t i l l MMOAY. A I Ul Tub: Furniture H ow lo Build U p or Tear Dow n This Community ) Made to Order ORDER ON RE ASON AIR.K NO TICE PRICE. A N I) AT w A If you want any­ for which w * w «*rv « ivat«*! TH E R E F O R E TH E SUCCESS thing in this line call and 1 et us talk it over. I do all kinds of IRON ZEN W O R K and B L A C K - 3th and E streets. G. \V. DAVIES The Old Pioneer Blacksmith of Redmond ! Night Train Service Daily BETWEEN I Central Oregon and Portland ♦ ♦ BEGINNING SUNDAY, JUNE 22. 1913 CENTRAL OREGON LIKE : TOURIST SLEEPING CARS l AND FIRST CLASS COACHES This service is in lieu o f the day trains run heretofore. T h e train w il l leave Bend 8:30 p. m.. Deschutes 8:48 p. m., R e d ­ mond 9:10 p. m.. Terrebonne 9:24 p. m.. C ulver 10:02 p. m., Me- tolius 10:20 p. i n . Madras 10:30 p. m.. Mecca 11:08 p. m. Maupin 12:40 a. m.. Sherar 1:08 a. m.. a r riv e Por tlan d 8 :10 a. m. L e a v e Portland 7:00 p. m., a r riv e Sherar 3:03 a. m., Maupin 3:26 a. m , Mecca 5:18 a. m . Madras 6:00 a. m . Metolius 6:13 a. m.. Culver 6:28 a. m . Terrebonn e 7:08 a. m , Redm on d 7:23 a. m . Deschutes 7:43 a. m.. Bend 8:00 a. m. Connections made in Portland to and from W i lla m e tte V alle y and P ug et Sound Points. Fares and schedules and details will be furnished on application or by letter. W . C. W I L K E S . Asst. Gen. Frt. & Pass. Agt. R. H. C R O Z IE R , Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. H. BAUKOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon. OF ANY COM M UNITY AND LIES IN HAPPINESS THE OF INTEREST EVERY HE CITI TAKES eut «« * Grocer Well. Ma am. the i « i I i a f reali «niea w «»re labi In the c a r l ) morning when th«« h«*ua th em atic« were freah s| \ I M o \ s In the Circuit Court 1 f the State of Drcgtiu within and for Cfitok Count i t i til Kenyon. I'lalutlfT IN S M Collina, lufctidant T o S XI Collina, thè ab«»ic tiamrd defendant IN ITS U P B U IL D IN G . In thè tiatue of the State «»f tire Now, thou. If \v«* nr«» to l u o i 'm l n* Individual« and n* a rumniiitilt; "«• gon You are lierctiv feijulred t«» Ml ' I must not only »trlv«» for our own ;***r»onrtl i u m * « s nml w«'lfnn*. III T ap|H»ar and anawer thè ctuuplalnt I I I I I' G I V E O K O UR W O I I K A N D SU H SI A N C E U N H E I.E IS III Y TO nied agalnat )«»u In «b«* » I hivc enti! T H E O T H E RS . Ir«l nuli «»n or bef«»re Mtiiutav. the lat Kv«*rvthlng w# ilo to help In th«* upbuilding nml ad> nm oment of our city dnv o f Heptembar. I S I S , aliti If )«>u no do Ju»t that much toward our own |*r*oual Biswas No man enu liu> mid fall t«» a«» anawer. f«»r want ther«wif. thè plaltitlfT wlll apply lo thè court l»hwjH»r unto hitu*cIf rtloiw*. LOIt W E A U K I N T E R D E P E N D E N T , nml ¡valuing thl». If u«* an cttls«*u* win nil unit«' nml pull t<»g«*th«*r for the common for thè l e l l e f d««mandrd thcrcln. » I l That the pUlntlfT bave and rorover Cm»! « v will prosper 11 » n city am! c«»n*«*«junfitly n» tinliv Iduula frolli thè drfendant Jutlgment f«»r thè Well paved ntr«*«‘tn nn«l sidewalk«, *»**1 «**w«*rag«* ay«tt*ui. thoruughljr ru