I REDMOND .'H'Oh ! PAUK TW O The Season for Kail and W inlet 'va* * /llj " ’ * » >'< y l "*y Is now at hand, and for it we have leathered together in embracing assortments o f dress gooils and skirt material- fortune to place at the disposal o f our patrona— the the newness and the quality o f these dress gooils. more stunning, more chic, or more attractive! The Winter issue of Two-tone seal brown and bright navy blue. 54 Inches wide; per yard, *3.5«». A n y B u tte r ic k P a t t e r n n ( * F r e e w ith E v e r y C o p y ¿ O C '* " « t «th* *•’» pretty H atty tan. Iitoatly woven dlsgon- ala, vary hoih I, 5 4 luche» wide. per yar.l. R !. « l. Ilrown diagonal weave. Ilrmly maile. 5 4 Inch«* »U le per taril • ». Heavy blaek diagonal »e a te . »m il­ iar lo sarge, 54 Inehe» »u le . (>er yard. *1.7.5. Two-tone Kpongee. brocaded, light brown and dolph blue, beautiful de­ sign, 54 inches wide; per yard. *4.00. One-Piece Ore** titMxls Shark skin, a new • " » » • fabric Presenta a smooth, closely »oven tin Ish A most serviceable *.«>.!• H» drab, brown and deep win®. 5 4 luche# si.. All-wool serges In gra». green, brown, blue, black. it» Inches wide; per '»r d . AWr. .5*. and WOv. W e also have some excellent qual­ ity of serges In 42 and 44 Inch Plain colors o f brown, black and blue, all 54 Inches wide; per yard. ,■ c ' «tiomtc«. J W e 11 ai Al thc.r |>nc*. O n ly ih « w um Ati wli*> » . ar, « '* , 1 tu r k iH »w « ih « lu ti oxnbuw M i |l ligure twAuty aitil corn ioli. 1 Ut tlr o n g g u j 'j a f c * in a l i |0 1 ^ , 1 lashtonAbly, r>«>! lo r u »l. break o r ^ l \ r»*t Serges Two-tone mixture o f odd shades, brown and blue. 54 Inches wide; per yard. *3..50. with its hundreds and hundreds o f smart stx les will bring joy to every well-dressed woman. T h e assortment is tremen­ dous! Varied to the fullest extent! For ladies, misses, girl* and children. 1 **»• te « ■ This v««ry popular w«>ave I» shown In many different »hades ami quali­ ties. Il la »ary aart loss b le »ml The newest weave in dresa goods la a very beautiful fabric. It em ­ braces a very wide range of colors and designs. It is all wool and ihe colors are absolutely fast. Styles were N ever 11. V l u y I - ' W l c o r ^ l W «J Diagonal Weaves Epongee »vr«T .» ctXTS ' r »llQ B t t j j l ” ’ Wr> lo * W * Attat lu o u iw m i all ut he r cor««t( ^ I lo •p|»Aftl to iliAcerm iig »o m efl. $ 1.00 to $ 8.00 |Vf pw Mixtures W » cmn hi yo u i w K l I y >nc*iour urtler by mail. U r w ill tluM'rfulh wrml H*nt|»lr» «*f ain n w lih â l« )«»u m «) mail on ler w ill I h » Il 11 « h I !*> rt% *|M>n»lblt* | hh >|>I«*, who uittlm tum l their hu«tne*« tlMir* »until* Get a copy at the Pattern Counter to-Ja y W e have combined two strong lines of clotbra— Ihe We have a«H-urrd the liedmund Curlee and the Brandegee Kincaid & Co. o f New Y o rk —• agency for the Carson gloves, which either of these lines would satisfy most any class of trade. are the beat known gloves on the W e have picked the cream o f both lines, which makes our GLOVES Pacific coaat They are made to Bt the handa clothing department rank very high. and when a glove Bis the hand It wears longer and feela belter We have these gloves In »11 th.* various styles for the different kinds of work The»«- well made glov~s rust no more gloves. than any ordinary 51EVS \I.I.-WlM>|, M IX T I l l l > . brown or gray and »lrl|iev, latest w eave« 412.511, *14, I. IIH F V H ill » I.U U Ì s W e have the Urpelliton brand of kid gloves In Mark, brown and white at. |>er pair, « I ¿1. Dent's street gloves, per pair, * I .no. Grocery Department Send us your order by mail, guarantee perfect satisfaction with all mail order houses. W e will pack and ship you the goods and Our prices are right. W e will gladly compete ?nd us a trial order. W hite Navy Bean«. :l l b * ............. 25 |>ound« .................................... H alf gallon |util« Pink Kean«. 4 l b « ......................... 25 |Miunit» .................................. Oallon pail« . . . . Two-gallon |»ail« Southern Hire (Japan »ty le ). 4 IT) 25 pound« .................................. 104) pound« ................................ It » sn satisfying to see the MtU f » » RO S E I l l ' l l S Y R I T (M aple Flavored) Q uality Q uantity Comfort Style Wear One-lialf gallon long tin Fancy Head Hire. 3 IT»«................. . 25 pound« .................................. One gallon long tin« . . Pure Kolled 4>at«. t#-ITi «ark«, each 43 pound « a r k « .......................... K e llo g g '« Corn Flak«-«. p«*r pkg. . , (Quaker Corn Flak«-«, 3 p k g «........ P er dozen .................................... 4OFKEE A Complete l.ine. ncstly drssssd Oart 1* school — and y it their things mok h suhstantial to slan j the romp «nd plsy during recess and after school • Mere is just the shoe (or sch""l w*** pair guaranteed C l four months for*5! 4 DEPARTM ENT when tksy l" f your daughter — as nest and *t- tractivs as you could imagine yk W e Can Plea*e A'ou. nisds strong and a tu rd v to star ! lt»aA Ì V Per dozen writ such a long time, an Loader A, I-lb Parchment B ag«. . . . W h ite Seal. 1-lb C a rto n «................... Am «-«-Iran Club, l-lh ran« (*te«-l r ut) Swret Mivrd P i i k l r « . |>er quart much hard wear. Tomato •••y Catsup ....................... M u d a r li.............................. And I *nd comiortahls o Spaglietti W ith C h e e s e ............. Red Kidney I h - a n s ................... Pork and B ran«, «m all ra n «. . . Medium ran« ............. .......... HI-Ih Bag« I'eunut Butter, medium Jar«. . . 25- lb Bag« Our STETSON H ATS are hat to huy. 150-lb Hag« 5-tb Hove« O u r ohjr-rt I« to Ita ve every customer perfectly «ati«lh- n«4 bestiale to «a ll our aft«*nllon !*• "• "e will glad i» rectify the error and thank you f«»r callln* '•ur allen ili,I, tir ||.