Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” of ( ’entrai Oregon SI.SO PE R Y E A R REDM OND. (K O O K C O U N T Y . OK BOON, T H U R S D A Y , NO VKM KKK H. 1013 I o h I IH M «I f If II«« uh ip|M i| li I h producta in d ivid u a lly to oiita ld« p o l tit h III«« IC •-<1 m o ti <1 I t t i o l i War«* l i o n M* In atri« t iy u f a r m m V war«' houa«« a n d w o r k a to tli«« r t i d I o b * t t « r *ht» f a r io»-r In a ll m u n m - r o f uicaiiH Ih«« I»i'«n li u t c a V a l l e y t ’n - a t m - r y Com pany a u c c e a a o r to ili«« l(««dtnund »»»-am m y C o m p a n y la a n o t h e r In at It ut I o n t h a t lina I i ««I( mm 1 t h è f u r m e r w o n d e r f u l l y in Hit* pua» fe w m o u i l l a It h a a lic e n t h e in tat ta o f h r lli K lt iK In a l a r g e a m o u n t o f o u f a l d e m o n e y that w an »Hat r l h u f e d aiiiong the f a r i n e r a In a l a r g e t e r r i t o r y , a n d I l i a d e It p o a a lh le f o r t h e m to 111» rea ae t h e i r t la l r y her»ta t" FDR FARMERS Knterprlwr* in Krd- Thnl l*u) Mim*y In Í I h r l'n rm e r» OT H i « il J ken TO T H IS SECTION t mon WurrhouHc Co. IN H WITHIN REACH OF ALL IkrhrutfN Valley Cream- fo r P h h I ih M»ne> ( h K n i f ’d I h re are two Inatltutloua In Ited are a big help to thè fartn • f « Mld at»M k ralaera of (*rook H K 1 [and thè I ira» liutea N alley y Company of thè alnive have h«w*n thè Et»f hrltiglng In outalde money ||ttng it in . ir. u la» i * » n bara • of produ«*ta ralaed and |||V I i thla ae« iloti The Itedmond l a t o » [MsrrhnuHi Company li«», for « (OM (.Tallir Unir. he e ri shl|> |>l tic oul lo 'urtland market» ratti« ho«» U « (» IM I. YMKKH \\ IM I » I d d II MII.VKN PRtHH.tM In ln r»p e n »l»r Mai bine Tlial «(Irta, »uhi rari* and Muli!pilo» «m ir a ta li •ti limar lui ’ i « li ( (r u m tt*r (ar ili ______ n i I hrrr «n workrd tip a larga (rad» alth ih » O r . io n Trunk n ltr». In Ih » almta klnd n( chip j mMla .turili« 111« pa»l oraann. and « M » nnor ol I t i « vili Strength, Sol id i ty, Stability, Security Crook County \ otera Snow Ihe $200.000 I tornimi; Menwure ( (impietri) I rider The reputation of the hutter tna«l«« by the creamery la *ldeapr«ad and new cuatoinera are trelug gained ea« I» week throughout the at ate With two auch planta aa the alnive A U . O TH ER M E A S U R E S there la every reaaon to look for­ W IN BY Kit; M AJO RITIES ward to a prosperous future for Ite»! mond and the territory nurroundlug the city, for they are Inat It ut Iona that dlapoœ of the producta grown aud rained here and bring In the caah for Stiletti and O re g o n C it y t;o dlatrlhutlot) among the farmera i ; i 11 try firing in Out*i 4 r IS Thr Amrrlran Addin« Marhlna la hardly all monlha old and alrradr ovar l&o ara « o l n « on to nmv draka dallr It ta a marhlna that arlla at | ]l It adda. aubtrarta and multi- pllra. romputaa a hundrad n«urra a mlnula a marhlna whlrh anrona ran operate and oovar makra mlatakra ll la no»* tha moat popular addin« marhlna In Anirrlra. takln« (hr plara of Ihr hl«hrr prlrrd marhlnra Thrrr montha a«o. » hrn Ihr nianu- farlurrra announrad Ihla marhlna, thrra » r r r thouaanda » h o aald "That la itnpoaalbla " A competent adder a» lit and Infallible for «36 »a a almoat unthinkable llul other thouaanda took throe marhlnra on (rial III« and »mail offlr*». alorra and (arlorlea, aratlarad all over America T h ai pul them lo » o r k oil rounllraa draka, In Itiex- prrlrnrrd hand» T h a i proved Ihr marhlnra aa» them add. aubtrart and multlpll Saw them rompulr a hundred n«urea a mlnula. rapldll, mallv and with never an error. ibo t ** Rirally Itirrraae.l (or «artlm ria (rntn Ihla sartlon h «p<*k Ih« » a r d i m i » « ahlpa da » ( ho«a and radia lo thr nd markal. (or ahlrh top _______ t prtcM «ra racalvad. and ali ikla tonar «<>aa Inlo rlrrulatlon hrrr Uva alork ahlpnialila. In » t ild i ^ ^ ^ ^ g a l («m ir r a ran )oln li ao h a i . liarn Ihr mran» o( ob- K an ondai (or Iha stori. ralarnl and haa alao alltnulald Ihr i« ni moro ai* ! «tot» »arrhouar mrana morr to thr >*ra diali aotua o( thrin baie an o(. (or II makra II poaalhlr (or tarmar al all tlnira lo !tnd a mar­ ini Mia alork ktid produca, and a off hi» handa murh of thr da of ahlppln« » t i l d i hr »nuli! havr t'ontlnuad on pa«a 4 The above four