, „ Ar. h it l«. » » » » il\ Directory F [.i n - i > f » • «. * •* Monday night lu j„ n VM Ung K l U M ar» T i l K REDMOND Kedmond and Vicinity HI IIMI I I I P I I O N m IK »; o PAO K P IV K HPOKKHMAN Ladies’ and Children’s Suits, Coats and Hats II. P » » » 111.1 IN l l l l » Ni K \ K. lolall. C I Young. K of H A H H iglntillig with tha nrat of A W Hlm a O Noram har all auhai rlpllona lo M il V H U W T I U I T ■» Mu- II•* i o u rle t ha r»i|i|lr»i| lo ha paid In ad ' ’ i |n><>r|Miral»tl I '» n u . wllhout an apt Ion I hla 'i Huc< t’aanr lo )! ina* hod la Iha only tight and llaiitr Ab al r ar l Co mp any li.iallia.a I k. ill lit «ailing 1! fl . .ill. < »IftlOII auhai rlpllona and almuld ha I hau tan* a. adiipli.il h» all In- aa(.apera *i hi u i k n rn n rm , 0 Tha Hpokaainan haa In tin paat . lli'lidad . I. dll to «ill... , ] lilt III i ' l l "I L IIV I M I PM I « Hf.1 ] “ ".I aoma o f them. aftar taking ¡[ .. Iha pupar for i » n or Ihrn« »aara •• [i hangr» *'f ITr ta rra ,, hati' rafuai'd Ilia p»|i»r and [ [ L ,n »1 M > » » . n i « l » u » ...lid no! p.i. «h at tha» o . ..1 1 I II I t s I H » for It In order to tr»»t all ] [ ,, I U . . Mil..* Ilnuar. a11 k " Iha par i'. i Iran. i i m II mm I ■■ |i \ Il M , « r liv Pn»|»'r. ,, haa l»a ii da* Idail upon N o l l . . « ]' |M Mil »11 l l»M < »M il » I I I hi ■•'III lo all git ha* til** r a a month hafora thalr «uhgiilp ]' |Î 1 . ■ I 1 ii h » Daily lion riplri'« ao I liar ran hair *' I ! f i . .111 1111MI1 ' 21 « ni lima to ran#« If iha» ••■ dwira ] | I ,, . » Il '.m auiil II 9 I Op m I w it * N Daily I fr.Mii imrlli .7 u I ji m 1 liauge tn viall Route— Tha mall Ihal haa liaaii rarrlad ha- I | f 1 . »..ni II » •> I a 111 twaatt t'ulrar and Prlnarllla ginra Il IIAI K O U A i m l . ■ha ......Ing of Iha railroad», haa haa i I I 1 K I'Ilu N K M o i lira rhangad Orloliar Ini, lo go to Prlne- •ar»pl Hunday. 4 a m lu v ill» front Hadmond Thu « i l l g ir » Ota I'rlttarllla pi'tipla thalr mail »ay. 11 l u 1 a ni . I l u 7 p 111 aral hour» »arllar than from t'ulrar, Iha dlalanra halng naarar by uaarly [| 1 I»I«I| I H I M OI II M rtrvpl Hulula». ■ 20 a lu So ml la« * y | i f , k tu 0 a m »» II I Hold . . .1 1.. 11 lulrr (han X 1 > » hi THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES and LOWER PRICES Millinery Department Ready-trimmed hats always present the appearance of experienced and skilled workmanship. The trimmers that make these hats at the wholesale stores are drawn from many states and they must be experts. There­ fore a ready-trimmed hat is always up-to-date and possesses individuality. Our p r i c e s a r e m o s t reasonable. Let us show you. lion Mala— M K liraalar » III hold a public auction aala on Monday, Ortohar 20 J W MOI IK K . P M at hla plara on Iha A W llauaar ram h. Ihraa uitlra norlhwaal of Tar* rabonna, on tha |g>«ar llrldga and I'aulnaula road lla » I I I »»11 rattla, horaaa. Iiog«, » aguni. farm Imple- L. liafii .’Ilia publlahad uiulct uianla and many olhar arllrlaa Thu . aj al oua caul a • o n t for « I I I ba on» of tha Urgagl «ala» bald tiigartion No atlrarUaanianl In IhU gaitlon of Iha rounly ao far -,l fol Ira a tlian 1- K'Il la Or A fraa lun*h « I I I ha garrad al noon ■fr.itu oui of !**» u muai Infortn N II Klllutl la Iha auctioneer a h. a II f laatiaa Iha atl la lo Oui of lo a n ordera inuat Ira Tha Itadmond Hank of t'ommarr« |i|anlul I.» raah Inlllala and » I I I furnlah uiouay to farmara to buy rotin! aa • o r d * rattla or »harp for feeder» 7tf t o i t MAI.K ^ ». alr . .... i » .1 ( a .lltir ln«lalla«l Na« VI*.tor— ThU » « » k Tha Hpokaaman Install- (ir »U h magnalo « I I I ba aold ad a 2 hor«a »!»