Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” of Central Oregon = FALL IN LOVE Sl-50 PER YEAR REDMOND, CK(K)K COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1913 it ftiiH C aflr«ltr< l on the N W H o f “ R a ilrtN iil D a y , ” |tl>lciiilH'r 30, 1911 ■ml fur Ih « « o i l i l « na itimi« al Du tarlo A gricultural Htallou « o r l i l ' a re c o r d hold by i h « O ra Kt« t ion « u à m a d « by i h « O ra c o li Hi Iloti h«u No ;,|:t v> uh« waa k ep i In a fiorii « U h ho o l h « r a . Ih la la noi ali laolal«i| c a s e of co m i l a t i n e , aa III« m o n i o f Ih » « m i r « flock g iv es a i r o n e e v i t i« « * « ( h a i Ih « capai- Il y o f i h « A niarli an h a n r a n I»« v«ry c r « a l l y lnrr«a»«i| hy p ro p er breed In c O n « o f lh«a« h«na haa lalil 271 « c e a . am i a n o t h e r full a lal« r 2 8 4 am i l h « y h a v e m o r a Ilia n a m on ili «art i In «rtilrh l o lin Iah Ilm y nar'a m u n i HEALTHY o. ». H IH IH I» Ills Scenery in und Around Redmond Capped Ilr AHMetH ATMOSPHERE Now Ila* One of Ihe P in e a l lla l r y a m i I t o e S a r n i a In .Mountains Can Distinctly Seen From City 0 off lri als s u d o t h e r s wh at t hi s 1 of the s ta te could produce _______si ere many Oregon T ru n k and O.-W. It 6 S railroad official* h«r« (hot «a am one th«m F »V Graham. »•Met Imtualrtal acnl for Ih« Ora»« Nurtharn Railway Mr ( hlblla amt about m ld nlehl of Ih« day. » t i ll « ro nv «ralnc «Hit lb« of T h« S pokesm an In front of (he I >l«l l(«ilmonil. ««Id It would b e o » hk I aluni for Redmond lo hold a a » a oal p o t a t o a l i o « mak« II an » « « ■ ( that would ealn p r o m i n e n c e la O r ira i O r«co n and Ih« r«at of M l 1 in- T h « m a t l« r waa talkrd over l>«lw«en th« two m«n and plana oullli d (o hold III« Aral ahow al mi M S In!« T h « C o m m ercial Club wad it ' c r e a t e . I In ih« proposition. and the h r a i ahow waa h«ld on No* rut fcodS. 1911. In ih« Com m ercia l C lub’a I, th« aam« d al« lh al th« demon Ion train from th« o r « e o n Acrl- irai Coll«c« waa hwrw m exhibit of poialo«a. o lh « r root ■ and eraln a and craaa«a waa ao lent lh al Ih« p«opl« In K«d- j I. and Ih« f a rm e r s esp ecially. hr- 1 i v«ry «nlhu alaatlr oy«r thw cood l i n e mad«, and tnrr«aa« T h « yoluni« o f exhlb lta waa ao Idr. that Ih« ra p a r lt y of th« hall ^ | n * 7 ü f««l waa ta««d to lia ra Mljr Horn« o f Ih« exhib it« from ahow w«r« takwn lo lh« rounly |r al P rln av llle, h«ld Hi« follow- * » « « k . and look 33 Aral p r« ii- tna T h « a tte n d a n c e al thla «v«nt i lare «r than th« Aral, many pl« ro m ln e lone dlalam-«a lo a«« hat Ih« li«dmond and Powell Hutte a trlrla and (hla pari o f C en tral Ore >n rould ahow In Ih« way of prUe k I ii h 1 11 if potatoes I'll« am . • ■»» of Ih. Inond allow enlhuaed the people In lila aertlon to aurh a d e c re e lhal hey planned to m a k e the third on« I record b re a k e r and. workln e alone hese linea. II haa been ««tlmutrd hat Ih« exhib it« Ihla year will be wire aa l a re « aa laal year. In ord er to C«t aultlrlent apare for the exhibit« t h e «tore room fo rm erly ocrupled by Khret IIroa , 6 0 x 7 6 f re t, haa been eli- eneed. Thla year th e ahow will be held three daya. and alread y aaaiiranee« have been received from different towns and lo ralltlea In th e rounly that lare « delegation« will be In al- tend anre. F o r picturesque and IntereatliiK acenery. the cou ntry surroundin g llrdniond cannot hr brat In any part uf Oregon, and Is worth going many mil«« to a«« Kor an e qu itab le and healthy c lim ate Ihla section haa all oilier portluns o f Ihe I'nlted State« barked off the map S t ra n g e r s coming lo Kedmontl and thla section of ihe couuly a re always loud In t h e ir pralae of Ihe healthy clim atic condition» that prevail They are especially pleased with Ihe cle ar, sunshiny daya that obtain here, con trasting them with the rainy, dis­ agreeab le daya lo be experienced In other portions of (he atate. especially in it.