The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, October 09, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    o T H t m » 1"
V j,
T " v j* / I
^ tù / r
By Henry Russell Miller,
Author of
Man Higher Up"
m i. fey Ike Hnfefe- *W»rl«
l «a. past
prologue .
f . he re i t a l iv e , ¡ ¡ r i p p i n g .
I rom ance o f pot H u a
o l l l l c e o f u d e c a d e ago ,
p o l i t i c • « / to d a y .
le rlc a n n / g o o d f ig h t in g
I h a r d . / M a il i d v a t a acta
m o t h the p o l i t i c a l m a ­
h l t ttatv w ith o u t com -
w ith e v il.
T h e great m o -
• / H it l i f e c o m e t w h e n he
i f i c v h i t c le a n h a n d t or
f a t h e r o f th e g i r l he
T h e c r e a t iv e g e n l u t a n d
o w e r o f th e a u t h o r u re
Ir e n o t a b l e t h a n in
H ig h e r U p ." M r. M ille r t
\rig n o v e l.
' 1,11
•*l tinta*
litui flint.** al»« rnll«*«l
aftir litui
I m *
* 'u 11 tai* hr Ima pimi) of
Hr«* mul a|*lr 1 l. hot at rrltlral tin»«**
•«•vili« fu la« Il rotlltllMll ««'UHI* ** HI)«*
lauk’ li.«*! a fr«**« limai« al laugh that
« *lli<*ll« « %% r*Mttll«it Ihr I i I imn I to lila
II«* untile no reply
Hlie w atrtirtl filli» na lie «w ü tig along,
frankly adm iring the tn11. < Umiily tnillt
figure w ho««’ linea thè luuM e*«at tie
C H A P T E R I.
Wore itili Hot eonreal Mie re meli» la» reti
lite eml of lite l»lj{ gnu»«* rig h i yenra tir
M •<• at l h . M
fore, n hen a laughing, inud »tuli»«*«!
» a t tw llltfbl allll In Ilia ra l
voting athlete tore hitiiaelf aw ay from
Iry . Ixil o u t lit« bllla lu lit«
hla hlolatroua rotili >nolona to lay Ilia
raal lit« sky » a t w ltllaulug
triu m ph at the f«*«*f of the «Iny'a awret
\ yuiin* man a lllln g l>; Itia
Hhe reU»«*ml*ere«| nlao, w ith a
rued to *•*> t h t W rttl <>f an
«lulle, the «tahliltig rl»ll<tl«h Ji*fllâi«f
•(toa 4k I
I lirougtm ut Ih r til* l i lir
a lf il w hiel» rt f fe«'k le fu«’«*«! abort
staring at a tlalou
lin t • Wlrfr«| girl hn*l w H n rn w il hla i 1«* y «litoti
bad art nu m ark u|»>u bint
" A m i ) o tire alili h«*re. t»urle«1 alive
In Itila out *»f the a ay com er of the
H U Ha
. f i - . r ».m il » a
aorl«!.** «lie an hi «oftly
"O h. John
|«il In i“ a d r llll ii « . ra lh rr I m u menile' Jo h n I t u n m m il r r
fe rtla la m « . |.ur|»»s*-f<;l a* ll-*n
H miden I y » lir tota heil li«*r home w ith
¡ 1 li 1.1« III no* Ira. in. * In* I I .1
the crop
lie Ifeoiinrl«*«! forw ard ami
|r III» aool In l b « struggle lb » l «■laIt«-re*l along until Ih r young uuin
l i Uta i f « of men
ana «»vertnken
Hhe fvull«««t ('r U M ilr f
H a r iiKhl up a r*Mii£t» loMrrl « m l
dow n t«» n walk ut aliteli Ih r young
• in ;••!!) «»ul *>f ft)# tu iU il. walk
tumi looked up natot)l«h«al t'tirloun na
11jr it« mr ti U m * » I r w l
W bf® ih r to her Identity, hill fenring another re
|nk* inw ti lay IrhlrM l liiui h r prmif he i fiutlt»u»ly r«-frnin**k| from
■Jut«, a al.M«r trot
At a p la rr furth«*r a|*ee* ||
u, i
M fl I
T h e y a«*nf along In alienee until th«*r
renili«*«! n |«>lnt atiere fit«* undulating
Id ta i
fVM lkli< nm il
T h r pat!» rn«1r«l at a rond fi*«-* to i*oiiitsin*Ht a vl«*w of the
• u r r ttaiili
ralley V*> tin* a«»ufh and th«* tow n to
Hli«* relti«*d In her li«»m«*
lla a l
l Into the north
ron t i * m tldiia? l a m Dot ■ b ir b ir lA B 1n
h • »»It of pbll(M H phlilo| « it i» «franga
/ '" " ‘U Meli <•« III! ha nani l**for« 7 o'cluck
til III« lllurillllll "•
" " Imi lini you read III the fi lot*# 7*'
u i lty
of men? I rea«!, 'M r.