• trie motor lo run »natila Varr Munomlral In tha Ilia praaaa» In Iha offlra « l l h . doing iptlon of tual If lutaraatvd. a » ay » l l h a 3-horga gaaollna angina al Tha Hpokaaman olflra tha! had dona airallant aarrlra alnra tir Hala llaglalarad Jaraaf I O» a lha inatallailon uf Iha n » « plani Tha Hpokaainan n o « baa two elmirlr rh. Iladmond 141f motor» In uaa. ilia on» tuantlonad ___ . n.l hand tamil» ranca »» III b I k i i p and on» fur running lha llno- umnabla Appi» ai l i - typa marhlna traman olflra 1311 Prcmlmum l.l«t I« < Mil— i-rary ri.»a. halfara and ral»a# Thr prrmlmuni Hat for tha Third Annual I'oiato Him» and Pair to ha «ala. alao t « o Ihorouchbrad h»td O In thta rlty tn-foliar 22, 24 and “^ l \\ II. ! 25. haa baau taaurd from tha praaa Iltf at Tha H|Mikaatuan plant Tha publi­ larga drum for a tiratine cation la Intandad for fraa distribu­ Itoli! raaaonabla f a l l al Tha tion lo Ihoaa « h o daalra aama. If F»raman olflra IJ lf you »an t ona «r it a It I. Hchaa, aar- r » hlgb grada blcycl». navar un- rrtary of ihr It* dtuund Conimafrlal llraaonabla. Cali al Hpokaaman Club and ha « I I I aee that you gat a ropy MIMI I I I » N M II m » («llltig III« Itrotliar— I ■••man ITaaalflnl ada brine H H Mro» n of Winona. »Vn , U pn a I r » Iham don't m i l unirli hara on a vuit to hla brothar. Alai H r»« u Ita ai|*artg to ramaln hara I 1 f »Ott «a n t lo kaap poatrd taka all » Intar f. lokrainan I I i o a »rar. ( * l l l l.'ai t> bar« 1 , 11 « * r t li LYNCH & ROBERTS on Iho nie lit ASSIFIKII COI.IIM.N 9 IHMIK! »Va UHU coma of Iba flnral lui- orad Tarma In Mlnnaaola. »»'lacón- li. .imi Sortii liakota Ihal »*■ ran I »il on rrop pa»manla If »ou « a n i I I limila » a « I I I balp »ou If »ou liara pina of r i i » propart» or a amali • rm » li Ir h »ou «la h lo atrbanga for 1 f r land, » r ran uaa II » » r alto ata a n a « atork of grorarla* and hln a»ara, dr» gooda, hard»ara and ■ illllnrr» to airhanga for farm land r n i » propart». W r it » ua for par bulara Information rhaarfull» Ivan. Aganta wantad. C A BKHKINH. O. Hot 12. HI Paul. Minn 12113 Pull Hna of Kaaiman Kodak» and gtipllra at tha Kadtuond Pharmacy Tha Kaatiuan la prämier of all kodaka * per cent. Red­ Church H rrvlre»,— At the Presbyterian rhurrh next mond Hank of Commerce. 71f Sunday morning the topic of illariia- alon will be ''Chrlat'a Training of the Ha» »tany Palr«>it»— Twelve Aposllea. and Their Kttirlen- “ Hill" Young'» Redmond Grill al­ ry ways has a good run of custom, and Hill says, and so vloea other», that Anything In the line of kodak the reason la because patrons get a auppllea or Kaatiuan kodaks ran be great big meal, nicely cooked, for bought at the Redmond Pharmacy. a reasonable price. When you buy an Kaatman you know S till M ale anil H e a rty — you are getting tho beat. 7tf Z. T. McClay o f thla city was 70 years old last Friday and aald he »lu o lra l S ervir«»— The mualral part of next Sunday's never felt (letter In his life; that evening aervlce at the Presbyterian advanced age was not showing on rhurrh will be In charge of the choir him to any appreciable extent. Mr. of the Y. P. C. A. A corditi Invita­ McClay Is one of the strongest men In the county and holds his age re­ tion to visitors at 7:30. markably well. ltal»«Ml t iihh I A|>|d«-a— No ua«' In buying an Inferior kodak F. C. White, who has a farm west whan you ran buy Kastman Kodaka of town, has a 2-acre orchard of 7- and kodak supplies at the Kedmonil year Wealthy apple trees that this i Pharmacy. 7lf year went 10« pounds to the tree of good apples« 85 apples to the box. He grows other varieties of apples, Take» Over Mining Itixim— l.anilloril Lucas of the Hotel Red­ but none come up to the Wealthy, he mond wan In Portland laat week to says. secure n good cook for his hotel, he having taken over the dining room " » » l l l i l n the I j » w ” — The above la the title of one of from the two Japs who bail boon con­ ducting aame aa a grill. Mr. Lucas the most powerful stories ever writ­ ten. Thla story will soon be pub­ | secured an expert cook. lished In The Hpokeaman In serial form, any anyone who desires lo read lltM-overlng Her Health— The many friends of Mrs \»’ m If. a gripping story should not fall to The Hobbs will be pleased to learn that read It