T H IU H I i a » PAUK rin: R ichmond K O ru h p o k » hm n li , , •Ml \ n ’ IVratmally. M. br.t.i If . h.iiio.l The Redmond Spokesman Gregory’s Variety Store IS M A K IN G SOME V E R Y Attractive Prices IN C L E A R IN G A L L ODDS AN D ENDS IN T H E IR STOCK. G E TTING R E A D Y FOR S PR IN G GOODS. All Dress Gingham.'- at ................. 7Wc Rest Galiteas a t .........................1*2 Wc Rest Prints all jn> a t ....................... 5c Rest Outings, all colors. 1*2* 2 and 15 cent goods all go a t ..................... 10c All S W E A TE R COATS. Men’s. Roys’. Children’s and Ladies’, and A V IA T IO N CAPS ONE T H IR D OFF. I^ist call in Ribbons, Laces and Embroideries, ONE T H IR D OFF. These cut prices are on now, in fact we will sell you un­ derwear and everythin# in winter lines C H E A P E R than the C H E APEST. YOCKS KOR Bl'SINKSS B. E. GREGORY Corner of 6th aiul K Sts . RKPMOND, OUK C. H. BAGGOTT’S QUICK D E LIV ER Y Express and Transfer Line All Orders Given Prompt Attention Leave Orders at the Redmond Pharmacy S. D. FOX & CO. Published ev*>ry Thursday by Il II « C. L PALMKR Al Hedmond. Or»|Oii « « l , . r would noi b* suffi....... ,Um vi Mt»k*’I », ti I ho ilu.l mi » ■ " * ' lull bo cuualdet'» himself capabl* of Hiving » . l i b o lo obi iii.u SotiMUon Coiiniri Ufo lu*» H di *w ha* Iv. bui w Meli *•*- or» orni them liu e.thi»» w lu* live Kuhea" and St USCKIPTION MATCH lu ih# country are Strictly tu A d u n r t Kuriiu»r*“ »H‘i Ila)«l'iwl. ' lo thè i>iu* »ear t l >0 Three nioiiih». M»o «'iRurolU* #tm»k**r tu lown. hut Ihe Six month*. '•< SlngU* copie» hoa.l of Hie bu.ll»**. men In the Advertising Unto. made ku*»»n world today I. that they were born on the farm Iahe aw.v Ihe .ur upon application. rounding evil, that beet the youn* Knli>r*d 1 *» M'ooiul -el*«a m*tt*>r men or women on Ihe thrcahhold of July 1«. m o , *t ih«* po*tolttr* *t life'. Journey In Ihe city, and .ubali ««•limolili, Oregon. under the Act of tule the helpful Indurne*# of nature, Ma roll 3. 18 7 9» and you fortify them for the aterner walk, of Ilf* T lll'R S O A V . KKII IS. ISIS _ .....~ , -*s»a . % Kvery man talk# In an Important way about hi. mall He ha. lo go s i m x s o u t rH K fip ai roil down Sunday* to gel hi* mall hate, tlur volili* roa.lor» of fhl* column to leave lown because he tulsac. hi. «•specialty the youn* men should mall, and all Iher* I. In II I. a hill or remember that .u ro e u I* fomiti mo.l two and circular, adverll.ln* • mb' often tn the path of toll There I. no lug «ehern* If h* chance, lo be .1 way to genuine »ucce«* except thru home when he open* II. hti.h. the loll, either by hand or head At the mother will led the children, "don i halite of t’ recy tn 13 4«. the Prince of dl.turh father while he I« reading hi. Walea. finding blinaelf heavily |>rea» ed by the enemy, went word to hi. mall." Ottkial Paper of the ('¡tv of Redwood .1 iu<- » *'•'*«< > father for help The father watch in* the halite from a windmill, and «celli* hi* »on w a. noi wounded and could *aln the day If he would, »cut word, "no. I will not come; lei the hoy win hi. «pur», for. If Uod will* t de.lre Iht* day to be hi* with all Ila honor*." Young man. n*ht your own baule, all through and you will have the victory. It I. a battle worth fight Urtili un'ina to be uufurtuualc in ihe mailer of de.irucllve Hie. In Ihe paal two year, that city ha. been vt.lted with «cveral hi* tire«, and It la reported Ihe Inaurante rómpanle# are geltlug lo think (here la a hoo dim or Jinx on the town *'urituni*' . » , i il it.»