Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” of Central Oregon VO L 4. No. 4 HKDMONI). CROOK COUNTY, OKKUON. THURSDAY, JULY 31. 191« OREGON POTATO PRODUCERS WILL HAVE BETTER PRICES POR PRODUCT EVEN WITH THE SMALLER ACREAGE AND PRODUCTION Total (»ulpul of H ip I V III. » • H7 IMM» llualirla. L o, . ^ Till« H pa m . ii f o l l i pared »»lili Italfc-Ik I . V i t a A a o l f u n guai,., l‘nnr......a la Ei|«e« Irsi HI.M.VHMMI ta .h o P a rt*- It,«, |, llualirla a » e a r N ..r U .o « , P A C I F I C IT ».»NT 1*1 » T A T O I I I H » : i » n T ..................... Or»*«- WaahlnK'-'ti .................... Idaho .................... Calif, ila T r«i 110,000 3 44.000 iim ru M i IN » im rit» I HK OI n i m Moahpla 1013 *.760,o o o *.*36.0 00 6.323.000 6.760,000 1012 1 2.026.0110 13.36«. 000 4.476.000 13.000,000 3*. 547. o o o 43,164,000 H y » ■ i H l ' o h m , market editor many of ih«» |>ro.N ( It » I . maina, ........... » . . „ Acreage IM I 1013 50,000 46.000 51,000 4M.000 31.000 36.000 71,000 71.000 ARE PLEASED O lli;. XOHTH " " "* Til t': im i - ■ IM I rnm nua HIGH»» AY. People llvlns In Central On-yon have known all alons that lha roads It) Ihla part o f tha stale are much better than lha Parirte lllshway, but outsiders have read and heard so much about the Parirte lllsh w a y and so little about lha Central Oregon ronda lhal lha fnlluwlnic story In laal Sunday's Portland Journal will now put the roada In Ihla section o f the slate before lha jieuple at large III their true light l-ocal motorists are high In their praise o f Eastern Oregon roada lead­ ing north and south through the stale of Oregon aa compared with the Pacific Highway, which Is sup­ posed lo he Oregon's main north and aouth touring route George Duncan. a lim ber operator o f ihla city, with II K l-rwla. and Mr Hunran'a driver. James Van Tuyl. In an American uuderalung " a l l . " together with Mr and Mra. A I. Klah. and Misa lla iel Waller. In Mr Ptah'a Cadillac, shipped their a u ­ tomobiles lo The Halles July ti and left that point Sunday. July ?, driv­ ing lo Kedmond. a d stance o f 14 1 miles, for an early dinner The usual route out o f The Halles • u not taken by this party. Instead after leaving The Halles they went via Hufur. Tygh Valley. Maupln. Shanlko. Madras. Metollus, Culver and Into Kedmond over tho old mil­ itary trail that has aluce been made a substantial macadamised road In tact, the greater portion o f the road from The Halles lo lledmond la made of maedam and Is In eic eptlonally good condition There « r e only a few stretches of dirt road for the entire distance of 141 miles and they were not very dusty al the lime thla party made the trip over them. From Kedmond a delightful aide trip that should be enjo yed by all (hone touring Ihla section o f the atate la to llelalng'a Kanch on the Metoltua river, a distance o f about 40 mllea front Kedmond The accom m oda­ tions at the ranch are eepcclally good and It I* only a few mtlas from the ranch to the source o f the Metollus river, which gushes from the side of the Illa, h Multe mountain a full fledged river Front Slstera the three mountalna The one who ha* not had to pay more than one bill the .«econd time is the exception and not the rule. to keep the receipt. payment? THK SPOKESM AN CAN IIF.I.P YOl ING TO G E T RK 8IH.T8. W ITH Y O l’ R A D V E R TIS­ LET VK DEM ONSTRATE. ’ Copyright hy Geo. K. Palteraon Did you ever have a dispute over a Unpleasant, is it n ot? cumstance to occur again? cape it. Do you wish the cir­ There is one sure way to es­ I’ay your bills with checks. If you received no interest on your idle money it would only show good sense and good wisdom to ha»-e it in a bank. Transact your busi­ ness in a business way and pay your bills by checks. Your check when returned to you makes an undisputable receipt. A bank account makes you systematic and encourages you to save part o f your income. Many a man has become rich because he became interested in watching his bank balance and was thus led to find ways to increase it. Start a bank account with us and we will help you make it larger. Why not begin today? Redmond Bank of Commerce REDMOND, OREGON H IG H »»»» CON N EITIN G KKX CEX’ T R » L »XI* H» »»EST- OKEGOX O F F I C I » US — S7.YIMMI T O HE E X P E N D E D F O R TH » T P I KPOH K. Now» I» any ’ ’ recent or frrah Intelligence or Information ernoern- Ing any nialtar or ev en t," anil advertising la giving nows relating to a btialneaa The ordinary doing» «nil happening« are not new» For Inatane», to »ay that Jonea, the dry good* merchant, «ella calleo. I» not new« Hut to »ay that Jone» »ella calico 2& per cent below regular prlre la new«. bu»lncaa new», and adverllalng Thai adverllalng may be effective, productive and atlmiiUtlng to hu»lne»» It mii«t he done In the way o f conveying Information. T o »ay that Smith la atlll niNklng good good* honeatly. and that the people ought In eal hla product, ennveya neither apeclrtc nor Intereatlng