from beginning to end she I* convalescing after a two story o f "Manny," another powerful story, will shortly be published In ' weeks’ serious Illness this paper. ________ _ Heard Farewell Hernum— stonier Anil do you guarantee Itev F llarvcy of this city, was In attendance at the farewell sermon In 1 trouoers all wool? nsteln Veil, thlr, I von t de- Portland of Rev. W. S Holt, who has « you, mine frleinlt the but- had a long experlenee In planting I’ reabyterlau churehes In Oregon. He i Itti metal. to $22.50 to 10.00 to 20.00 8.00 to I Vlchrated Opening— Last Friday at 11 o'clock a tn. Redmond celebrated the opening of the Panama canal by the blowing of whistles, ringing of bells and the IF Y O F W A N T To rent a house To sell a house To get a boarder To rent a room To sell anything To buy anything I'ae The Spokesman's Classified Ads. Only one cent a word. Pul In Free A ir Tank— Perry Reedy lately Installed at his Central Oregon Garage an air tank for inflating automobile tires. Ser­ vice at the tank Is free, and auto owners are not sparing In their com­ pliments for Mr. Reedy for his gener­ osity. »» ill Play »la tc h Games— In the evenings during the dates of the Redmond Potato Show and Fair— October 23. 24. 25— there will be match games of pool and billiards played at Gtrt'a billiard and pool hall. OREGON We close 6:30: Saturday 10:00 Matches already have been arranged between Kd Krickson of this city and Frank Mlllican of Portland, for a match pool game for a $25 prlxe. and a billiard match game wilt be played between J. F. Hosch and H. Palmer. Other matches will be played, the contestants ami dates be­ ing given later. Elmer. Elmer returned to Maryhill this week and Ed expects to go there In a week or two. where he will work at carpentering this winter. Right-Of-Way »Ian Here— Matt Clark, right-of-way agent for the Oregon Trunk Railway, was In the city this week. He recently made a record speed trip from Klamath Falls to this city. He left Klamath Hall R«>turn* lt»Mcive*l— Muring the world's series of base­ at 11 o'clock a. m. and arrived in ball games between the New York Redmond' in time to take the 9:10 The distance traveled and Philadelphia teams daily returns train north. of the result of the games were re­ was over 200 miles. ceived by wire at Hutler's drug store and posted in bulletin form in the Yl.»lt R«we City— window so that all could see. Carl »Voods, the well knowu fariuOr out near Sisters, was in town Monday to take the night train on Mill Start» Grinding— for Portland, The Redmond Feed ft Mill Co the Oregon Trunk last week commenced making flour where he will transact business for in their new plant. Allen Mulkey, a few days. an experienced miller, arrived from Walla Walla. W n „ anil will have »lovles W ere G imm I— The moving pictures at the Sparks charge of the flour mill. The com­ pany expects to have their flour on Theater Sunday and Monday nights the market about the first of Novem­ were especially good. The two-reel ber. They will have some of the feature flint of “ The Vengeance of flour ready for exhibit at the Potato Murand" was the finest and moat Show and Fair, October 23, 24. 25. realistic picture ever shown In this city. The Sparks has the reputation of securing the best pictures to be Gone to Portland— M. A. Lynch of the firm o f Lynch had. A Roberts of this city, left Monday night over the Oregon Trunk for a The Spokesman for good printing. business visit to Portland. |{eturn«wl From Synoil— Rev. F. Harvey, pastor o f the j Presbyterian church o f this city, re­ turned last week from Portland, where he had been attending the synod. Erickson» Came Home— Elmer and Ed Erickson arrived here last Thursday from Maryhill. Wn. Elmer Is working there for Samuel Hill, the good roads builder, i and Ed, who finished his baseball season with the Salt I,ake team in September, has been there visiting If You Want Your Hay Baled SEE T. Redmond. I. Temple Oregon Phone 1702