The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, July 17, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    .THURSDAY, j r i . Y
17. IV1.1
•ocietv Directory
\ lc«lin.«li'l I . m U ' N" I I " . I» l ‘
.Inni« «'Mi»
I in« * Il
’ d u l l » I'
II [ A
I' llllJ
Muntiti y nielli
* '"ul" I' of II il
l\ rullali, C c
D r ill,e ^ ^ Hdwr Abstract to., Inc.
Redmond and Vicinity
M \ L ym b und ci i; ho beo n of
Ibla rlty, aulii lo C’Imir Luk** lillà
‘Ibla la tb<* polui r I h - i i * H o *
lllll ayaltMii la ko I iik I o «rert u lutK«*
rlrrlrb power plani Ilo* liuti three
1 1 u«t I ik I« i «* m unii pilo
All kind of finitime torkle la now
I m IUK »old below roat ul (be li* d
moud rii a rina« y
' | |inp rttphlo! « opt« h «»i c’iook l oiiiiiy
orda. ¿ rullili» inupa «ntl
Prluevlll». lir»«u n
HP XIlKs T i l l V II li.
; h o m i : < ii
IH i\ I M I ITI I I Iti »
d ii
f i l i n i « « * ni 1*1« Iure*
ATl'R DXX . s i M i l t , I l I t i n i
..ini I III l l » D XX
1 A FI rat 1 I « » » Hlm« Ilota*«'.
l II *|«ili>. I*r<t|t'r.
II) («dllnit of the fioul» II) lile 4f I)
of July put lote lu»! week (be flout of
Perry lleedy*» Central Or«*icou Hur
uà«* wu» u littst«--ni tonally oitlllfed by
The HpokeNfüun
'Mil» btialnen» pim e
bad un fcttrurtlv«* dluplny of ail «le
»« rlptton» of auto auppllra. etr
The funeral of M ir I, Cl HtitlHi of
Terrebonne, who died iuddettly. wu»
Privat' limlrurHini glw-n oli III«
lo*l*l Friday foreiHNMi ai the Pre»by
U il.IN C l l l t M I Mi.IMI lltllM (««lian
rhurrh. !(«*> Harvey oftl« tat
I . u \ iHITK «loi « I l I A I-A I IN N T Iir *
h k
The retiiulu» were Interred In
MI N I "
the Kedutotid retneiery
Ilei i«aa«*d
¡I < l i t i . II. /. i n m :.
left a bu»but)i| and 2 year old «luurb
II« mlnut* tor.
•r Urli
• < /. l
.*f« ir.> i
•w ir l|ut»r) —
MA h i i o a i i i i m » < XRI»
lly doltiK your
fra«llnii at Kb ret
fi' «-«on Trunk
l i n (rom itorilt
7 J t * in U ro », the l.i onotny Store They »ell
a» l i f t (rom tonili
9 top in for ra»h, chat*» whey they aril
(> \V H a N
aln p t l i n t (rum uorili
7 l"ii in
II A Kendall la confined to hla
ala a u l i r « (rom «oui li
7 ! la III
Il MAI KOI.. Ale ni
real«!« to e with un alfa* k of typhoid
I l I I l ' I l O M Hill lis
Daily afccept Honda». *> a ni lo
New» w a» reicltud here (hat a
p. m
Hund. . « tu a a in , ú lo 7 i> in
«otiiaii flutter on (be up|M*r water» of
l-i i s t i >1 I K I HIM Ils
the |b*»*hute» river last w«*ek « auiáht
Hally, except Huiitla». * 1" « IU
a trout 2 4 turile» I oiik
• p. ln
Rund . > i u » a in
When you wuwt aomethliiK u*»od
Lettola luallnl hol l « l » r litan H 16
ta n u l I«*««» linr« un ili» nubi Co eat In Hie i united good» line a»k
J l( Kotyert» of Lynch ft lloberfa. to
ala gì >« north
J \V MOOIIK. P M name It
The latent kinh ) ihltiK he
ha» «alle«! off la Helm Spaghetti atol
( 'tireur with Tomato Sau«*e
In doubt a» to what you waul to rat,
A d * t t t»«'tt)«’ tltR |)«|li||»h«)<t utulrr aak Hubert» Ih r man who knows
ilt be
Ai on«» r«nt s »«ird for
»eh Inaortloti
Siti ailv«r<l»«'tn»nt
There will I k * an uurllon »ale of
aerta«' 'or l«-aa than I 5 u n i s
Or houaehol«! g « m id » at J A VoaburK*
»ra f r mu mil of (o * ti mutt Inform ranch near Clin«* Kall» on Monday.
