T II K PAO K TW O H KOMONU Saturday, December 20, at 2:>?0 OVlot1 children to be here and emici win receive Be sure and In he will not have tay very lonjf. W H A T IS NICE R FOR A CH RISTM AS PRE SEN T T H A N NICE The holiday* always suggest nice thing* f«»r the table. Everybody likes it. We are showing a very large as­ sortment o f nice China, hand-painted and stamped; Cut Glass and plain glass dishes o f all descriptions. Indi­ vidual cups and saucers for children. Moustache cups and saucers for men. .substituted. show them. Table Table Table Table Y O l’ R M A IL ORDERS FOR H O L ID A Y GOODS— T H E Y W IL L BE CAREFULLY North American Piece, *2.25. will ahow many nice glfta for the TO YOl . L V EItY T H IN G t.l \K W IK E D Vlmh Seek laical Hungarian l.ynv. Seal l)*cd. Neck Piece. *4.50. alytaO 4M Alaaka Mink Neck Piece. *1. Electric ( one* Set. Muff and Scarf. *1X50. liirwky Marmot Muff. *4.M. faction Wallaby Muff. *AU0 Mlaaen’ and ( hildrrn. Two Piece Seta. (1.50 to * X 50 Also Silk Scarf*. Our gent'a furnishing department \NI> SENT For a Chrudma* prevent buy a nice »et of fur». Men'* Handkerchief* V . Me, Me and 'ir,, ARE FILLED Kura arr a* popular thi* «canon a* ever, and will al wraya be worn. The *tyle* change «orne, hut fur* are rapable o f giving to, much comfort to !>«• <|i»rarded Children'* Hamlk»-r< hi»-f* Ir , V , lOr »m l I V . Gifts for Gentlemen s',«- to $2.50 75c to >1.7.'* $2.25 to $ I *0 The I lest Way Is to tome in and See. U ilie * ' Handkerchief* Kart». .V. I Or. I.V . atlr, 2.V .‘15, anil A Oc. YOU in. wide, good patterns, sard $1.50 in. wide, good patterns, yard l..’ j in. wide, good patterns, yard 1.00 in. wide, good patterns, yard .77» Linen Doilies. t enter Pieces, Etc., in gi»od materi.ilv at reasonable prices. W e have alwaya mad« very careful selection o f handkerrhlefa for our holi­ day trade and we And that handkerrhlefa are a moat popular g ift for either ladlea or gentlemen. W e have them nicely ar­ ranged ao It la eaay to make good aelectlona. W e have bought one hun­ dred dozen handkerchlefa for thla occasion and you can get all kinda. IF Linens, 7-’ Linens, 71 Linens. 7» Linens. .11 Fancy Table Covers, open work Center Table Covers, various designs Linen Napkins, all si/es. per dozen Many other articles o f Cut Glass and China. I S In preparing for the holiday trade we have secured some nice linens and will lie pleased to Painted China Salad Sets.....................$.1.50 to $ .».00 Imported China Salad Sets.................... 1.50 to 8.00 Imported China Cake Plates...................... .*>0 to 1.00 Individual Cups and Saucers...................... 25 to 1.50 Dessert Plates (China), s e t.................. 1.50 to 2.00 Cut Glass Water Sets............................ 5.00 to 1.1.50 Cut Glass N a p p ie s ................................ 2.00 to 2.75 Cut Glass Wine Glasses, set................. 2.25 Cut Glass T u m b lers .............................. LOO to 9.00 SEND Linens an- the one article that cannot well he NO T S A T IS F IE D We stock that W ITH GOODS have PURCHASED OF I S, a of shoes will please We carr « complete line. Tell us the price you "ant to pay and we can supply you with a colLst that is SI RE to please. Nice Necktie* A great many different Silk Handkerchief* ♦ * Su*|»ender* and Ho* put up in nire Inez to select from. Sup|H>rter*. . .OI to «I..V I Silk Sox. II pair in hox, f o r ........ Linen Handkerc hief* styles Felt Slippers Comfy Slippers I.V to .IV Cuff liulton*. pair T ie H o ld e r * ......... lea th er Slippers Al l f o r t he Christmas Hat*. Cap* ami (¿loves in large a*- Hortnient*. IRRH. 1-lh cartons presents. LYNCH THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES AND LOWER REDMOND, OREGON • f hy chance some error t* ins'P •'J u* In »tenting w llh )»>u. <•" hesitate to »a ll our a tie n d o « *" We w ill gln ill) rectify error ami itiank you for »allisg o « r attention lo II.