ll; •
thm m ead* w ill uudoubte«lly make a
•(rung eaudldate
T h e entire county
wan ta him It w ill have him * It r««ada
tike a paient u»e«ll« lue ad vert U rinen t,
doennt It?
Ilo w d««en It feel to he
a anted hy an entire county, M r D u n
urna de?"
" I l la.** he cofifeaard. " r a l her plena
ant If true
W h o are you?**
And auddenljr. with a laugh, ahe waa
gone, auild a «daller o f lioofa.
Alone he it<ldr«**»r«l the m orning.
"Hhe nu Id I am atroug
I wonder, am
I »(m u g «troiig enough?" And. a«*ar< h-
Itig hla «ou I for the ana w er, he heard
il«» negli live
Title «dirotti« le. we neglevded to alate,
(»«»glue at the tiegliiulng of the end of
mi e|»» h
T h e epoch hue h«*«*n vari
oii«ly atyli*«l a gotdeii age. a |»erlod of
priMkperlty. nu era «if eipnnaton It waa
nil of Hint lo n few
F o r «»them,
though they dl«l not a«*e It. It waa a
re« e««loit. « truce III the af niggle, old
aa life Itaelf. I h I a «•«•»» the luauy and
file atroug
W llltnin Mur« hell Waa a d U ttn g u U h
(il Hie in lier of n clnaa w ho»e idlfithllig
pfve III Iflra are Hot alitatile«! hy the In
• l«1«*nt of a low ly afnrt
lie waa tairn
In the nine ure hill town o f New f'hel
«en ««am after Andrew Jarkaon and
fila rn ti I *m fiorarle« promulgate«! and II
Uiatrated the Im m ortal doctrine. " T o
flu* victor I*«« Ion g the a|Mifla." In the
fn»hl«ui mnde fiopular hy At»m tm m Mil*
• oln and oilier grent uien he ae* ur««d
an «Hlui’atlon and on the «lay he attain
•«0 td« u iajo rttf w a« ndinlft«*«! to Hie
pm« th e of law In 1l«*nfon .county
A Unit |t»e anuie tim e he entered the
brooder profilatoli of |a»l|tl<’a. I*eltig
(hen a lu k ew arm W h ig
I I I « m ilitar? « e n h e a are [»erba pa
l*e*»t dlam M œ d with ttir m ention of a
certain gol«! u i « i ! h I «tn x k In hin honor,
by a|M**dal a* t of i «»ngrfa*a. for gallnut
< «indu* t oil the Held «»f tnttflr
T tie in
rfdlotia h ate umile mm h of fhla deco
H o w ever. It pr»»t»ahly required
a finer courage to renigli from the colo-
n« i* y of hl« home guard regiment on
I he eve of f Set f yatnirg I Ida tnd«*«*«! wna
the fact to a« « epl the le«*« efpoaed «»f*
fl< e of aid to the governor at the rapt
tal than t«» fa« e the hnll of reliel hill
•eta T h e re are many waya of e»i»reaa
I f I g i « e ‘a iw irio tU m
La ter lie sorted
hl« country a« prothonotnry f«*r Henlon
• «muty
A fte rw a rd he |«i»««e«! through
m any g m tintinna of i»illtt«*al pref«*r
ment, a« re|»re**eiilaf1re In the ifen«*ral
aaaemhly of h l« «tate aa atnfe aena
tor aa «tate t rea au rer am! finally aa
t U lt i’d State» «••natof. w ht« h r t n lt r d
.» Ih r e he held until hut we an!hd|»ate
our hlai or y
lie l»e*anie In ad«lltl«Hi
lender of h l« |aarty o rg n n lm tk m . an
eu p hem Urn employed by those who ob
je* feti lo the term •Unta**
M untvell'a cr**e*l waa that
word for M m to n u n , to m y offle# last
Tu e sd a y nl 2 o'cl.M-k sharp, tin ra t be
knew what for 11« runic, all r ig h t I
lliou glil It'd do bllii good to ciM,l bla
t in is aw hile keep him from ge 'ttu '
I on i-licsly
litM'ss lie walled about
half an hour am i then got up
' I ’ re
sent uiy Ii.uiplliupiita to Heuator Hbee
ban.' lui says to the hoy. and tell him
to go to the devil ami learn bow to
keep tils ap|M>liituipiita,‘ mid left 'l.ntig
alMiut 3 o'clock I «trolled out aud gets
bis m.-naag«.”