• h o » tunny loan«*» Ih*» ad la to
July 21. at 1 o'clock
See billa for
IO. ß ' it *»f t o » n orders muât I**
inird by raah
Initial» and
( u n * rount aa «orda
H ii> ;
O0« <»A il» ruai. Io b» (r»«h »tun
land«- t'hrlat, l(»dmond
11 f
J A VouburK. who haa »«.Id h<»
farm near (Tine Kalla. esjHHt» aooti
(o leave for CalKorula
Mr and Mra XX’ H lloilman and
o a r «itoli of inulta Ci yrara old. Mr and Mr« \V II Anderaon l»ft
»lobt «bout l i n o » » i h
F intuire at Itila w«-ek (or an oulln« and dahin«
tmlni< id llank of fointtirri «• I I I
trip on th» Matollua river
Hk I !> «11.1 (•'« in for aalr luijulrr
J \Y Brewer abd family. I. K
L 0|) «■•mat» uffirs
Sin It li and family. C !.. Moor» and
»od upan of draft mart*» reto
Apply X. Spokramau of family and Mr and Mr« Guy Hob-
»ui, anil M A l.ynrh Hundayed al
hl«h «rati» bicycle. n a u f ua liti!» and Sutil» Lake«
Nf> •d.
Call at Si>ok<<aitian
lu ll IIIM
All klnda of magazine» (or « a l » at
Ih » l(»dtnond Pharmacy.
■ t . m . ii , boti««* to r»nl, rltjr water
T h » lutili«'« (¡lililí at th» Preaby-
la (h liona»
|7 i»'r month Jonra
(»riaii church ni»t at th» I’ark (arm
l«aad Co
laat Thuraday
No (urth»r
( « it 11.1
meeting» « I I I b» I h T i I until Ih» aec-
und Thuraday In 8 »p t«m b »r
gli I» hu «K ». «Inai» barn»««, «ood
• ya- • olii mar», ««lilla, » » I l brok».
Itev llarv»y. paator of th» I’ rea-
wai*i ! between Iciuci ami 1100, and
hyt»rl«n church of thla city. I« a « ay
n h» > lia< k lo lra<l<* for ho*» J II
on hla vacation
T h » r » « I I I b» no
Proli. Hotel llar, l(<*dii)ond
preaching at th» rhurrh Sunday.
Itev Harper « I I I hold aarvlrci on
I t i i » m u i : • w i \ r ili.
th» inornltiK of July 27th
B u - l »)*••»* I r r r r l T t i a l l i r i a 2 A P e r
C «*1(1 o f flit* M u r k r l It«*» ult*»
T> » Ulti» " » a n i ” advertlaetncnt
» h l« ii lina become «o popular la a al­
leai buyer, a alleni arller and a al­
leni purveyor of «onda
It poaai'aaea the doubl« v irili» of
balm: • tirap and profitable
It b rin «« lubor to tli« unemployed
and help to Oma« » h o ilealrc to rm-
“ plO'
If tunke* bom» for men and wo­
ll tranafera property and In a ««'li­
erai way la reaponalhle for 2& per
cent of th« bualneaa traiiaart«d
the commercial world
If n I la empty bona«« and hrln«a
pm i » i l t y to ili» landlord
l i t «Ivea III» poor workln« «Irl em­
p i» y ment, Il arla men up In bualneaa.
It urta you an a «»n t If you dealre
on« It «Ivea you an opportunity to
bo'row money » h e r » the rat» of In­
let "*t I« lb « ioweet. It furnlahea you
, a|iii»dlum of exchange It trlla you,
II) lari, w h »r» to «o. wh»n to «o, how
to « o to » v » r y place, everywhere,
an i acni re aomethln« that you may
xrwil and to whlrh no other medium
«V- r devlaed aould aucreaafully dI■
— re t you.
