1°. II. Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub ( ’¡ty” of Central Oregon 4 . VOI No. 2 HKDMONI). ('HOOK C O U N T Y. OltKOON, T H U R S D A Y . .JU L Y 17 . l'Jl.'l 0 PREPARE TRE FUMALO PROJECT AND £ EXHIBITS FOR OF Did You Ever Pay a Bill Twice ? » s o ll. IS W K I . I . A I M I T K I » O K I.I(A IN illHNw 111 (. \l(l>l M, III! I« K I M I I'llK l'M I %TIO\ iti elnr!,| ■M EXHIBIT l i m i l H I , K>|( TII» > O H K 'H N MTATK K X H IIIIT TLE AND T IIA T IN O T O K A IS I.N O A L L K IN O S \ N11 K O O T C I ( ( ) I * S IIO l.S T II Ul \ K S E K T IO N — KAUM K X T K N S IV K I.Y ON AND THE LANDS K R I'IT S — « A T - I’ K O D IJ « T S AHK NOW $ 1 .5 0 P E R Y E A R OK IIK - ( I I.T IV A T K D IN T H K I I •* ! I it N M M I MlloWM 0 , C ''hap nian o f l'uri lami, an ra rjr o f Ilia I »regoli Development •nur h an »««lit out Ih«* f o l t o » t li it lieh f a r iia lly n p l a l n 1 1»•« . iiilKfatlnn C*OUImission» A< Il y r«* «C a r «II ti K lh«* Kutlo'rlng of an Mbit to represent th r alala o f Hr OK II» ha Kaatarn Imitili Htioa a Itila il: K«|M-n*a ami I m i l l T U » lo* « I o r g a n i * «tlori «nul u r o » • » r e rn|ulrri| to ko to no n*p»>niMN b »r than that of Ra(tt«*rinK ih» •rim* • « m l K e ttln» thrm to the poi W r « U l «rratig n for thsiti to tu n »pail to I'ortlam l, ami « i l i a l ­ a lia I to thr »hlppltiK r « » t C'otu • «HI* «m l g ro n p f» «111 r w r i t P • m Irr credit fo r thr n h i b i t a •w f l i r l r orci Iona Our f l a n « I I I to tnalntaln a t«K on rA* h »pet i •O i t »In n thr tiAinr anti a i M r * » « tha ¡gro w er atnl Ilia local com mer­ li or » inK atlon rapraaatilail I ■•«•l«mnrnl C o n » U m all eshlb lt malarial lo lha a f o r Siala I mm Ur al Inn C om m is » 1. O ' i n mar« tal Club building P o r t ­ al), ( i K ' l o n Shipping ta g » « I I I lia rw«T ted to lha r o m m a r r la l « I h lia tar t<> ha illalrlbulail for Ihla pur « a . [ I «aliai « U h thaaa ami ahlp by »life' l 'a l b i n a P m : « U h Kraal rara Thaaa ara il M Unary ahlptiianta. bui a^-a ih r o f Ihn r o u n lr y thaï ara ko I iik ipal•» again»! Ihr rraain of Ihr y fro m o l h r r alalaa. aml Ihay uat liol 1 h « almply l h r o « n Into a ala or rar promlaruoiialy. U «t «ar piany r hoir a specimens ha«l lo I I h m » ii away owlnK to lha fart U t th ay « a r a broken or mulllatail t M r ini o f raralaaa parking ^ I . imh I M a l a r i a l M a u l e d Qua llty r » t h r r than quantity must » our m otto W r would ra th rr havr few r h o l r r »p r rtm r n a from c«rh »m munity than to n« of I nfrrlo r un pi* that « o t i l t l hr r l U N d In Ihr » n d S h o w » « » m r r e junk K v rr y )mni> iilty »hould. howrvrr, «n id »met) 1 ; !» U lirai Sliratr« W ill offrr AiiRKratlnn« Continu«*«! on l*»itr i ••ganllng 4 f«*r par«* l h * u**w ground for ihr• seeding ■ o f a lfalfa or c lo s e r Home grain Is hru al tut Ihr«**ih«*«l In this Sei lion A noi h«*r c ro p that yields well «la ­ Is in* potalo«'» F o r quallt f Hie potai 04*» Hr»K « r o w u In Dili• auction1 canno! b«< •*1- that t h r « o u n t r y l t » r l f » h o u l d hr d r* r elied l*n arro unl o f I he low prlrea » r r ilt r t l oulahte many o f Ihoae g ro w n laal T h r T u m a l o lr rlK «t lo n p ro ject 1» year we re fed to etork fo r whlrh ItM ttfrtl on th r » r » t » I d r o f thr I>r» they ran be uaed with profit Pots- < hu tr» r l t r r and com p rio r» ahout toea are par tic ular ly uaeful In pre ­ 27,000 a«r«*s o f thr l»r»t land In C m * paring the gro und for