Klipelian pauaeit long
eiiougb lu slap hla thigh resoundingly,
" lie 's all right
A in 't any one told uie
to go to llie devil for some tim e
H e 'll
tie w orth tttl estra m a jo rity -t o the
whole tic k e t"
" I f he'll take th « nom ination.”
•Take It? O f course he'll take I t
A in ’t there ( I .Vsi a year In It for lilm ?
Am i mi'hhy when Ills term's ended lie
m ight go to the legislature as repre-
M lit,ill»e "
" O r slate senator?”
K li.iiia n g rllim it
"Hoy, do I look
Ilka I waa on m y w ay to the bong-
y n rd f
lie I p c tiiiip serious.
“ W hat's the
m utter w ith Die iMi.ple. anyhow ? Itala-
III C ain aU over the state— Just lie
eaiisp," he added com plalnliigly. "one
trust luliipniiy went up and llie cashier
shot Itself
A in ’t busllie*« good ?
A in 't Ibe organisation given them good
guvprtnnellt V be demanded.
" I t haa."
Senator Mure hell s|M>ke
w ith conviction
" W h a t do they w ant, then?”
" I don't know
T h e y don't know .
And na long us they don't k n o w ," felur
cfiell aald d ry ly , "yo u aud 1. J im .
needn't lie a f ra id ”
T h e y lu d rniched and turned the
ro rn e r of the street that tnu nd a I lie
court house square ou the north. Th e y
stoptMil at a fram e, tw o room shack
hy the door of w hich hung a battered
tin sign. "Jo h n !>unmrade. A tto rne y at
I j i w . "
Sheehan led the w a y Inslile
T h ro u g h the door of the Inner room
pain# the muffled drone of voice». T h e
tw o men sen I ed themselves tn the
» n le r .« . mi and waited
T e n minutes
T h e n l i e door o|>ened and
John f>utiminile emerged, ushering out
a tig . Isnrded farm er
W hen the cli­
ent had left the you ng la w y e r turned
to hi* caller* and shook hands, w a rm ly
w ith M urcbell and hastily w ith Sbee
" W ill yon atep li« ld e . gentlem en?”
T h e y t.Mik seats around the old.
tim e stained mahogany table.
"W e ll? " Inm m ende'* look aidre*aed
Ibe rem ark to Senator M urcbell.
T h e senator smiled slightly.
“ I'm
here only » « an honorary vice presi­
dent Ask Sheehan H e like» to talk."
"S u re ." SlM-ehati grinned
" I ain't
•me of them that believe# the feller
that d o n i talk Is deep and wise
g e n e riy ain't ta lkin ' lecause be can't
think of m ih ln to aay."
H e paused
amt continued. " W e ll, Mr. Iila trict At
lo r u ry " -
" Is n 't that a little prem ature?" John
O C TO B E R 23, 24, 25
1. The show room will lye open for the reception and ar-
rantrinif o f exhibits three days before opening day o f show.
