IDA Y, AUGU8T 21, lu l l T IIK PAGE RKDMOND HPOKK8M AN riV E r=2- Society D irecto ry Redmond and Vicinity Hi,l lanino N w . I l o . K l *. * I' H ioinii.laaloiiPr l»UK*tU f#* U m O «vory Mondar ulibt In Muiua'a f I I m II Viali Ina Kulahla ara turn*«! l««t ww-k from fo r t Ian«!. InVltod « llttr«« ho iruil goti«» nil Iegli I l*IJ«||ir>«N A Kalidall, I' I* K Volimi. K ul II A H. l( «Apr «••«•fitât IV«»« uf thr prudi »(on " I I oiiih I I p" «how w*r# In t h«« rlly T W J. li. Mailer Alwitra«t Co., Inr. • h** for«*p«rt of tin* w«*rk i||«f riluttiti« Compii la Ila r i Indole» ami pho- 1 i t «• r « t nr«» «ilvrrttaliiK Hu* «nnii«l i'n|ilva of ('lo o k eounty P«*iidlt*lon «• v«»ut. fo u n ty malta ami Itlua Prilla«III», iiiia o ii Ir«d it« do your n rit or«l«*r of J«»li prlnliiiK High grnd«« work mid TMI N lM IIk N T I I K . m : i l , i'tli •'* «ntUfnrtory 'ilo» lt«>i| tuuml m i: im m : oc Hpok «atiiuti kit »\ I M I l ' I H I I I K N e 1 I ltaii*i*a or Pii lori*« MATURI' I l ■ M i t i . I l IHDAA .... . I III ll»i> ' 1 A M a i e i a » Hln iw llouaa. Mia. A. II. N|tarka, Prti|t'r. HA M I « * AH M ' I I i \|(|» b i r g o i i Trunk Malli ■ r m i ' i rroiu mirili 7 I l a iti _______ K r l n - a Ir OH anni li i* lupiu B W II a N Itally Trala ar tira frolli liorlll 7 03 p III Trala ari ve» Motti aoiilli dola m ^ 3 *»* Agoni We A r e A jje n ts for Butterick P a tte rn s If You Want (¡ ihk I Shoes, Get the Celebrated HAMILTON-BROWN Make LYNCH & ROBERTS Jotm I1' t’umili. puhlUh«*r inni <*dl lor of III«» Portland Kv»nlng T«*l«* gr«m. U «n old frlwnd of P<»»tiii«»trr Moor«* of IhU rlly, «ml whll«« l»««r«« Monday with H(* Mr CI i o m ha« g rr«t f« I tIt In th«« futur«* uf l(«*dniutid «m l h « » M*v««ral property Invr«i tiirnt« tirrr T K I . K I ' I l o A l : IMM I ( h Daily axiept Snudar, I a In lo t p. m K» Mayor fra n k M Whit«« of l(«*«| Munda I lo I a ili . I lo 7 p in itiotid arrlv«*«! h«*r«« Monda) from |*i ih |r ri m > ; IM >1 lls Port lami. *h««r«* h«* U now !«x «t«*d Daily. «*e#|il Huutlay. » l o a m Mr Whit«» ha« p|it*nilv« pr«»p«*fly lo « p m Itit«*r«* rí » In Krdinnnd ami p *| mm t« to Hunda » lo » a in Lattar uiallad noi lainr ilian d I I rrtnaiti h«*rr fur a«*v«*ral d « y « p. m « I I I Ina « a lima oli III» li I* li 1 irala |«l * noriii A man r«*prr»rntinK an advrrtu J W MIXIIIK. P M tng prup*»«ltl«»n w « « In th«* rlty last w«Nr*k. hut f«llr- |M'i«r«-d In «lifflclrnt quant It I«*« to do any «tailing«* A nurnbrr of lt«Mlmond peoplr arr making arrangrttirnts to ntt«*ml thr Kound-I p at Prndlrtoti on H«*p- trmtM*r 11. 13 am! 13. Thr w«w*«la along «ouïr of th«* «Id«* walk« on SUtli «trrrt w rrr cul thl« w«*«»k aliti thr «tr«»«*t linprov«*«! In «p- ppiiratiip Tli«*r«* 1« a m*w wr«*«| law In «*fT«*€-t now am! all property own* ••r» ar** roiiip«*lt«*d to rut or «l««*troy w ««ni« oil th«*lr pmnl»«*« P» III N I I i r Piallili* parila» frum Ihla rlly alili I I ) TM K M W PH O JK.IT continua lo baia good luck In tha Daachulaa tirar Arroti! thr Tuiualo Tltursi If you want pure milk or rraam P ii# ! Jmorti, w ho li« « n ram h piuma Th bailor. Nu. (IO . 441 f • bout I h r w tuli«*« tmrth of l»al«1law. Il th# flr»t lo hrurnt by thr n«*w Tumnb ProJ«H*t Mr J«*n»«'ti camr to hit lami «bout thr«*«* yrar» ago nnd g lr.irrd hU placo up l l r catur, hown?« , aff**r th«* ndjmlh atloti of wnt#r lo thr lami un thr proJr«-t. «mi h# dld noi »acuta nuy » a la r , Innniiw ha ha» h» haa aa cu rad « a l a r Whai, Mia alala I miuk I i I Iha raaar- volr aita Mia « a l a r rl*bla o( Mia uld Wlniat liti li want wlth II Suina uf Ihla «u t ar haa baan lurnad uvar In Mr. Jrnaan Huparlnlandant AA’allare and Mi l ’ady » a r a uul tu hi» placa Mondi! and pili In a haaduata Ma la B4»> using Iha walar on a pi..... o f alfalfa lie started Ihla aumnirr On ac 'iiunt of Iha rain». Iha alfnlfu already hud a flue atari, hut It will now do heller. K . l l f . l t o AD D AVI K TO IIK tilIK A AT MKTOI.II'H A big dama « I I I ho glvan In Iha Matol'ii» Oliera llouaa al Motollu». Frldu j-vonlng. Augnai 2!