a l f a l f a or c l o ­ tral Oregon T h r land ha» a a«*nt!s ver »lo p r to thr north and r a »t, makitiK T h e other root rropa alao do well It r a «l l y Irrlicatrd T h r »o il i» « h a t Thoae mainly g ro w n are car ro t a, rut- haa l>rrn dra rrlbed aa volranlc a»h ahagaa and turnlpa Iteeta and man- It la a k « mm ! »o il for » i m p crop», but gela ran alao be grown on new 1» lark in » In potaah ft r r r » » a r y for gruund P a r ro ts or rutabagas fu rn ­ thr hr»t prodtirtion o f o t h r r » This, ish a fine aurrulent feed fo r r o w s In h o » r % r r , ran I h * auppllrtl « i t h profit the winte r an«l for thla purpose are T h r »ub»«»tl r«m »l«t a o f a hard lay rr u n e ir e lle d on ly by kale K a l e ran at a depth o f from tw o to » I t fort, alao be g ro w n lo perfert lo u on the and b r i o « that an un known drpth o f T u m a lo P ro je ct hlark »and T h r hard lay rr beco me» Another hue green feed la Pauada «o ft upon th r applira tlon of » « t e r . held |ieas T h e y are a c om p ara tiv e ­ and a lf a lf a root» penetrate It T h r ly new crop fo r moat o f the farmers hlark »and haa hern r i r a v a t e d to but are proving a aurreaa with many thr depth of !& to 20 fret In build o f them Y ield s aa high aa 10 tons tiiK r la tr rn » or other r«>nrrrtr work o f green feed and three and one half the »and m a k r » a r onv rnle nt »o u r re Iona o f hay to the acre have been re­ o f material ported T h e y are alao a profitable The products are varied and crop In connection with hogs, the abundant, aa all who »a w the laat peas being allo w e d to rlpwn and the l .a lflla « Fair. « h r r r pro duct« from hogs are then turned In to harvest the w*»»t » I d r w rre rvh lh ltr d . « I l l them In connection with alf alfa, t«wtlfy A l f a l f a la probably thr moat hogs ran be g ro w n very rh e gp ly thla widely k row it and ala«) th r moat v a l­ way. uable product It 1» ti»«*d moat Iy for T h e small f r u i t » produce we ll any­ hay hut a con aldrrahle «c r r a R r 1» where on the T u m a l o Project Goose- briiiK devote«! to pa»turai;«* for ho g» bcrrlea especially do nlrely and yield an«l <»ther »l o c k W h e n uaril a » pa»- a large qua ntity o f fine qua lity ber­ tu raar for h o » « . P**rk can hr produc­ ries Currants, raapberrlea and ed at a very low price, nettlnx « blarkberrlea alao do we ll S t ra w ­ larKe profit to th r fa r m e r at the pre ­ berries o f a fine quality are grown, va ili ng blah price» o f h o » » Mo»t of rotulng Into the market somewhat the a lf a lf a hay U fed to c o w » and It later than the Imported ones 1» the beat hay for t H I n pur pour T h r T h e tree fru its yield well. T he milk fro m moat o f the»«* r o w » 1» year lit 12 was a good one and all the »o ld to the I.aidlttw Cheese Facto ry were wh ere a very hlKb quality o f rh«»e»e orchards on the segregation N ot so good a yield la 1» m anufaclurrd Thoae who sell loaded down cream are able to «|l»|N>»e o f their os pec ted thla yea r on account o f the Ap ples do the product convenie ntly to the cre am er- un fa vora ble spring beat o f any fruit, and both fall and i r » at both lien(| and Kcdm on d T h e beat \motiK tbe other hav crops gro wn win te r apples are raised. on the T u m a lo proje«'t are re«l, m a m ­ fall var iety so far rep orted la the Grim es' moth and ot h e r clo v e rs which are all Y e llo w Tra nsparent, with F o r winte r adapt«'«! to this section, ( ¡r a in Is a l ­ G olden a close second so grow n for hay. hut