2 . Kntrien and reservations for space may be made with the
Secretary or by mail any time within ten days o f opening date.
8 . All articles entered for competition must be the property
of the person in whose name it is entered, and must have been
grown or made by that party.
4. Premium« awarded at other fairs are not allowed to be
used in decorating exhibits at this show.
5. Upon any article taring entered a card showing the class
and entry number will lie furnished, and must remain attached
to the article during the exhibition.
ft. No article entered in General Exhibit o f Farm Products
or Vegetables will be allowed to compete for individual prizes.
7. The Judges shall report only those articles for premiums
in the regular list, but can make especial recommendations where
articles, not listed, are deemed worthy o f a premium.
8. Blue ribbons designating first, and red ribbons second,
shall !>e attached to all articles immediately after same have been
!). No article shall be removed from exhibition before 6:00
p. m. o f the last day of the Show and Fair.
T h e n . rrs« hlng the
tie fook the t«»w rl and ru!»t*«**l
ti l o a glow
lie 11 tig I «*«1 w ith
• ag#' of welt lielng
h r wna ilr r »* n l again, refreah
ed and eager for hla d o t. he took the
1 i k to th r b l e b » * ,
T b r *un
Wife ’liin M n c m r r I ho hill*
I I p ■*«■!•
p H im l »*|iiip «| It wh<lp II , * m i |
r b « r In Ihp * kr. Klpam lns ■ O p , ; rr.1
( k m k'li H ip m l«l* of H ip ,* II p ,
fto r, <>f II ip n.>rnliii( **• i'otii|>(plP
H i « * . in rpMimiP III* lr*m|'
^ ^ K « * r < | » brn b r tM>hplit * *tr*ns»
prop- Inn m l,a n tin g along Ihp m ail, a
aonian Ipmtlng a llm i'lng h u rw
K m fel p ram p np a rrr b . rh tlrklpil almnl
T W *tnl*aNllfe p lg ik ln amlillp H ip !« • « ,
•••I prop. I lip nnMlUh rV llbg aull
l»«>l* » p r p n<>l Ibp p<|iil|>iUPtit w ith
pb rm iiig laillpa of N p w Chpl*pa
«■ n il In rlilp
• tipnnl him anil lookinl up r o ld l;
I • bin kip i II p ,] ln*lantljr
)> mm I m orning.'' h » anl4
''W h a t'*
uiHttpr w ith y o u r liurap? ( ' i n I
» your*
ip aln|i|m1
“ lip ha* p lr k iil up a
|p.‘* abp auawprpil. ’'and I ra n 't gpl
I f you w ill Iw an good” —
Hr «a nltp .l U g lily n v r r Ibp fpnrp
I Ixituidpd II ip i iim d o « anil r v im m il
• ofTrlidlng altniP
'I'bnn k you ." Ihp young w om nn aald
y V o u 'r * <|ultp w plronip." bp an*w#r-
" I 'm alw ny* glad In hplp iM-nuly
I I p I* a lipnutlful anim al.
> i I i p T” I ip addl'd ha*t!ly
"A ro you rbnfflng in#?" ah# a*k#d
id ly .
I I p ipprpaapd a amllp " l l y no uipana
?tlpr not r lip him for a 111 11«* I'll, un
II WP *PP bow be walka
Yuu rid#
i r ly ." lip rp n tiirp d
" N o pnrllpr than y o u — a w lm ." ah# r#
ilm l brlplly. g la n rln g at hi* w p I hnlr
m l tn » p i
U p at mu tt liprauip u n c o »
rtnlily iMinaiiuua o f bl* ra lb a r un
puipi appptirnitrp.
"Arw you «ta y ln g In N #w Chplapa?*’
" Y ra '•
"Hball you atay l« » ig T '
*'Ar* you In H ip habit of rroxa #*•
• m ining «trangpra on th# road?" aha
Im iulrpd frig id ly.
U p rpddpttpd
" I l>pg yo u r pardon."
IM- » ilil and alarkanpil hla par# to lal
b rr d ra w ahrad
“ I think I'll ride n o w ." aho aald. 'I f
yon w ill hplp me up. C rueader hai
alopped lim p in g."
