The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, January 08, 1914, Image 1

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Published at the “ Hub City” o f Central Oregon
V O L 4.
No. 27
u s ili
mill lie » meeting llalli In
I "II the «fll'f III".II . f it n F
», January 1 7. «I :i o'clock uf Hu­
ll «In' arp Interested In III» rum
f Hi» Nutlli •'anal
I t . Iitral Or»«.Ill lrrl«allun I mn
an) a a»«r»«alli>D
Moat uf lh»
ni|ila directly lnl»r»al»il In Hi la mat
i ii«a iii tli» 1‘owall Hull.- district
| ,...temor W e a l . «bu la tr>m. tu
[ . . ! . f»il»ral ami alai» tak. ..>. i
|l . , 1 . 0 1 » project. haa rail».I tin
In. »tin« «till »III b» preeent tu atat»
b¡» <l»»a mi the aubjia t uf takln«
btal Ikla prajMl an,I lia» in« It com
1 1 ,1 •- 1 .1 « lili th» l»aat jMiaai til» i|»|a)
l » u m»»tlii«» »III ba halil on th»
laI m >» » ilat», un» In tbla »Hr at tli»
ñutí» above lli»utlou»il. an.I tin- ..tin-t
■a It »ml In th» » «» n ln « at a o VI.» k
Th» fullualn« la a ropy of a letter
I » liIt h lha Uurarnur haa ai|<lr»aa»<l tu
[the Commercial flubs al Kc.lmoud
I ami Hand
I her e
At tha Cummerrlal Club meeting
laal nliht President Hudman inad»
one of tba beat " « » I together" talka
llatvned to In Hedraond fur a lun«
time Mr Hudman outlined a |Hi|lry
fur lha club and bualneaa men uf
Ite.lmond that »III brln« reaulla and
l»nd to brln« all rlaaaes uf bualneaa
llitrreala uf the city rloaer tu«»th»r
Working along
the llnaa from
rr»ald»ut Hudman'a talk aeteral Hu
p»irtant measures war» taken up and
»III be rarrled through that » III ma
terially benefit Hedmund and thla
section of Crook county
One of th»a» la th» eatabllahlng of
a rural f r » » d»ll»»ry mall aerylre
from thla city, eervlng a dlatrlrt that
haa lung been dealroua and la de
serving of eurh aerylre
Another matter that » aa taken
up and dtaruaeed a aa that uf patron
lilng hum» Induatrlea It »aa ahowu
that right bare in Hadmond prudurta
are made and ralaed that should b»
bought and runauined Inalead of buy
Ing outalde gooda The mall urder
buying «aa alao entered Into and the
aplrlt uf the meeting aaa'that thla
method of buying ahould lie frowned
upon If we were tu make Ke»lmund a
rlty that It abould be and entourage
the bualneaa men In their effort« tu
help build up the town
With he "get together" aplrlt that
haa now been eho»n by the bualneaa
man of the rlty thera la no reaaon
why Kedtuund ahould not go ahead
and get what »he la entitled tu that
la. the beat agricultural rlty aud
trading point In Central Oregun
I » leti tu auk your ro operation
In arranging fur a meeting of the
arttlera of the Central Oregon Irrl
gallon I'ro Jec( ai Kediuoud, January
17. al 3 o'rlork p m, and at llend
at k p m Thla ulflre la dealroua of
takln« up the propoaltlon of aerur
In« alale aud federal ro operation In
the mailer of rouipletln« the »aid
Carey arl project "
I'raaldent Hodman of lha Hedmund
Cummerrlal Club la urging a large
allendan.e by lit» eettlera generally
throughout the rountry tributary tu
the North Canal anil alao advise«
and urge« all rltUeua uf Hedmund tu
make It a polnl lu attend the meet
lug and «ho» by their prnenre that
they are heartily In aympaihy with
the tint*» of tiuiernur Weal In hla ef
fori« to bring about relief fur the
aeltler« aud clllieua uf Kedltiond and
ylrlnlty by puttln« the North Canal
through lu i-umpletlon
M i n k H I M . I 'll I ’/.KM
11 l). 11 I amp lla« l-arge Turnout
tu Tlirtr limiie
At the inaak ball given New Year«
K»e by the loral W O IV Camp the
fo lio» In« prltea were won
la! prlie Heat roatume, Indian
head burnt on leather. In colors.won
by Hob Hubert»
2ud prise Ileal »alls rouple. Hay
Oaburne and Mlaa Cos
I .a,It»»'
prise, burnt leather hand bag. gent'a
prise, burnt leather eullar and rulT
3rd prise Moat romlr roatume In
rharaeter. Dale darker repreaentln«
a aulfragette In roalurne uf aarkrloth
thla roattime deaertea a|>erlal men
Hun fur the fart that it »aa appre­
ciated by all the danrer» preaent
A hamiuet » aa served by the ladles
who»» relatives are members of the
Excellent liiuatr for the or
raalon was furnished by the Mrs
Spark« Orrheatra
M ID !
