THE PAG E TW O H ow to Build Lip or T ear Down Furniture This Community Made to Order ON T K IN D S OF F U R N IT U R E TO SHORT REASONABLE N O TICE PRICE. AND AT A If you want any­ NO TOWN CAN STAND STILL. IT MUST I I T H S N OO FONWANO ON Ot CLI NS. AND IT IS UP TO YOU TO SAY WHI CH IT WI L L St. thing in this line call and 1 et us talk it over. I do all kinds of IRON W O R K and B L A C K - Some towns hustle ami grow -tbat la. the people buatle aud the toe a grow » They get the habit o f tamatlng until every cttlsen become« a ( » hw I . t , tud pretty soon tta reputation spreads and It becomes known far atul wide as l good town, while others la|we luto a state o f Innocuous desuetude—an easy rook along manner that aoou classes that particular place as a dead oue If you are knockltig ami complaining stop It Nothing hurts a town morn I f you cannot aay something good don t say anything, and. above all. don't knock If you are not a bewter become oue The success of the retail merchant depeudg on the patronage of hla home people, the home Jobber la largely dependent oo the patronage of his home retailer, the banks are depemlent likewise on the auere»s of all. whlls the auc- ,-eea and happlneea of the |>eoplr depend on the success of the tmatneea men N o*. one o f the greatest Injuries you can do your home town or com rnunlty— to the business men who are dependent on your patronage la to order your goods from mall order bouses or pairvuli* merchants In other towue Every dime sent from your community tu a mall order house la removed en­ tirely from local circulation Ita principal ami Inter,-»t are both goue. whereaa the money a|>ent with the home merchant g«-es Immediately luto circulation and In due course comes back to > THOUSANDS OP DOLLARS A N N U A L L Y A R I BEING S I N T TO MAIL ONDCR HOUSES FROM THIS COMMUNITY. THUS DEPRIVING HOMS SM ITH ING also at my factory on the corner of 8th and E streets. G. W. DAVIES The Old Pioneer Blacksmith of Redmond ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ; Night Train Service THROUGH ▼ B E TW E E N j Central Oregon and Portland I ♦ f BEGINNING SUNDAY, JUNE 21. 1913 PORTLAND CENTRAL OREGON LINE TOURIST SLEEPING CARS AND FIRST CLASS COACHES This service is in lieu o f the day trains run heretofore. The train w ill leave Bend 8:30 p. m.. Deschutes 8:48 p. m . Red­ mond 9 :1 « p. m.. Terrebonne 9:24 p. m.. Culver 10:02 p. m.. Me- tolius 10:20 p. m.. Madras 10:30 p. m., Mecca 11:08 p. m. Maupin 12:40 a. m . Sherar 1:08 a. m.. arrive Portland 8:10 a. m. Leave Portland 7:00 p. m.. arrive Sherar 3:03 a. m , Maupin 3:26 a. m , Mecca 5:18 a. m.. Madras 6:00 a. m . Metolius 6:13 a. m.. Culver 6:28 a. m.. Terrebonne 7:08 a. m., Redmond 7:23 a. m.. Deschutes 7:43 a. m.. Bend 8:00 a. m. Conuections made in Portland to and from W illam ette V alley and Puget Sound Points. Fares and schedules and details w ill be furnished on application cr by letter. W. C. W IL K E 8 . Asat. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. R. H. CROZIER, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. ♦ H. B A U K O L , Agent, Redmond, Oregon. S. D . F O X & CO. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Hotel Redmond Bar Buckley’s Transfer I. A. Buckley, Prop. Phone No. 906. Draying and Heavy Hauling. ARTIFICIAL ICE S T R IC T L Y P U R E A R T IF IC IA L ICE D E LIV E R E D TO A N Y P A R T O F T H E C IT Y IN A N Y Q U A N T IT Y . R E IN F O R C E D CONCRETE BU ILD IN G BLOCKS These blocks are made by the wet process, « Iv in « them three times the strength o f a machine made block. Persona going to build should see our material before placing orders fo r any other kind. It will pay them. Estimates furn- lahed on application. Call on or write to H E O A R D T, t 1 MERCHANTS OF THSI R RI GHTFUL