The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, February 20, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    T l IK
C * p y rig h i,
l u l l , a*
ill.' I» glutting of III« » '« • H I lb «
I qaarrellOg of III* > U r t I I I « lo
joiii'ü • lu¿*r lini
uitllji of
I s.m t frin iti rt'i' iil.'.l Itili
.........I nuli it l O.l '
. 'I
I.. tllllf
U Ili II»
tu i u lti" mi »• coutil uf ilo« HI
I .■ f I ! " * '«f
g l l a r r l r l I* .1 .1 fai:
r.| ■
ri t.. •|»i..| I In- r .
I I, , i
o u|OTt I h » Orai llu i» li»
; ■Ilota i I lilliiself lo Iw aioli* « I t t i
r i urti fro lli I h » . t ..! » »
[tt Nuli." b » anaw e rr«! quickly,
b pl»«a»ir*
A l l l l l » frt«ii<l
L .
a e rra i |. » l.u ilgb l
I* . k I you r » g..lug
I «r h u l fini
I lirl|i li...
, 'jiu l
Harr t atmukl au.-«**<l t.'Ulgtit
,\ t « a « on I T - olin e lo San
i lirr n a n i» woultl b » un III»
nf ili.'otauda a n .I » l i « « » l a r w » u U l
biniti» lu Ih* lutiak-al « u r it i!
litri I k lla r r l r l (<• I h » stage tlonr
1 1 . » . for Van
A « Ih r cab
rU -t
r M id w a y
. 1
'r n rill
II. .-
..111 . O i l *
te i »! I » work
. unfair H i ll» I al. for
y I . I' : .1 you lu lu an. h a (■•■llloa
f»it b* r» l.r,tr»a l "
r I .-, th a nkfu l for II.» •>.i’i
• I ■ a l i t a r m i
H it » I «ge «hair h r h r 'I b*r band
llue and «bl*|>»rvtl
y »oui and I n l y « I I I h* f o u r » I.»
i d.-artr
H ru iru ila -r | ^ a l‘
I t*
I b o rn â t o is o n
a p p m in l i him all ih » applauar of that
rrn w d "
I I » I itr n.'d and « « « Nan «landing In
th » d .a.rnay with a carlona amila on
b n l'uahi-d f a .»
May I too. nffer my ».ingranila
II" li" M I»» IV .««Im a n » ' ab» »a k n l
lla r r lr l a U lti» figuri- am btrnly »tlfT
*n».l al Iti» alghl of Nnn bui al Ih »
a«iiiiid of h rr f ru d i« volo» rt-lnirti
and lllov n| I I I m »»t th r rv triid rd liaud
I ti fa ti b y.»u Vira lllv»oa .' ah» r*
|il:»t1 ro n lla lly
And th n i Miliari dbl «u m »th ln g timi
«and * ah.« k Ihrough » » r r y fltwr o X
Nan a (.ring
A i »«a lly nod nalnrolly « « a lilg
h r.d h rr ha all|.|««l ou» of hla long
arma «rou nd lla r r lr l and loukrd dowu
« l l h fr«h k ailniiriilloii Inlu ln*r pyry
" \ o u a»«'. Nnn. ali* a m in »
I ralard
h*r Croio a »* * lu ti» lu ti»
And Ibla
waa au. li a tr u r l a od daiigrroua «>|i*r
liuslit ali» Ua.1 iio i^Uauo» Il waa lui
IM a lld o , bui liaal h i.«a b»r. ab* dld
Nau m «d » up hor uilnd luaiautly lo
o> I un a p a n Dial bad bawu «n g u rly
iati-<0 from Ih r m anager to in rr l
I farti in i Ih* » t o p i a flo r III* la»l
II.' tu r* lo « a l l ■ u io m riil
fr you go to your drraaltiit rta.ui "
lu. I'll •»» you In m y room
( ! -r ... ; r.oi.l of II I h r alar'a rn.-tn
til»-lit al Iraa t' T b » um ili « I I I
« a y *'
■ III la- In 111» H it una' fai». Ili»
k‘l ft
il.» a l» * » or. I li» rlg l-l
!t f.-iert i., gi«u c* ib a l « a y . t u »
H mi ."