In­ formation Hut to ahow why Smith'« good« are good, how the good» are made and why they are made that way, why they are palatable, why dl«e»tlhle, and why healthful, are all point« o f Intereat conveying intelligence (If courae Ihe new* muat he told hy (he advertlacr In a way that 1« convincing Kveryone I» open lo conviction. II I» up to Ihe advertlaer to demonatrale the real value In any product for »ale. Every good product will prnltt hy thla teat, for Ihe people are quirk to lake up with anything they know la good, and «keptlral about a product o f which they know nothing If a product cannot «(and Ihe leal o f publicity It will go off Ihe market, aa It ahould. And a mer­ chant whoae hualneaa cannot aland Ihe teat of publicity will not make a aurccaa o f hla hualneaa »»’ hen the merchant pula Ihe »ame argumenta and Intelligence Into hla ada that a good »«legman pula Into hla talk« to aell a commodity , then will newapaper adverllalng become Immenaely profitable. Few people when paying a bill ask for a receipt, and if they do they fail »PPKOVKD Advertising and News II.SO PER YEAR A dispatch from Eugene under date o f July 25. aaya: ‘ The National Forest Department In Oregon will make the construction o f the McKeniie Pass road ita fore­ most underta kin g,’ ’ declared Charles II. Flory, chief forester o f Oregon and Washington, according to the report o f the staff correspondent of the Morning Register, writing from the summit o f the Cascades after the party had Inspected the SO miles o f roadway up the M cK eniie Valley front Eugene. "T h is road that we have Just cov- ered Is to he the greatest highway In O regon.’ * declared Mr. Flory. who »ays he will recommend the expendi­ ture o f nearly $75,000 In the next three years on the Improvement of this highway. ’ ’ It is not only the moat natural connecting link be­ tween Central and »»’ estern Oregon, but Is to be far more. Thla valley la to become the playground o f the Northwest. ’ ’ We shall build this road for au to­ mobile traffic It will be used three months In every year by thousands o f tourists. It will be used the rest o f the year through by settler«, miners and tlmbermen. This road will be a link In the system c onn ect­ ing Portland and Eugene with Prlnevllle and Klamath Falla.’* Resides Mr. Flory. the party in- cuded T »»’ arren Allen. Washington. H. C.. en gineer o f the Federal De­ partment o f Highways; State High­ way Engineer H. W. Bowlby. C. R. Setts, supervisor o f the Cascade Na­ tional Forest; County Judge T h om p ­ son. County Commis sioners H emp­ hill andHawley, and F. S. Allen, representing the Morning Register. The money available for this year's work am ounts to $4,000. and la derived front the 10 per cent share o f the government timber sold. Next year, according to Mr. Flo ry's estimate, at least twice this amount will be available. M A. Lynch o f Kedmond. presi­ dent o f the Crook County Good Roads Association, went to the sum­ mit and met the ab ove party, and accompanied them to Sisters. From Sisters, Messrs. Allen, Flory and Bowlby returned to Redm ond with Mr. Lynch, and the balance o f the party went to Eugene. Mr. Bowlby la expected to arrive here Monday and go over the roads In Crook county the Good Roada Association propose to Improve, and give an esti­ mate o f the probable coat o f such Improvements. President Lynch states that Crook county has put the road on this side of M cK eniie Pass In g ood condition, and that still more work will be done there before long. IN TENNIS MATCH L A ID I.»»» ERS »XI» P I'L L 81XDAY (D IR T S MOM» KKDMOXD OFF AT IX »» I X S GOOD THF PLAY- GAMES KODMAX K ED .M O XD — R E D - M A JO R ITY OF GAMES. Sunday was a busy day in R ed ­ mond for the Laidlaw and Redaiond tennis players. Ten mem bers o f the " T u m a lo Tennis Terriers.’’ the name o f the Laidlaw tennis club, came ov er to try conclu sions with the crack players o f Redm ond. Games were played both forenoon and aft­ ernoon, and many spectators wit­ nessed the afternoon playing. The Laidlaw players were enter­ tained by the Redm ond tennis club and ev erythin g done to make their stay pleasant while In the city. A return match will be played at Laid­ law In a few weeks. Followin g is the score as furnished for publica­ A letter received from C. B. Hop- tion: ley. a former resident o f this city, D o u b le s . states that he and Mrs. Hopley are Moore and llosch vs. Henderson at present In Minneapolis. Minn. and Schaller. 4-0. 4-0. Gardner and Barr va. Beasley and Servant (answerin g bell) — My Grose. 4-3, 4-4. master Isn't In. sir. You may leave »V. 9. Rodman and R Immele vs. the bill If you wish. Caller (In s u r p ris e )— Bill? I have Mars and alik e. 7 5. 5-7. C-4. W alter Rodm an and J. R Roberta no bill. I wish to-------- vs. Mara and Beasley. 4-2. 4-4, 4-3. Servant (In surprise, a l s o ) — No R. Immele and F. Phoenix va. bill? Then you must hare called at the w rong house. Continued on Page 7