The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, January 15, 1914, Image 1

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    Redmond Spokesman
Published at the “ Hub City” o f Central Oregon
No. ‘JH
REDM OND, ('KOOK C O U N T Y , O R EG ON. T H U R S D A Y , J A N U A R Y 15, 1914
all nitt<l«
f j M a r , m a l l i » I I I » I l l r r l l H * ut
in thr lt<«lllionil, Powall Rutti»
>Bll rumalo l'n»)«« i awrtlana lo ho
l.rir naturila?. Jattuary 17, lo
(io« \V*at and bear hltn «»ut
Ho, Mi plana for Ih« alai«* and K»d
lini go«rriimi*n( (w !ak* o*rr Um
Z n , i mitai unii **f th* ( ‘«niral Or
• Z it Irrlcalloti (*o'i
**g r*gat l«»n
^ H min piata aaiua al aa earl? a «taf*
tonai bla
i i di k m , u i m i N H i i » !
ixirtmettt **f
ln lrrl«»r I»
K »H
Fve ryu u* la Invitad lo attend Itila
ina*! In*.
Will be bald III
l\tirala hall al .1 o'clock, and alio*
by thè ir attendane* that they ara In
a< • <»rd ali ti iti* g overn or's vlawa In
r** a r d lo r o m pi* ! Ing Iti* North l ’a
nal. whn ti h i e u it a Ut* fu tu r* proa|»*r>
1* y of »itila pari of lb * county
(iov Ural « III hold a in** 11 UK
her* on III* above itala and Ihn* and
In the avallili* *o*a lo llelid « h e r *
h* «111 hold another meet In* almi*
ttl* aaiua linea
DI M l > l i f t 111 | i » \ \ l l (
i m in
io .
I ti* I «»uri
(t i * ICem*«l)
Id ra In
\p|»*al l o Ilia s t a t e l U i l -
g«»n I r r ig a t i«» » « Hrlt atu r
r«»n«l r « i m m l » a l o n
< r:<»r Ima Inatruc!*«! Hu|>*rvlain* Kit
■ r M er I'epaon. according tu informa
■ inn receIved by Ijovartmr Waal, lo
■nah«' a report u | m » ii lha |»ra«tl«ahlt
■ I' « «if flir a« hem* aa a4i«in aa poaaihl*
\ Tha i ’*ntral Oregon Irrigation Co
haa moda a proposition to Ihr alai*
to relln«|ulah rontm l of Ih* pro)**! If
th«- atata will pay for lmpr(»vam*nta
It haa made
II la estimated that the
jroat o ftha Iranafar will I h * ab«»ut
$300.000 and the work could h*
coiiiplatad for about flOU.OUO addi­
li la undaratiMHl lhaf a man named
Seit»*ri from North Dakota, « a a ra
rently in Metollus and haa inaile ar
rnn*ematila to build a (lour mill and
elevator thar* tha coming spring
Th* Intention. Il la aisled, la Io er*« t
a I atory flour mill « I t h a rapacity
of 2<»0 barrala of flour a «lay
sP M IA I.
There « I I I be a B pacta I ahow at th*
riparks Haturday aft ar noon from
I 30 to 2 30
Thla will give th*
t iattura plenty o f time to a** the
ah«»« baf«»re the apaaklng takea
place at K hrrt’a hall at 3 o ’clock, at
*hlrh time (Iov West wrlll addraaa
th* people
i i i k l h
lo la% «*allnalr i r a l ra l O r r -
gjB (..M.-rtior Waat « aa iiotlflrd laat
■ orli by Ih* department of Ih « In
■ ri<>r that hla auiiM tlun that
H and Federai li«»v«rntn*nt
H i M «unipiata tha North t'aliai Pro)
H i t of tha ('antral Or«*«»n lrrl*ailon
had bran forwarded lo tha r«s
H a mat Ion aefv Irr
An invaall*atloii of (ha Project
H i l l t»r made through that depart
■tirili and th* I »apart turnt of th* In
Port land and every other city of
the atat* of Oregon ar* absolutely
shorn of all )»«»w«*r to aay what tha
prop 1 •* thereof shall pay for street
car fare, for gaa. electricity or for
any public service which they uo*
Hu* h mattera ar* all within the
ohtluatv* powers of th* State Rail*
r«»a*l Commlaalon under the public
Utilities art
Such Is th* «*fT«*«'t of th* decision
handl'd down l»y Cnltad Htat«*a Cir­
cuit Judge l( H Mean at Portluud
Monday morning In granting an In­
jun« turn agaluat th«* city of Portlau«!