words is a brief biojrraphy of our bank. “ l> ry ”— S te riliz a tio n K ill The bank that has these qualities should have your account. I» D r i r u lr d W e live by helping others live. grow. The road bond laaur of «200,000 for «ood roada In Crook count I »a a defeated at Tura.lai'a rlrrtlon All referendum meaaurea on tha ballot war» carried In tha rounty Tha largeat majority a«alnat hotidln« tha rounty waa at I’ rlnrvllle. the vote belli« I M agalnat and 09 for Slater» alao voted again»! the bond». H* to t Kedmond. Hand. Jlaarhutea, l.aMla* and Metollua «ave majorltlea In favor of Iha bond laaur In the atate all the referendum l a « » , with the exrrptlon of the aterll- liatlon art. won out by .Rood, aafa majorltlea l,oral option carried (n Salem, Oregon (Tty and aeveral other town« In the national election Democrat« win In the Kast. Tammany waa de­ feated In New Vork City and for rounty officer« Following la the reault of the vote In (he principal prerlnrta In Crook rounty: Itnimond Cnlveralty building, yea 65: no 31 New building, yea 66, no 36 Hterllliatlon. yea 51; no 32. County attorney, yea HO; no 1». Compenaatton, yea 78, no 1«. Honda, yea 78; no 18. Trthrrow Cnlveralty building, yea 20; no IS. New bulldln«. yea 19; no 14 hterllliatlon. yea 24. no 13. County attorney, yea 31; no 4 Cotupenaallon, yea 22; no 12. Honda, yea 14; no 23« lieu.I Cnlveralty building, yea 121; no 26 New- building, yea 112. no 32. SlerllMallon, yea 94; no 61. County attorney, yea 134; no 13 Compensation, yea 131; no 19. Honda, yea 103; no 4 4 Continued on page 8 LIVE BUSINESS MEN We will help your cash Patrons of our Time Deposit department not only have unsurpassed protection for their funds, but are allowed a constant and liberal interest on their deposits. The depositor with a small account will receive just as courteous and careful attention as the one with a large ac­ count. The first consideration of the officers of this bank is the security of the funds intrusted to our care by depositors. With a large paid up capital, a strong surplus and undivided profit account, a practical and conservative management, and a representative board of directors, this bank is prepared to offer you the best service possible based on sound banking principles. If you are not doing business with us why not begin today ? Redmond Bank of Commerce REDMOND, OREGON REDMOND CALF WINS NICE SUM OF MONEY SCHOOL ENROLLMENT PRIZE AT IOWA FAIR IS BEING BROUGHT IN IS MUCH INCREASED C .II.F \\ \S MAISKII HKRK H\ mm AND C A T T I.K O W N E R S A R K 1*11’ I US OK T H K SCHISM, CKI.K- li. A. BKADI.K Y HKNKKITKI* B H A T K H AI.IAtW K K N Winning \nlnial Will \l»n Ite Shown Medniond I nion Wareliou»e Coni|Min> Mood Honor Koll Showing Made in at the National stock Itrtng» in «LY-7H..Y2 Muting All Room» Since School Show , I'hit ago Ihe Month o f October Opened When It come» right down to rais­ ing prlie winning rattle. O. A. Brad­ ley, who has a farm adjoining the rity on the north, does not take a bark »eat for anyone. Several week* ago he gold and shipped a Guernsey calf to W. W. Marsh of Waterloo. Iowa, hast month this calf was en­ tered among the dairy cattle at the Iow a Dairy Congress at Waterloo and took flrst prlxe. Next week the calf will he exhibited at the National Stock Show at Chicago, and It Is ex­ pected It will give a good account of Itself. Mr. Bradley, who la an experienced cattle and hog breeder, raises noth­ ing but high-grade animals and is rontaantly Increasing hla herds by Importing the heat grades he can secure. Since the establishment here of the Kedmond Cnlon Warehouse Com­ pany the farmers and stock raisers o f Crook county have found a mar­ ket for their product«, and much money la being brought Into thla section each month front Portland from the sale of stock. A year ago the farmers were up against the proposition of having no market for their agricultural products or stock. It did not pay them to ship to Port­ land or other markets Individually, but with the advent of the ware­ house. and combining shipments, the way has been opened for them to realise a nice sum o f money each month. Halloween was celebrated by the Redmond school with a school social. The program consisted of a Hallo­ ween play, songs and recitations, which were presented from the