T t i r u w i n y , refc TIIK RICHMOND HIUKKHMKN It I« rvmirkml 'hat Ih» mall order buttava hat» out relaxed lh »lr »llorta tu «et buslues« |ttat I mh .U V a few . .. .à. _ a — a k - ----- U... » f l._^ REDMOND The Gateway to Burns, Harney County, and Other Points in Central Oregon A LL HOMKSKKKKRS FROM THE EAST WHO CONTEM­ PLATE COMING TO B l’RNS OK HARNEY COUNTY BY WAY OF THE DESCHUTES CANYON ROUTE SHOULD BUY TICKETS TO REDMOND AND TH ERE TAKE THE OVERLAND TRIP BY WAY OF PR IN EV ILLE TO THIS COUNTRY. BY THIS ROUTE THEY WILL R ECEIV E DECENT AND COURTEOUS TREATMENT AND R E LIA B LE INFORMA­ TION. BOTH AT REDMOND AND PRIN EV ILLE. BOTH REDMOND AND PR IN EV ILLE ARE COMPOSED OF SUBSTANTIAL. R E LIA B LE PEOPLE. HAVE E X C E L ­ LENT HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS AT REASONABLE PRICES AND WILL NOT ROB THE TOURIST FOR TRANSPORTATION OR ANYTHING E IJ 5 E. —Extract from Harney County (Burns) New*. to Portland P S. The ftayns have lived in Powell Butte sunshine too long to accustom themselves to the ordinary. A W. Bayn and Alvin Riggs went to Redmond Sunday to see the buck­ ing contest. Mr Riggs took "Snip." a "bad actor," over to be ridden "Snip" defended his reputation by throwing his rider onre and giving the spectators an exhibition of a bad horse in full action t . o A F K N o R , IN l l i j l K. I I . M I K M Geo. L. It razee was a business vis­ itor to Bend Tuesday. K F y l F s T FOR MEMORI Al. Mr and Mrs. J. J. Chapman en­ tertained a number of friends most T<» ANT A R I T I I I I F R o F s delightfully at their home Saturday evening. Five Hundred was Indulg­ ed In until midnight, at which time the hostess served a luncheon con­ sisting of chicken sandwiches, salad, pickles and coffee, pineapple sher- , Nothing that haa occurred at thla bet, cakes and home made candles 1 session of the l,eglalature. says a Those enjoying the Chapman hospl-1 Salem dispatch of Feb 14th to the tallty were Mr and Mrs. Wallace Portland Kvenlng Telegram, has Smith. Mr and Mrs N. P. Alley. Mr and Mrs. G. C. Truesdale, Miss A d a ! shown the extreme smallness of Morris. Geo Hobbs. Levi VanDoren. i Governor AA'est's mental caliber so Clarke Morris. Van Morris and Mr 1 clearly as his taking advantage of a technicality to avoid laaulng a proc­ and Mrs. Chapman. lamation In compliance with legisla­ » U R N S IS T O AttTI-: ON R O ND S tive dictum, calling on the people of Oregon to display a white flower to­ M ovement Starte«! f o r * I IMMUNI AA a- day In memory of Captain Robert F te r and S e w e r a g e I ’ lnnt- Scott and party, who perlahed In the Antarctic region laat March Before the end of the present year : A Joint resolution directing the ex­ a water and sewer system will likely I ecutive to Issue such a proclamation be Installed at Rurna, and be In ac-1 waa Introduced In the Senate by Mil­ tlve operation. The city council has | ler of Linn. AA’ednesday. Hy request entered Into a contract with C. H I of the author the committee report, Green, a consulting engineer of Spo­ which waa favorable, was returned kane. to make plans and specific* yesterday and under auapenslon of tions. and prepare for a vote on the the rulea adopted by the Henate and bonds necessary for the Improvement snt to the House at noon llualnesa Owing to the position of the city of the House being badly congested on an elevated point of .rocky ground the resolution waa not reached until and Its distance from any body o fi late In the afternoon, and then under water suitable for use; with the ele­ suspension of the rules, a hasty re­ vation necessary to give a gravity port from a committee by request. It service, and the natural obstacles In was adopted unanimously by that the way of a proper drainage system, branch of the assembly as well. '.here has been doubt about the abil­ Hefore the resolution could reach ity of the city to finance such an Im- ( the Governor It would have been provement, but the council has suc­ necessary for the resolution to be ceeded In obtaining assurance that enrolled and signed by the President it can be done. and Speaker, thus consuming valua­ The water system will consist of a ble time. In order to save this time series of wells on the lower level of Senator Miller saw Governor