>. by Mra Hpark» nini Ilio Redmond Itami. In dedlc:' Moti o f tha new prò»partiva frolli Malollua to Prlnevllle. T h » Malollua (>|HTM llouaa la coliald- ered Mia largaat and Itasi dancing floor In Canlral Oregon The Itod- mond Itami wlll furnlah music for thè Occa» in and lanva Ilari* uflar fin* band concert un thè » I » Iraln li la atpoctoil a larga crowil wlll ac- Iha band frolli Daachulaa, Radm orni, Terrebonno and Culver. Othei i are enpocled front Prlnevllle. nta ami Madras This promises to h 1 one o f the mimi enjoyable of the season. Classified ni l s bring Iry them don’t coot much flpukaxin. ii i Ita r.-:. IHI______________ • iw« I r> i F.RF.’ S a rrallv superb collection of the liest, chic Kail styles! All the graceful ilra|ieil designs! Hundreds and hundreds of the smartest and most practical suits, waists, coats, skirts, etc. A complete assortment. H Every possible requirement for you and your daughters, dim n to the wee baby. 'Our line of CURLEE made clothes for men and boys will compare well with many other lines of much higher prices. They are guaranteed and will give good satisfaction. Men’s Suits, price per suit. Call at the Pattern Counter today and buy a copy. A n y Butterick Pattern F R E E with every copy-25c $10.50 to $20.00 Grocery Department Ulr Grocery r F re e D e liv e r y 1; . IW1C6 . Daily Department is always up to date and a good, clean, fresh stock of groceries At Prices That Are Absolutely Right LYNCH & ROBERTS We huv Butter and Kmfs Many fina aaiuplra o f *raln ara ba­ lli* brought Into town from dIfTcront farina In Mila Vicinity. Thl» ha» been They came In on iha uparlnl train a gond aeaaon fur all kinda uf grain carrying Secretary Uinc and party, and whan the train returned to In Ilia Kadinotid dial rid . Madra* the above gentlemen »honed It ('. Cole, » h u haa a fine farm the Secretary around their section near the city, haa auma throe-year- of the country. old apple I roe» that are loaded down with applea thla year iHtN REDMOND, ways get better prices in the Port­ land market* for stork than occa­ sional »hlpprrii. and a» the tiedmond t’nlon Warehouse Company la a regu­ lar shipper to Portland of live stock from this section, farmers who con­ sign their slock to this company al­ ways gel the top price. H ot . tieorge llarrtaon of Gresham, Ore., arrived here thla » c e k nnd »111 O. laiuregaard. chief engineer of C Hammond, a furnier resident hold preaching service* at the llap- the Tumalo Project, was here Mon­ tlat church.»forenoon and evening uf Mila city, but lately llvln* at l^ia day to attend the reception given Alígale», arrived here laat week fur Il T MrKetule. representing the Secretary of the Interior Franklin a viali « I t h hla daughter. Mr* II Reinln*ton Typewriter Company, was K. Lane. C Maltha here several day* last week In the tn- Anything In the line o f kodak A A Anderaon, manager of the tcréât of hl« company. He eold nev- supplies or Kastman kodaks can be Turn A I.tint Lumber Co o f Mila city. eral machine* while-here bought at the Redmond Pharmacy. „ („„.i,,,.,,, trip t „ Prlnevllle |H||) Saturday While here Monday Secretary of When you buy an Kastman you know 7tf Ihe Interior Lane Impressed upon his you are getting the best. No uae In buying an Inferior kodak hearers In Ihe speech he made that Fred N. Wallace, superintendent when you ran buy Kastman Kodak» the success o f this section depended for the Water t'sers' Association at upon rulslug hogs and extending the and kodak atippllea at the Redmond Mtldlaw, was here Monday attending dairying business Pharmacy. the Lane reception. Mr. and Mrs. William Leavitt re­ Fred lloiell haa some Plymouth AY. L. Powers, former superintend­ Rock chicken» that are strictly In turned here Iasi Wednesday from the egg laying rlaaa He haa a »mall