enforcing the alt for a-«juart*r car-
far* ordinance paaa«*<| am ir weeka
It la the first time the public utili­
ties a« t «»f th* atat* haa b«*en put to
a teat, and the ruling of Judge Itean
upheld lh«* contention of the Port­
land Hallway. Light A Power Com­
pany through and through
K \11C \ s s >
llu l.tis M K K T IN b
The annual meeting of the Central
Oregon Id v eat or k A Agricultural As
aorlatton met Monday of last week to
elec! off!« era and transact other busi­
ness. aa>a th«* PrlUevllle Journal J
S Williamson. J H Shipp and J F
II lane hard were alactad • I m N dt
direr tort
A vote of thatika was ten
dered to th* people of Crook county
and th* Oregon Washington Itallroad
a Navigation Co . tin* Oregon Trunk,
Great Northern. S P A S und N I*
railroads for their splendid Special
premiums an«! generous auport. The
«11 re«*tors «*l**«’t«»«l J F lllanchard,
president. J H Shipp, treasurer; J
F Cadi*. s«»< retary
Plana to make
th* DM4 Crook County Fair a hum­
mer are already «Oder way.
Try our Classified Ada
1c word
The Owl for Busy People
Itali) (rain rari» « a y hrl«m-ii Central Orrg««M lM,ln*" “ n'* •*•»»■«l»t»«*.
T u a r M -leeplng «ar (berth. • ! « * « ) .
Mr»«-« l a « r«aMT»ra.
ISave a Day Kach Way
Crom I m ir a i Oregon
lrf<av» t i n n i i ............... II SO p ni
I « * » Deschutes , . , . « : « » I » '"
I m r n Redmond . . . . » 1 0 pin.
l.<-avn Tnrrnlionnn . . . 9 :2 « pm
l # » n T u l r n r ............. 1 0 : 02 p m.
I<«»ave M n l o l l n s .........10:20 pm.
I # « » » M a i l r a a ............10:30 pm
Arrlvna Tori land . . . . 8:10 am .
Tu <'«mirai Or«*K«*n
P o r t l a n d ...........7:00
Madraa . . .
Mot olili» . .
l'ulvnr . . .
.7 08
Red monti .
Deschutea .
l l a n d .........
p m.
a m
a ni.
a in.
Prompt «la»patch o f freight helnren « Vnlral Oregon an.l Cortland.
anil Cnrtlaml and Knetern « ’Mia».
«'onnactlona » . . l a
u i i . i .
l'ia n t iln g
ahi k i : t i m t
|»\II(\(»I( H
«»»• M f
$1.50 PER Y E A R
In Portland to and from Valley. 4
Astoria and Clatsop llaach point». Puget Hound. H poll »no, Montana,
t'olorado, HI. Caul. Omaha. Kan»#« City #"'• * hlcago.
Caraa. lima »chadula» and othnr Information by lallar or upon
nppllratlnn In
II. R A U K O U Aicrnt. Krdmond. Orrjfon.
H. H. ('rosier, A. O. P. A.
W. C Wllhaa, A 11. F and P. A . Portland. Or«-
llr|irKi'iilall,<> K. J. HliinoM Work-
Ina In I n l r m l o f Oregon
Following I» lha full tail of th«
bill n-ri-nlly Introduced by Repre-
m-nfatlv« N. J Hlnuolt In tha Inlarasl
of homaalnadar» In Oregon. Kaa.lar»
of lha hill urn uaka.l to writ« Mr
Mlnuott, ■( Washington, D I' , thnlr
opinion of th« maaaur«, anil offer
A bill lo próvida for a d«farr«d
r«»l<l«-nca homestead
lia II enacted by (ha Hanata and
Ilona« of Hapraaanlallvaa of lha
( tillad States of America In ('»mcri-aii
Thai any parson who Is
a qualified «nlryman undar the home
Opportunities for men of character are not hard to find.
■lead laws of lha Cnltad Statas may,
on RHnic lha affidavit raqulrad by
A bank account is an evidence of character and. a bank book
Hartlon 2290 of tha Revised Hlalulas
of lha Cnltad Hlal«*a, el«ct to anlar
showing regular deposits is the passport to opportunity and
what shall ba de»lgnaiad as a da
the key to success.