« .f |aila rla u dvd Ih* fa ir far*,
t*u 1.1 noi o r» Il In I h » ahadottt
{«liti a lt « l « a m i | .n -»«u rr uf h.-r
I ! •■ - » K tir
« t .l. r If li» ilo*« IliI li k nf in*
|ka t r hi idi** ah» iiiua»tl
"I «u h
llf Ite n v iv r aut|>vt la Ih » a l.«in
la? W r i r '-
I «i ' I triu m p h a n tly
"l'M Irli
e lorilghl In rny *.uig"
a i » noi In ari a min 14» in o al
• h.-r |.. Ih ........ .. In Ilio
— o « h l .-h
N r«
n> lety l.ulll In e xhibit Ila g onna
|ry and tauiollfiil w o in m
l ha aro tur n i for lla rrte t'e ept>»«r
drrw tirar. M ilia ri'« u rrtn u a Irn
barami, a poaltl«* ag-nny
« r r r in a frlrtn lly ni.«a l o f ex
f I. I
Ih il
« na
ul ( r . i u N .-ii V .'-k »
py 1 h rr favor
“ V » o a»». N » « , aha'a iwina." d n g and trniptliig b »r for th* [laat
Il « a » ber trum p card
bad h »«l tat n i to |il«y It. bul all* «m uid
do It U o « wit bout delay.
h »
«u .ltr u o » g i r . l r . 1 h r r a|>|ouir
* l,,t » I .u r « l o f a p fila iia » am i
Through P u rpl» Curtama.
llI .N Nau UMd* up U »r mlml
ah* « . m l with llghtulng
l f .« ih* timi n o i»
Mh* would forv*
fi » « » rharm atl « U h Ih » »(fre t
Htuart to au avow al o f hive
f Pai* i l ’y In Ih r i liara. |. r li* that w ould M
th*tr relation lw
1 hr long, U -a .Illftll jroud d la lu rlw n c » by th* lllll* alugrr.
III» In n .a 'rn l young fa."*
Mh* had too Bn* a a*u«» of vain*» to
P 'r
I o Klrllah o..-.Iitinr inn.lo |i»rm lt b »ro »lf to b n -o m » eiitangled
It I II 1 1 .fVaal. >11
In an lu tr lg »»
It Ihr Ural aw.<*| n o i» from h rr
Hit» could wait and gntu In power
lt>\.r\ fra r vanl«h<«1
Mb* aang for the w a llin g
ll* r phyaldan had
quietly. exquisite ly. w llh o lit | tohl her that lllveii«' day* w*r* noiu
i hin! «Inga li*t-aua* Ih »
frolli « l i b i l i
\ r1|i|il»
llu t on o n » thlug »he w a » deter-
f i«i».«i r o m a n i w i n u m « h . h
n ilim l Miie muat know that Jlin loved
P 1
In h i r lg n r o iit a p p ia n a »
h.-r atlll, lan d bat poaah>oatat7. i“ 1" 1
Hut he
............f h rr K in g
l'r.iin alari |y aa »be bellw ad he did
hh lla r r lr l r».-»|r* il ■ m titlininua umal any It
Mile had no .Ullb u ltv In
iwrauadlug lilvena to urge Stuart to
Ih r nu dla tir» m a » In Ih alr
• ' I
. .oio.l h rr «rlth au. h a
vial I their country »»ta t» In th*
T h * ibictor
K (,f • l"t .la «lu N. w Vork lia i tain« o f North Carolina
j **»n
had ordered him there to live In the
' ha I fought h : t way
oong law yer rrfuaoil to go « I
Ih. . r.. . . d and r.-a. hr«1 Ilio
|hr fiMHri h rr a lour w ith h rr fa
it lilvena urgial w ith «iteli pa
Igeroaaa he waa imui|>cllcd to
• h.-r i ..ui
||rr head » « « r»»t
1 hit h r » « « !, and h » waa «In .k in g
a a w arm . Iieanttful morning
|lr J'.'i'ig fo rrh ra .l w ith l» n il» r . 1
htg I . i,
week In March when h » «lig h t
e platform of the little railroad
l rl
i ■ I aw ay from Ih* a » » n »
in the »»ta te and took hi« «eat
al..n* fur a few mo
|«n In her big touring ear T h e
II» found Nan and nakad h*r
,.« were In full bloom, ami Ihelr
1 f,,r him at iti» at h g » door In
h„ ,.„„1,1 g lrB
Oiled the air
T h e hum of
d the «on* of bird« lie hud
- u l u l a l i . . n*
n h i« boyhood thrilled h i« heart,
: '" I a 1 1 h a fro w n and t»-g
tortoti». N an!" li» e*el«lm nt
** to hurry
com ing m « k » « It |i*rfect. Jim .