! 1»T HI \
One of the faaleat runs ever made
on 11 veal or k « aa made last week by
the Oregon Trunk Hy from lied-
niond to Portland Three <4 foot
rare of tine beef rattle from Prlne-
V III» left Ite.lmond Wednesday a m
a I K 15 and arrived at Portland at
In l o p m . a little over 12 hour«
Thla. railroad men aay. la esreptIon-
ally fast time
The rattle In thla
ahlpmrnt belonged to Joe Smith
in »;»
'I i f f . IM I
DemoiiatraOun Nlutan 11 liai Can Hr
Done In Hie 11 a) uf
Profeaaor Hampaun of the depart­
ment of animal liuahandry of the Or- J
egon Agrlrullural College, haa com- j
pleted a feeding leal with plga which
baa been running alnre .September I
The reaulla of the teat are algnlfl-
, ant In that they open up a broad
held for developing plga with the
definite purpoae of making them
tapable of consuming a greater
amount of food for rorreapondtngly
greater galna
On Hepetember 1, 30 plga of dif­
ferent litters were divided Into three
lota of 10 eac h All were put on a
ration of barley 10 per rent, and
tankage 10 par cent, and the teat
was continued for 61 .lay«
Dot one
waa given dry ration«, by hand l » t
two waa fed by mean« of the "aelf
feeder" I-ot three was fed by
hand, the rations being soaked for
12 hours before fewdlug
The three
lota were divided evenly aa to
weight, aes and parentage
tail one required 463 6 pound» of
feed for 100 pounds gain, lot two re­
quired 416 2 pounds of feed for 100
pounds gain, and lot three 449 6
puunda feed for 100 pounds gain
The dIRerence In dally gain between
the litters of plga waa from I 42 to
1 66 pounds The dIRerence be­
tween the lota varied only from 1 46
to 1 64 pounds The poorest lot was
better than tbe poorest litter aud the
heat lot was better than the beat
The beat Individual pig gained
2 4 4 pounds dally for 61 days.whlle
(he poorest Individual animal gained
but one pound a day. during the test
lit fedlng 100 plga similar to the
beat used In the recent lest, at the
present prices of feed and of pork,
the owner would realise $297 60 pro­
fit, not counting labor or Investment
In feeding 100 pigs similar to the
poorest, he would realllr but $115 (S
The teata »how the aelf- ’
feeder la an economical mean« of
producing pork
The labor of feed­
ing la reduced one half hy thla nieth-,
od and leas feed la required.
Gasoline Engine
UtMiti S-horite power Air Cooled (Jaaoline Engine
for Hule nt it reasonable price.
Has l>een in use
m»n for gelling: have changed to electricity.
fattening II,.g»
Advertising In a good medium al­
The Spokeeman haa the name of ways pays handsomely. The Spokes­
every taspeyer In Crook rounty, with man la a good medium.
I heir |Kialol11i e addreaa Peraona do-
You are not getlng value out of
alrlng names for mailing or other
purftoaea ran aeeure same at thla of- your paper unless you read the ad­
vert laments
flre at a reaattnable figure.
in The Spokesman office for about a year.
$1.60 FKR YEAR
On the threahhold of another year we want to pause to thank
our frlenda and patrons for the very liberal business accorded to ua
during the past year.
Into the New Year.
past year.
Aa one and all you will soon turn the corner
Look back over the road you have traveled the
Have you saved anything for the "rainy day" that never
falls to come?
Have you been true to yourself and your family?
If. not. once more before you step out Into the New Year call at our
bank and make a deposit. If only of one dollar, and in twelve more
short months take another retrospective glance and see how much
pleased you will be with yourself and the way your dollars have
multiplied from the one little seed you planted in our bank January
1. 1914.
ll’e wish every young man In the community would start
a bank account with the New Year.
It would not mean much to
ua. but It would mean lots to them.
How many will make the ex­
Have your Idle money drawing interest for you on the
first day of the glad New Year, 1914.
salvation. It's free.
Try it.
This is our advice, and. lilce
While the feeling of good fellowship
Is In the air and good resolutions are being made for the New l’ ear.
would It not be a good Idea to resolve that you will save more money
during the coming year than during the past one; then come in and
open an account with us and watch it grow'.
Redmond Bank of Commerce
the Bride. Mesdames May and Bron­
son of Manchester, and Miss Krva
Burdick, sister of the groom.
