T i l l ' ft HI > A Y. J I N K 6. I l i a Society Directory IU m I mioiii I l m Holiday preaching at I I a III. Topic Train arrive« from south 7 71a in "Hnrnahaa. the 13th Ap«iatle" Eve II IIA I'K ill„ Agout ■ling service at N We «re exclugive agent* for Warner Bro*,’ Ku*t Proof Cor*et*. Each and every pair jfuar- antced not to ru*t or tear. We are exclu*ive agents for the Hamilton- Brown Shoe Co., maker* of the American I^tdy and American Gentleman Shoe*. Price*, $1.00 to $3.00 They are GOOD SHOES. The J. II. Ilantr Abstract Co., Inc. Prof Thompson and family mov­ Comp)«!« I r w i Indexes ninl pho­ ed «»«I• to their ram h this week am) tographic ro|il«« of Crook county will IIie there until the fkll term of records County ina|ia ami lilu« school heglns inlntln« l*r I it* vlll«*. in. non TMK HIMIIHH T ill: % I IH , T ill : i i o m k in Mill INI! I*|l I I I l l s i lout«.'« iif 1‘ liiuri'* MATI It II % % HI M U « It I si i % % * i ii *I I III Its|i %% % I lr»l < la**» Hliou Ilona«. Mr«. A. II H|*«rha, l*ro|i'r. Private Iriatrurtfou given on Hi« M i l l . I V n i l I M . T . Ml.III,. TIlilM IMINK «ml all % %l.% K IN s t l t l . MKNTM. « t i l l . It /.IN KK, ItMlolioaalrr. Cor t«rma « « « Z Taliaferro, Clothier CUSSIKIKI) COLI MN Ail««rtla«m«nt« i>ul*llah«*t under till« head at on« rout a Word for each Inaertlon No a*!v«rtlooui«nt Inaertod for leaa than IS cent« Or der* from out of town muat inform ua ho* many loan«« th« ad la to run Out of town order« muat to* arroui|*auled by raah Initial» and K«urea count aa *oran of draft mare» r«a sonable Apply X, Hposesiuan o f­ inite has been decided upon fice Sltf Joe McClay waa out fishing on the Ne* high grad« bicycle, never ua- 1 N-schtiles river for a few hours Hat­ ed Iteaaonable Call at Hpokesman urday ami caught a number of trout office that measured K Inches and over. M»it iti n r Mrs W H Hodman and children I room houae to rent, city water who are visiting relatives In Minne­ In the house |7 per month Jones sota and Nebraska, are exported to laind Co totf return home In about four weeks Mlsi l | , M M ill h W H Hodman this week seeded ■ Itpokeaman Classified «da bring Iswn on one of his farms uear Slaters results try them don't cost much to blue grass ami rioter If you want to keep posted take The Spokesman I I to a year Halurday was the busiest day with the merchants here ao far this sea­ Ididtes' calling cards, latest style, son There waa a large rrowd of at The Hpokesiuan office country people In town all day. TIIK I.ITTI.K "%% % NT" All. Many Kedmond people who took a A lluslnes* Terre« Tlust Get» 1A IVr holiday tiecorallon Ituy made up pic­ nic parties and went to the Des- t ent of the Market llesults chutes river for an outing and fish­ ing trip The little "want“ advertisement which has become so popular la a si­ Alfalfa all over this section la lent buyer, a silent seller and a si­ looking exceedingly fine this season, and some of (he farmers nay It la lent purveyor of goods It possesses the double virtue of ahead of former seasons, even tak­ ing the late spring Into considera­ being cheap and profitable tion It brings labor to the unemployed and help to those who desire to em­ It I* stated (hat a circus la coming ploy to Kedmond this summer The last It makes home for men and wo­ circus here had an Immense crowd men and the word has gone forth that It transfers property and In a gen- Kedmond la the beat show town In 'ral way la responsible for 3 5 per -ent of the business transacted In Central Oregon he commercial world Win A Halslel, deputy labor com­ It fills empty houses and brings missioner and factory Inspector, waa J.iosperlty to the landlord It given the poor working girl em­ In the city this week on hta a«tnl-an- ployment. It eeta men up In hualnesa. nual visit. ji gets you an agent If you desire ne. It gives you an opportunity to A (1 Alllngham this week put In irrow money where the rate of In- a large ele* trie fan at hla piare the ierest la the loweat. It furnishes you first fan to be Installed In the city. medium of eichange It tells you. n fact, where to go. when to go. how C A. Ordway la doing good work jo go to every place, everywhere, ml secure something that you may sprinkling the city street« this year Cant and to which no other medium The plav of "The Sweet Otri Grad- ver devised rould successfully di­ uate” given by the pupils of the high e d you The Spokesman can help you with school at the Hparka Theater last Friday night was well put on and "want" ad l»e>t ua try. drew a good house. II % Itllll MKT A I. Metollus Oregonian: F T. Rcd- The Spokesman ha* about 1.000 Minds of oltl type metal that la Just mond was a Metollus visitor from Mr Kedmond Is thing for babbit metal, packing Keduiond yesterday. “i r hoses, etc. Hattie will he «old waa one of the tirsi settlers In the nsnnable Large f|oantltl«a sold Kedmond country, locating there Hourly lb yenra ago. Me » w ill val- ]t n discount. ICE CREAM and COOL DRINKS You will always find the above at our place, and a cool, clean room in w hich to partake o f them. LET IIS SERVE YOU. E. G. SH ER W O O D HE PALM REDMOND. ORE. Itoyal (luh Canned (¡owls Grocery Department Ridgeways Imp. Tea FREE DELIVERY TWICE DAILY T o solve the problem of high cost of living you have only to refer to our prices o f Groceries. By being constantly in touch with market conditions and prices we are able to take advantage o f many good bargains Commercial Brand Salmon, 1-2 lb tins, 2 cans, 15 Pillar Hock Shad, tall cans, 3 fo r..................25c Bulk Cocoanut, per lb .................................. 