AVeat the town and stand pipea erected on and notified him of the action taken the crest of the hill, to which the wa­ hy both Houses, requesting that he ter will be pumped and from which Issue the proclamation forthwith. It will have a good pressure all over "The governor promised me to Is­ the city. The sewerage will be dis­ sue the proclamation at onre and file posed of In septic tanks on the low It," said Senator Miller "He also ground between the city and the 811- said he would notify the correspond­ vles river. The project la expected ents o f the morning papers In view to cost about 1100,000. of the brief time left for notifying the public, I was very much surpris­ ■SI K P RISK PARTA AND ed not to see this proclamation pub­ HI I.A KR I ’ K F S F N T ATION lished this morning." AT POWELL BOTTE n tK K K S I1 )M > K \ T I.IVFH A ta»o|> B IN C H OK ITFMS »H O N A l m i » : s e c t io n COPIO THREATENED■ ■ 'BRIDGE' RAID JOBLESS A Kugeae dispatch «»f <*•» Mlh to a Portland paper says ll»ca u ^ ol hla recent statement to the local pa pera that he Intended to arreat eo ctely matrona on a char«e of samb Hug for «tying prise» at |,allln, Mr and Mrs weather has been extremely cold and Judd, Mr. and Mrs McSherry, Mr. j the paper. It was a good "fa t" take bad at Wallowa, hence (heir return and Mrs. Jo«. Jackson, Mr. and Mr«. [ for the printer man. "■*' *»‘ *1 * * r 1,‘ -> " ' • " ‘o Th» An exchange say* that gossips have motor car* beaten to a frazzle when It come* to running people down CLASSIFIED COLUMN Advertisement* puldlahed under thla head at one cent a word for each Insertion. No advertisement Inserted for less than IS cents Or ders from out of town must inform us how many Issues the ad la to run Out of town orders must lie accompanied by cash Initials and figures count as words KOI! HAI.K New high grade bicycle, never us ed Reasonable. Call at Spokesman office. Cross cut saw In good condition at a bargain The Spokesman Two heating stoves will he sold st reasonable price The Spokesman AA ANTED Want to buy a good fresh milk row. will pay »75 K A. Cast. Im*. chutes. Ore. 2:itf FOR hi nt Improved Irrigated land In the Rowell Hutte district for rent. Ap ply to O. A McFarlane, Redmond Oregon. 2* ,r AtlHCFM.A NFOI w l-et us do your next order of job printing High grade work and price* satisfactory. The Itedmond Spokesman Live, energetic newspaper can 'assent can make gttod money. Ap ply at Spokesman office. A claaslffeil tireless work fall* advertisement |a „ hunter, and seldom >101 M \ I H F J. F. HOSCH, M. I). K. It T!i l i UNO, PHYSICIAN and SntCKON |*h*>nc No M0 o r r iP K N K t‘ofurr Ith aua ! K Ht» Rod monti, O regon AND F. H. RODEMEYER Transfer PHYSICIAN and SI RHKON A ll Order* G n« S a li* far tory AT Kyti* Totted. I'ruprrlj Fitted orlici in Khrvt line». ULark lieti monti, - Flour, Feed ami O regon R MiSHKKRY, D R . J. H A R R DENTIST ’ #•••••*•* a y *» •* « ' «•**•*• « • ' r ~ ' >• »4kl |*w '« IO ■ V» -,--- -, I »j* «, . • - ‘ •*-•*** » Johnson itiiiliiinif Urti monti, • O regon Scientific Hotter Contractor & Builder m Hun POLK'S JK C sJO N «r.a w JM Business Fistia, >|«-.-iti.atiein aiwl Fatimele* furnished f„r all class»* of building* Ked monti. * 1:3 A ale. C-v.< O regon I te il.'« l I a i - rut* • l** LOW FARES WEST SPRING COLONIST PERI !>nily March Kith to April I TO TO ALL CENTRAL OREGON ON O regon ! „ C E N T R A L OREGON U* FROM Chlragn ............HI Paul Peoria ........................ 27.00 Minneapolis H* ............................... 87 00 1 Duluth Milwaukee ................. 8« 70 ; Kansn* * Y Little Itrn-k ................ 42 SO Omaha Memphis .................... 4 2 ( 0 St Joseph New O rle a n s.............. 4 » 05 Lincoln From other Pantern point* in proportion. T'*U your friend* in Urn Ka*t of tni* "l'Por,Ucu hr West at low rate*. Direct train *crv,«t U oii I p , Northern Pacific, Great Northern. Spot* A Seattle, and Oregon Trunk Railway*. Y 011 can tli'|Ni*it fund* with me anti the we* «•t* will I m - funiiNhetl |N-ople in the East. Ih-tail* will la* furninhed on requent. Spokesman Classified ads bring results try them don’t coat mack W. I>. SKINNKR. Tmllic Manager. Porti«"* Copy your letters with manifold paper at The Spokesman. IL MAI'KOI., Agent, Redmond.