aum of Kour Thouaand Elg hiy eight f«»iwd naultary law», well regulnt««! nml vu«*rv«'(W indie* force. «**»mi***t«'ni nr** I Hill ars aliti S lx t) C e n i » wlth Inlrr lighting equipment nml rigid building regulation*« nr** economic n*co««lti««a amt est Ihcieoti at thr rat«* o f % |*er cent tlmrvforv they more largely ftfT«**t 11 » a* a cotninuulty than a* Individual« per annulli frani thè L 'i u l lay «*f Hut lK*yoml thU nml uml«'rlylug It all ami u|*on which r«*»t» th«* foundation of Junc. 1911 and for thè further aulii IHillarw attornev th«* whole la T H E SUCCESS O K T I I E H USIN ESS MAN Thl* man make* of Kour llatitlrrd fera, ami for hls rosta and dUhuroe an Ifirastuient gt»«*« Into » 0111 «* kind of bunlu«'«in to tun (tufa, turn or »«•!! gt*»*d* menta hcrrin. that thè tmirtgage put» hla iuoii«*y at »take, employ« lal*>r ami U*glus hln work to build better T H I S M W IS VI1K COUNEICHT i ENK O K T I I E UOXIM U N I T Y the man dateti Julv 2». 19 I I . dui) signed et «*cutcd and dellvrrr«! by y^U lo tÌ*e you nhoulil rally around ami nup|»*rt plalntlff ft»r thè pur|H»ae of »e«urtng T H E SUCCESS OF A T O W N D E P E N 0 S ON T H E SUCCESS OF ITS the pav meni «»f aald Indebtednea» an*l dulv r e*'«irdr«t tin thè t i h «tal of BU SIN E SS MEN. W H I L E T H E SUCCESS OF T H E B U SIN E SS MEN Julv. 1911. In ll«H»k 13. Crook Coun* DEPENDS ON SUPPORT T H E Y R E C E I V E FROM T H E P E O P L E AT ty Mor tg age Itrcorda. O H page U T , and covrrtng thè folb iwlng pro|»er L A R G E E A C H BEING. H O W E V E R . D E P E N D E N T O N E ON T H E O T H E R ty All o f bit a 1 to .4. b«>th Imiti No merchant can *ucret*d without the patfuunge of the pttbll* II»* 1 » %t * alve. «r verp tin g bit 13). of Keiivon a lutely amt entirely depemleut on the cuatoui o f **mh ami «*\«*ry Individual who Acreage. and attuate In thè N \\ \ ha« a penuy to »pend, the little tnlte of «*ach. taken In the uggr«*gutt*. making of thr SE *4 «»f Rectlon 9 In T ow n th«* volume on which he ruun hU bu»iuv»« The merchant, having plenty of ahip l&. S«iuth. t»f Itange 13 K u l , *»f comiHdttlou. munt. In order to g«*t the p«*ople‘a patronage, figure hi* prb«*» clone thè XXHIainettr Meritila»! ah lrh re»! prt»i*ert * has «I m e t*r«*n replattrd and o(T«*r to them the very l»*«t Inducement# |***»»lbl«* and la n o « orti«-lailv k n o « n a» Col The uier«'haut pay a large reutaU. tn&en. privilege H«*eti«e*. tuaumnee. tie AddlMon to thè City o f Ited •Id«** employing many clerka and a»«Utmit«. In order to maintain ami conduit lina* he» f « » r e* lo»ed and hla bu»iu«'»M In atich a manner aa to m«*et your approval, nml to au«'ceed let me inoliti. Oregon, that the salti proj*<*»ty, etr eptlng emphaalae It again I I K M U S T I I A X K Y o U l t I 'A T I t o . N A U K T o M A K L Hit»« k One. siiti l«nti 1. 3. 3 4 & and H IS B USINE S S L A Y 4, nf llltw k A. and lo! I. of bl«*rk ?. Thta coiumuulty hna aome aa fine atore«* every klmt and conducted by aa of the piai knowit aa Coltlna' Addi fine a a«»{ of men an you will find anywhere oil the face o f the g lot nr llUral. tlon, be »old by thè »h erlff o f thla Mg heart«*«! progr«*n»lve men No t»ett«*r retail atorea. no b**tt«*r whol«*»ale .