The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, August 28, 1913, Image 1

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    ? The
i 8
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■ voi.. I
Published at the “ Hub City” o f Central Oregon
$1.50 P E R Y E A R
uf hut au minora and burnod «-ropa
fluí Hila mu.«moni probably « I I I noi
m urli
In-fur« Ih « «nd <«f
I h - lu-avy
fu Ih« iiu-aiiilui«
liMikln« oul
locations In Hi«
f i •' fo lln » In* Nurllirrii l m Ifl' lui llrlrkrr. «mirrai luiinl«railoii n««-nl.
d»partw «nt
ropreeenta ■aid
II?», m ilo - 'l li«r » Uni Filila» unirli
"Th»r« la no l(>n«»r an? duubl In
» » tour of Inapertlon of I li la anybody a mimi ilial l b « nurtbwral
MCI in uf ('r u lla i Oregon
la lb « iu«b al country for an blral
L J llrliknr. *«oirittl I in in I k r a ( Imi bulli«
K .r r y lh ln « la hrr».
mliir. fórrala, ftahrrira. ablppln«
M * i i. Hi Paul
C K Arn«y. «Mimi ltaral«ratlon ibr only prubb-iti Irft la to drlrrtiilnr
«Hit Imlualrial ascili. Hpokane
j Jual « b a t rlana of propl« ahould I»«-
Il E Wlllaril. ilevrlopnittm «nroura«ril In a«-««k itila loraltty or
I bat M r don't « a n i lo uiiltiad a lot
•pai I. HI Paul
1 I, Muore. tr»»«-lln« liiiiiilcrailuii «if drain ni«* fallurra upon any conn
• • • I I . IMI Un*» Munì
j try. ami our ap*'< lai aliti la to Inter
i I. Dauslierly. Iitiinlcrallun a «l , «ai p««ipl« of nirana in lb « l««lU m a t«
i Ialina of th« «llffrrmil
r««lona au
('kli i « ii
© I- Hlark. I r a i r l l n « Imiulcrallon ih«y » I I I mil only find ««»«>«1 hom«a
Ih « r « th«marl.«a, but p r o .» of con-
«pai . Kanaatt 1*11?. Mu
• M Mi Kaan. I r a i r l l n « ltiiml«ra a l r m t l . « bmirftl to th«lr n«w rom
Iloti a ««n l, KlDabelhtown. Trini
" T b r m«aaa«« we i-xp«-« I to tak«
A Jobea. Irait-lln« lmml«ra
bark la on« «if opiltnlam
W r r«-all<«
Ikon » « n t i. ('Ini Innati
I, M W imii I uf Ih» lui in 1« r ii lon «Ir « h a i Ih« tmuporary rondlllona ar«
b«rr. ami all o v «r ih « rounlry. and
pari ir ni. Hi Paul
P » il K Hahwabr. iirrgoii liumlcra ao »•• will uar our Jmlcinrul In tell-
In« ib « propio of « b a l thry may r a ­
llon » « » n i . Puritani!
A> • mpanylu« Ihnu « r i » J T po« I. bulb faxirably and unfavorably
" W o think III« propio ahould know
H l H 7 . ir a . »Ilua fr « l« t il ami iiauvn
| .r u r l ì i uf Ih » ( ir« « i• ri Truuk rall brforr thry alari r»«-rlly « b a l thry
arr llkrly («> find
Thr nurlbwral
w ay
D ( ' Freeluan. uf Ih» publlrlty il» has lu-mi loulrd Ion murh aa Ihr land
parti i m i uf ili» ( ) r » « o a Truuk rall of plrnly for r.m ybody. rr«nrdb-aa
of Ihr prraonal rlmi«-nl
Thr n«-w
K 1 Mll lrr. I r a . r l l n «
ii aaarncrr polhy » «• aro « o r b i l i « on la lo atm«
I firm » h r r r iliry may « o to work
a g ei
Vancouver, Wn
tk II llriuab?, Ir a tr lln « f r r l«h l and « h a i thrlr work will brln«
l’ori lami
" A n d a«i Ihr b-asuna »«• arr Irarn-
A Purlnttkl of C h ira «», ami Alberi
Non 1 1 uf Chira«««. Ili»
latlrr t a o iii« un ihi» trip throiiKh ihr nurth-
■ai. hrln« un a lour of ( ’mitrai Orr » •*•! « I l l b«- lau«hl lo Ihr p«<oplr
