt for I ha letter You should »ta t« in your ms **| Flrat publication Jan 22 Feb 1» dale has made no improvements on said land, lhal he has never lived on the nai.'.e o f the |H>etoffi. « I» said 1«*(id nor don« anything toward you deeire future aotlre# to k» re Notice for Publication Department o f the Interior. P H cultivating the same *° f a t . It F R A N K WOOOOtX* I-and Office at The Dalles. Oregon, You are. therefore, further noti­ H»«ire| January 14, 1*14 fied that the said allegations will be I (ate o f flrat publient : •», J»*«*'I Notice la hereby given that Georg« (aken as eonfesaed. and your said F Scott o f tgywer Hrldge. Oregon, entry will be ran » ? J Z < Melael. of Deschutes. Oregon, who for the anni o f Three llundrad ». on October 14. 1912. made Home N o t h e tip c o n t e s t Four Hollara and Eighty <»>• atoad Entry No «10758, for 8K I, Department of the Interior P u with Intareat theraoli at th* ™ , Section 15. Township 1« South! U n d Office, The Dalles. Oregon th* - B* ^ '»regoli ten per cent per anniim f f u « ^ ^ stY Range 12 East, W illamette Meridian January a. I 9 I 4 M day o f November. IH * haa tiled notice o f Intention to make Od- ? . r , V ‘ of « « » n y . id - with the further »um of Fifi» v\»«ii Contest«« Final Commutation Proof, to estab Tow lar», na attorney fee» an« |„ llsh claim to the land above desrrlb J ames conta and dlaburgemelit». * , , , » * ed. before W B Daggett, If. a Com Æ „ * r wh. " d br " ' ’i' 1''*"1 for an order o f said Court •*> _ miaaloner, at Redmond. Oregon, on " » hl» post office *,| attached personal proprrtj the 21st day o f February, 1914 In Thl ’ ' « " n p f " ‘ ,n,,*r 6, I !t n , file Ing to the defendant In Crook «" J Claimant namea as witnesses Olaf Anderson, William Gift, ||en applicano. T o hl* '* ",r rnrr"borated ly. Oregon, to aatlafy anld J " '» * «»,* attorney reea and roela ry Oray, all o f Dearhutea, Oregon r r , 0nn,o„ r ; 0 ; r * * * T h l» auuimon» I» pul>ll»l"’,l *| and Rasmus Peterson of lledmond der o f the Hon tl Hprlngef. Oregon. of the County Court o f Cn»>h t® H. F R A N K WOODCOCK. , j. s,,‘ M und w s w i / J * • y. Oregon. Ifith day of i '" c * * r ( 1913, directing that th-’ Flrat publication Jan pnhllahed for a ll eopaeciltlv# - the flrat puhllcatton of which 1» Itaa Notice for Publication Ion Millfl Irti«.» <4 a"' r H ri» ‘ flrat day o f January. 1911- V " ; . - Department o f the Interior. U s lo laal on the 12th day of Kctiraeo1 Land OBlce at The Dallea. Oregon cultivate said tra. t " « r** thereof; timi ..i,. \ •"J' Part 1*14. ^ December 19, 1913 Dated and puhllahed •*»• '* hereby given that Clyde abandoned saldara, t fñef,,n “ n h" " time January 1, 1914 r W Brown o f Powell Butte Oregon J. A. W II-M ’P ^ who, on December 26. 1907, „ , , 4; Attorney f » ' bl» employment In the army,; First publication J»n • I*’" I.AGEK HE EH <>N D llYI «.Il 1 ,hlM 418.67 Postal savings bank deposits Bills payable for money borrowed 26,000.00 1,260.00 Due to hanks and bankers............... . W ILL REDMOND ('. II. IRVIN, Furniture & I mlertaki« WHEN — CAM . MANUFACTURERS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED PINE LUMBER. OUR MILL IS THE NEAREST POINT THAT YOU CAN GET HIGH-GRADE LUMBER. OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Miles Southwest of Laidlaw. ( « M m a l l t r M ma*Hw In lere*»! P a id <»«« Dep»»altM. If you want to buy or **11 mi »uto or anything ri»*, advert!»* REDMOND, OREGON Anderson Bros.’ Saw Mill liUSINKSH ltr.n l O lir S ln le m c n tw . lavt u. do your ne«t order o f Job printing High grade work and prlrea »all.factory The lledmond Spokeamau Hobb’s Cash Grocery and Bakery Y OUR wi>r To rent a h # «w To eell a houne To get a hoarder To rent a room To |ue.tlon was Heardred. that th* pen I. mightier than the .word | The dectalon waa given to the nega January H r ■ sS a® «