>r rounty. acrordlng tn law and thè practlce of thla court, to aatlafy aald Jobbing house*, no l**tt»*r hunk*. 110 Iwtter lullla. no In'tter »« h«»*U. no 1» t ter church«*a. no M'lter municipal or public iitllltlea. can U* fouml anywhere Jutlgment. wlth r«»ata. attorney f w * than right here In your h«»me town, all aiiaolutely all made poaalbl# only by and dlab'iraetnenta. ariti that all p*r ama rlaltnlng by. through or under and through the coo|«'ration and geuenma giving of the bualue»« men you t>r forrv e r harred and f o r a r l o w d But. my good friend», with all of ttmae extraordinary n«*n>mpllatimenta. from havlng or rlaltnlng to bave aay there are some thing« being done today which are S T U M B L I N G B L O C K S righi. O lle or Intere»! In and to aald I N T H E P A T H O K O U R G R E A T Kit G R O W T H and further develop premiar» and for all surh otber and merit—differencea. I f you please, w hich w e muat r«*e*>m lie ami ov«*rcouie I f w « further r e llr f aa to thè court ma? arem Juat * are to coutlnue to grow ami proaper Thla aumniona la aerv«*d upon yoo T o be continued uuder the title, " H E L P Y O U R S E L F BY H E L P IN Q YOUR by publlcatlon th ereof once a « t « k T O W N .* for alt consec utive » c e k a tn thè Red tnotnl Spokeattian. by or der of thè w !th It thr«*e o f the taga. and aa th«*»«* Hon W L llradahaw, Ju«ige o f the cannot he renewed, a hunter will be t'Ircult Court o f Oregon for Crook county. inaile un thè lo t h day of considered aa having overshot the J l l f i 1 *♦ 1 • and pCOOl rit.ing |fc*| ■ . limit If he la found with a deer not aumniona be publlshed for a li con aeciitlve weeka In thè Redmond properly tag ged *' Spokeautan. a weekly newapaper T h e llcemma which were laaued b e­ piihllnht'd In Redmond. Crook coun* fore June 30 do not have the d«*er ty. Oregon, and that thè date o f thè taga attached, but all county clerka tirai publlcatlon o f thla aunim«»na la have been supplied with them and on thè 17th day o f July. 1913 (.A M U WARDEN WOULD HAVK J A W |LLcnx. pr«*seiiratton o f the hunting permit Attorney for Plalntlff H U N T E R S C O N S P IC U O U S the tags will he Issued Klraf publlcatlon July 17-Aug 2R THAT SM ITHING also at my factory on the corner THROUGH Cuatomer I »«*«* von ha««* fr«*»h eKga at .là te n t » aiu) 1*1114 fr«*ah «*gga at tu «enta U t h e ic mut h illfTer 'in mltkH I • ' I In V i » H f till» i)Uo«tlou? I Mil you think tli«*y Ju»t hni»|H*n«»l or h »•! ) “ ii o\or (houitlit that th«*^* wiin a a|*«vlul u«*«*«l for I T In th«» I*«* Kimittu of H um * iim far buck a» history Ink«*» 11 » v««* find that Ml N \N D Dll Il V\ K H A N D E D T H E M S E I A K S I t H i K T I l K K KOR M A N Y V I O l ' 8 REASONS, ciilt*f muoiitf which nr# th«* h#ti«*fit» to I»* if*ln«»l from >rgttiiiii*«| »*» U*i> a» a »»» lal, ltit«*IN*«'iuul, »plrttual nn«l ««»iuun*r» tal «vnt«»r U o IU h ti\«*iy m e arv »troiiK. fu nvfu l mid aisitwa'tlx«» uinl i»»*»*«*»» |»»\%*»r mid oi«*ann to attain a