TllK THl'ItHD \) RKPMONl» HPOKKSM AS h kit FOR THE APPROACHING HARVEST DRILLS Binders, Mowers and Hay Rakes BEAR IN MIND THAT WE STOCK OF DRILLS A LS O CARRY A FULL THE CELEBRATED VAN BRUNT AND THE SUPERIOR. W E WISH TO REMIND YOU THAT WE CARRY IN AT ANY TIME W HEN YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANY STOCK PEERING AND JOHN DEERE BINDERS, DEER- IMPLEMENTS, CALL ON US. CONSULT US INC,. DAIN AND ADRIANCE MOWERS. EITHER 41* OR GIVE YOU THE BENEFIT OF MANY 5-FOOT PERIENCE. CUT; MILWAUKEE, DEERING AND JOHN WE W ILL YEARS OF E X ­ DEERE HAY RAKES OF ALL SIZES. MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF REPAIRS CARRIED FOR ALL THOSE MACHINES *1 BRING IN YOUR LIST OF REPAIRS FOR ANY MACHINE MADE. HOW WE KNOW Binder Twine AND WHERE TO GET THEM FOR YOU THE QUICKEST W A Y. PROMPTEST ATTENTION GIVEN REMEMBER. W E SELL THE PLYMOUTH. KNOWN THOSE ORDERS. THE WORLD OVER AS THE BEST BINDER TWINE MADE. AND GOES FURTHER. Plows and Plow Shares REMEMBER, WE CARRY THE FAMOUS DEERE PLOWS— THE BEST ON EARTH. OF THEM— WALKING AND RIDING. JOHN FULL LINE EVERY COSTS NO MORE THAN THE INFERIOR KINDS HARDWARE PLOW- GUARANTEED TO GIVE ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION. CALL ON US WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN OLIVER CHILLED PLOW’ LINE, BOTH WALKING AND HARDWARE. RIDING. BUILDING MATERIAL. SHELF OR HEAVY HARDWARE WE GOT THE G ooPS AND GOT MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF CHILLED AND STEEL THE PRICE. SHARES KEPT IN THIS TERRITORY. J ALFRED MUNZ, Redmond, Oregon SPECIAL PRIZES FOR S. D. FOX & CO. K A I I . K O . t l M A M » O T I I M t S o K K K .l t r ill/ K S KUK T H E KVKVT Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars The sermon then runtlnued along physical. menUzl and > .ll| H the following lines First. The true lure We must noi MU I church Is composed of vitalized mem- Fourthly, S o m e o f the ! . Itagli hers, secondly, a divine energy oper difficult steps will thrill « ki I (Continued from 1st page) ales tu scrumpllsh their rhrlstlan lion and anxiety The JÊ character, thirdly. It la an Imperative Kemble and Whittier Were t a J dure In the Washington and Port­ duty to achieve the advance o f our lonnertlon “ land markets, hot preferred to buy In thl* section as they considered the produrt* raised here the beat Here Is a chance for the farmer and market gardener to put on their thinking rap and look the altuatloi over Mr Miller will gladly furnish Information In detail to anyone desir­ ing same In regard to this matter RAILROAD IS BUY Y 0 U R 1 l’uro !.. the activities • T o tip m l.eave lle n d .......... . 8 :3ft F * Arrive Madraa . . of the Apostle* Shifted from the land • * *° • ■ " Hwarhutea . n 44 P • of David and Elijah to Macedonia Metollus ., • 15 a. in . * ID P • Redmond . and South Europe, the home* »f ” C u l v e r ___ * 28 a m Terrebonne . » 24 P • Plato. Plutarch and Socrates Phllllpl Terrebonne • 7 « » a m 10 02 p. • C u i ver . . . being a colonial city and the seat Redmond . • 7 23 a. ra. of one of the early vigorous churches Metollua , , .1 0 :2 0 P • ” Desi h ii tea • * 43 a. m Paul commends and urge* them to . |0 :3 0 p ■ Madraa . , , ” l l e n d ......... 8 tut a in A rrlve Portland . . utilize their spiritual eneigy and ful­ . 8 I u a. * fill their Christian career o f useful •'«nneetlon. » . d e Portland lo and from W l l l . m . t . . V a l « nssa snd dignity. After the last great American elec­ • ° "n . nini*. Spokane. Montana. Colorado and eaalern pota» tion. President Wilson modestly ,|, d a r e d the event was not one of or b ? M , ‘ rnd " * * «• "• fornlshed on appi., ..M i triumph, but of dedication to n na tlonal task So the Christian Is mili­ It II rw/' o K" Prelghl and Paaaenger Age«» tant and agresslve. not yet triumph H- H C R O Z IK H . Assillarli Cenerà, ant A divine energy Is Imparted to give momentum to further opera Ilona. . . . t4 ” KA,K° U ««Jmond. Oregon. j Central Oregon Portland CEN TRA! OREGON LINE TOURIST SLEEPING CARS AND FIRST CLASS (X)ACHES