(erred residence homaalaad and ahall
hay« Ihraa yaara from date of filing
Enroll yourself as a depositor and become a member of
In whl. b to establish realdance on th«»
the "Opportunity Club.”
Section 2 Thai lha «nlryman on
establishing residan«-« on saltl home-
Don’t forget that the bank account is the first step to­
slaad shall file a notice of (ha sama
ward success and fortune; p ro m ts your family in emer­
III tha loeal land office, giving dala
of establishing raaldanra
gency; educates your children; makes you independent;
Hartlon 3 Thai
no certificate,
however, shall lie »;l>eti or patent
you a standing in the community; is a valuable aid in
Issued therefor until the aspiration
of IIva years from tha data of such
any enterprise undertaken any where by any body, under
entry; and If at tha aspiration of
any conditions.
such lima, or at any time wrlthln two
years hereafter, the person maklnx
One dollar will start a bank account with us.
W hy not
such entry, or If h« ha d«-ad. his wltl-
ow, or In case of her death, his
begin today and have at least one of your idle dollars draw ­
hairs or devisar, or In case of a
widow makliiK such entry her hairs
ing interest and at work while you sleep?
or d«-*t*«*e. In rasa of
her death,
proves by himself and by two cred­
ible witnesses that he. sh«-. or they
have a habitable house upon the land
and have actually resided upon the
same for th«» term of thr«-«- yeurs suc-
ceedltiK the date of estahllahliiK real-
dance and cultlvate«l the lands ap­
plied for In compliance with this
art. and makes affidavit that no part
of such land has t»-en alienated, es-
rept as provided In H«»rtloit 2283 of
th<- Revise.I Statutes of the Cnltad
States, and that he. she. or they will
hear true allegiance to the Govern­
ment of the Cnlted Stars, then. In
such rase, he. she. or they. If at
that time citizens of the Cnlted
Slates, ahall ht- entitled to a patent,
aa In other .aa«-a provided by law
Provided. That upon filing In the
loral land office notice of the be­
ginning of such absence the entry-
man shall be entitled to a continuous
leave of ahmuire from the land for
H O T » T I I K H f R N S H «»M »:
it iierlo.l not exceeding live mouths
In each year after establishing real
dance, snd o|x>n the termination of \t II mih lion»*» \«»ar SWter* Com-
such ab»«-nce the entryman shall file
plrteljr Destroyed
a notice of such termination In the
local land office, hut III the caa<> of
The W. T. K. Wilson house, one
commutation the fourteen months' aixl a half mil«*«« east of Sisters near
actual residence as now re<iulred by
law must be shown, and the person the Wilson mill, burned to the
commuting must he at the time a ground with all Its contents about
citizen of the Cnlted States: Pro
11 o'clock last Friday, says the Sis­ HKIHIN41 H O TK 1. A M » C O N T M T 8 Ut>V. W E S T 'S A T T E N T IO N C A I.L-
vlded. That when the person making ters Itersld
The fire Is supposed to
entry ill«»» before the offer of final have originated In the celling where
proof those succeeding to the entry the pipe from the stove passed thru
must show that the entryman had It.
Wilson had just arrived
complied with the law In all respects horns on the stage and a hot fire w as
to the date of hla death, anil that built to warm her up. which is sup-
they have since compiled with the poaad to have been the cause of Eire Iturneil So R api«ll) That Ther«» IVrtland «Tty Council Com i- Oat
law In all r«»sp«»cts as would have starting the fire. It had gained such
h«»en required of the entryman had headway b«»fore being discovered
Was No Tim e to Save Aay
High l ’enalty ami lu t­
he lived, excepting that they are re­ that It was Impossible to extinguish
ili the Furniture
erest Rates
lieved from any requirement o f resi­ It or save but little out of the build­
dence upon the land: Provided fur­ ing
Mr. Wilson was preparing to
ther. That the entryman shall. In mol c to his farm for the rest of the
order to comply with the rcpiirc
winter and had laid in quite a stock
men is o f cultivation herein provided of provisions which, with everything
for. cultivate not less than one thirty- i except a little bedding, was burned.
Sisters Herald: Fire which broke j
That the public la unaware o f the
second o f the area of hla entry be­ The loss will be quite heavy aa there out at 6 o'clock Wednesday morning provisions of the new tax law and as
ginning with the second year of the was no Insurance on either house or
completely destroyed the home of a result will be subjected to hard­
entry, and not less than two thlrty- furniture.
