Patronize the Merchants Who Advertise and you’ ll help your town J. K Robert» of liobert*. farmer A. O. Kibb»H* of Hay i'reek. farmer. Roy Newell of Hay freok. farmer Arthur Ruiuiell of l*amonta. farmer. J. A. VoaburK of (Mine Fall*, farmer. W. 1 IHxon of Fife, stockman. V. Hutler of Prtnevllle. farmer C. \V. Palmehn of HrUaly. farmer fieorite McFarland of Hate* ay. farmer. S A. Sandv I k of I^ildlaw. farmer John Steidl of (tend, real estate dealer. D Mullholland of Roberts, stock- man. Wallace Past of Post, stockman K A Sat her of Rend, merchant W J Johnson of Prlnevllle. stockman Ralph Mct’auley of Terrebonne farmer. James Wood of Asbwood. farmer J N Hunter of Rend, real estate dealer \ O Walker of Alfalfa, minister and farmer Thomas Alderdyce of opal t’lty. farmer F R Knox of Post, farmer John N Masted of la* Pine, lum barman J J Wilt of Sisters, merchant W P Vandervert of Rend, farmer Austin Klier of Roberts, stock man James l> Ravldson of Powell Ilutte. farmer W’ llllam H Hess of Madras, clerk A A. McCord of Prinevllle. farmer Wesley Street of Fife. stockman C . W. Rranstetter of Madras, farmer Glenn I.«»ucks of Madras, under taker Your Grocery Hit CONSTITI'TES A LARGE PART OK Yot R 1 1.1 VIN't; EXPENSES. AND IT STANDS IIIB I ECONOMICAL IR VER IN HAND To GET THESE NECESSITIES AS CHEAP AS poS. Siili.E. AND AT THE SAME TIME GET A GOOD GRADE OK GtRiDS. WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON HANDLING A HIGH GRADE OF ALL KINDS OF GOODS IN THE GROCERY LINE. AND WE ALW AYS AIM To GIVE SATISFACTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER. Instructions Regarding the Exchange of Rooks Will Exchange 20 to 170 Acres of the Finest Alfalfa Land In the Twin Falls District of Idaho, with perpetual water right. for land of equal value here. Will trade clear of encumbrance or will assume or take back mortgage. Soil from four to twenty feet deep Free from alkali, stone or gravel; within six miles of State Normal pleted. has Just been com­ Value. $75 per acre. C. H. FRY, KKK'ION I» HOTEI. Hl IU lIN U Itedmond. < »regon JOURDAN & SON Livery, Feed and Sale Stables Redmond, Prineville and Sisters Passenger and Express Stages Daily Phone 1302 REDMOND, OREGON BUY YOUR Pure I^ard, Home Cured Hams and Bacon at home and keep the money in circulation here. Redmond Market EVERYTHING I N T H E L I N E OF It AKER Y GOODS WK HAVE FRESH EVERY ! DAY. Second-hand books taken In exchange must be complete so they could l*e used by another pupil in another stale, pursuing the same study In­ complete books will not be accepted. Hobbs’ ( ash (¡roctTv and Baker 9 It\s|s OF F XI II t \ (.l FOR (.It DIM \|; -o |«< m >|. Hoohw Displaced Hock I'uah |Cyr— Fourth H e a d er......... and 20c Cyr— Fourth H ea d er........ and 25c Cyr— Fifth H e a d er............ and 3 nc Cyr— Fifth H e a d er............. and 3l)c Heed— Word Lessons ....... and 12c Buehler Modern English Lessons........................... and lSc Huehler— Modern English Urammar ...................... and 23c Smith — Primary Arithmetic and 2 lr School: within 1 Vi miles of town and station; 10 miles from Hurley, at which point a million dollar sugar factory WE WOt t.D LIKE To HAVE YOU PLACE A TRIAL ORDER WITH US AND SEE 11« »W W ELL WK CAN SERVE YOU. REDMOND. OREGON Exchanged for Orade W heeler Fourth Header 4th W heeler Fifth Header . 5th fitti Elaon Third Header ........ 7th Elwin Fourth Header . . . . . Rth Hick's Champion Speller. 3rd Nth Kimball Elenienlary En­ glish, Book l ............ 