B The Spokeaman run help you »Tilt
n "w n u t" ad
la>t un try.
The Spirella Corsets
M ade to O rd er
Menauremenla Taken
dern Cromptly Killed.
and Or­
Keaident toractier
Summer Outing (¡arments for Women and Children
in: MO
M \I»K D lll.s s I S
Klxured Matlae and
Fine Oln«-
ham Dreaaea trimmed with plain rol-
ored material, arid «aah buttona to
Crlre. 1 3 ! »
Children’«, Misses and Adults’
Bonnets, nicely made in pink,
blue and jfrey colors.
I.AU N H ltK ssK S
Brice, 2*»c
IIIue atrli»- and black atrip«- trlm-
me<l with plain color to match; baa
larice arm hole«; aplendld workman-
Crlce. Only SI.UN
I.IM V Itd iO II
I'KItt u . i :
The Little One Rompers are
well made and made o f nice ma­
terial. Sizes 1-2 year to 6 years.
Very neat afternoon d r»««, frlm-
med with brown material, with
brown bone buttona.
Brice. 60c
I’ rlre. I'J.2,3
IIM.IDS IN'S |»AT4.\T D IlK s s
T h e « » reversible house dreaaea are
the beat on the market.
Crlre*. a i .V». 11.73. 1 1 1 3
l l l s s l XN t I t x s l l D K K ssK S
StronK and durable, dark col­
ors. all sizes, 1-2 year to 6 years.
Hatlne trimmed ruffa and collars,
with two tone buttons.
Brice, 33 to 50c
Crlre. S l im and g.Vii.1
Curlee Made Clothes
Men and Boys
These well known clothes are highly satisfactory and every suit is
guaranteed. The fabric, the workmanship, the fit, style and durability
of these suits are more than is generally found in ready made clothes.
Our prices are low, ranging from S7.50 to $20.00.
We buy Butter and Einrs
R E D M O N I), O R E G 0 N
We close 6 :30; Saturday 10:00
T h « lledmond ITinrttiary haa the
««i-nry here for the I’ortland ()re«o-
nlnn. where the paper ran be hail
Agricultural College; It II ("roller.
A (¡ C A of the Hill lines In Ore­
gon . L M K..HH, T C
O \V It &
N . and I’ hll Rates, representing C.
t". Chnpnian o f the Cortland Com­
mercial Club, the "K lylng Suiiad”
that Is louring Central Oregon, were
here for a short time Tuesday after­
J XV. l i r e » er. president of
the Redmond Commercial Club, had
charge of the party while In the city,
All kind of hahliiK Inckle la now mid Introduced the member* to d if­
he!IIK aold belli» roat at the Keil- ferent htislneas men here The party
went from here to Deschutea and on
tnontl Charmary.
to l.aldlnw where a meeting was held
It waa reported here thla week In I he evening
that Tom Sharp rau«ht a hi« Dolly
The Redmond Pharmacy has the
Vardett Trout on the upper Dee-
agency here for the Cortland Orego­
rhlltea that » e l « h e i l N 3-4 pounds.
nian. where the paper ran he had.
IVople from here who have been
Mayor It oar h has one of the finest
over nabln« on the Metollua report
gardens In the cty. He has a block
that river alive with campara.
of property and besides growing gar­
I,»t ua do your nevi order of Job den stuff Is having good surreas with
and all kinds of small fruits
price« antlifactory
The Ited monti
Spokea man.