! ..... IK) not get the fatal Idea that you i , k . , ig i. are a gentua. and that, therefore I« . . i- . -, . uo need of eloae application it I« here that multitude, fall. The curar ! of Ihe age la Ihe genluae.. men wtlh enormou. »elf conceit and rgoltam ; and nothing else ll la heller to he an ox than an eagle, plain and plod, j dim and uaefut. rather than high fly- I ing and gootl for nothing but to pick i out the eyea of earcaaae.. Kxtraor- ! dlnary rapacity without work I. ex­ traordinary failure. There la no hope for Ihe peraon who begin# life : reaolved to live by bis w it. for Ihe [ probability I. that he haa not any It , w aa not »afe for Adam, even In hla unfallen .late, to have nothing to do, and therefore Uod commanded him to be a farmer and hortlrulturt.t lie I w a. to drena the garden and keep It and had he and hi. wife obeyed Ihe divine Injunction and been at work, they would noi have been aautiterlng under the tree, and hankering after the fruit that de.troyed them and I their posterity; a proof positive for. all age. to rome that those who do not attend to their bualnea. are sure to get Into mischief. A doctor ha. declared that walk , , Ing I« a llreanme exercise. and not ... , , ,, especially Itellrflclal llowrver. we 1 never knew a man I » have a puni ­ lure or burst a lire i bile he was w alktng i Furniture Made to Order With the installation of my new wood working machinery I now have complete facilities for MAKING A LL KINDS OF FURNITURE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE AND AT A REASONABLE PRICE. If you want any­ thin# in this line call and I et us talk it over. I do all kinds of IRON WORK and BLACK- SMITHING also at my factory on the corner of 8th and E streets. G. W. DAVIES The Old Pioneer Blacksmith of Redmond Buckley Express Co Phone No. i»06 DRAYING AND HEAVY HAULING City Express Called for and Delivered When Traveling Iti’t w ecu i ’«•nlriil Oregiifi i«titl Port lumi. I.. ., ,,«• u/ ih.' THROUGH SERVICE. Between I’ortland. Turom» nini Sentile, U. ,,IH. 0f the four splendidly e«^ui|>|»ri! trinila. S teel n ytr Owl. P.ufet Sound Ex|»rraa uml Shasta Limitad Train dr Luxe. Between Or«g«»n an«l the East. because . f daily in e a * h direction o -w i and Portland A Puget Sound Express to Ih-nwr, Omaha, Chicago, K a n a a a City and all point# Hast; and the So«»-Spokane Train de Luxe to St |*au| and Mtnneapolla. IT’S A PLEASANT DUTY TO ANSWER QUESTIONS It ST. V A I.K N T IN K S I.AX Tomorrow la St Valentine'. Iiay. Perhaps you have heard the legend of St. Valentine, hut If you have not. here I. I. In a. small a nutshell a. aurh a saint could be well rondens- ed: St. Valentine lived long ago; an emperor ruled him, and tlie emperor whoae name was Claudius, became very Jeaaoua of St Valentine or Kr. Valentine, a. he was then called, and one day Claudius cut Kr. Valtntine's head off and banished his remains so that nobody should know that he had been beheaded. "N o w why did Claudius do thla?” you ask. Well, he did It because Kr Valentine was auch a great favorite with the young peo- pie that Claudius was not In tlieir af- feet Ion at all. —“ “ — “ “ “ T i l » : K V M k i . k Try as hard as you please, you ran never get the knoeker to believe his home town Is anything hut a modern Nazareth. Nothing good ran eome from It. Kven when some bit of sue- reasful hustling or unusual generos- Ity aela the outside world talking, he finds some flaw, some manner In whlrh the deed would have been hot- tered had It happened elsewhere. HAUKOL. REDMOND, • Agent OREGON ARE PROPOSED iti u i i . i n m i » m VTK on W I »r Ml»: TO II»: i it» i» in *»i N• P I . A N — BII.I.M IN TltolM i » li \T KlltNT w»:wn|ON \ N I* X « T M » O N I T N» X r >*» v i| o \ . |M I I I » P I « » . p ii Do You Know it»: that the Central