The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, November 27, 1913, Image 1

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    Published at the “ Huh City” o f Central Oregon
Ï. OEC. 1
The Tumalo Tlmra of laal work
had Ihr followlne (o aay In regard to
(hr work Ihr alatr la dolne on thr
Tumalo Project (old Columbia Irri­
ruining illy elm I Ioli lo hr ami experience li haa hrrn demon- gation Co.) nrar l-aldlaw
|pintav. Itmrlllbrr 1 Ihr rill alralml ihal Ihr »irroro! pump la In
Thr work on (ho Tumalo Project
llrilmonil have n*r room II auliti Inni lo llmrl (hr »irrar 11 I limila haa been proerraalne atradlly up lo
voir for anil two measure» lo "f (ha .i'*, an.l li la abaoiataty e» (hla lllitr. and will probably br con-
r ami ilrrlilr h>r Ihrlr «otra arnllal Ihal Iha rapacity o f Ihr tlnurd nil wlnlrr. a( Iraal aa lone na
pumping »ilaul hr I tier ro a n i II la a II la poaalblr lo br out In Ihr wrath-
’ (hey ahall rarry
Thr rrrrnl rail for blda for m-
wrll known fa ri timi during Ihr |iaal rr
t arr two ticket» for roumll
aumturr ao am n aa i h r eprlukllng mritl and drllvrry of aamr will pro-
Ihr tirili I *11 tinta ami Tro hour a r r l v n l Ihr w a lr r In Ihr rraer- vlilo work for ijultr a frw all wlnlrr
On Ihr flllsena’ ticket Ihr voir began lo lo w rr amt that al Ihr and aa noon aa thr inoltry brroinra
urn nom I nal ni arr aa fol m i l o f Ihr aprlnklltig araaou o f each avallablr, (hr Oral of Ihr yrar, work
'lay I h r r r waa li tt!«• or no prnaurn on on Ihr ble dam wlil breln.
for ! Vr ar Irmi. W Il n inn ili Ihr maina And thla In apltn o f Ihr
Thr Invratleallon of Ihr dam altr
W .}ft- McCalfry
fari lhal Ihr prrarnt pump waa krpl by borlue haa »<> far born aatlsfac-
1 >t-ar Irmi. C II Mr| mallín. koliia al Ila full rapac ity during auch lory and a good foundation baa born
A rumor
In rase of a flrr al aiirh a found lo br underneath
Oft I hr Progressive I Irk r I Ihr nom Unir Ihr r ll y woulil hr »Miwi.rlraa and that walrr waa airurk al thr bottom
«Irai Muir o f IlirailB lo rom bal
Ihr of onr of the Iral holra waa unfound-
¡2-year Irmi. Il W Karris. II (lontra Thla alliiallon will constant- rd
S*’ vrral holra havr boon drilled
biuta. U l i I'hornli
ly » r o w worar aa Ihr r l l y Inrrnaana wlh aallafarlory rraulta. and thr dl-
I |rar Iron. I*. M Iteedy. K In imputation and II aurina lo Ihr vrralon dam and eatr and Ihr rou-
I Itia o ti
• o i i m l l (h ai aoiurlhlUK
hr rrrir llnrd canal la complete«!
i of Ihr mraanrra lhal « I I I hr donr lo rrm rd y Ih r d r f r r t
II la hr- dlvrralon dam ronalata of a »olid
on Ihr ballot for Ihr ronalilrr llntrrd Ihal aurh a pump would obvl- rourrrtr alrurlurr, farrd on thr up­
I of Ihr voters la for ammulina ; » I r Ihr nnrraally o f a piimprr. (hua per aide of Ihr spillway with email
Ihirtm " f ll>" rlly aa follows
saving Ih r rlt y almul (1 0 0 0 a ynar round and flat rorka, with a sluice-
>t an amrmliiiriii lo arri Ion » ■ m Ihal Un ii alonr, and Ihal. al ( h r gatr and hradealr for Ihr canal Thr
•hartar " f the city of Uni lo n tra!, Ih r pump would |iay for II- floor of Ihr aplllway la rourrrtr and
Orraon, directing ami requie- arIf Inaldr of I h r r r yea r*
Kill the a rhannrl la brine due out below It
a . liminoli rounrll lo levy a la» purrhaar and Inatallalloii of aurh a A rhannrl la alao brine due out
Iran than our mill nor mora pump mrana ih r r»»M.ndl(urr of abovr lo trad to Ihr hradealr.