growth which will gl\»' t»» un and our |»r**gi*ti> o|»i»ortutiltlo*« for U'ttor living to «l«***»lo|» our moral. »plrltual ami IntolUvlual Ilf*', th«» thing« K IN D S OK FI H M T l UK TO SHORT LI W is The Home Merchant Has Earned Support. machinery I now have complete facilities for ALL O COM M UNITY AND THE GOOO WORK HE CAN OO TO ASSIST REO COAT PROPOSED FOR ALL HUNTSMEN Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Hotel Redmond Rar Buckley’s Transfer I. A. Buckley, Prop. Phone No. 906. Draying and Heavy Hauling. ARTIFICIAL ICE S T R I C T L Y P t 'K K A R T I F I C I A L ICE D E L IV E R E D TO A N Y O F T H S C IT Y IN A N Y Q U A N T IT Y . R E IN FO R C E D CONCRETE B U ILD IN G PART BLOCKS T hese blocks are made by the w e t proreaa. g i v in g them th ree ti m e « the strength o f a machine mad e block. Persona goin g to build should aee our m aterial b efo re placing ordera f o r any other kind. It will pay them. Eatimatea fu r n ­ ished on application. Call on or w r ite to Scarlet coata will be worn by all Oreg on huntera In future aa a pre­ caution againat accidental ahootlng. if the recommendations o f W illia m L. Finley, state game warden, are carried out. This novel raiment goea the o r d i­ nary huntera' ''p i n k ” o f the horse ahowa on e better. It prescribes a red shirt, red top coat and even includes a scarlatina cap In thla outfit there will be alight danger o f a hunter being mistaken for a deer, says W a r ­ den Finley. Boy Scout tactics will also be In­ troduced f o r the benefit o f the hunter. Ward en Fin ley will, with hla deputies, ar ra nge a system o f gun signals which will tell anyone within miles Just what the trouble is in case a hunter is injured. In keeping with the Idea o f brin g­ ing the fish and game laws closer to the people, the gam e office will soon start the issue o f a weekly bulletin, which will he out early enough I ji the week to enable the an gle r to plan hls Sunday outing with assurance of g ettin g a full basket. “ An oth er thing o f which we would lik e to caution the hunters tn antici­ pation o f the opening o f the season, is the rule for the protection o f the fe m ale d e er ,” said Mr. Finley. " T h i s is a good rule fo r several reasons, besides the perpetuation o f the deer. It Is one o f the precautions against the k il lin g o f hunters. I f a man is careful to see whether a deer has horns, he will discover In time whether it Is really a deer o r a man. • " H u n t i n g parties are also warned to observe the several changes in the laws which the last session o f the legislature framed. T h e limit has been changed from live to three. T h e hunter must, also he supplied with deer tags b efore he starts for the woods. " U p o n k il lin g a deer, one o f the tags must be tied to the carrass im ­ mediately. Each license carries IM uame«l «lefeiidaitt III tlie natii» «»f thè H'a<# . gun You are bei et» v t • «|«élt ap|M«ar ami anawer Ilo , Q| fllcd In tlie altove etitltl* 1 » 0, 1 au»«< oli ut b« f«»te thè t«( S«*pteiiiber. I 9 | .1, ami If 11 | •«» appeal and anawer. fot of. thr plalntlff wlll tak )v agalnat v«»u f«*r tlie aulii ••! ti «lieti I h illa r » wlth lutei* «( al thè rate o f |n per ren i i»«r from the |9th day «if Julv || for thè fu rthe r aulì o f l tfty attorney fee. togethwr wlth | r«nd t|lalui! aeinelita. atul v» || that the c««urt o rd e r tlie •«)» •«»uthweat «luarter «»f ar< iiu« t«»w nahlp 13. aouth o f range o f the W l l l a m e t t e luerldiati. haa t»«*eit attaché«! 