PATRONAQE. Ami yet. no matter how much the home merchant ta dependent on the patrouage of his borne people, he la aupixwed to give ami to aid In every work undertaken for the material betterment of the town, aud he dues. bring often coerce,! Into glrlug by the demands of hla customers, fearing to offend them because o f the fear of loos of their patronage UNLI KE YOUR HOME MERCHANT. MAIL ORDER HOUSES PAY NO TAXES OR PRIVILEGE LICENSE TO DO BUSINESS IN YOUR COM MUNITY. NEI THER OO THEY CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR CHURCHES. SCHOOLS. PUBLIC ROADS. CHARI TI ES OR A NY T HI NG ELSE. ANO. ABOVE ALL. T H E Y GIVE NO EMPLOYMENT TO ANY O N « IN YOUR j£ç>OK ♦ ♦ LEWIS HE attitude you maintain toward your hotua town Ita tiuatneaa m. u and tta Inalltutlona- ta reflected In the success or failure of the aarne The eucceae and ha|lne«a of every clttaeu tu auy community He In the lutervet he take# tu that cvMuniuuItjr and the g<»Hl work he con do to aaaUt tu Ita upbuilding E V E R YTH IN G YOU HO TO IIK M IN r i l E AD VAN C E M E N T OF YOUIt OWN C O M M l'N lT l N«»< I H I J I S I HI ' 1 MUCH T O W A R D YOUR OWN l‘ E HIM IN A L Hl'lVKNIL No uiau c.iu live and prueiwr uuto hliuaelf alone, for you are luterdeiwndent, and. realltlug thla. aa good cltlmeua. you ahould unite and |>ull together for the common gvKKl. aud. dolu* thla, you will prosper aa a community and aa Individual» machinery I now have complete facilities for .MAKING A L L By J. a Help Yourself by Helping Your Town. With the installation of my new wood working ORDER TMt ' HHPA Y. At' OI' HT H KOMONO SI’OKKSM AN E L L IO T T A CO., REDMOND, ORE. FA MI L Y OR HOME TOWN. You want your school* kept up. your churches supported, your streets kept In reiwlr. your town properly policed and protected by a g»**1 Are fighting equipment, etc In other words, you waut your town to prosper, be Well run and the |>e»ple to he happy and contented YET IF YOU ARK BENDING YOUR MONEY T<> OTHER INSTITUTIONS IN OTBBB c i t i e s END TOW NS YOU AR K D E FE ATIN G TI1K VERY OBJECT FOR WHICH YOU STR IV E Now. this town building Is a serious matter —a greet big proposition—end If you are not treating It—It» buslnese :nen fairly you are not treating your «elf fairly Ton are undermining the very foundation o f your well being To he continued under the title “THE FARMER ANO T H I M I R C H A N T * I.A l i l i . AW j trip Sunday to Prtnevtlle. where : »her visited C. P. Becker, who Is working In the assessor's office August 11 George Brewster, county water David O 'llsra la now property In­ master, was In Laldlaw several days spector for the Tumalo Project last week on official business. In con­ Camp No 1. at the Intake for the nection with the Winter ditch out on Tumalo Project, was established last the reservoir site. Harry Helsing was over from the week. Thla makes four camps now going Metolius on a visit several days last W illiam Brown haa accepted a po­ week. The teachers for the Ijildlaw sition aa foreman of a rrew at Camp school have been hired for the next I No 3. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jackson were year. The principal la to be E J Thompson of Quincy. Ore., and the In Bend on business Tuesday. Among the Bend men who were primary teacher Is Miss Grace Polk o f Terrebonne. Misa Polk taught down Tuesday to the address by near La Pine last year. Mra. Albert Harper, Mrs. W illiam Brown and Miss Hazel Brown were In Bend last Friday. F. C. Merchant and N. S. Brown of Bend were In Laldlaw last Thursday H. C. Mlsel o f Deschutes was In Laldlaw on business Saturday. Rev. A. O. W alker preached at la ld la w as usual Sunday, both morn­ ing and evening. The next services will be August 24. The Sunday school, it is hoped, will be established by that time. Next Sunday at 10 a. m. a