Copperfield, where they have been ent of the demonstration farms In this county, was here last week for hunch o f them, but they furnish residing for several months. several days. Mr. Powers Is now lo­ him and hla wife with all the egg» Mr. nnd Mr*. Oscar Itecker of cated at Corvallis. they ran use. and still there are egg* White Salmon. Wn.. was here last left over for the neighbors. Sulnrday looking the country over. H. K Scheel of Tenlno, Wn., pro­ Money to loan tin well Improved They were well pleased with Ihe out­ moter of the Prlnevllle-Metollus rall- look back samples of rond. was In Redmond Tuesday on farms at less than !• per ceni. Red­ look and grain, etc., to show the folks at hla way to Prlnevllle. mond Bank o f Commerce. 7tf While Salmon. Herman Love, who Is fishing on The Redmond Hank o f Commerce The car o f mixed hogs and cattle the Deschutes river up at Crane will furnlah money to farmer» to bay shipped ont from here on the sixth Prairie, Is expected to return Satur­ calile or sheep for feeder». 71f by the Redmond Union AA'arehouae day. He Intended to make a two The following Matlras people were Company to Portland brought top weeks’ stay. Harvey J. here Monday to attend Ihe Lane re­ market price», $9 KO. C. II. Fry, a real estate dealer of caption: Mayor O. A Pierce. J W. Harris, who went with the shipment, Robinson, C T McCall, William Bar­ received the above price for the farm­ this city, has had good success this Mr. bar C K Roush. Henry DtatMl, ■ er» who consigned their stock to the season In the land business Fry Is the one who put through the warehouse people In this shipment. I. Minar \ P r.inlsoii V D A" deraon, Rev. Illcka and A. AV. Culp It la said that regular shippers al- Jones Abbott Hotel Redmond prop- O R E O ON We close 6:30: Saturday 10:00 erty deal recently whereby this prop­ evening. The start was made from erty. amounting to about $25,000, Redmond at 12:35 p. m. Before re­ turning the party contemplates mak­ was turned over in the deal. ing a visit to Crater Lake. It is reported that a new restau­ Bill Young of the Redmond Grill rant may soon open here, with the whole cooking service done by elec­ recently bought an automobile and has become so experienced with the tricity. machine that he can make it cut Shutrum Brothers and their wives figure S's. stand on Its head, climb of Pendleton, were here Monday on a telephone pole, and stand on its (heir way to ('rater Ijtke. They car­ hind legs and shake hands. ried along with them a quantity of Workmen have been engaged for advertising for the Pendleton several days repairing one of the I " R o u n d -r p ,” and before leaving for reservoirs o f the city water system. f r a l e r Lake made a trip to Powell Cracks that have appeared in the Hutte to visit their sister. Mrs. K. bottom o f the reservoir are being N. Hall. calked with oakum. Mrs. Butler and her daughter. Mrs. Sherwood, left yesterday for a visit lo their former home at North A'aklma. Wn. At the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning the topic will be “ The Advance of the Church I'nder the Testimony of St. John in the Book o f Revelations.’' STOCK and POULTRY FOOD Full line of Kaatman Kodaks and suplies at the Redmond Pharmacy. The Kastman Is premier of all kodaks. 7tf W e carry The following delegates of the Redmond Commercial Club left Mon­ day for Klamath Falls to attend the meeting of the Central Oregon l*e- velopment League which Is being held this week: J. AA’ . Brewer. M A. Lynch, O. L. Johnson. F. AA’ . Mc­ Caffrey, G. AA'. AVells ami Harvey J Harris. Dale Barker took the party out In hta Mg 7-passenger touring car and they expected to reach Klamath about 10 o'clock the same C O LI A lili A UK. A I.ING POWDF.KS anti L IM M K X T H . the celebrated line of SKNKCA STOCK ami P O U L T R Y FOODS. D IA M O M I R O U P CU RK and GF.KMA/.ONK fo r Diseases o f Poultry. Redmond Feed & Mill Co