The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, December 11, 1913, Image 1

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    Redmond Spokesman
Published at the “ Hub City” o f Central Oregon
No. £$
I I <>|-| I
li n i
s i l i c i t i s i II
i n . s i n in i N
KnoM T h * ) ( m w I 'o lA lu r *
f 11 O rrtf«»#" llr*n»«r I i « m 1
k tir» tliry * f r » potai or«
|«> ii **
look at Ih» prrtty applr« **
do thry tnakr pumpklna
bis ’
1 1 hrjr ratrb thoar big fl«b » U h
, i ttastM
> arr «amplra of thr r t p r r « »
bai ! l*> iim ur»'iuii r«*t f . n«-i.• »
kf -!i.- I .and l ' r o d u r t a
r • «
,.*n’ »» r. k
Orvgon rih lblt un thr malti
>f thr <*ntl«*«lttl ha« brrtl thr
of tu tir h attmtlon. arrordlu«
■U h
C, it hapman and othrra » h o At**
Job back thrfr
[ilrtnrtttItig thr <!l«|il#)‘ ttiadr
«tato uf Oregon througli ita
l At ioti Cuiu tninnlot) and ih*-
|nd ('ommrrrlal t'lub
1« Ih«'
' t
[ of thr Urrat Northrrn Itali» a>
%ny, »h lr h 1« su in a murh at
E>n to Or«gon thI« >oar
(irotulnriit fraturr of thr Urrat
rrn rihlblt la thr pila of Krd
l»r n a t ttrtrrr « a » «urh finn and
i (Mitator#,** wrltra Krrd W tira
» r«trrn luduatrlal and Itnml-
un «grill of thr tirrat Northrrn.
[haa t»m i In attrndatire at thr
ili Addltlon to nur big produrla
II. 120 frrt long by I 1 S frrt
un thr maln floor. « r havr a
rtrlualvr lltrratorr hall and
funnlng rontlnuoua moving pie-
aud «trrroptlron Irrlurr«. do­
na »'m ir a i
t trrgon and othrr
rrn »«'rtira
W r arr thr outy
acnntlnmtal Amrrlran rallway
ha« an rih lb lt at thr fhtrago
Wlth thr «tato of Orrgon of
i'. n lilb lt and «»»ir «$»n. f r u ir a i
r>n la »#11 rrprrarntrd In thl»
• «h o w *‘
ID I I llll.I.w I M I KOI It NOT
T in E H ill.** Ilk PO K T K I»
lie U
II. C la r k ( o n ile in n a llo n Hull
ll r * u l t e i l In a A e n llc t
o f •l.n .V I
I’ rtnevllle Journal
Circuit court
for btialneaa Monday morning
t pened
I 1» o'clock with the reading of the
aleudar of caaes by Judge llrad
lifter which the clerk drew Un­
ti .unes of Bevevi men from a box ami
(Ills procedure evolved the
id Jury, which M j d.-t.-t mine»
fv ho of us sre still entitled to life.
|lherly and the pursuit of happiness,
»fier whlrh th « court settled down to
fthe trial of rases.
both civil and
• rlmlnal.
There were no murder trials or
lot her criminal M M of MOM than
J panning Interest, and the c iv il canea
I » #r# fpw.
The grand Jury conalaled of the
I following men (Jen W Noble, fnre-
I man; T. A. Taylor. J. W. Stanton. P
Chitwood. I F Shutt, A. V. Thomp­
P. T. Monroe waa nworn In at
tirai but waa obliged to leave on ac-
«ininf of alckneaa In hla family, and
Jamen Ityan of llrnd. waa »worn In
In hla atead.
The flrat civil cane to lie tried waa
one brought by the alate va Wm K
Clark, to condemn fi« arrea o f land
mi defendant-a ranch for the location
of a reservoir alte under the Tullíalo
T h « Jury r«lurned a ver­
dict for $1**150. The alate hail offer-
eil the defendant $20 tier acre for
the land dealred.
Attorney General
A M. Crawford waa preaent und con­
ducted the caae for the alate
engineer O. I.auregaard of the Tum­
ulo Project, waa preaent an a wltnesa
on behalf of the state
The defend­
ant waa repreaented by II. II Ke Ar-
mond of Rend.
The next civil caae fried waa nn
nctlon by one (lay of Bend, ngnlnut
tl.50 PER Y E A R
| houaw ro in p a n y ,
lin nrpo ra la d
$ 10,000, pava from 10 to 27 par rani
illvldand*. und ii ( l o o »tiara of alork
now hua u hook valua of $ 1 ( 0 .