All kinds of weeds are growing In
profusion In different parts o f the
.1 K ( ’«die, «eeretary o f the ( ’ rook city In the streets and alleys. Cut­
County Knlr, wiia In Redmond Tues­ ting the weeds now before they go to
day to make arrangement* with The seed would be a good plan
Hpokeiininn for printing the 1913
C t ni I uni Mat and
Hare Program,
.1 D. Ilutler experts to soon move
The Hpokeamnn having been award­ his Redmond Pharmacy Into the
ed the contract for the printing on building next door to his present lo­
competitive bill
Contractor Osborne has re­
paired the building from the effects
It la reported that II K Jonea haa o f the recent lire, and It will be
aold hla hotel and residence property ready for occupancy about the first
In this elly lo Cortland parties
of the week
I S Deputy Maralial (¡rlfflth of
I’ortland. « a a here Sunday with a
rouple of Indiana from the Warm
Sprlutta reservation whom he had ar-
reated on the rh u r«« of biM)tl«KKln«
11» look the Indiana before C S
Cotnnilealoner D hkk »D here for a
hearing, and later took them to Cort­
All kinds of tnagnzlnes for sale at
Ladles' calling cards, latest style,
(he Redmond Pharmacy.
at The Spokesman office.
J f l.ectly, agriculturalist of the
C. A Lucas, landlord o f the Hotel
Burns High School; A. II. Conlley, Redmond, was foreman of the coro­
dean of agriculture of the Oregon ner's jury that held an Imiuest at
Camp fi on the Tumalo Project Tues­
day on (he body of the unidentified
man who hung himself there Monday
the above dates.
A lfred
Mun*. ful at night with colored electric
whose advertising publicity reaches lights.
many miles, reports a $900 business
Spokesman Classified ads bring
In the two days. It has been demon­
strated by these two live wire firms results— try them— don't cost much
While af Clear 1-ake this week that Spokesman advertising publicity
I f you want pure milk or creata
Messrs. Dobson and Lynch caught a is what draws trade to their stores.
phone Tlchenor, No. 810.
4 4tf
lot o f nice salmon trout. They brot
Olren & (¡ant. contractors and
bark some o f the fish and presented
their friends with enough for a good buildrrs o f this city, began
"Judge, why did you adjourn the
Tuesday on a house on G. A. McFar- court for live minutes just now ?"
lane's farm northwest o f town.
“ 1 felt that I had to sneexe."
Make your advertising as Interest­
ing as your store as full o f oppor­
tunity news for shoppers as your
store Is full of buying opportunities
for them and store management
will come to be a very Interesting
occupation for you.
Crlnevllle Journal I’ rlnevllle was
practically deserted on the 4th. Red­
mond got a big delegation.
auto In town was pressed Into serv­
ice to attend the "H u b C ity" celebra­
Although no families registered
with their twins under 12 years old
on the tth for the special prizes J.
D Butler advertised to give away, he
gave four o f the prizes, a box of
Lownev’s chocolates, to heads of
families who called at his store and
showed the twins.
“ Yes?"
Skunks are beginning to kill off
" A nd 1 feared that If I sneezed on
chickens In the city. O. K Olsen the bench the lawyers would make
says that a skunk recently killed six that the basts for a new trial.”
of his fancy chickens.
He caught
the skunk later In a trap. Other
The Spokesman for good printing
chicken raisers in the city report los­
ses of chickens by skunks.
1. L.
to Mr.
This Is
pect to
Harader last week sold his
H ope" farm west of the city
McPherson of Powell Butte.
one of the best farms in the
Mr. Harader and family ex­
leave for California soon.
Mr and Mrs J M Fuller, parents
of Mrs. J K Roberts of this city, are
expected to arrive here soon from
Cedar Rapids. Iowa, and make Red­
mond their home for a year at least
Mr Fuller has been engaged in the
farm implement business for many
years In Iowa.
Tint Lane and Bill Young and
I-ast week In mentioning the dec­
their wives returned Tuesday from
their dshlng trip to the head o f the orated stores In the city on the 4th
Metollua river
They report a royal The Spokesman failed to mention
the attractive decorations on the W
good time, and plenty of flah.
H. Hobbs, C. R McLallln. Deschutes
Some of the merchants here had Power Co. and Johnson k Vaughn
a big trade the 4th and 5th
Lynch buildings, and the Sparks Theater.
k Roberts, whose advertisements In These places of business were decor­
The Spokesman reach all over Crook ated with artistically arranged fes­
county, report a large business on toons of bunting, and made beauti-
W e carry
the celebrated
line of
SK N F C A S T t N K anil
l im m k n t s .
fo r D i**w »f» o f Poultry.
Redmond Feed & Fuel Co