mainly to pre­ Continued on P a g e 3 How l/R'iil Merchant Can Kill Mail Mail Order Competition The one who has not had to pay more than 9ne bill the second time is the exception and not the rule. when paying a bill ask for a receipt, and if they do they fail to Keep the rec< ipt. payment? It la the careful, ayatematlr, elaborate and half truthful deacrlp- tlon In mall order a«lverllalng that haa built up the big mull order hualneaa If the loral merchant will be careful, ayatematlr. elabor­ ate and truthful In all hla loral ailverttalng he will win. The adver- tlaer who la truthful, will In the end get the hualneaa. < T h e puhllr ran never know wlint a merrhant haa to aell unleaa he tella ahout It. T h e r e la no b etter frie nd o f the m errhant and no better nteana o f puhllrlty than the loral paper. K v e r y merrhant w h o cwrrlea on a ayatematlr advertlalng ram p algn In hla loral paper, pro perly and honeatly deacrlhlng what he haa fo r aale, wil l find hla hualneaa In no way ulTerleil hy mall o rd e r rom potltlon. THK SPOKESMAN CAN H ELP YOC W ITH YO I’ R ADVERTI8- INl> TO GET IIESCLTS. I.KT I S TRY. t ’op y rlg ht by Geo. K. Patterson Did you ever have a dispute over a Unpleasant, is it not? cumstance to occur again? cape it. Do you wish the cir­ There is one sure w ay to es­ I’ay your bills with checks. If you received no interest on your idle money it would only show good sense and good wisdom to have it in a hank. Transact your busi­ ness in a business way and pay your bills by checks. Your check when returned to you makes an undisputable receipt. A bank account makes you systematic and encourages you to save part of your income. Many a man has Become rich because he became interested in watching his bank balance and was thus led to find ways to increase it. Start a bank account with us and we will help you make it larger. W hy not begin today? Redmond Bank of Commerce R E D M O N I), A TOUR OF CENTRAL ORE. IS “ FL Y IN G %l»" TO IIIOI SK l\ - T K REST it : \ i . i io n Mall oril««i biiNiness 1» ttint departmi-nt o f bii»lnea* whereby thru the medium o f adverllnliiK merchandise la aold direct to the ron- auttier hy mall. T h is hualneaa haa K r o « n In leapa and boutida. Why? Iteeaime the local inerehanl does not keep pare with the In- rreaaltiK demand o f an tnereaalnK population. T h e live hU mall or d er houaea o f C hic ago receive on an averaK'' o f 2 (0 ,0 0 0 ordera a «lay. And Ihla e norm ous hualneaa cornea from rom m u n lflea » h o p e natural tr ade belong s to the loral merchant. T h e local merchant intial m ake more effo rt to hold hla hualneaa and get new hualneaa or the hlR roncerna will mak e g re ate r Inroada. He uniat heat the mall o rd e r houaea at their ow n ta m e . H e ran do thla hy hnudllnii honeat Kooda at honeal prlrea, and tell ing about the gooda In anch a way people will b e li ev e him. F ault tlndlng or ap ­ pealing lo local pride la o f no avail Few people k I N l*K\ KI.OPMKNT m k k t in g — po m m iss ­ STARTED MONDAY \N I» TO MKKT CITIZENS K.N HOt'TK Representing the Portland Com­ mercial Chili and various leading en­ terprise* of Portland, a commission, which Is lo be known as the "Flying Squad," will devote all of this week to a tour through Central Oregon to arouse enthusiasm In the convention of the Central Oregon Pevelopment League, which is to be held August I > - I The personnel of this commission Is Phil S. Hates, representing C. C. Chapman, of the Commercial Club; Prof. A. B. Cordle.v, dean of agricul­ ture of the Oregon Agricultural Col­ lege; K II Crosier, general passen­ ger agent of the Spoknne. Portland & Seattle Railway; L. M Foss, rep- resentlut the O.