Strength, Solidity,
Stability, Security
Anotliar purchased u warehouse
for »2,2r.o I w » yaar a ago
l.nai yaur
lliay hulll a platform ua larga na the
| original h o u se , houglii a ranvaa to
i nvar II, and a Kaaollne alavalor. and
thla yaar paid a lo par rani divldand
III BAIONI» I M IM I l i s - I M O N | \ .
haalda Havi ng lha mamhara a naal
aom III purrhaaaa
I K i l l I I S I ’ l H I.II
Tha dalagaia from Coo# county re
porlad a vary successful ro-oparatlva
alora. and lha ona from Corvallla, a
ro operative rraamary whlrh furn
lnli'r«**lliiK T a l k » a m i a « mmm I I ‘r o ­ lahaa an oullal for thouaaiida of ilol- |
lara- worth of frull and vagatahlaa.
ll ra ih K i l l ' l l l a a l Hai-
which would otharwlaa ha fad to tha
u n t a ) M tf li l
Tha report of lha legislative Coin-
mltlaa lold of lha good work dona at
Sail-in by lla two mamhara during lha
laal aaaalon of (ha legislature Thaaa
The Get Together meeting of tb« Iwo man ware ronaiautly ou tha alar!
Itedmond Farmers' Cnlon halli al In aiamlnlng avary maaaura Intro
M i m a hall laal Saturday night durail, and war« successful In killing
brought mil a tarar* crowd of farm­ ■avrral maaauraa that warn dalrl-
The above four words is a brief biography of our bank.
ers amt others
J II Drawn, alai» mantal in tha Intaraaia of lha farm­
president « f Ih» Farmers- l'nlon far er#. and wara Instrumental In Intro­
The bank that has these qualities should have your account.
Oregon, » » • present ami inaila an In­ ducing and paaalng three hills that
teresting talk aluna Ih» lina of rii- ware especially beneficial
W e live by helping others live.
W e will help your cash
■■l>arailiin amona 'ha farmara I. K
The National
Cnlon also haa a
Smith, who waa a dilagata from lha legislative Commltlaa at Washing
Patrons of our Time Deposit department not only
ha al union lo tha alala ronvantlon Ion lhat la looking after federal leg­
al I.a (¡randa, (olii of (ha proceed islation. and haa dona good work for
have unsurpassed protection for their funds, but are allowed
Ina* had Ihara and lui* murh a<>od (ha farmara of (ha entire country In
constant and liberal interest on their deposits.
waa arrom pi lahad
A lhat way
Thompson. prim Ipal of tha liad*
I, K Ithodea.
president of tha
The depositor with a small account will receive just as
mond achools, mada a airona talk on Tennessee Slate I nlon, and chair-
co «»peralIon, which ahowad ha waa man of lha National Committee, waa
courteous and careful attention as the one with a large ac­
thoroughly In lourh with hla subject. prasent throughout tha aaaalon
H J Harria lold of lha amount of hla addraa* on Wednesday evening
money thaï lha Kadmotid Enraiera' lie held hla audience spellbound for
The first consideration of the officers of this bank is the
l'nlon AA'arehouae had broualil Into almiMt two hours, without tha least
Itila section for dialrihulloli amona Indication of weariness
security of the funds intrusted to our care by depositors.
lha farmara. and ahowad that a yaar pari of his hearera. Ilia good sound
• I " thl* rondinoli did hoi pravall reasoning and hla valuable Instruc­
W ith a large paid up capital, a strong surplus and undivided
Hr alao talkrd about poultry amp­ tion. frequently Illustrated by funny
utatila from this aarllon and rouu- atorles, proved him to be a speaker
profit account, a practical and conservative management, and
aalad lha farmara In aal lhair poul­ of considerable ability
try In aood rondlllon for ahtpmanl,
On Tuesday evening. Prof
a representative board of directors, this bank is prepared to
and Ihua alwaya rommand lha top Pherson of I he Oregon Agricultural
you the best service possible based on sound banking
markal prlraa
Collage, gave an addreaa Illustrated
Kurina (ba ayanlna a lllarary and by lantern slides. In which he (old of
mualral proaram waa rendered, a i ­ the work of the committee of about
tar whlrh a fina auppar wa* aarvad 100, of which he waa a member,
If you are not doing business with us why not begin
whlrh waa pariakan of by (ha 200 which waa sent to Kurope by this
for the purpose of
Tha manibara of lha Cnlon daalra studying the system of rural credits
to thank lha ladta* throuab
Tha whereby the farmers are able to bor­
Hpokraman, for Ibrlr afllrlant work row money at less than half the rates
He pre­
In balpina maka Ilia anlartalnmant a the American farmer pays
dicts thst within a very few years
turc waa
Tha Inrraaaad Inlaraat that haa either national or state legislation
baan abow n III lha Cnlon by farmara will be enacted which will he the
who ara not now manibara. baa da- means of furnishing money on farm
rldad Ilia ofllrlala of Iba organisation security at a very greatly reduced
lo hold anotliar Get-Together meet- rate of Interest.