f:' u " 1 " I* alili th »r... and a
«r»n «l liui.lcrly.
" r niunlrtiina. uln*vrw nml rrlt
i rive r made a graceful cu rvo
« In a group m it«Iti., to
houaa «wept Into fu ll v i e w - «
hrlr m n g ra tu la tl.n i«
« h » waa
t p li» of murili* »** fe d >‘>ng.
1 " " 111 ' " k until h l« a rriva l
r piercing Ih* tu tn im l«» «k.v In
H lllr pal!" h r w h l«|»w
T h e alone |i«rnp»t
1 h..klug w ith »m otIon
h It« front wall « « « built ro w
^ m an In III» world
Iva atrength a hundred f»»t
y letta» In (lie grnult* cliff *>•
I * ' lr » o r k . J im " « h r «aid
Plug th* Oral Hue of Ihe w hile
T o " m in a t o r i ami « M ad it.
f tha bon«» llaelf
|" 1
I .... I u n d rr y o u r Inapt a formal gnnlcn hud been
d ft I h n
Ih r
h a p p ln » « «
‘ »«•e and hoar y o u r w o rd » of
K K D M O N I » H I’O K K H M A N
built on (be full 11 . 1 » Mime uf luaaoury clim b lo Ihe first ipountsln top, still
follow ing Ihe H ill« s tre u m "
w lit, h coat f IINIJgg)
"K in a . J im m y , fin«.'" » 1 » cried, w ith
l or an liour the car a w »p l Ilk » a aplr
" Y o u r geography lea-
II over tli» m il« » of «m outh luucuilum girlish m ockery
private .......
Bttu oa bad built
At aon v i m perfect! You cau w alk houia
w ith me after »• b<«*l **
»■•< li grai eful turn bia wonder Im reaa
Htuart looked at I m t and broka Into
»<1 ut thu lu iu rlu u a outlay of mlllloua
a luugh
A gain they were boy and girt,
I loin » » . li bllltop aa tb » huge gleam
lug ■ a »tl» ra m » Into view from a new am i Ihe only change be could aee waa
angle revealing Ita m arveloo» lieauty. llm l «lie was more splendidly benutlful
be Ihuughl w ith a touch of pity of th » at th irty one ihu n she bail ever prom
«liaiiibllng figure of th » atrb ken man l»e«l to lie at fifteen.
"Y o u reuiem lier how shoeked you
lluiplng tlirougli Ha bull« h »l|il»««. Ion»
ly. in lw ra lili.
W liat atrauge p ra nk« were III Ihla same seat. J im . that day
f » l » play« w ith the m ighty aa well aa In the sweet long ago when (lie old
Hie low ly! Ho frail w «a Ilia hrokell coach threw me Into your a rm » ? '
hody now lio did not daro rlak a cold
“ Yea, I felt that 1 waa taklug a mean
by taking a rid » w ith Ilia w ife
advantage o f you ”
I'h* inn. bln* turm -d aiiddwiily up a
" I thought you were an a w fu l fool
bill and glul.-d through tw o Iron gate« not to acrept more gracefully and
ipviilug ou tli« lawn, mid tb » great th a n kfu lly Ihe provldeiiee w h ich threw
• h it» • bateau loomed Indore them In a pretty g irl you r w a y ."
