T i l l HH:»AV, J| s t „ THE PACS K R EDM O N D RPOKPSMAN rO IR The Rfdimmd Spokesman Hay, Grain, Feed I’ ubllabed every Thursday by Il II * C. U P A L M E R At Redmond. Oregon SI IlSC H IPTIO N RATE S Strictly In Advance ft and Poultry Supplies YY'e carry • full line o f the above goods. atul w ill save you money on every purchase Plate an order with ua and you will be convinced. R O LLE D B A R L E Y A N D O ATS for llorae» liR O I M> R Y K A M » W H K A T for H o « Food. B R A S . SHORTS and M IL L KI NS for Cow Food. W H E A T for Chicken Peed BEE AND »SU L T R Y SI PP1.1KS A Pull Line YY'e have had aeveral year»' experience in the Bee hualneaa In other aectlona aa well aa In thla. and w ill cheerfully give Information regarding thla subject to anyone dealrlng aatue Redmond Union Warehouse Company C H. M IL L E R . Manager .£ Bulletin that ''construction work started today on the new flour m ill" That alatemeli! waa a little previous That a Hour mill la to he bulli here there I» no questIon, hut the colisi ruction haa not vet been started, tint la e x p e le d to lie under . . 7& wav In a short time . .60 .06 Single copies ........................ . . . Tho m artham» ahi» fall lo adirar Advertising Ralea made know U Mao tholr hualtioaa anti lot Ilio lui» upon application Ina public know a hat (ho» ha»o lu coud -class matter ofTor, aro (ho oiioa aho alt aroutiil Entered as -Iil 1 > 14. . I m t lO , at th« the postonica at (ho dull July i, i , , o . . i . . 111 . tr »lo te » howl at*.ml Redmond. Oregon, under the Act of ttmoa. aro (ho apitlora aoa»o (holr March .1. l»7 # ...............“ ■ aoha o»or (ho front i)i»ora. ai»«l aro »»» on!ually forvoil out o f hualtioaa b» T H C R 8 D A Y . JI NK Sti. I » U (ho ttion amt firma a ho ilo ». I» orti» » I IlM H U TTON w AND »‘ ANTH Klro t'hlof Wolla aiol hi» flromon II» a r«s*rn( o f Ih r K » l r '»•••>'*. t..r bank«. . Aiaaaa. Alaska. N « « i Minor, (ho «•»,. otll * rt» «anMtloil (o a i i m - • o .I of pralao f r o f that paper, after commenting for lhp , m,.lpnl „ „ rk 1(|p, , hp on the low price. that were being sh. r „ lK„, ........rhp .b arged fo r cloth e. I . that elty thla , oU B Ieer. who . . . .led ahould aim. •prin«, aa compared alth a fow I'oiuo In , , for m Aignltion » for thrlr . an F-L-O-U-R Huy th«* H U E STEM I51.F.ND FANCY PAT- KNT FLOUR. m«Biifm-tur«Hl by the Bi t | \j,||. iiitr A Warehouse l ’o., If you want ( vmm | rssultg with vour hakinif THIS FLOUR IS Fl’LLY g u a r a n t e e d , e v e r y s a c k OF IT. W HOLESALE 14 flour . SUMMER SCHOOL JU N E 23. A U G U S T 1. 1913. Twnty-five Instructors. F ifty Courses. Distinguish, ed Eastern Educators added to Regular Faculty. University Dormitories Open. Board and room at $3.50 per week. Reduced railroad rates. For Complete Illustrated Catalogue address. The Registrar, University o f Oregon. Eugene. \ E IR E A L A R M Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber and Building Material The Are Tuesday morning demon* atrated that the water works of the city and the lire department ran con­ trol a bad Are. and that the buatneaa portion o f the city la well protected YYhat la now needed, and It la an Im­ perative need. too. Is a Ore alarm that will awaken the firemen and others At present the city haa no lire alarm and haa to depend upon the person discovering a lire to hol­ ler " lir e " aa loud aa they ran A very unsatisfactory method. Redmond should have a suitable fire alarm, and have It Installed at once. Metollua Oregonian Another II luatratlon o f the incompetence and rareleaaneaa of 1‘ncle Ham's official stamp pounder at thla place was the leaving of the post office wide open for nearly an hour Sunday night, with no one In charge, and lha con tents of the office at the liberty of anyone visiting It. A kindly dispos­ ed lady hunted up the monstrosity who Is allowed to thus slovenly con dud the office against the alshes of every resident business man of the town, nod the door was locked "Statesmen all agree that the tar­ iff could be revised to advantage." "Y e a ," replied Senator Sorghum. The Redmond correspondent of the Bend Bulletin gets his or her ' but the question la. whose ad«an wires crossed In some o f the dope tage’ ” SPECIALS: Cedar Irrigation I^ath, Short Lumber Suitable for Irrigation Work, I^ind Plasters, AND F. M BO/ELL, Manng. r REDMOND. . . . . OltKbON A. G. ALUNGHAM Wines and Liquors Imported and Domestic Cigars down The Utile town o f I .a Pine, s illy miles south of here, la noi a» alow The people there hate voted to Issue All o f which leads ua to remark l i t ) 000 of »< hool bonds to build a that the editor o f the News-Miner ta new school houae on a l acre tract not much better off than the average adjoining the city country editor In Oregon Pair- ______________ banks, a city of about SOOO. supports two dally and two weekly newapa Th' " r" An« ° r‘ r“ ' h“ n“ J' " * per. The d a lle, have a aubarrlptlon M P * * » « * . •« » • “ *« * — b~ “ « h' . . . .. . . there by a man name.) l i e » , and rate o f $2 per month and the week- ' the I Bend the . . . . .. . . . •»>« tend B Bulletin u lle t in o only n ly g cave a v e the Ilea I I per month It la not much rat a arrival a A»e line notice wonder then that when a few anb- aertbers get behind In their pay­ Who la going to be Judge at the ments the editor thinks he has a hol­ baby show here on the 4th’ That's a ler coming Hul at that la he nol somewhat better off than the fellow Job that will take nerve In this stale who haa a bun»h of I I SO a year subscriptions outstand­ THEY D O N T HE EM t o L IR E T i l l s INM.TMYWTI It ing* W e surmtae In the affirmative GRAIN Oregon Fiour & Feed Co. had a story under a Redmond date On our pants, once new and glossy. line saying the free tr«t booh propo Patches are o f different hue. alt Ion waa not voted on here at the All because subscriber» linger school election Thai was a tulalake And won’t pay ua what ta due the free te il books aera voted U N IVER SITY of OREGON FEED. POULTRY SUPPLIES years ago. and adding that It was aa hard to raise the present prt.e n,,„ ---- The queaIloti of securing a build aa It was the highest prtce form erly. *•***• lM*etlc with the follow ing re Ing large enough to accommodate the coming Potato Show la bolhrrlna ault: the managers of the eveut The show Lives o f great, men all remind us thla year promise» to be much larg Editors don't stand a chance er than the previous one, and last The more we work there grows be year a show was cramped for room hind ua B igger patches on our pants. The Bend Bulletin of last week Then let us be up and doing. Send your mite, however small. Or. when snows of winter strike us W e will have no panla at all AND RETAIL N o th in g hut tin* BEST is h it U r lin o m i, y iti ut V our plan O rego n Eats / When you want the BEST MEAL IN REDMOND fur the MONEY", you can get it by calling on W K. YOUNG, the well known veteran re.Uunst man at the Redmond Open Day and Night NARROW ESCAPE FROM DEAIH Screen Doors and Window Screens MAN. W IF E , tllltl.. T E IM OK HOltwEH ANI» \\ Yt.oN M iYM o| R . iC . I m m e l e rC b u n a lin g m a t e r ( )F A L L KIND S i vi Lumber Shingles Lath i\ /i o W E ST OK IMtlNKVTI.I.E— I'EOKI.K H I D l.l D A M iK K o n t M Y H lf.lt «.It Al»» Ititi IwED B IT NOT The Spokesman AND T H E HOK h E h W ERE N«»T Ml « Il INJI it- ED— IT W AS A I 'U M i: I A M . T o DEATH Dealer in n.*! j f i . I NOE 7.1 l E i r r IM»\\\ E M B AN KM EN T ON \\oo|> 4" A V •iol ia i Brick Lime Cement Roofing and Building Paper Door and Window Screens Sash, Doors GIVE US A CALL PRICES RIGHT Those who have ever gone to P rln evllle over the road leading In­ to that city from the want know of the high, steep grade that la encoun­ tered Juat before reaching the bridge over the river. It does not look like an Inviting place for a mishap, and the follow in g story from last week's P rln evllle Journal haa something miraculous about It: Hogan Hariaen and w ife and little Condart girl took a desperate plunge off the grade west o f town Monday. How they escaped Instant death la a miracle. The Hanaena and little girl were perched on top o f a load G>f wood making their way down hill. YVhen they arrived at the big bend In the road, at the very aleepeat point, the brake gave way. Mr. Hansen turned the horses toward the hillside but his wife. In the excitement o f the moment, made a grab for the llnea and succeeded In getting only one of them. W ith this one she wheeled the team across the road and down over the precipice they went pell- mell for 76 feet— wood, horses, wag­ on, the Hanaena and little girl. I At the point where the wagon l.-ft the grade there waa a aheer drop of five feet, and the descent to the bear waa very B le e p Those a ho aaw the accident say that the wagon turned over lengthwise once, and rolled the rest o f the way to Ihe bottom All were mixed up together, wood, hor­ ses, Hanaena and girl, when the bot­ tom waa rea> tied The little girl waa the drat to re­ cover consciousness She wiggled out from underneath Mr llanaen. who waa held down by the wood Thla she removed and when released the two went to the aaslatanre of M r» llanaen. who landed underneath one of the hor»ea. She waa extrica­ ted after some difficulty and all three were brought to town for med- cal assistance Dr. Edwards found many cuts and bruises hut nothing aerloua. Mra llanaen got the worat o f the mix-up. The horaea got out o f the trouble aa luckily aa the reet of them. Beyond cuts and bruises there waa nothing found to be the matter with them. The harness had to be cut off to get them on their feet. The wagon will need »ome re ­ pairs. If there Is such a thing as lucky accidents, thla la one of them. for..... Good Printing & m l V iu m uturi Set* me before you pw your furniture order*, have a co m p le te stork C. H. IRVIN, Furniture & Ui r