I I p hrld out hla hand, ah# placPd a
fool In It and waa llftpd to the **d
HI m m orraiirpil h#r Ihanka
although abp g a lh rrp d In th# r#lna. all#
M not atart a w a y. F o r a mnm piit aim
»at looking at th# hill*, apparently ob
II,Iona of the you ng man'* preapnc#
It# wnndprpd w ho ah# waa and ,# n
tnrpil again.
" W h y do you call him
Hhp liNik#,t d o w n at him
"A n o th P '
qmiatlun? Yon ar# Incorrlgtbl# ”
b#g yo u r pardon.” he aald again
allltly and marcbod np the road.
•*ll in i k r« oi ip fppl aa liplplp*» a*~—
.Slip |M0«a«l fur lark of a coui|Mirl*»n
"A * brl|.Ji-«« n* aotiM* t lib k « 1 1 1 *«**n
fp«'l uulp*« Hi# f.iriupr'* dog M-orp* off
that lm « k
I ip ri»tu|ilplpd II ip «rnlpnr#
for brr. (Milullng iM pr a liarnynrd In
lb # rnltoy H ip big bird wa* *• Miring
ln H a r m « Ing. lii»i'rlii# «ir>ip*
I’ roin
l«n # a lli ram p faintly Ibp rr 1 «a o f
frlgliPiiiMl f u » i*
Knddpiily Ibp h a « k
Hcarrely ‘
« «■ mi I mm I In« to Ibp enrtti
I m ti« I ti g. II a on m l alnfl ou ce m ore.
Ipii« lug punir In H ip barnyard and ou r
rb lrk H ip ip*a
TI ip you ng w om nn laughed “ T h e re a
i an tllu*iratlon o f on* fundamputal
law ”
"T h e suprem acy o f ih e *t rung ? T h at'a
1 an old theory. I know
A »ery pretty
.n ip -fr o m Ibe |Milnt o f ,le w o f Ihe
! hawk
Hut liow b I mmì Ibe c h ic k ? "
"O h . If one I» l»»rn a r l i l r k " - Hhe
.m n iiiili« ! Ibe « ,' ii I p iiip « l l h a *tirog
Suddenly W 'th a La ugh . Sha W »a Oon#
Am id a C latter ot Hoot*.
of ber «In n iliera. ' Strength I* It* ow n
lla a iiT lh# w orld alw ny* been
ru m in e re i amt ruled by II* atroug.
" I 'm afraid that I* true." he aald to
" A f ra id ! I should think you would
be glad, a lin e I h io e It from the New
Chelaea l ì loin' you are a atroug man
lie hi* aatonlahmPBt
know wli*» I s w r
“ O f ctiurw*?
IMil you ttilnk. M r
I tun mea de." "he laughial "did you
think yo u r charm * outweighed the
F o r ausw er the Honorable J im drew
forth from a u iih e r pocket a folded
new «paper, w hich he spread out ou hi*
Solem nly he tiegnn to read:
among Ibe elect
lie I m *II p ,* i I devout
" W e should m i d ig nify the present
ly In the a v i* «iil and la iit principle* rather n n i i t ie d political conditions
•if hi* party, although be « a * m i tig
w llli Ihe name crisis
Hut It la un
•Hut n n i would on IK-CSBIOO lake a *e
questionably a tim e when o u r party
ere I band In llie affair* of Ibe up|*>*l
must lii«|**> I It» path carefully.
lie bail more than mice read such a tim e It hehoovea It to chiton#
m i Ilf Ibe p a r t, foolhardy young men as cundMales only men » b u n » fear
who v p i in r .i l b< oppna# hi* leadership. lessiipss and honesty are not open to
lie llv .il d u rin g nl lea*« tw o montb* question
lle iio n com ity has tbta fall
■>f every year In Ihe to w n o f hi* lir t h . lo All the InqM.rtnnl office of district
Pnber In ll.e *<|iiare. w hite fram e attorney. O f all those mentioned for
b m w on Maple »Ireet or nt ibe farm , Ilil* |MMt w e kuow of none w ho so
three miles weal, w hich he lei “on « e ll tills Hie bill aa Jo h n Hunmeade.