I M« all of blinding b riiu ty
T lie coach gave a sudden lurch and
nuglii Id« lireutb
11» »hook b a u d » threw h rr Into H tu a rt'« a rm « again
with lilt eu« and waa a hoiked to Bud
“ A n d iio w T*' ha cried la u g h in gly, as
III ill an weak.
be held her firm ly for a moment to
I'h* little man held hla baud w ith a prevent her fatllug
lingering wlatfulueoa na be looked Into
Mb* blushed fu riou sly, threw the ring,
hl> friend « atroug facw.
lets of dark batr from tier face and
•‘ You duti'l know bow rich you are. drew hack to her poaltlou
Ilm " lie a«|i| feebly, "w ith Ibla band
" N o w . of rourse. tt'i u n la w fu l.” aba
llm l grl|M like Iron
l ‘d give m illio n» answered w ith sober plsyfulne**
to feel my heart beat like yo u r« today."
T h e man watch««! her alyly for tha
"You II g rl belter dowu here." Htuart next half mile
Hlie waa very, very
a new »real . b w rfu lly
" I'm try in g It a u y b o w ." be nald Hat
T h e y spent the night at the h i m
. i»««ly
''M ake yournelf at bom «, old old roadhouse and sle|it on feather
T i l l » bouoe la m y prfale
I want lied»
lie hadn't felt the touch of a
Nun lo allow you »v e ry nook and cor
feather bed In ye arn
H e dreani«>d
nrr In It
I wlah I could trot around fl at he v i a at school again, a man of
with you. but I c a n 't ”
th irty fire, playing m arbles w ith a
"A a »..on na you've changed yonr cro w d of tow healed hoy«, and they
cl.>lli»« " Nan «aId fauUUnrly. ‘V o id » were lies ting him at the game while
down to tb* llb rnry and I'll «bow you Nan waa standing near, her long plait
around "
of blsek hair hanging dow n her hack,
Miinirt followed I li* man aa»tgn«d aa laughlug at him liecauoe he was bare­
III« valet lo (be electric »le v a to r and footed !
In a m inute ateptieit out on th* fourth
T h e y starved next day at 8 o'clock
n .».r
lie olmeried i/lth a am It* that w ith the pack bon»** to make the «rip
III« n>oui iiu m lw r waa IT.7
along the dim bridle trail, fuurte«*ti
'T h e bleu of 11« lug In a ling* hotel m il»« up the sides of fro w n in g c llS «
and .a ilin g It a home! lie iiiuaed. w ith and over the lops of balsam crow ned
grlui Im uior "Hoorn l.'.T gleet Scott!” im ika
to ihe
sum m it
Ilia lioalvaa abuwed him Un»t I be M itchell
library I lie mugulll. ru t rv o m ru n tn lu rd
Nan U«l the w a y. m m iuted on a sure
m-.r* ttiau Ao.itxr volum e«, bound In f.Mited young stallion, and Htuart fol
bund tooled moroct'O.
lowed her on a little black inula be
I be fu u u y thing, of rotirae.” Nan Usd «elected from the liarti for bis
w lil»i«.re»l, "la that C al bM» never read exact llkeuesa to one he had ra iw d
one of tbiwe ex<|ul»ltely bound liooka.” aa a pet when a hoy. T h e youngsters
"Why on earth did be make thla came struggling after them, mutinied
r.«m i tli* moat »lately aod bueutifut on an assortment of shaggy, scrubby
looking anim als that knew the mouu
au* In the liouaeT”
May 1 « h* d id n ’t!” ah* lauglievl "I'm lain path as a rabbit know s his trail
going lo give you a p rti liege uo mere 111 the Jungle
mini baa ever enjoyed lu thla buuee
A t I o'clock they paaiwd through the
before I am fo iu g to a b »w you my first aeries of clouds a ml out luto the
ow n room «.”