*- fall T h e scenic views from the city a l­ ways appeal lo I h e s t ra n g e r coming In. Fro m (hla city ran distin ctly be seen «even anow-capped mountain» all the year 'round Ml. Je ffe rso n , T h re e Fingered J a c k , Mt. »»'aah lng- lon North Staler. Middle Slater. South Staler and Snow d u tte - an In­ teresting and awe Inspiring view. Fro m ih e rl l y reservoir «lie on top of Fo rke d Horn d u d e a view o f the surroundin g cou ntry for 76 to too mllea In all dir ections can be seen T h e W a rn er m ou ntains near I.ake- vlew ran be seen distin ctly. Thla view gives an ad equ ate Idea of the Immensity of the Iteduiund district and shows c le arly the eontour of the land. Redmond's healthy c lim a t e and arcnlr wonders a re bound to appeal lo people «««king a locality where atekneas la little known, and where the c lim ate pula new blood and life into them and Invigorates their whole ayatem ao they " w a n t to do thing s " It » l l l t l I d ic it k Sut-crrt l I2.INMI of Ih r l.lltle P e l « T h e rabbit drive that took place In ih e vicinity of L a m e n t s laal Sun- day brought out a nu mber of hunter« from all aectlon« of the county. R e d ­ mond waa wall represented and the total number who went out to e x ­ te rm in a te the troublesom e peat» wa» estim ated al nearly 3»0. Som e of the hu nters had gun*, though It was the Intention to have but a limited num ber of guns used, the purpose of the drive being to herd the ra b ­ bits Into a corral anil kill them with clubs. T h e women folk« were well represented and did Ihelr share In the day'« campaign o f exterm in atio n II 1 « estim ated thal the total num­ ber of rab b its killed was 2 , » » 0 . over 80 » being killed In Ihe corral One of Ihe pleasing fe a tu re s of I h e ’ day. and to which all did Jus­ tice. was Ihe satisfying dinner served to (he h u nters It waa a great feed, so one o f the hunters said, consisting o f different kinds of m eat, chicken, ete. T h e rabbit« had becom e auch » peal In the L am o nta district that It Was absolutely necessary for Ihe f a rm e r s' protection to kill off as tunny as possible, ami Sunday s work will go a long way toward relieving Ihe alluatlon. , Another Hrlve tl la stale d lh al an o th e r drive will he held In the s a m e locality on S u n ­ day. October 28. the rabbit« lo be driven from an opposite direction than In Ihe fo rm er drive. T h e O. A. C. ro l le e « hrn that a t ­ tracted world-wide atte n tio n by lay- Ine 99 egg« In l o » days haa broken the world's record of 2M2 « c e a In » year by havlne laid 2MS nine daya before the year expired, say« » re ­ le n t Corvallis dispatch Him•« Sep lem b er 18 ahe haa laid an egg every day. and the prospects a r e lh al ah« will con tin ue to ilo ao lo the end of the year for which the record la kepi and o th e r hen« In the sam e Aock may e<|iial her record before Ihe «nil of the laylne year. T h e lilebeal « c e " W o m a n , ” growled the villain, record In Ihe United Htalea previous­ ly recorded waa made by a hen «I — the crim e la on your own h e a d ! " ••|a II on s t r a ig h t ? ” anxiously de­ Ihe Missouri alatlo n that laid SNt c e e s In one year. T h e previous rec- manded . I h e vlllalne*«. Total Resources. D A M 'K S HI R I M I $ 62,731.97 20 per cent 8,923.72 18,961.03 112 per cent 91,098.07 102,356.87 12 per cent TH ESE FIGURES ARE SIGNIFICANT AND A SIGN OF THE TIMES The people of this community are to be congratulated upon the fine showing which they are making. The reports from other sections of the country are almost if not quite as encouraging as the above. Don’t knock about the hard times, but devote your time and attention to your business and you will have no occasion to knock. Besides, if you knock and complain about general condi­ tions or the other fellow you lay yourself open to suspicion that there is some inherent weakness in you yourself. If you are discouraged, if you wish business counsel, if you are in doubt about a proposed financial deal we want you to feel free to call on this bank and to feel that you are at home here. NO RED TAPE. NO FORMALITY. NO WAITING. All the resources of this bank are at your disposal. dially invite you to come in and get acquainted. POTATO' silo»» »NH PAIR WRRK | One of Ihe most unique fe a tu re * of Ihe P o tato Show will be the " B a r n D a n c e " at the S p a r k . T h e s t e r on Frid ay evening. O ctober 24 Mrs S p a rk * la m ak in g big preparatio n« for thl* novel event, ntid yesterd ay received a fear sheep, pigs, e l r . and ihe hall will be approp riately dec- old " f a r m c l o t h e s " and c o m