25c Seaport Corn, per dozen cans ................... $1.00 Pure Rolled Oats, per lb ................................5c American Sardines, in Oil, 6 f o r ................... 25c Libby'« Sauer Kraut, 2 can* f o r ................... 25c 25 lb. box of Prune« f o r ............................ $1.50 Large Silver Prunes, 3 lbs. f o r ..................... 25c Arm & Hammer Soda, per pkj?....................... 06c 25 lb. box of Peaches fo r............................ $2.25 Not-A-Seed Raisin, per lb.............................. 10c One fourth box of Soda Crackers fo r......... $1.00 KnifliMh Walnut*, ped lb................................. 20c Post Tavern Special Breakfast Food............ 20c 100 per cent Pure Sorgum, 1-2 gal for.........50c Del Monte Spinach, per c a n ...........................15c Del Monte Solid Pack Tomatoes, 2 cans.........25c White Rock Table Syrup, 1 gal ................... 85c Royal Club Solid Pack Tomatoes, per can ... .15c Griffon's Tomato Catnup, 1-2 pintn, each.,..10c Dried Apples, per p o u n d ...............................10c Pint Jar Queen Olives, each...........................25c Quart Jar Queen OliveH, each....................... 50c White River Flour, per s a c k ........................$1.40 Dried Peaches, per pound ............................. 10c Pink Beans, 18 pounds f o r .......................$1.00 Japan Rice, 18 pounds f o r ......................... $1.00 If You Want a Good, Comfortable, Easy Shoe That Will Last, See Our Line All Silk Parasols We are showing the newest Shapes and Styles of Silk Parasols. The new Dome NAP-A-TAN SHOES For a work shoe the Nap-A-Tan Shoes are a molt desirable shoe They are easy on the feet and last longer than the ordinary tanned leather, consequently they are more aatlafartory. Prices $4 00, $4 50 and $5.00 Guaranteed. Shape in Tan, with Green Borders, all Tan and all Black. Also the India Canopy Shape with attractive border. Prices $225 to $3 LYNCH & ROBERTS THE STORE OF BETTER VALUES and LOWER PRICES We buy Butter and Eggs REDMOND, OREGON We close 6:30; Saturday 10:00 liable tracts of Irrigated land and tile business. R. K. Olson has season for hot weather It was wel­ a home building for the society. It considerable Kedmond town proper- charge of the store here during Mr. come nevertheless from a crop grow­ was decided to hold an ice cream so­ ing standpoint. ly, Freeberg’ absence. cial In the near future. The next meeting will be held at the Presby­ If you want pure milk or cream terian church on Tuesday evening, Perry Reedy, proprietor of the Landlord Lucas of the Hotel Red- 4 4tf Central Garage. Is one of the real mond knows how to keep his meats phone Tlchenor, No. 810. with a musical and literary program busy men In the rlty. Mr Ready has In good condition so that when they and debate included. Harvey Harris returned last week one of the best appointed garages In are cooked and served to guests they Central Oregon, and business Is so are tender and have a real meat tla- from Portland where he had accom­ An alarm of Ore at 11:15 Sunday panied Mrs. Harris on her way to night caused some excitement for a Spokane, her former home, where little while, but it was discovered she will visit for some time. the Are was over in the Lamonta sec­ tion— too far away for the Redmond Save Money— By doing your trading at Ehret Are department to be of any help. Bros., the Economy Store. They sell for cash, that’s whey they sell for Let us do your next order of job less. 4 Otf printing. High grade work and prices satisfactory. The Redmond Fishing was good in the Crooked Spokesman. river Sunday from the accounts of the big catches made there. It Is Make your advertising as interest­ said over 100 pounds of trout were ing as your store— aa full of oppor­ tunity news for shoppers as your taken out. store is full of buying opportunities J. R. Roberts left for The Halles for them— and storo management today. He will be Joined by Mrs. will come to be a very Interesting Roberts and the baby tomorrow and occupation for you. they will go to Portland for three weeks’ visit, and In the meantime Chas. Minnas farm southweat of take in the Rose Festival. the city Is one of the really Ane farms of Crook county, and shows Tuesday evening the Y. P. C. As­ what good farming will do. good with him that most of the vor. He keeps at all tlniea a large Mr. time he Is obliged to work ilsy and supply of all kinds of meats In his sociation met at the Baptist church j Muma always raises good crops, is night to rake of his customers' re cold store room, and lets the meats for devotional exercises, being led by I Interested in dlversiAed farming and stay there until seasoned, then uses Carl Stevens. A business meeting gets results. He has had excellent qulrements. It, thereby getting the best results. followed at which the proposed con­ I success raising hogs, and out on hta stitution and by-laws were read and place can be seen some of the beat J. E. Freeberg. of Freeberg Bros., Thls section has been experienc­ adopted. A committee composed of hogs In the county. general merchants of this city, left yesterday for Bartlett, N. P , where ing some hot weather for the past C. Stevens. Rev. F. Harvey and C. The Spokesman for good printing he Is also Interested In the mercan- week. Though a little early In the Ordway waa appointed to Inquire for