The Redmond Spokesman Is the L E A D IN G T IV E PAPER REDMOND - - T T ; ' reliable ' V t l 'r -.JXt 2 » * and REPRESENTA­ OF R ED M O ND DISTRICT. and the It gives all the news of the above section each week as it happens. Those who desire to keep in touch with what is going on in this vicinity of Cen­ tral Oregon should become a subscriber 1 *t»!r«l Oregon Oarage, iVrrjr Heed y. Proprietor A. McFarlanc LAWYER §i ' « kfl nil 00091« M id I 8 I miriti ( >(ftrc Idmond - Oregon A. O R D W A Y Auctioneer p i r r y u ilr a In a n y p a r i o f fo u n t f M o m reason | r an.| H a lla fa i lio n g u a r - REDMOND, ORE. Hen (¿otter itractor & Builder Copperfield had a 150,0 Mi fire the night of May 2*th. 'lana, S|irclflratiuna arai Utimatea furnished for ill rlaaara of hulkling» Menton rounty prune» will tie half a crop thla year. Imond, Oregon Vincent’s FRY, FEED and TRANSFER I'MtIND. . ORKUON Phone No. 1702 HameSS Filini! and Repairinj* RY TIIE - Shoe Doctor, I Hhllr fhr train * mm In motion. II«» died laat week at Yamhill. In the « a » 'lraKK* '1 fioill" 'llutntirn before early drya lie aold the lot on the cor­ t***lniî rrm urti. and tiled aoon after ner uf «Ih ami Washington at ree ta In Cortland for $3oo. Eugene la going to paw- I 3 block» this year. Iiallaa and Independence are en­ gaged In fighting each other to are T « o mm who aaaullril tha ahrrIR which town will hold the county fair ai Hoaeburg ln ihr county Jail were thla year. glam from 10 ln 20 yrara rar It. A l-uilrande woman while hanging Thr Columbia rlirr at Thr tiallra out rlolhea on the line waa »(ruck la rlalng faat ami frara arr entertain­ by lightning and killed ed of a Rood Ili-glnnlng tomorrow the merch­ Mllwaukle la lo harr a municipal ant» of Condon will Inaugurate a ntanrd water system line of bargain daya. falling on alter­ nate Friday» I'ubllr amusement» Thr Mayor of McMinnville haa will be a feature of the opening day hern adjudged In contempi of court of the aerie» for not obeying an order of the Cir­ cuit Court While driving a double disc har­ row In a field near Klondyke. Karl Canby farinera are ahlpplng rhu­ llrowhlee, a young farm hand, fell barb In car lota to California. and In manner went under the disc», which rut off hla right leg, al­ tiold haa recently been dlacovered so rut hi» left leg half off near the In rock bring taken from the Cooa knee lie received other serious county quarry rut» on the body. The Injuries were fatal A la-banon farmer recently lo»t a valuable b o r n e that fell In a well. Prlnevllte. May 2». The price» of wool at the aale» at Pendleton this year are a few cent* To the School Patrons of Crook County: lower than last year The laat le-gtslnt urc passed a free A cloudburst In Maker rounty text book law by which, at the an­ la»l week did much damage and rut nual meeting June 16. districts may off several towna from communica­ vote for or against free text books. If the various districts vote for tion with the outside world. free text hooka It will be necessary State engineer l.ewla has for­ to vote a small tax to pay for them. The average coat for the installa­ warded to the government at Wash­ ington recommendation» for the pat­ tion of free Ixt hooka la about 12 50 ent of 4,finn aerea of land near Mend per child The yearly up-keep after A RIOT OF BLOOM at the Seventh Annual Rose Festival Portland, Ore. J une 9 to 14 inc. LOW R O U N D T R IP F A R E S from all O-YV. R. & N. stations to PO RTLAND A N D R ETU R N M. CASE. REDMOND PURE irsey Milk V'Totl to riwtomeni in port of the city. flJNTVIEW KAHM <• TK HKNOR. Prop. Nt». M|0 Rtslinnntl, Orr. SHALL WE HAVE FREE TEXT via r<$ TICKETS ON SALE '81 JUNE 8-9-11 and 13 Final Limit June 16 A C arnival o f F u n , B ea u ty and W h o leso m e E n jo y m en t llrinjr the folks and witness the gorgeous event. Full particulars cheerfully furn­ ished on application. DON’T MISS IT H. R A U K O L Agent to the paper— $1.50 per year, in advance. THE SPOKESM AN P L A N T IS T H E MOST C O M PLE T E IN C E N T R A L O R E G O N A N D DOES A L L K IN D S OF GOOD P R IN T IN G the first year, will coat from 70c to $1.00 per school child. The approximate coat by grades la as follows: 1st, 50c; 2nd, 70c; 3rd, 85c; 4th. $2.50; 5th, $2.05; 6th, $3.65; 7th, $4.75; 8th. $5.35. Aa this la the year for the adop­ tion of new text books It might be well to consider seriously the feasi­ bility of free text hooka for each dis­ trict. No copy books, paper, ink or pen­ cils are Included In thla estimate. The only comment I wish to make In reference to It Is, that I am favor­ able to free text books, especially in the rural schools. J. E. MYERS, County Superintendent. ROLL OF HONOR OF ROOM THREE For the month ending May 29. Emma Atkinson. Addle Friend. Irene Kendall. Alta Mohler. Oxona Ordway. Heaate Parrish. Ada Sears. Helen Smith. Mary Thompson. Marjorie Young. Harry Mates. I.loyd Meckwlth. I.loyd Farris. Ralph Olllette. Ethan l.ouderbaek. Everal Ogg. Clyde Wort*. Harry Hennlnger. Marlon Hennlnger. Adam Stelnkopf. Emma Atkinson has not been ab­ sent nor tardy during the entire term. Strayed Came to my premises near Red­ mond. about May 26. one sorrel mare branded on left shoulder with IT upside down over half circle, roach mane, weight about 900. One brown gelding branded on left shoulder with IT under half circle, weight about 1100. One mouse colored mare, branded AC, connected on left stifle, weight about 900. tine brown gelding branded on right shoulder with U under half circle, and M on left stifle, weight about 1100. Owner can have same by paying charges. J. H. Vincent, Redmond. Ore. 48tf May 28 to September 30 Y O U C A N GET LOW FARE Round Trip Tickets FROM All O.-W. R. & N. STATIONS To Principal Cities in the East VTA I « ' Final Return! Limit Oct 31 Li i Chicago $ 72.50 Denver.............. $ 55.00 New York 108.50 Omaha ........ 60.00 Philadelphia ........... 108.50 Boston 110.00 S t Paul 60.00 Minneapolis...... 60.00 Equally Low Round Trip Fares to practically all other East­ ern points. Let me help outline your trip. H. B A U K O L , Agent O.-W . R. & N. R ED M O N D , - O R EG O N Good Printing The Spokesman If you want to SELL your property List it with “That Man McCaffery” He doesn't ask an exclusive right; he can sell it anyway