1 lo »af fi publlt at Imi la J u l) 17. I 9 | 1 ì A XX II I ,. ■ Atttir tir y fur Kirat put»li* atl«»ti July I .* N«*4Me f«»r Publl« att«>» tle p a r tn in i! o f the Interior |j»t»«t t Itti«'e at T h e D alle » ( lai) 1 « 1 * 1 1 N oltr e la herrby g ite ti th« XV Hall, o f IteiM'hutew, 1 tref on XI«rt h IJ 1901. tu».Ir II L n try N « I& 9 I9 . » e r i a l N for SXX 1 4 aevtlon l i . tow m i uth, ratige 13 enei. XX mrrldiati ha » nlrd n«»tl«e ■ m tit»n to make Klnal T h r e e X • «r h f l • m u t i l i • Ialiti to the la 1 u T deiM'flbed. t»efore II t ‘ 4* li io. f •»toner, at Itemi. !>’ *«oa t h » I t h ita* of H r | j l r t l i l » r r , 1 m U l a i m a i nt n a t u r a a» « i i h r « « < Auto tu \ alai f o i a J»* oh ■ M o f IW a h u t r » O f » 0 * * 0 . Kf«**| * m • mul aif ! i r « f m t f t i d O f r a o i ». r m U Com o f l i r f u t . O f r g o t ) Il KR XNK XX « M G - ' H < » I r t i pubtirAllun i t t i * I * i , I ' X i 4 k r f • *c Public al l«»n tvepartmeat o f the lntrrl«»r. f t a b d ( i f t r a at T b e D alle » 1 'teg J u ne 3 4 1912 Notice 1» hereby g iven tt»a* Oan^Hj K XX rb b e f of Hrdmon d H f r ( •«. i f l oh March l b 19 13 made H«»^ i|&! for I H 3 K H as. i Her |0. T o f| i l m • - 1 h Range 13 eaal. XX i. an Medidian. has filed no tice of tío s to make Final Commutas Proof, to eetabitah claim to the 1 above deaeri bed. b e fo re XX* II f e t t , U H Comm laaloner. at tnond. Oregon, «»n the i t h lay | Sept etri brr 1913 Claimant m m r « as witnc»*«*» J I» Rat rr H XX Mar* d m Reynolds. Claude Christ, a Redmond. Oregon II K R A N K W O O D C O CK . Regi Kirat publication July 17-Aug ‘*4 loindlady i o ffre * Hoarder XX HI you ta ke tea W h ic h e v er you call I IN T H E WOODS. S. D . F O X & C O . I ; HI X| X|( » > s The law »till pro v ide » that It »hall In i h » Circuit Court ut ^ Im unlawful for ait voue to kill iteci «»f OregtMi w H bili and r()r without horn» T h u la for the pro t Ntunty It t tIon of Hi«* «!»•«’ anti the fawn R c «I ii i « mii I Bank «if C h iu d i T h U will al»«« proto«'t tlu* tatti«* the «•«irporatloti, Plalntlff, va killing o f which hna mad«* tlu* de«*i t 'h a r l e » N l.orlng huntei aome what o f a p«*»t with th l o tdiarlea N lairltig th» farinera With the installation of my new wood working .MAKING REDMOND SPOKESM AN The Redmond Spokesman r Is the L E A D IN G T IV E PAPER and REPRESENTA­ O F R E D M O N D and the R E D M O N D DISTRICT. It Rives all the reliable news of the above section each week as it happens. Those who desire to keep in touch with what is jfoityr on in this vicinity of Cen­ tra! Oregon should become a subacriher to the paper— 41.50 per year, in advance.