The Commercial (Tub of luiCrande
Ina (ha lattar pari of January
provided a meeting place, paid for
!.. K. stillili-* Talk
In hla t a lk a l th a m e e t in g , a m o n g (he printing and badges and gave a
reception and lunch to the delegates.
o t h a r I bint:* Mr S m i t h aald
Altogether the convention was a
Thai lha f i r m a n - Kducallonal
and Co-operative Cnlon Is one of the * « » enjoyable and prob ab le affair
greatest fsrtors In the solution of the
\ P P K K t T t T K «.«Mil» A A lH lk
problem* whlrh confront the farmer*
of the Cnlted State* wa* very forci­
The Spnkeaman haa received an
bly brought out at the state conven­
tion of that organisation held at I .a order for a 72-page booklet. Illus­
Brands. I»er 2. 3 and 4. any* U K trated with half tone*, from a Port­
Smith of thl* city, delegate from the land concern The reputation of The
Itedmond local
Mr Smith further Spokesman for doing a high grade of
work wa* what necured the order.
There were <0 delegate* In attend­
p o t I ,I 111 SH O W
ance. reprraentlng Bo local union*
and 1» county organisation*
At a meeting of tho Redmond
were alao from loo to I Bo visitors
present during the session, most of Poultry Aaaortatlon held laat night It
whom were from leirltory within a wa* decided to hold th« aoi-ond an­
radius of Bo miles from I .a Grande nual «xhlhltton In lt«dinnnd on Jan
A. J. Sanford wa* A L L E G E D IIA M A U K M S I K H T O R H \S SE N T O l'T CIRCU L A R S TO M AD RAS K K IT o R TK I.I.S HOW IT
There waa one delegate from Coo* 21. 22. 23. 24
county, and two or three from the elected secretary In plat-« of E. G.
w h in : ».VMMMi
Willamette valley, but the larger Sherwood. who haa laft tha city.
number were from countie* border-1
lug the Columbia river, and those ly­
ing In the northeastern part of the j
Tha Spokaaman haa tha name o f Elfteen Prominent Ru*tne** Men of I .«Ivor C o m m is s io n e r A p p e a l* to th e W o s i l i H e th e A lost E f f e c t i v e A le th o d
atate, where the organisation I*
Tha antlra aaaalon wa* «vary taxpayer In Crook county, with
Iti-diniiiii! Were Alada
notable for It* aplrll of giM»d feeling their poatofflea addresa. Person* dfr­
P u b lic to L ig h t e n W o r k
o f E x t e r m i n a t in g
T h ese
aud hearty co-operative and for lha siring names for mailing or other
f o r S a le s p e o p le
T r o u b le s o m e P e s t a
absence of Jealousy and III feeling
purposes can secure same at this of-
The Cnlon ha* been moat effective lice at a reasonable figure.
In wheat growing aectlon*. but haa
-------------------------- ■
alao demonstrated II* value In local-
It lea where potatoes, fruit, hay. J
Madras Pioneer:
W e notice a
At the December term of the cir­
■‘ Do your shopping early In the
slock and other line* of diversified
Tho Rp(lmoml Commercial Club
cuit court held at Prlnevllle laat month, early In the week and early communication to the Oregonian
farming are practiced
a Christmas dance Thura-
President Crowe of the Washing­ day evening. Kec. 2B. In Ehreta hall. week the caae of J. M. Crenshaw, j in the day.” Is the advice and appeal from Central Oregon, about the ex­
ton state organisation was present, The club ta preparing to have one who sued IB prominent business men : made by Labor Commissioner to hol- termination o f the Jack rabbtta by
and told of the Immense benefit re­ of the old time. Jolly, good dance*, sf Itedmond for $50,000 for alleged ; Iday shoppers In a circular which he the national authorities sending In
ceived by the farmer* of hi* atate, and everybody I* Invited to come and defamation of character, came to ; is sending to all newspapers of the the troops to destroy them during
This could be
and particularly those of the Hlg bring an extra supply of smiles and trial. The trial lasted Friday and state. Complete, the circular Is as the winter months.
done all right, but It might prove to
Hand country, by building co-opera- UuKh, an<| a KOO<t ,,mp wm ^ K,v. Saturday and wa* the last rase on : follows:
the civil docket of the term.