A family Christmas dinner had
been given by Mr. and Mrs. Wirt
Bronson, w hich is an established cus­
tom at their home
This year 20
relatives participated, among them
the bride and her parents. The wed­
ding followed in the afternoon when
many additional guests were pres-
I ' l t K T H .ll. INFORMATION Wll.l. XI PTIALN AKK t'KI.FHKATKD AT ent. Light refreshments were served
by the Misses Ruth Cornwall .Marion
SI KM r-H. I « » 1
Thrush. Marion L'ruvcr. J«Wtl W il­
son and Kathline Bronson.
The newlyweds left on the evening
train for Minneapolis, where they
stopped a few days, then went on to
Agricultural Department 4'rook 4'o. Mr. and Mr». Denton 4,. Hurdu k al Metolius. Oregon, where the groom’s
parents reside. They will then go
Home to Friend* Here
to Redmond. Oregon, where they will
Digit School Will Hold a
make their home.
After Feb. 1.
HewMioii In County
Mr Burdick succeeded to the law-
practice of G. A. McFarlane. and
since his residence in Redmond has
gained a large circle of friends who
The following account of the wed­ wish him all measure of happiness
Prlnevllle, Jan. 6.— The Agricul­
tural department of the Crook Conn- j ding of Denton G. Burdick of this and success in his Journey down life's
ty High School has Just completed city and Miss Zoa Bronson of Spen­ pathway with ills helpmeet.
preliminary arrangements with the cer. Iowa, is taken from the Spencer
Oregon Agricultural College for the
A wedding of much Interest took
M A R K S A 4i«H)|» K K C O R D
holding of a short course either In place Christmas day at the home of
C. H. Baggott is getting good re­
I'rlnevllle or Redmond next month Mr. and Mrs. W. Bronson, uncle
The exact date will be announced and aunt of the bride. The princi­ sults from his chickens Last March
later in the county papers
pals were Miss Zoa Bronson and Den­ one of his hens brought oR a brood
Thla ahort course will consist of a ton G. Burdick of Redmond. Oregon. of Rhode Island Reds. One of the
aeries of lectures, demonstrations The ceremony took place at 3 o'clock pullets from this brood started lay­
and exercises on the various phases In the presence of about 50 friends ing the 2d of August, less than five
months from the time hatched. Since
of agriculture and domestic science and relatives. Dr. Morrow officiating, that time, up to the first of Decem­
Every eRort will be made lo make using the ritual of the Episcopal ber. the hen laid 103 eggs. On De­
The decorations were the cember 20 Mr. Baggott set this hen
the course of practical benefit to church.
those who attend. Experts from the season's colors, red carnations, ferns on 12 Rhode Island Red eggs and
college w ill be on hand, not only to j and smllax.
result was a hatch of 10 good
The bride Is the only daughter of the
healthy chicks
This Is going some
give the lectures and conduct the Mr. and Mrs.
Kart Bronson, was for a young pullet, and also for re­
demonatratlons. but to ask any raised In Spencer, where she is popu­
sult of hatch Other people who have
questions that may be asked.
lar and enjoys a large circle of |
The object of this course Is to pro­ friends. Her father. Karl Bronson, is good poultry are requested to take
notice and see If they can come up to
vide the largest amount of practical publisher of the Spencer Hernld and
Information the time available will apparently a successful candidate for this record.
permit, and to oRer It at the season the Marshallshlp of the Northern
of the year when the rancher« can Iowa district.
President Rodman of the Commer­
best leave their farms.
The groom ia a young lawyer lo­
The work In Domestic Science cated at liedniond, Oregon. Ia a grad- j cial Club has appointed the follow­
will aim to furnish to the home mak­ uate of the Iowa City Cnlverslty. ing standing committees for the
ers of ('rook county Information where the friendship of the happy year:
Finance— J. A Wllloox. F. XV. Mc-
The bride was at­
which will be of practical benefit In couple began.
tired In a costume of green broad­ Caffery. W. B. Daggett.
every day routine of the home.
Good Roads — M. A. Lynch. J. W.
The ceremony was preceded
Taken altogether It will be a week cloth.
by two solos by Miss Adella Bender. Brewer. W. G Phoenix.
filled with practical Information and " A Birthday" and "Immortal lxvve,"
Membership— J IV. Moore. C. H.
inspiring thoughts a week that you Miss Cleo Kunath accompanist. The Baggott. G. W Wells.
Entertainment— Z. Taliaferro. R.
cannot afiord to miss.
presents were In keeping with the
popularity of the bride, numerous L. James. R. L Schee.
Publicity—J. W. Brewer. W. C.
The out-of-town
Not alienee, but ADVERTISING, I« and beautiful.
gueats were the two grandmothers o f . Walker, H. H. Palmer.
golden to the bualneaa man.