-W R. A N ; news­ paper representatives and represen­ tatives of the Klamath Falls Cham­ ber of Commerce Meetings are to be held at all im­ portant cities In Central Oregon to secure the appointment of delegates to the convention and for the pur­ pose of giving the members of the "Flying Squad" the opportunity to O REG O N meet farmers, homesteaders and business men of Central Oregon, and to obtain Information which will en­ able the Oregon Agricultural College and the Portland Commercial Club to help Central Oregon effectively In their efforts to develop the resources C. C. Chapman, secretary of the Oregon Development League, and Wm. Hanley, president of the Cen­ tral Oregon l>evelopment League, have issued a letter which will be sent through Central Oregon to all commercial organizations, so that preparations for meeting with the "Flying Squad" may be made at once. Following is the itinerary outlined In this announcement to Central Or­ egon clubs: Monday. July 14 — Breakfast at Bend; dinner at Prinevllle. meeting after dinner: supper at Madras, meeting after supper. Tuesday, July 15— Breakfast at Metolius. meeting after breakfast: 10 o'clock. Culver, half hour meet­ ing; dinner. Terrebonne; 2 o'clock, Redmond, afternoon meeting; sup­ per. latldlaw. meeting after supper Wednesday. July 16— En route to Burns, will meet homesteaders at Brookings. Holyat and Hampton Butte If feasible, meetings will be held at these points or elsewhere on the main traveled road. Thursday. July 17 —Morning meet at Harney; dinner. Harriman. noon meeting: afternoon meeting. Ijtwen; supper and evening meeting. Burns. Friday. July 18 Dinner and noon meeting. Narrows, supper, at " P " ranch. Saturday, July 19— Dinner and supper at homesteaders' settlements In Catlow Valley. Sunday, July 20— Breakfast at Roaring Springs; dinner. Plush; af­ ternoon meeting, Adel: supper Lake- view. Monday. July 21— Dinner and a meeting at New Pine Creek; supper Continued on Page 3 WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT HUB CITY CELEBRATION The County Pa|wn> All Have Good Worth to Sa) About Our Big Celebration Madras Pioneer: Almost every­ body and his brother went to Red­ mond on the 4th. They took along the kids and the wimttien folks and put in the whole blooming day. Badges, cards, posters, flags and per­ sonality went Into the advertising Jackpot for the Madras Fair. If there is any person who celebrated at Redmond that does not know that Madras is to have a fair on October 16. 17. 18. it is simply because they have forgotten the dates. Redmond put up a good celebration. Her pub­ licity committee may well feel proud of its work for there were at least 4000 people In town on the 4th. It was the only celebration In the coun­ ty and neighboring towns all sent big delegations. Truly Redmond got herself on the map as the Hub City of Crook county. Terrebonne Oregonian: Redmond was there and so was the rest of Crook county. But Redmond was "th ere"— "there and o ver"— as the hostess: the others being the guests -delighted guests. If you please. It was a grand celebration, a large and generous celebration, a fitting com­ memoration of our nation's birth held under the auspices of the city of Redmond, assisted by her sister towns and country folk. It Is esti­ mated that 4000 people were pres­ ent.