As I-abor Commissioner, charged be rather expensive for L'ncle Sam.
ld " n line
n e coin
pa n le*'"t took
<»o k ° ad'va
r* h bod>
everybody Is
is * going
° t » t I ju
n d lir s for
d " ; Verdict
In favor of with the protection as far as possible It would be much cheaper for either
the " o old
a m- *'n
,a •‘v«
„„ |
W i r- f« r everybody
^ V r V |a|nUfT
$4 u
| of the workers of Oregon, I add my congress or the state to appropriate
tage o f the Inability of farmer*
' to have a good old fashioned time,
A large number of witnesses from voice to the appeal to every one to a sum of money to be given out as a
hold their Wheat, and reaped heavy £ hc’ sur'e and come,
Com mitt
Redmond were In atendance at the shop early.
profit* hy practicing various trick*
In this way. during the winter
| trial.
Do your shopping early In the
to "hear” the market during the
Attorneys W. M. Wilson of The month, early In the week, early In months, when little could be done on
wheat moving aenHon. The Trt-State
I Dalles. J. A. Wlllcox o f Redmond, the day. Observe all three of these the farm, the residents and home­
Tormlhl Warehouse Co., a farmers-
A number of friend* of Mr. and and Judge Brink o f Prlnevllle. con­ Important points and you will do Jus­ steaders could kill off the pests to
co-operatlve Institution with ware­
houses at Seattle. Portland and Spo­ Mrs J II Roe were delightfully en­ ducted the case for the defendants. tice and mercy that will be apprecla- such an extent that they would both­
| ted by thousands of overworked er but very little during the next
kane, by working wllh the local tertained a f'BOlt" at their home last
saleswomen and salesmen, and by year. This they could well afford to
warehouse*, haa done much to over - 1 evening.
Mrs. R. L. James carried
E I N E S T I S k R E t 'E IA E D
¡thousands more who realise the Im­ do If enough bounty were provided
come this evil. The company
has off the first prlxe. and Mr*. Wm. U. i
to repay them for the ammunition
portance of such action.
arranged to make loans on ware- Phoenix took the consolation prlxe
„ . „
„ „
lintiHi* receipt*, enabling the farmers Mrs Hoe wit* assisted by her m o t h - [ Tuesday morning O. A. Bradley of
Shop early and In broad daylight. used, but the buying of ammunition
to hold their wheat, preventing
a er. Mrs Hester Kent, who Is visiting j this city received a car load of 32 Don't allow yourself to linger with Is an expensive proposition when It
glut at wheal moving season anil In- her at the present. A most elabor- Guernsey heifers, shipped from Oe- the thoughtless throng after the eve- comes to killing off the numbers that
au rln a to the farmers
full market ate lunch was served during the eve- noa Junction, WIs. They are all | nlng shadows begin to fall. Do this have accumulated In Central Oregon
i rice for their wheat
nlng. Those present were Mr. and high grade tuhurculln tested, and and the fervent "God bless you" will during the past few years.
The number of rabbit drives that
P The reports of the county dele- Mrs. J. R. Robert*. Mr and Mrs AV. selected with great care from the spring from the hearts of tens of
antes were Interesting
One told o f G. Phoenix. Mr
and Mrs AV. II. best herds of southern AVtsconsIn thousands of shop girls ready to col­ have been held in different sections
« IK non warehouse that paid
for Hobbs. Mr. and Mrs R C. Immele. An uncle of Mr. Bradley s, who ha* lapse from the fatigue of the day of this fall have helped wonderfully In
killing off the pests, there having
Itself In three year*, beside saving Mr. and Mrs J A Wlllcox. Mr and been In the stock business for many the hardest kind of work.
« 1 045 for Its patrona In merchan-! Mrs. C. It McClallln. Mr. and Mrn. j years, selected and shipped them
Have you any Idea of the work of been many thousands of them killed
.line I,ur, based
Another told of a AV. H. Anderson. Mr. and Mr* R L. Mr
Bradley Is more than pleased both brain and body o f the average so far, and in some localities rabbit
* , n00 wnrehnuae whlrh wa* fully James. Mr. and Mr* DeRousa. Miss with the lot and Invites any one In- saleswoman, particularly In the city clubs have been organlxed and regu-
eniilpped and paid for In three years Myrtle Butler, Mr*. Hester Kent. M. terested In fine dairy cows to come
Contlnued on Page
Continued on Page
fiom the profits. Another ware-1 A. Lynch.
| and tee them.
Redmond Bank of Commerce