[ihrrr milla In rarh year ti|ion abolii 114(10 and thr roun rll p r r frr prrarnl Ihr water la running through pro|.rriy of aal>l rlly for lhal Ihr |iro|i|r r l p r r a a themselves Ihr sluiceway The feed ranal Irada
jr|M>ar of malnlalnlna a |>ubllr on ih r pro»M>altlun before aurh an from thla ranal for a dlalanrn of 200
rtiM-ndllurr la madr
T h r r r f o r a th r or 3oo yarila. and la lined with ron-
Thr hradealr of (hr canal
other m raaurr lha l wil l t>r ant. pro»>oalllun haa hrrn ordnrnd plarrd rrrlr
il lo a v o i r la for anth nrli, to u|mu Ihr ballot al Ihr routine r i m - contain» Ihrrr opening» with Ihr
I o n Ihr I II y I .Mill. .1
ha I a lion and. while II la trur lhal, Ir- worda “ Slate of Oregon, 1913." a-
Nrar the lower end of
T 1 . 11111 ». for Ih r r lly vralrr ».latti rally a»traklne. a v o i r Ih rrron haa no rroaa Ihr lop
tant lo lilla ii ia tlrr City lim on i
hlndlne form. It la att|i(mard (hat thr (hr rourrrtr lined »»orllou of Ihr ca­
Thla la for (br
Ihr dlrnr- nal la (hr »and (rap
ITIII- ..» haa laau«-d Ihr f o l l o « li.a nrw roun rll wil l foll ow
( l a r I.. Ihr volr ra
(Iona o f ( h r »tropin expressed by aurh pur»H«ar of keeping (hr »and out of
A drain run» from
T h r ballot l l l l r will br "ahall (hr atrrl flume
|iro|M>alllon for Ihr (lurrhaar of v o ir
lutniuatlr pump lo !«■ Inalali".I n Ihr rounrll bn rm »towrrrd , aulhorlt- ' ihr »and (rap lo (hr main channel of
J> íl . ..f Ihr »irrarni pump of 111" rd and d l r r r l r d to purrhaar and In­ (hr creek
Thr wooden frame work that will
ki »orba ayatrni la now »«miIn« alali an au lo m all r pump for th r wa
kr.- ihr loom il
liv actual taata Irr w o r k » system* V o i r y rut or n o " ■ up|iort the alrrl flume la now brine
built, that part below thr cemented
f t l t M I l » V I I ti ( M K I I t I-
094 77
O f Ihla ainouni th r far mrra canal being under conalructlon at
Thr »Mirtlon of the flume
received $22.240 20. !«•»» I por can! present.
nupiKirta over the canyon near the
ilion I ' l l ) ’» I •»-< l»>rrallvr liiilus- a poitml for runntne r i p m a r a
T h r a v r r a e r prim ».aid for bulto,* Tewkabury place la finished and the
Ir) llnlanw lin i.Im.I«
In Ihr laal I I monlha waa 34 r rn la a canal at thr beginning and end of
thla flume la cemented There are no
H " rr|.orl of Ihr Jnnrllon C"y »•oitml. and Ihr fa rmrra r r r r l v r d
nail» uard In thla flume: It la all bolt­
p>|>rrall*r ("rmnirry. Jual pub I I J o o mor«’ lhan If Ih r y had Bold
ed together The object of the work
rii. pro«ra ihal Ihr Imtuatry haa Ih r lr produrla lo privato rrranio rlra
ao far a«*rma to be to do (he work aa
) a aurrroa In rvrry way
wrll aa »tosalblr, and at the Iraat
linrry waa organile.! I I montili
coat consistent with high grade work
ami alnra Ihal Unir (4.000
The rock cut near ( ’amp Three la of buttrr li a v r I mm - ii ma.Ir ..f plraaalit aortal araalon al Ihr Mr-
Sherry bulldlne
Severa l alrauerra being built by J. J Adanta. who haa
" farmrra ha».........alt
the ground an air compressor and
... ftowaéa i hr ramalaftai w r rr prrarnl and worn wrll e n te r ­ on
alao a hoisting engine. The dirt haa
|l hr li ili Ir r Bolli for $25.094 77.