«h a re * "
New Chelsea wa* a quaint. the popular and brilliant young law yer
■.Id fashioned lim n lyin g at the head of New Chelsea ills na m e "— Sheehan's
of Ihe Weetiannock valley, quite con
voice ris e lo a triu m p h a nt c lim a x — "his
lent w ith It* i«q.ulntlon o f ¡vomi and unine has brought forth euthustaam
with the honor of being the courtly » berever mentioned T h e entire coun­
•cat. w iil.ii M u n h e ll'* Influence bad ty wants hlui
It w ill have h im ." lie
prevented from ta in g m oved to l i u m
looked up
" W h a t do you think of
vllle. that th rivin g little factory city that. e h T '
lift .i'll mlleM away
•'Which of yo u ." John asked. "In
I a .« t. M ain *treet one flue Ju n e aft \ spired that editorial?”
prn<M.n he « a * w alk ing w ith that air
“ I did .” auswered Sheehan.
of abstraction which »Its *o well on didn't w rite It. though," be confessed.
the great.
"iH .n 't you th lu k ." Jo h n demanded,
••Hr ha* big possib ilities"
L’ ncon
a little sharply, "you m ight have asked
■cloiisly ihe senator *|M»kp aloud
my cousent before using m y uam e as a
Ilia coiupat.lon »eenieil to under­ candidate?
H o I understand y o u 're
stand the reference, " l i e '« all rig h t." come here to— to give me y o u r consent
be answered.
Senator J im
to r u u T ’
Sheehan wa* a big. fat gentlem an w ith
" W e came to aay we'd support you
furtive, tw in k lin g eye», a m odicum of
" T h e n let me state the oaae to you
n»ar*v* gi**l I.M.ka and a rolling, ctwk aa It 1».
The state I* pretty much
sure gait bred of no m isfortune. H e
» o r k .i l up over that trust company
« a * a a n . of power. Fifteen y e a r» be
affair buck east.
I'm uot sure It
fore he bad gone lo I'lu m v H le to work oughtn't to lie worked up. either T h e
In the mill*, nu uncouth, unlettered
farm ers lu this oouuty aud a good
Irishm an, w ho m o ld tell a good atory. many jieople lu I’ lum vH le are n't very
hold unlim ited ipinntltle* of liquor and
frleudiy to you personally at best
wn* not n iiw lllln g to w ork « h e n uioo
short." he laughed, "yo u need some
py could m i la* had o th e r» la#
new tim b e r to pntcb up the old ahlp of
Hot not long for him bad been the state
A m i you think I'll d o "
grim e and roar and rauacle racking of
S li.ii.a u turned to Senator M urcbell
Ihe mllla. Money could tie had more "Senator, let's me and you go lig h t out
eaally li iim r llle waa bm unlng T h e re and resign and let Jo h n n y here run
were at m i s to be g m i . i l and paved, things
IV .u 't you w ant the Job?” be
public b.llkllngs to be constructed J im
dem aiidnt of John
went Into is.lltlc* and I M in n ie he waa
" I don't know yet. I'm th in k in g It
a good "To te getter" and h a i a cer
tint If I Ink# It It w ill be on
tain rough talent tor the game a cq u ir­ co n d itio n "—
ed |lower lie <>|>eiied a mh I im . u and ac­
" O n condition!"
quired more |M»wer. tie tni-am # a con
- " H i n t there are no conditions. I'd
tractor and secured m any contract*
want to ru n m y cam paign and the of
One day the < ity aw oke to the fact flee according to m y ow n notion». I'd
that J im Sheehan owned Itn govern
run It straigh t."
n u 'ii
T h e cltlyena cried out In pro­
" S u re r' agreed Sheehan.
test and. w ith the habit of Am erican
" I really mean II. you k n o w ." John
ettlea. little and big. subm itted
" I m ight even have to get
became, by virtue of hla alllanc# w ith
after yon. Sheehan."