4 (li-fitti Kimball Elementary En­ glish. Hook 2 ................... . 7th 4th Hlgler Arithmetic, Step by Step ................................ .3rd-4th (’. II. ISAGGOT Kxpress and Transfer! Quick Delivery Smith — Practical Arithmetic and 30c W atso n K W h i t e C o m p l e t e Arithmetic ................... 5th Mth Natural Introd Geography. and fine Tarr Or Mi Murray World Oeography ....................... 51 li - 71 h Natural School Oeography. .and fine Tarr & MrMurray — World Oeography ....................... 5th-7th Krohn— First Hook Hygiene and 23c Kltrhle — Primer of Sanita­ tion ................................ . 5th Thomas -Elementary History Ilourne K Hen ton Introduc­ United S ta t e s ..................and 3fic tory American History. .. . 5th-6th Doub— II. S. History............ and 6oc Mace School History U H . . 7tb Hth New Outlook Writing. 1-2-3 and 13c Palmer— Writing. Primary Orades ............................ lst-2 nd New Outlook Writing, 4 to 7 ami 2«c Palmer IlnsInesH Writing 3rtl-Mth Powers & Lyon Hook keep­ Hexell & Nichols — llook- ing. Part 1........................and 30c keeping (text o n ly ).......... 9th Prangs Drawing H o ok s................... Applied Arts Drawing......... IN T R U D I ( T O I O # j t i l ( » r .Ir r * t , U r n Phones Pn>»n|»l tiir n tM House. 2*UJ; Stand 711 la-B»e Orders at the Redmond Pbsm R E T A IL P R II ES W H E R E NO O li» IP tO K s A R E O F I F R F I t IN KX4 IIA N O E : Grammar School Hooks Prlci Orade Wheeler ■ Fourth Reader .......................................... g gj 4th W’ heeler— Fifth R e a d e r .............................................. gg 5th fith Elson—Oram mar School Reader. Hook 3 ..................... go Ttt Elson—Urammar School Reader, Hook 4 ..................... ,i0 Nth Hick’s— Champion S p e lle r ..................................... 33 3rd-gih Kimball— English, Hook 1 ..................................... 4th fith Kimball— English, Book 2 ................................... 7th-Hth Hlgler— Arithmetic, Step by Step.......................... 3rd l>h Watson & White— Complete Arithmetic................... 5th Nth Tarr & Mc.Murray— World Oeography........................ j 00 ltt-l| | | Ritchie— Primer of Sanitation . ........* . .......................... . 5th Bourne * Benton Introductory American History. . 5th fitti Mace—-School History United States ................... 7th H*h Palmer— Writing Lessons In Primary Orades.............. 21» Ini 2 nd Palmer— Method Business Writing ...................... «r 3rd-Hth Hexell-NIchols Bookkeeping. Text Only. First Year High Schools........................................... .39 9th Applied Arts Drawing Numbers 41. 42, 43, 44 15 1st-4th Applied Arts Drawing Numbers 4 5. 4«, 4 7. 4* .20 5th Nth The following place, have been named as depositories for public s. hool books s for Crook county: M I.aPlne, Bead. Redmond. Madrss. Prinevllle and Ashwood Warm Springs. Vnnora 1 -a Id law, The new Course of Study and the new School I J»w* Will be mailed to te proper officers as soon as they are received front the -t ... about September 5. Respectfully submitted. J- E. MYERS, Hupt. Schools. Crook county LET HR ^ BUCK R 0 C C O T Æ S E ^ ■ U° ET° N ’ O REGO N Excursion Fares P T E M " B 10 11 >a Wild and Wonderful •souco auirtsc INDIANS COW SO VS OUTLAW M o u n t ' E R 1 1 - 1 2 - 1 3 ,1 9 1 3 ri— « H f f i t » u n a*p« id J * u Furious and Exciting C .M M t* «« M 0*"«7 Old mmm A*d »•«* N.ld ( N Se.MlHw-d •«* H ttw s«wi From any Age tri 0-W. M X