been removed from the cut and work
l'rrmllk for $272 ai an.l rrran
Try our Classified Adw —1c word. ts bring carried on front one end by
14*7 2(, tnaklng a tolal of 124,-
means of dump cars. At the middle
section rock la bring hoisted out anil
| dumped b«>alde (he line of the ranal.
) At the lower end of this rut will be
' the drop In the ranal. The cement
for thla la now being hauled but the
work haa not reached thr stage of
{ putting It In aa yet.
Camp Two haa b«»cn abandoned
and la being torn down, aa the work
there haa btven completed.
The Redmond Spokesman
For $1.00
In order to place The Redmond Spokesman in the homes
of every family in Crook county the publishers have decided
to give the above B A R G A IN R A T E until the 30th of No­
This will give the paper more than a year for
O N E D O LL A R .
The alxive rate applies to both old anti new subscribers
Old subscril>ers can get this Bargain Rate by pay­
ing up all arrearages and one year in advance.
The Redmond Spokesman is one of the leading papers of
Central Oregon, publishes the County Court proceedings of
Crook county, prints an interesting serial story each week
and gives all the news of Redmond and the county that is
worth printing.
Mail or bring in your subscription T O D A Y.
Remember, this offer of Bargain Subscription Price of
$1.90 holds good only until November 30, 1913. After that
date the regular subscripti»»n price, $1.«50, will prevail.
(Special to The Spokesman)
PrlMvIlle. Or.. Nov. 25
1 court convene» for Its first regular
December term at Prlnevtlle next
Monday Aa both the civil aiul crim­
inal dockets are short the court will
lirobably not be In session for more
than a wei’ k or ten days at the most
Of moat Interest at (he approach-
ins term anions the criminal mat­
ters la the t’ ursey affair. W. D. Cur­
acy. formerly manaicer of the Alta-
inonnt and Kalrvlew hotels at llend.
j Is charged with circulating numer­
ous spurious checks and with mort­
gaging personal |iro|H’ rly that he
did not own. The crime charged Is
i obtaining money by false pretense
K It Huntington and Wm llooth,
! formerly member» of a section gang
on the Deschutes railroad, are bound
over lo the grand Jury, charged with
the larceny of a sheep near Madras
I John Sweeten Is charged with con­
cealing a »»ortlon of the stolen sheep.
Sweeton was foreman of (he section.
Silvia Parrish and Charley Mason
of llend. were bound over to the
grand Jury by Justice Orrutt of
llend. for gambling, and E. C. Myers
a n d ------Wilkie have been held to
the grand Jury by Justice Kastes for
permitting gambling In their place of
business at llend.
11, Strouble of llend. has also been
held to the grand Jury by Justice
Kastes on a statutory charge, and
Pert Welch of Madras, haa been
$1.50 I’ ER Y E A R
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I f you are not doing business with us why not begin
Redmond REDMOND,
of Commerce
bound over by Justice Turner of
Madras, for breaking and entering
the Oregon Trunk depot at Madras
Should Alex Hall, who shot J. B.
Dickinson near Hampton a week ago,
be caught and other and different de­
velopments occur In that affair. It
may take up some of the time of the
grand Jury and circuit court, but
aside front several smaller matters to
be considered this Is all the work to
be brought to the attention of the
grand Jury.
Among the more Interesting civil
matters Is a condemnation suit
brought by the State against W. D.