■untight beyond
T h e next Hue of
VV ben llie tour of tuapectlon boil been rbiutla was dark ami threatening and
Slow ly but
completed abr led b|lu to tier ow n eult. *>i«hleuly 1 « . n re I rain
will, b waa loeale.] In the aoutbwealrrn surely the horses picked thetr w a y up
corner. o\ rrlook lu g the magnificent the m ountain able through the storm
formal gardena w ith ttinir artlBetal and suddenly w alkisl out Into the
lake, fouiilalua. »ta lu a ry and a wilder. ■ unllght again; they kiokisl dow n on
th* snuaith Hat surface o f the clouda
u v n a of Bower», and further on over
the l>eautlful v a lle y» of the Mwauna- through whh-h they hnd (tassed
It was dusk when the party reached
n.ut and the Kreuch llm a d river*. He
y.rnd the riv e r va lle y« rue* raugo after the sum m it T h e horsa-a were loosenwl
to grass In the o|«*n field and the
range of mountalua.
T h e magnlflcence of her bedroom guides hurried to build a fire In front
waa «tu nning
Mtuarl rub lw il hla eye« of the cave made by a projecting ledge
In anw iem ent. She Un.l taken benwdf of ruck Intueath w h ich the jierty was t..
oerl.Hialy lu the creation of thin room, Bleep
T h e b«al of balsam boughs was too
and bad a|ient a round m illion on Ita
Ivory t««W tea,l. It» purple and gold «h a rp a e n tr u s t to N an's m illion dollar
velvet bnuglnga. It* wonderful c a rv ­ r««iui to perm it Htuart m uch aleep He
aides. Ihe youngster* were giggling
T h e picture »be made (ta u d ln g lo and laughlug and Joking moat of the
tliba w onderful m om waa oue that night O n ly a big log m arked the par- j
uever faded from hla m em ory
T h e till.>n w all betwe«>n the m en'» and
1 -ut.«» uf her a u |«rh fo rm ; the Brva w om en'» part of the cave T h e 8|>ace :
that aui.uililereil In lit« d epth » of her was so Untiled It w as necessary to sleep ;
eye«; Ihe temlerueea w ith w hich her close together T ile glrla and boy* uev I
aenaea »reined to d rink In the daring er g n -w tired cracking »lily Jokes about
lu x u ry , the »m ile that playtnl about the magnificence of their sleeping qu a r |
ter* lu vain Nan begged for quiet. It
her ltj>*. Joyoua, aeusuoua. cruel!
“ It aeeina all a dream . N a n ." lie «aid. wu* 3 o'clock before they were still at i
last aud »he fell Into a deep *l«>ep.
“ I ’ll ru b m y eyew am i wake up direct­
S tu a rt rose, sat tiefore the log Ore and
ly. I thought y o u r New York bouoe a
watched the re gu la r rise aud fall of her
I lit» la fairy land."
bosom aa »he slept like ■ child. O n a
T 'v r lia p a It would be.” «he »aid.
distant m ountain aide he heard the
looking at hitu a moment through half
how l o f a lonely w olf. Hlxteen years
cloned eye«, “ If only the prluee''—
«g o the m ountains were full of them
A look of pain unconartauotj clouded
and they came quite close H e w a » re­
hla face, uud the aeulcuce was not
m inded of the n a rro w ing atrip of the
savage w orld, fast di»api>unrlug before
Ou the fourth day Nan planned a tlie m arch of civilisation Som ewhere
coaching party
to aacend
klount Inside of him he heard the lonely c ry j
Mitchell, the highest i»-« k In the U u d of another wolf.
of tb* aky. the highest iiolut o f ground
"Rhe's m ine— m in e ' N ature gave her
that aide the Hodden
She had taken
to me lu the m orning of life— I was a
till» trip w ith Htuart »lateen year* be fool. I should have taken her by force, |
Mlie was then but fifteen, and If need lie. aud she w ould have thauk-
he had Just liegun to daugle at her «■d me lu after year* She has compiled
She did not tell him tlielr den w ith the ronventions of society and
t r a m p M the high«**t law- of life W h y
T h e (ia rtJ cnnaUted of half a dozen not smash convention now nt the call
hoy* and g irl« whom Nan * « « chap o f that la w ?"
m in in g . Htuart. the footman and
Again the w o lf how led In the distant
T h e start waa made at darkness, and It seem««! the echo of tils
T h e m orning waa glorious, ow n mail ory. H e waked from hla re v­
the a ir rich w ith the full breath of a erie w ith an a ng ry »ta rt
lie shud- i
omit hern spring
tiered that lie could ha re harbored tlie
A t the foot of the first hill the thought for a moment.
coach suddenly «topped Imal.le tha
T h e eastern horlzou was beginning
banka of the Hwannanaa riv e r
to glow w ith the da w n
lie ro«e.