new stage In the school hall. In which many social functions will occur this year The "witches' den," In which the caldron kettle was brewed and two witches told fortunes, was de­ servedly popular. The pie stand, from which the good old pumpkin pies were served, was well patronized and the candy booth ran out long before the evening closed. Old Mother Goose peddled fortunes dur­ ing the evening and the two boys w ho ran an art exhibit for the build­ ing up of a Aag fund were well patronlxed. and the boys and girls have $15.50 to help In decorating the school rooms. All enjoyed the evening and the school teachers and pupils are very appreciative of the splendid attendance, which far ex­ ceeded their hopes, considering the weather, which was so unfavorable. The enrollment has increased 60 per rent In the High School during the last month. The students are doing excellent work throughout the school. The Arst Are drill cleared the school house In 60 seconds. In fact, every dismissal la so orderly that the \\ All. THKMNKI.A KS OK SIDKK.H- M W S ( I R C I KATION The Redmond Spokesman Till» U N T I L J A N . 1915 M ORE THAN AN E N T IR E K vrr) YEAR THE B A R G A IN PE R IO D E N D IN G NOV. 30 In order to place The Redmond Spokesman in the homes of every family in Crook county the publishers have decided to give the above B A R G A IN R A T E until the 30th of No­ vember. This will give the pn|>er more than a year for O N E D O LLA R . The nlxtve rate applies to both old and new subscribers alike. Old subscrilters can get this Bargain Rate by pay­ ing up nil arrearages and one year in advance. The Redmond Spokesman is one of the leading papers of Central Oregon, publishes thq County ( ourt proceedings of Crook county, prints an interesting serial story each w eek anti gives all the news of Redmond and the county that is worth printing. Mail or brijig in your subscription T O D A Y . C A SH M UST ACCOM PANY ALL N(*«rl) Home In Crook County F o r $1.00 D U R IN G l*a|>er Now Gora Into ORDERS. Remember, this offer of Bargain Subscription Price of $1.00 holds good only until November 30, 1913. After that dale the regular subscription price, $l.;*0, will pic'.ti • The live wire btialneaa men of Red­ mond know that rlrrulatlon of a new »paper 1» what they want In ex­ tending their publicity, and for reaaon uae the column» of The Spokesman to talk to the people of Crook rounty. Since the "bargain" ranipaign of «1.00 for The Spokes­ man lo January, 1916, waa Inaugu­ rated the rlrrulatlon of the paper haa been rapidly Inrreaalng and now H goea Into nearly every home In the rounty. The paper rearhea (he buy­ ing people In Crook county In Ihe following place»: l.amnnta. Grandview. Cline Falla, Howell llutte. Suplee, Hoat. Hnultna. Held. O rliily , llama, Koberta. Bend. Culver. I’rlnevtlle. Slatera, l»eachutea, Fife, Glat, I .Midlaw . Terrebonne, Lower Bridge and Alfalfa. Ily consulting the advertisement« In Ihla week-« Issue o f The Spokes­ man It will be seen that the live mer­ chants of Kedmond are taking mea'ia to extend their trade and brln« the people from all sections of the county to Kedmond to do their trading. Newspaper rlrrulatlon la what mer­ chants are after when they advertise, and The Spokesman given It to them and helps them draw trade to Ked- mond. A P K R T I N K N T q t Kit Y The drummer had been bragging shout hla achievements for a goodly lime and Anally the meek little man In Ihe corner piped up: "Kxcuae me.” eh aald. "but per­ haps you can tell me why you gentle­ men are railed drummers?” "W e ll, why shouldn’t we be ao called? W e drum up trade, don’t w e ? " was the retort. *’ l know.” aald the meek little man. “ but the drum la not a wind Instrument.” During the month of October ship­ ments made by the warehouse people totaled the sum of «5,276.51. and this money all went Into circulation In this Immediate vicinity. The shipments were as follows; October 1— 106 hogs and 1 cow; $986.00. October 7— 67 hogs. 1 cow and 2 calves; «1.227.96. October 2 t — 71 hogs; «1,399.95. October 28— 109 hogs; «1,663.61. The above Is an object leseon and shows what a beneAt to the farmers this warehouse Is. By Its methods of shipping, ready money Is brought into this section that otherwise would not And Its way here. Continued on page 8