Mr. and Mrs Dan Helslng, located ship is the statement made tn a set
seeonds of the area beginning with
of resolutions adopted by the mem­
(he third year, and not t«>«a than 1 Try our Classified Ada—-lc word. near the head of the Metolius river.
The fire Is supposed to have started bers of the city council of Portland
thr«»«' thlrty-aeconds of the area be- 1
from a defective flue as Harry Hels- ruOMtly and which were forwarde«l
ginning with the fourth year, and
to Gov. West. A part o f the resolu­
not less than four thirty-seconds of revert to the Government: Provided, tng had gotten up a little before 6
o ’clock and built the fires. lea vin g tion follows.
the ar«»a beginning with the fifth That the three v«»ars of residence
the kitchen for a few minutes he was
" Y o u r attention Is directed to the
y«»ar, and until final proof. ex«»ept herein fixed shall date front the time
soon attracted by seeing smoke Issu­ provisions of this statute providing
that In the case of entries under Sec­ of establishing actual permanent res-
penalty and Interest in the event
tion 6 o f the enlarged homestead law . IdaUCU upon the land.
Se«-llon 6— That In case o f the portion of the walls and celling of a taxpayer does not pay any taxes on
double the area of cultivation herein
the kitchen were on fire. So quickly April ----the day set for the payment
provided ahall he required, hut the abandonment or the relinquishment
of taxes— or if he has paid one half
Secretary of the Interior may. upon o f said land or the cancellation of did the flames spread that it was im­
of the taxes April 1, should fall to
a satisfactory showing, under rules said entry In a collusive contest with possible to save anything In the
pay the remaining part on Septem­
and regulations prescribed by him, the entryman neither said entry nor building, and the family only had
ber 1. 191«. These provisions, as
reduce the required ar««a o f cultiva­ any part thereof shall be subject to time to escape with what they had
we understand them. Impose s pen­
tion: Provided. That the above pro­ entry by any person who. either di­ on.
"tlelsln gs" (3 a well known and alty o f 10 tier rent snd interest at
vision ns to cultivation ahall not ap­ rectly or lndlr«vctly, was a party to
ply to enlrt«»a under the Act of April said collusive contest or who, for s popular r«»sort, being visited every the rate of 12 per cent per annum
28, 190«, commonly known aa the valuable consideration, aecnre«! or summer by many pleasure seekers when the entire turn Is delinquent,
and if one half of the taxes should
Klnkalil Act. or entrl«»s under the causeil said abandonment or relln- from all parts of the northwest. The
house has b«H»n built less than two be paid April 1. then penalty at the
Act of June 17. 1902. commonly qulshment.
Section « — That the provisions of years and was o f sufficient stxe to rate o f 1 per cent per month until
known as the Reclamation Act
September 1, and then 10 per cent
Section « — That if at any linn» this acl may apply to all unperf«»cted accommodate quite a number of
penalty thereafter, plus 12 per cent
after the filing of the affidavit, as homestead entries at the option of guests
The loss Is hard to estimate as Interest per annum, snd at the ex­
required In S«»ctlon 2290 of the R e­ the entryman within one year after
of one month from the date
vised Statutes of the United States, the passage of this act by the entry- their bedding and furniture used tn
of delinquency, a certificate of de­
and before the expiration o f the five man giving notice by registered letter the summer tents together with win­
years above mentioned, tt Is prov«»d. to the register and receiver «»f the ter supplies and quite a number of linquency may Issue to the specula­
after due notice to the settler, to local land office of hla desire to exer­ furs s«»cured through trapping by tor in these securities, bearing the
high rate of 15 per cent per annum.
the satisfaction of the register of the cise said option. In which event the Mr. Iletaing during the winter, were
l.and Office, that the person having date of the r««oelpt of said notice by stored In the house, which, together In addition to the penalties and int­
filed such affidavit has fatted to es­ the register and receiver shall he with all their clothing and many erest accrued at the time of the is­
suance of this delinquency certifi­
tablish resident's within three years considered for the purposes o f this priceless articles were destroyed.
The building was Insured for )800 cate.”
after the date of entry, or abandoned act as the tlato o f the homostead
Provided, That nothing In the policy having been taken out leaa
the land for more than six months entry:
Going to get married*
I .et us
at any time or failed to cultivate the this art shall be construed as ex­ than two months ago.
design your engagement cards and
same as herein require«!, then and In tending the time for final proof
wedding Invitations.
Our Want Ada work wonders.
that event the land so entered shall where the same has expired.
Redmond REDMOND,
of Commerce