meet­ ing will be held to organize a Sun­ day school and elect officers. The Sunday school work was dropped last spring because the attendance had dropped to almost nothing, but now that there are many more people here there ahould be a good attendance every Sunday. Last Monday was the fifth birth­ day o f Eileen Wallace, the little daughter o f Mr. and Mrs F. N. W al­ lace. In the afternoon 14 o f the little folks o f IjHdlaw were present at a party given to celebrate the occasion. Ada Bullard and Ruth Ross helped with the entertainment o f the guests. Refreshments were served, consltlng o f Ice cream, cake, angel food, etc. The "Q. A. F .” club met with Mra. A. S. Nlcol last Wednesday. The answer to roll call was “ Current Eventa.“ A fter the program, re­ freshments were served. The club meets thla week with Mra. Ella Han­ sen and the roll call will be "H um or­ ous Stories." Miss Nichols and father, "Uncle Frank” Nichols, spent last Wednes­ day with Mr. and Mrs. George Couch. The Rogers boys hate juat finished harvesting a fine crop on the Randle place, eaat o f town. Uncle Frank Nichola Is enjoying the fishing at the Hejslng Ranch, on the Metollua, for a short time. "D o c " Reeves, who Is tending the headgate this year, was down Mon­ day laying In a stork o f provisions Jay Nichola. Roy Payne, Blake Becker and W. P. Thorp made a , the 17th day o f July. 1911 Col Thatcher were V A Forbes, t J A w ti. S Hudson and G I* I'ulnsm Allornsy f(,r Mr It,Kell of the Henil Milling First publication July i j .^_ g W arehouse Co , ssa In l.abllss MINIMONN j oil business Tueadav In Ih » Clrrult Court »* tk( Mr and Mra C C Day were Red mollit visitors Monday Mra Dai Is of Oregon within and for , County I null* III and decided lo remain in Redmond Hank of Coimnsn, ; Redmond under the rare of Mra corporation. I'lalu iiff, va Fry for a lime, « r until In betler Charles N latrina. Def.|,,|tt. Ilea I III To Charlea N lairing ths The body o f Ralph Limbeck saa named defendant I found Friday morning neat »h e re lie In ths xanix o f the Mists g »a a drowned. In the Ib»»» hulea river gon You era hereby rm|o|r^] appear and answer the , al llend C I* Beaker relum ed Tuesday Bled Hi lbs above eulHleer for MW* I 4 section 19. townthly rangs |1 seal. Wilts ty All of lots I to 24. both Indu south. slve. texcsptlng lot I I I . of Kenyon's meridian, baa Bled notice of lion lo make Final Three Yesr I Acreage, and situate In the NW of the SB 14 Of Section 9. In Town lo establish claim to lbs land ship 15. South, of Range 13. East, of described, before II C Kills l the Willamette Meridian, »h h h real Commissioner at llend. Orrge», property haa since been replalted Ihe 5lh day of September. I 112 and la now officially known aa Col- Claimant names aa w ltnea»,« Antone Aulatrnm. Jacob lu t. lina' Addition to the City uf Red­ mond, Oregon. be form-lowed and of Deachutee. Oregon. Fred II that the said properly, excepting wood o f Redmond. Oregon IV Block One. and lads I. 2. 3. 4. & and C O N of llend Oregon II F R A N K WOODCOCK 6. of Block 6. and lot I. of block 7, Rs__ of the plat known aa Collins' Addi­ First publication July I7-Aug ! tion. be sold by the sheriff of this county, according to law and the Notti e foe Cubili allot. practice o f this court, to satisfy said Judgment, with coats, attornsy fees Impartaient of the Interior, f ! and disbursements, and that all per­ l-and Office at The Dalles. Ore sons claiming by. through or uudsr June 24. 1911 you be forever barred and foreclosed Notice Is hereby given that G_ from having or rlalmlng to have any M Webber of Itedmund. Oregon. ( right, title or Interest In and lu aald on March 30. 19 12 made Homs. premises, snd for all such other and Entry No o|o||| for M S H E N further relief as to the court may 3 and N S NK