Mure bell, alalc senator from Hentou
T h is to Sheehan was hum orous mat
county amt trader - w r d in g to the
T h a t '« all rig h t." he agreed
eupliem lam of the county organise
again, g rinning . " If you can catch roe
You think It over. Jo h n n y , and let me
" l i e * all rig h t." be repeated and
know lo in o rm w "
He rose. " W e ll. I gueaa I m ust he
" K h ' f said M u n h e ll
" W b o 'i all
A re yon cornin’ along, aena
right r
" W h y . Jo h n n y In m m e n ie . of course!
"N o t Just now. Sheehan." Senator
IH d n't tell you how I happened to l>e
M n rrh e ll »nsw ered.
goln to ace him '»tend of the other way
" l i t be aayln’ good da y. then
It'a a home on me. all lig h t."
tie th rew hack his head, and the Sheehan shook hand» w ith Senator
M urcbell and John and le ft
chuckle bream# a loud guffaw. "Sent
( T o be c o n tin u e d .)
For the Best Bushel of Potatoes, any variety, by
F. S. Stanley, C. O. Irr. Co............................
For the Best Bushel o f Burbanks.....................
or the largest and Best Display of Different
Varieties of Potatoes, not less than one crate
of each, open to all growers, Seth Thomas
Bronze-Brass Eight-Day Clock, given by the
Oregon Trank Railway, value...........................$85.00
For the 56 largest and Best Potatoes, any variety,
Silver Loving Cup, presented by the Great
Northern Railway.
•'or the Best Collection, 2 or more varieties, 6
specimens each, grown by child 14 years or
under .....................................................................$ Ì 3.00
•rom the Best Model Made from Potatoes.........$ : 5.110
$ 2.00
$ .50
Cabbage, 3 specin
'arrota. Table, 6
Carrots, Stock, 3 specimens
Musk mellón.
'arsnips, 3 specimens
Watermelon, 3 specimens
''or the Best Collection. 5 or more varieties. 6
.00 2d; $3.00 3d
ileets. Stock or Mangels, 3 specimens.
Collection o f Grasses
Sheaf o f Wheat . . . .
Sheaf " f O a t s ..........
(Not less than 6 inches at band)
day <>f Grain in s t a l k .......................
(Not less than 4 inches at band)
. 1.00
. 1.00
. 1.00
. 5.00
Six Best Stalks o f Milo Maize
Largest Sun F lo w e r ...............
For the Best Display o f (Trains and Grasses, one
Sack Flaky Loaf Flour, donated by the Bend
Milling & Warehouse Co.
bushel Wheat, any variety.................................... $3.00
bushel Oats, any v a r ie ty ...................................... 3.00
bushel Barley, any v a r ie ty .................................. 3.00
b osbd live ............................................................ 1.00
bushel of Field P e a s ............................................ 1.00
peck o f Flint Corn in E ar.................................... 1.00
peck o f Dent Corn in E a r .................................... 1.00
the Best Display of Threshed Grains, one
Sack Bluestem Flour, donated by the Bend
Milling & Warehouse Co.
$ 2.00
To be grown by exhibitor in Crook County.
. 1.00
. 1.00
Best Dish of Spitzenberg A p p le s ........
. 1.00
Best Dish*bf Newtown Pippin A p p les...
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Baldwin A p p le s ...............
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Northern Spy Apples
. 1.00
. 1.00
. 1.00
Best Dish of Winesap A p p le s ...............
. 1.00
Best Dish of Yellow Bellflower Apples
. 1.00
Best Dish of Wagner A p p le s ...............
. 1.00
Best Dish of Rome Beauty Apples . . . .
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Gano A p p le s .....................
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Ben Davis A p p le s .............
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Crab A p p le s .....................
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Winter Banana A p p les...
. 1.00
Best Dish of Rambo A p p le s .................
. 1.00
. 1.00
Best Dish of Winter Nelles Apples...................
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Keifer Fears ...............................
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Peaches ..........................................
Best Dish o f P lu m s ...................................................... . 1.00
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Petite P ru n e s ...............................
. 1.00
Best Dish o f Italian P ru n e s ...............................
. 1.00
Best Dish o f (trapes
C o n tin u e d on
Page T