« o r In order lo ftn«l lo« aliona for rol « h o «'«lino to ua fur lirlp In tlmllii«
M i»
ih »? « I l i brini In
"A m t « r aro «ulti« lo Irli thrm
fl.< rallrua«) ulti« lata ami «lallora
look hrrakfaal hrr» ami »«-rr laki-n ihry rould mak<- no mlatakr In rum­
In fila r««' h> tn»inbrra of ih » limi ina « r a l. Ihuusli Ihry mual i-tp n l to
inaili Coniiiirn lai Club ami a h o«n km-p mi » n r k l n « «lim i Ihry «I-I uul
I h r i.« li Ih» lrrl«alr«l rountry aur h rr» '*
Il I. Stark. I r a .r lln « Immigration
roti olili« Ibr « I I )
Pruni tirrr Ibr
par ? aaa lakrn (u llrml « h r r r rap a««-nl uf Kaiiaaa City. Mu . Ima por
raa* m a li.»a <if ih » ('«m m r r r la l club Imp» Ihr lar«rtii lorrllury uf any of
Ihr member* of Ihr parly. I l r cov-
U * i i- ni«<( thrin
«£. A Urr n luncheon al l .10 Ih » *1» rra Un- «h u ir aoulhw«*nl from Ihr
a r r » lakrni lbruu«li Ih » llrml Mltt»liialppl lu Mexico
" W » arr mil «n ln « to encoura««
Ala' lei ami shown Ib r llmbrr «Ila
IM-upb- «if i hi im-ana l o mah oul hrrr
Irti adjacent lo I ti a I r i i )
liy Ihr « hub-sale,” an id Mr Stark
ejJAII of Ihr lm ml«rallon officiai* n
prr . «I much surprise al Ihr «lr.rl "W hen «•< find a limn with nmnry
opt' rnl of Ihr Krilniuml IMatrlrt alni » « » I I I m« him « hor« hr ran ln->
IV» ar« wurkln« fur a tn-ayy
M i'' llir? hatl no Pira Hila |iarl of .«al II
0*< ral (>rr«on bad h i far prugna» rolonlal movement m-xl apriti« from
Ih« farmi-ra uf Kutiaaa and Mlaauurl
ad abili« Ihr Itnr of a«rlrultur<-
In Inibii!« about (hr trip Mr ami Oklahoma » b n Itavi- « r o « n llrml
Al ih « Pr«-atiyl»rlaii rhurrh laat
Kumlay morulii« Ih« paalor. Itev. F
Harvoy. dlamiuraod on "T h o Advanr«
of ih « Church Thruii«li Ih « Testi-
U l u l i y of Ih»
Apuall« John, In Ih«
lluuk uf Ih« Itovolalluna '* T h « lolla
l(«v. I II». "Thou linai ln-fl
Thy Klrnt Love” ; 3 III, "A a Many
aa I I.<m- I Hobuko and Chaat«n,
lli-poiil "
paalor quoted l)r
Itamaoy of
Hook oli ih « S«v«n Chiurli«» of Aala
"W (ilio th«r«- an- ar.on arparal« inr»-
aa««a. thoro la only onr churrh";
"lim i Ih« liria-k» ami Romana prbb-d
Ihi-iiiaolroa on umaalvr un tili««duro,
formili« « rrown lo tbelr city, bill
Appolotilua advlaod Ibi-m lo rulllvalo
a rrown of < haracter.” T h « tmodl-
rlana w « r » lrr«aolulo, half -hearted,
and Ih« hlalorlan Pllny aald "Papan- .
lam waa toioratod In Ihr daya of
Conatantlnr. ami th« arrmona of
Clomotit and l«nallua wore appolo-
K«tlr, whlb- John uo«-<l liiip.Tatl v«-a
r«|««nl, « I r ”
T h r framework of ihr orrmon waa
Ulidrr Ihr f o llo » In« brada
1 Thr Cnurnl Examination of the
Church by Chrlat. Ihr llrad
2 Thr Communlrailon o f Christ's
Mrnaa«ra by John to Ihr Churrh
H lr u « « lr fo r refo rm
4 Thr «o od resulta
Tin- » o r k o f John HlaupHi. Marlin
f.tithrr. Mrlanrhthon In Ih » trancia-
Hon of tbr fllble and othrr lllrra-
lurr w«*rr rllml
T D K ■ HI Mil. M l U %V
Hlairb-t Allornoy Whitman of New
York, waa lalk ln« about thr aad r a w
of a » r a lr r n hanker who had nlolni
a «rea l autu from thr depositors.
