TM K RICHMOND PAGE TWO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY AND avoid , Dolls and Many of the Other Holiday Hoods A LYNCH & ROBERTS Pictures The Store of Heller Value We are displaying a very wide assortment of nicely framed pic­ tures at prices most reasonable. The frames are finished differ­ ently ; some are gilt, some wal­ nut. and some rosewood. Some of the titles are: Christ at Twelve. Christ in the Temple. St. Cecilia. Sistine Madonna. Age of Innocence. l.e Hrun and Daughter. The Doctor. The artists are well known and the pictures are good. These beautiful pictures make excellent Christmas presents. w e nave niton 11 to have old Santa t 1 our store some time ihgnk J fore C h ristm a s the ¡w J we had front him *aid lht!J w as very busy and coqy j tell ua ju st what day h, - I lie here, but he will *nu another letter llrvt werk 4^.1 th is letter he will »ay juat i%| day am i hour he will ha v«J \\ E AUK C A R K Y I N ti A LARGE VSSOKTM KN 1 Holiday Goods J This season and want you to make our store your headquarters for Christmas shopping. We have marked all goods \erv much lower than the> usually sell and expect them to move very fast. We advise everyone to come early for their Christmas s h o p ­ ping. You can get much better results and have better satisfaction. WE ESPECIALLY INVITE YOlT TO COME IN VM> LOOK OVER 01'R HOODS. THEY WILL PLEASE YOl . We have arranged a in our store and thus» w ishing to write to hm * leave the letter this boi q we w ill see that Sant« Cm gets It. any In SEND IS YOl'R MAIL ORDERS FOR ANYTHING YOt WANT — WE til \R\NTKK Our coats and suits have been pronounced the best and most reasonable priced line of ladies’ coats and suits seen for many seasons. Our prices are even better than could be expected for the quality of goods. Tailored Suits Our special offerings in the m illin e ry line are w rll worth in­ Blue Serge Suits................ Gray Mixtures and Stripes Brown Novelties................ EXTRA SKIRTS Blue Serge S k irts................... Gray Mixtures and Novelties Brown Novelties ................... vestigating We have a very nice a» sort ment at prices that y. I KIDD \ SLITS FOR BOYS 20c per pound >c per pound 2 pounds 15f 2 pounds :J5c 60c stone jar A FRESH SUPPLY OF CELERY. ORANGES. LEMONS, BANANAS, GK. AND SWEET POTATOES WILL ARR DAY. PLACE YOl’R ORDER EARLY THE BEST. Ar« thr ¡n tty i>y tk* i r r a t o f t t>f atyl*. In LYNCH THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES AND REDMOND, OREGON------- kecanaa triad* n wear. kacauaa mad# of ik* Aerf !>•*. ky |ka h ttl ukoeniakera in tka Iot,r .atiafaction with tk« America! t “'koe ta vouckad for k y it* million* of •'rarer I in a v* ry part of ika country. perfectly fitted plea»« your (« Corn# in and »*« kow *«uy it in to ke merrean Lady Sko*. and kow quickly you can ° Ur OCR STORE WILL BE CLOSED AT NOON THANKSGIVING DAY fit. * + °* w of F a ll M d W rntar atylca. OCR STORK WILL BE CLOSED AT NOON t h a n k s g iv in g DAY