e lo Ihe go***l old fashioned dunce S aturday evening. O cto b er 25. a n o th e r dance will he held at Khret'a had. ELECTRICITY COMING AND CATTLE INTO GENERAL USE INSTITUTE LECTURES FI Ï0 BE ILLUSTRATED le ctu re on " T h e Value and I'aes of M anures " We have not a sufficient nu m b e r of slides completed to m ake th e o th e r le ctu re an illustrated one In (his connection It o cc u rs to us . . . . . . «•»*« r » “ "tig ht b* Interested in mak- Ing use of our moving picture dim on poultry raising, during the potato show. We could send th e dim over by pro fesso r Hyslop and you would have lo a rr a n g e with a local picture h o . . » <» have the dim run We also have a s h o rte r dim, " A T o u r of the ° ' »nipus . to which you will be welcome If It will add to your a t ­ t ra c t Iona. Very tru ly yours. K XTK NSIO N DIVISION T h e f l i t t e d S t a l e s Consul a t A ber­ deen. S cotland , th in k s thal American m a n u fac tu re rs may have a c h a n c e to " W h y a r e you In such compete In furnishing staves for dsh barrels. T h e r e has been a recent for the new c u r r e n c y ? " staves front Sweden and Scotland. We cor­ Redmond REDMOND, Bank OREGON of Commerce Madras P io n e e r: T h e rabbit drive « 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ In thla aertlon have started again, j and last Sunday the party that got ' to g e th e r did great exeeullon In the H I W M T I.KSSON'H M I L L I l k <•!»■ section lhal waa hunted over. It KN IIV I’ KOKKMNOKH seema (hat the peats have multiplied very rapidly d uring Ihe past two years, and a united effort will have to I h * made to e x t e rm in a t e them ao lh al the f a rm e r s may be ab le to sow P ic tu re « to Show “ Value and I ' m * of t h e ir grain and harvest It them selves M anu res" anti " P o u lt r y and not lei th e rab b its do It for R a i s i n g ." Ktc. them . T h e hunt Sunday waa over at Ihe Newell place* about six miles to the east of Madras, and ( h e party consisted of altout 76 persons, many i o f them being ladle* who showed i Hr. d a r r o f t h l * city, one of the t h e ir ability with the nhootlng Iron*. , ,,, .. . executive c om m ittee o f the P otato bringing home t a d l e , that som e of m , nd F „ r hft. r w „ , Ved , he fol. the men would hav e been proud of ,ow)n|{ fro m th„ E * t e n . l o n HI- In all thal were killed, front the vision of the Oregon A gricultural count o f the Individual m em b er*, ov­ College at Corvadla In regard to the er 9 0 0 were laid low, with probably F a r m e r * ' In stitu te s to be held here half a * many m ore that would event- durl(|(| , how. ually die, afte r being wounded Some Corvallis, Ore , Oct. 11th. of the Individual scores ran up Hr. J . d a r r . Redmond. Ore. around Ihe 70's , which Isn't lo be Hear S i r : Replying to your favor doubted front the way the dring was of October 7, please be advised thal going on all the sam e as a young P ro feseo r Hyslop will be prepared (o Fo u rth of Ju ly . Illu s tra te with stereoptlcon slides his TWO Amount of Increase Total Deposits................$.»2,181.57 Total Cash .................... In the aprine of 1912 0 A Hrad ley. who la tarm in e north of Ihe city, brn uehl from Iowa a reelalered l>uroc J e r s e y sow Soon afte r hla arriv al ahe had a Id le r of I I plea T h e At« malea from Ihla llller were aold In ih e fall for 126 each, or 1 1 2 6 for Ihe lot T h e alx female« of Ihla I d le r were bred lo Klne lt«eua. a re e la'e re d Huroc Jeraey hoar from Ihe Itoaa Clark herd of McMinnville, i >r«e«n T h e proceri y of l hese fe- malea now nu mber 9k Thla week Tu ««day Mr dradley receded by express a resistere*! Huroc Je rs ey boar, nine moniti» old. lh al took Aral prise at the S i a l e Pair al Salem , and cam e from the P r i m ­ rose herd on the J »» Krull ranch al Itrooka. Oreeon Thla boar was b ro u eh l to head Mr llradley'a herd of Hu roca I'poti coniine here Mr dradley alati b rouehl with him Iwo Imported (iuernaeya. and he has sin ce (hen been Increasing hla dairy herd He haa an ambii Ion to aoiue day own the Aiie«' ilalry farm In C en tral Ore- eon 11« believes lhal hoe ralalne and d alr ylne C» hand In hand, and l h a l this com bination can be auc- ceaafully carried on with leas expense and risk In Central Oreeon than In any