" T h r man.” aald Mr Whitman,
"lived beyond hla mrana motor
rara. a liouar with 11 lialha. aon al
• o i l « « « . d a u «b l«r rom ln « oul, wife
hun«ry for diamonds
T h « tnevtta-
blr rcault followed "
Mr Whitman amllml and added
" T h r unfortunate fellow got strult-
rned. ao hr b v i m » crook««! "
s l.W K ill
" H « r « la a alory of a Chira««» wo­
man « I t o aaya Dial pn-wiit m arrla««
l a » a mak« «unían (hr alavr of man”
aald Ih « aqua re Ja»e«l matron aa ahe
looked up from the newapaper.
" W h y don'« they enforce the law
then *" meekly aaketl Mr. Henpeck
Spokesman Claaalfled ada brln«
rraulta try (hem —don't cost much
l I K K T I M i HKI.I» A T
K A M A — H E M ) t;K TS T K E A S t'R -
C E N T R A I,
D E V E L O P M E N T I.K A lit K
The Kedmond delegates to the
Central Oregon Development League
meeting at Klamath Kalla laat week
returned home Saturday ni«ht. The
delegate« were J. W. Brewer, M. A.
Lynch, F. W. McCafTery, Harvey J.
Ilarrla. 15. W. W e ll« and J P. John­
Kedmond captured the secretary-
ahlp of the league for the coniln«
year, J. W llrcwer o f thla city, being
elected to the position. Bend retain-
e«t the treaaurer and alao waa ap-
polnled the meeting place for the
next meeting.
The new officer» are:
Wm. Hanley; vlce-prealdent», W. S.
Worden, Klamath Kalla; W K King,
of Crook county, and K. P. Crone-
miller of t a k e county; honorary
II. Young of
Portland. J. P. Campbell of Eugene,
C. C. Chapman of Portland, W. J.
K«>rr o f Corvallis, and J. I>. Farrell
of Portland; secretary. J. W. Brewer
o f lledmond
Tlie meeting throughout waa of
Interest and many vital points of ad­
vantage to
Oregon were
brought up and acted on
roads came in for a large share of
the talks by different members dur­
ing the session.
Adolph C. Miller, assistant secre­
tary of the interior, arrived late the
last day of the session, coming by
way of Crater Lake In an automo­
bile with his party.
All the speak­
ers devoted themselves to good roads
except Mr. Miller, who sp«»ke on the
policies of the interior department
In the matter of reclamation, the
forest service and conservation.
Resolutions were adopted for a
permanent committee on good roads,
naming W. S Worden as chairman,
recommending the bonding o f coun­
ties to build good roads, 'ndorsing
the Central Oregon route for the
Pacific highway, creating a commit­
tee on permanent organisation, urg­
ing the establishment of demonstra-
j tion farms, condemning the refer­
endum on appropriation
for the
Cnlvfrsity of Oregon, urging good
exhibits at the Panama Partite Ex­
position and urging the federal
reclamation o f swamp and arid
A commercial traveler was brag­
ging about the magnitude o f the
firm he represented.
" I suppose your house is a pretty
big establishment ? " said the custom­
" B ig ? You can't have any idea of
its dimensions.
I.ast week we took
an Inventory of the employes and
found out for the first time that
three cashiers and four bookkeepers
were missing
That will give you
some idea of the magnitude of our
Prineville Review:
W. F. King,
secretary of the Crook County Good
Roads Association, interested a num­
ber o f engineers and citizens of
Prineville to the extent that they
met Tuesday evening at the Hotel
Prineville and after enjoying a good
supper, took up the proposition of
devising ways aud means of prepar­
ing a preliminary base road map o f
Crook county.
At the present time there is no au­
thentic road map of this county
from which to work. The plan is to
have this map show the location and
exact condition of every road in the
Such a record will be of
permanent value to all parts of the
county showing where improvements
are most needed, and will also save
both time and exepnse In ascertain­
ing the exact location of all places. It
is expected to build the map on the
scale of one inch to the mile, thus
giving a large map about 7x9 4 feet.
This county is without the neces­
sary sign boards at the forks of the
roads, and the map as outlined will
furnish the nei’essary information
for placing all such signs. The engi­
neers present very generously donat­
ed their services to this work, and
Mr. King was chosen chirman of thla
Those present were W. F King,
Engineers Kelley, Geo. Brewster, F.
A Rice. C. D. Rice. D. H. Peoples, C.
O. Pollard and J. H. Haner and Os­
car Hyde.
“ Do you charge for brea«t « « A but­
Sh e— It's pretty expensive to have
ter in thla restaurant*”
one's own lawyer.
"No. air,”
He— But it doesn't coat anything
"T h en gimme some."
to keep one's ow n counsel.