Clark to condemn a portion of the
site for the state's reservoir on the
Tumalo Project. The suit brought
by J. M. Crenshaw against numerous
Influential citizens of liedtnond will
l>e on the docket again but is not
likely to be called for trial at this
Investigation by the Department of
Agriculture shows that only a small
per cent of the butter sold at the
principal butter markets can be
graded as "extras." This Is because
much of the cream Is sour and taint­
ed when delivered at the creamer­
ies. Only |>oor grades of butler ran
be made front such cream.
In many creameries there has
been no Incentive for the farmer to
deliver the good cream at the price
he receives, as the price paid for
sour, stale cream Is the same as for
sweet cream. Com»>etltlon has drtv-
en the creamery men to accept cream
regardless of quality. age. or condi­
tion. This method of paying has re­
sulted In poor cream and conse­
quently In poor butter.
Kdiicittlon of the Parmer
Through the dairy districts, such
as Iowa. Minnesota. Wisconsin. Illin­
ois. Michigan. Ohio, etc., the farmers
a few years ago delivered to the
creameries clean, sweet milk, which
was made Into a first grade of butter
that brought the highest price, but
now many of the same farmers are
delivering cream a week old.
This la not done because of lack of
knowledge, but because their cream,
Ed Erickson, a former resident of
bad as It Is, Is accepted by creamer­
ies. If one creamery does not ac­ this city, but who is now foreman in
cept It another will;
the farmer, a railroad construction camp in
therefore, simply is following the British Columbia, recently had an
exciting experience with three big
lines of least resistance.
grizzly bears, and this is the way the
I’a) lug for Vualit)
If the creamery men would pay story is toldb y a sister of his who is
for cream according to its true value at the camp, in writing to her par­
there would be a rapid Improvement ents in this city;
1 must tell you about the experi­
In the quality.
The proportion of
good table butter that would grade ence Ed and Jellet, the pay master,
"extras" Is very small.
This as­ had with three grizzly bears the
sumption is Justified by the results other night. Our meat is butchered
obtained from introduction of the right here just bark of the kitchen,
grading system In the state of Maine and the other day they killed a steer
The dairy authorities In that state and had all the meat put away but
inform us that at one time at least one quarter. They left that out
90 per cent of the cream was sour hanging on a pole, and the next day
when It reached the creameries, but they found part of it eaten, and up­
that within a short time after a sys­ on close inspection found bear tracks
tem of grading was established, by near by. So they decided to kill the
which sweet cream received a premi­ hears the next night. They took the
um of 2 to 3 cents per pound of but­ head of this steer and tied It up off
ter fat. 95 per cent of the cream was the ground just far enough for the
sweet when It reached the creamery, j bear to get at it. Then they took a
and this condition still prevails. wire and ran It into the bunk house
This simple system of grading has and tied a can on that end of it so
proved to be of mutual advantage to when the bears started to eat tho
the creameries and their patrons In head they would pull the wire, and
this section. The latter has received they would know the bears were out
The next night about 2
a price for their product several there.
cents above market quotatlons.while o’clock the bears pulled the wire and
the creameries have maintained a Ed and Jellet got up and went out,
high standard for their finished pro­ but they could not see anything. Ed
has a little gas lamp which throws
An investigation of the conditions | the light out about 35 feet.
In Maine has brought out the fact went back to bed. Pretty soon the
that the farmers are delivering their ran was pulled clear arross the floor,
cream only two or three times week­ j Ed jumped up and called to Jellet.
ly during the summer months, but Ed had Jack’s new rifle and Jellet
most of It Is sweet when it reaches had his own automatic. They sneak­
the creamery.
In fact, a large ed out and got on top of the cellar—
amount of this cream is used to sup­ : Just a house coved with mud, about
ply the sweet cream trade In the cit­ i eight feet high— and when Ed turn­
ies. and Is from 4 to 7 days old when ed his lamp on he saw a big grizzly
consumed. The Maine farmer's milk hear only 30 feet away, so he up and
or cream Is cooled Immediately bv fired, when the bear turned around,
being placed In Ice water. The re­ i got up on his hind legs and let out
sult of doing this is generally undei- an awful roar. Just then Ed looked
Continued on Page 5
Continned on page 4