o ilier aectlon of the country October Hh, 1913 August 9th, 1913 Re lit e l 'ounly How ' » hftt i * III«’ »i. «1*1#» i for holding flip llmlmoud t 'o la lo Hlm» Third £ nuual K « f • m 4 V i d m « « near Ot (t»l»er M , I r ) i I ( I»«* of liilor**«! lo 14« • § I ml«l» of Thn S|mkr«iiiitii to l«*arn tig of t h r history of the «ho« I it h«|>l>nhrt| to be ro»Cfl»Pt| tnbrr 3u, l i l t , w«« "K a il* t> Ijr'* for Hpftmond, * h « A th r of thr* two railro ads to the* c ele b rate d * « r »1 ttiadr a gala day and many It » . e th lb lt* of a g ric u ltu ral war* K I •. root rro|»a. «ti* , to show th«* It may be of interest to the people in this community to learn how the district surrounding Redmond has progressed in a finan­ cial way during the past few months. For your information we be# to draw a few comparisons between the last statement of the Redmond Hank of Commerce, dated on A u g u s t 9, 1913, and our statement at the close of business on Saturday, October 4, 1913. I 'nsurpuK-sed — Seven S n « * n * -oKni/ed lin One of Crook r A bank’s deposits and the volume of business transacted by it make the best barometer you have by which to judtfe local finan­ cial conditions in the territory which the bank supplies. l'Ilo » IN TM » I I T I h 1 - 1(01 |T WII.K Sime Until Now It ■ Here 7 MANY CUE, AR DAYS AND rn Growing in Import- i y '» (omini; ( limutir ( 'omlitions ON OCTOBER 2. 1911 m I'niplr Are Drli|(hlril With the DOES HOG RAISING PAY HOW IIKI.I) C o Oulnidr A Sign of the Times old Is almost exhausted. a hu rry ARK S T t K ' k l N(J IP W IT H THK K K H I S T K K K H IIK KKHM (i. A. d rad ley ami Albert Sch uld MOTORS HKI M i I N S T A I , I.K.H M A M K A H t R IN ti IN PLANTS T h e Handy “ J u i c e " T a k e s P la c e of d o th S e cu re New Prize Old F a i t h f u l (¿asoline Winning Stock Kugtuea F a r m e r s In this section of Cen­ tral Oregon who are progressive and re a l li e that the best re su lts In hog raising and dairying ran only be ob­ tained by improving t h e ir stork are adding th e best reg istered breeds they can secure. T h is week O. A. d rad ley. who has a hog and dairy fa rm Just north of the city, added a registered Huroc J e r s e y b oar to his herd. T his boar took first prlxe at the S t a t e F a i r at Salem , and cam e from th e P rim ro se herd on th e J . W. F r u i t ranch at drooks. Oregon. Mr. d rad le y intends to head his herd o f Huroc J e r s e y s with th is new boar. Albert Sch ultx. o w ner of the J u n i ­ per R an ch, a few m iles east of this city, shipped In by express Tuesday- night a registered Holstein bull that took tlrst prixe at the S t a t e F a i r at Salem th is year. T h i s bull will be one year old In !>eoember and now weighs 8 0 0 pounds. The animal cornea of heavy stock, for his fa t h e r weighed 2 ,8 0 0 pounda when four years old. and his m o th er 1 .8 0 0 pounds when four years old. The m o th er has a record o f 30 pounds of b utter, and averaged between 28 and 29 pounds of milk during the year. Mr. Sch ultx Is largely engaged In stock raising and Is m akin g a s atis­ facto ry success. Ilia ranch Is well Improved and ke h a s 2 6 0 acres in a lfa lfa . K lectrlc m otors are fast ta k in g the place of gasolin e e ngin es in Redmond since the installatio n of a 24-ho u r service by the Oeschutes P ow er Com­ pany, who have an e lec tric system In Redmond. P rtnevllle, Culver. Madras and Metollus. At th e present tim e nearly all th e m a n u fac tu rin g e s t a b ­ lishm ents and con cern s using power are coupled up with t h e e lectric company and use motors. T h e following co n ce rn s hav e mo­ tors for power purposes: Redmond F e e d & Milt Co., 15 horsepower. Redmoud C ream ery Company. 7 *k horsepower. G. W. Davies, wood and Iron works. 3 horsepower and Is horse­ power. T h e Spokesm an, two motors, one 2 horsepower and one 1-3 horse­ power. Oregon Hub. 2 horsepower. Lynch A Roberta, for coffe milt, Vk horsepower. W hile the gasolin e engin e was good enough In Its class, electricity Is so much c le an e r, handler, and saves Insurance ri sk that many users o f power have discarded the engin es and gone In fo r the " J u i c e . ” O ther power uaers in the city a re con tem platin g the Installatio n of motors at an early date. The S po kesm an for good printing.