Nan leaped to the ground, drew w alkisl lo the sum m it and oat dow u on
Htuart w ith her to the rear of tb « the pile of slouea that m «rke«l Ihe
conch, nn.l raised her a rm «.
grave of I'rofewsor M itchell. H e w a tc h ­
" U f t me up." »he erleil. laughing
ed In silence until he saw Ibe sun's
lie placed hla hands under her artna red riu i sudileuly leap above the blue
and w ith a leap « m l a cry o f laughter black |s-aks of Ihe east and d rive the
last shadow of the night from the v a l­
she waa In the em pty baggage rack.
leys below W ith th e ir fading mist* he
“ Now np w ith y o u !" she cried
In a moment Htuart waa seated snug­ felt the darkness lift from hla own
ly by her able and the big red coach heart and the sunlight of reason stream
In. A new Joy welled up from the
was rolling along Ihe old road.
H e was « liv e to
"N o w , air." Nan whispered, "do you depths of his spirit
his finger tip », and his Im agination
know where you are g o lu g i"
glowed w ith tho cotiaclotMness that llf*v
Htuart nodded.
" T o a certain iwnk am ong Ihe clouds, was strong and clean and w orth w hile
" W it h the help o f find I'll k«>cp It so,
where you and I one* went a thousand
to o "' he cried. ' T i n ready for th«> fight
years ago."
Nan nestled « little closer, o r perhaps now. Le t It come ”
H e knew Instinctively that It w a »
It was the sw a y in g o f the conch that
made him think «he did. and softly m in in g H e felt It In every word that
bad fallen from N a n's Up* since they
on Id:
left ou this trip. H e felt It most keenly
“ You rem em ber till.« roailT”
" I'v e seen It a hundred tim e« In iny o f all w hen »he was silent, read It In
dream* *lnce that w onderful day
It the trem or of her m outh, the shadow y
w in d « along the ban k» of the Hwan tendeni«s>a of her ayee. the low. deep
nanoa for tw e n ty miles, a lw a y s clim b ­ tones o f her voice.
ing higher « m l higher nntll the river
I «Monies n lliuplil trout stream
■top at the old roadhouse, stay all
night and next m orning take the brldla
path w ith the fu nny |mck hor««*« and
( T o be C o n tin u e d )
In g iv in g e v e ry b o d y a square deal
you c a n 't let th e m decide
what a
sq u are deal la.
Hard times! A prominent advertiser who spend* a for­
tune every year in publicity, has entabli*hed u aignifkant
Whenever he noticea a Mlowinjf up o f butiineMM he in-
crewieii hi.« advertising
Thin in the reunon:
"When buai-
nesA I h booming it iM unneceHsary to fitfht for it.
It comen
o f ititelf.
Hut when huaineHM in h J ow I maint on having my
«hare of it, and the eauieHt way to get it is by calling atten­
tion to the value of my ginals,
I do not wait for hard times.
I Mcent them in the distance and before anybody else gets
busy I make my contracts for advertising on a big scale and
get my orders in before my competitors know what I am do­
The logic and common sense o f the attitude of this ad­
vertiser account in large part for the remarkable success he
has achieved.— Leslie's Weekly.
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Redmond, Frineville and Sisters
I'aaHenger and Exprenn Stages Daily
Phone 1.302
Pure lard,
Dome Cured Hams and Bacon
at home and keep the money
in circulation here.
Redmond Market
J. B. ROE, Proprietor
Good Printing
The Spokesman
Hotel Redmond
Commercial Men's
Headquarters in
Central Oregon.
Modern Equipment. First-class Service
H. F. JONES, Prop’r.