Oregon Garag* car rt*. a good line of tills, u r ea#* #. r.kmrrai Gasoline and Kundries* » p a h * » i s post The parrel, post that Ihe guvern- j ment put In operation In Ihe t'nltrd ! State. January lat, will have results \ much like those of the first tele- ’ phones. It will be a great system that will bring the ron.umer closer | to the producer and the producer i r lo w r to the ron.umer It will carry i convenience, of the city to the roun- I try and the fresh produce of the I country to the city kitchen, direct I f the country la.a haa a .klrt .he wishes dyed or a feather curled .he will send them lo town. If the rural housewife wants a pair of blankets »he want* dry cleaned, she can tend then, to town In a parcel with a par- cela po.t stamp affixed Maybe she will send a doxen or so e g g . or a pound o f butler along to pay the hill How can the parcel. po.t authorl- tie. know all (hla so far ahead? They don't know It ahead Kt.gland ha. been doing that aort of thing for year* They Htudled It In Knglaud In London they send wal.t., curtain. and linen. t „ s , o l |an.l to be launder- ed The parcel, po.t make. It pear- Gcal to send fine laundry work far Into the country where there are communities that sp«*clallxe In that business Needless to say. both aide. ¡profit by the parcel, po.t They even «•nd garment, and cloth, to Shot- land to be dyed for certain Scotch town, have developed Ihe art of cheaper Job of dying beenuaa of the parcel, poaf and the S™ t. profit by ' tra< ’’ SlWICt If you w I.h lo rise with the sun do not alt up too late with Ihe daughter i“ow»:i» ti»; h »: n »: u t s o of 'gl EMPLOY THIS SYMBOL The city council of Prlnevlll* I« going to enforce Ihe ordinance again*! chicken, running at large log. Kcdmoiid ha* a "chicken ordinance Tw o monarch, of old fought a (h,, bul It ha. never been enforced Why duel. Chari«'» V and Kranct*. «la k e , were kingdom». Milan and IIU( Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars Hotel Redmond Bar The SYMBOL Also kee(«s a slivck of Tire# and Tube. president Malarkey of llie Senate, and Senator McCulloch have Jointly Introduced a Senate Joint resolution carrying out the Idea advocated by Governor West In hi. message, for referring to the people a con.tltu tlonal amendment providing that the Legislature, starting In 0 1 3 . .hall meet for 30 days, adjourn not less lhaI, 4u day, Ill)r lui>r„ M day, and lh„ n aKal„ No bm , ahaM br paalB.d dllr„ lic thn 20 daya (lf , h„ aIld n<1 hill# .hall be Introduced during the of , ht. Tht. ,,b. J|H., of lh„ p,an „ lh„ |a,„rs ,,mr lhorou|tU,y th(. p,.opl, , horoUK,lly pro , hlrh ,, |ntrt>dur. d durln|( , ht. nr„ 2„ ,U r , lh„ , loo Th^ Jo|nl rr(u|ul|„n of d„ n, MmUrkry and s.-..»tor Mcfol j, „ follow. „ r,.w,|v, d by xhr g . nale and , he , lo ,I(M. of Hepreeenlatlve. joint ,y ron,.(lrrlriK Th. t Section lu of Artlclr 4 of , hp ron. „ , u„ , hr . a[11,. ht>reby d r,.ad aa follovwn ..Th(. of |h, | ^ lala„ v, AM«-mhly .hall he held blennally at , h„ , , h<. Htat|< , „ K OI1 lh. a,., „ Ild Monday Janu. ury yrur I91S „ „ , h>) Kame day of ,.4„ ry ^ OIld year , hrr„ af„ . r „ dirr^r„ I|t ,)a>r hav^ by ,aw Af| the M.„.|on , h.|| bavw ( <,ntln..e,| not mure than 2u calendar day*, an ad J f<*r lea. than •>« calendar days, nor more than 90 calendar day. No hill .hall be plared by either house on It. 3rd reading or final pa.aage prior to «aid adjournment, and no hill shall he ln- troduced nor read for the first time In either house after said adjourn ment." CH»:»:HK I \• l<> 11 \ is T o 11»; HTAItTKI» AT l.\llil.\\v Another Impetus to the dairying Industry In Central Oregon is the •-» tabllshment of a cheese factory al l.aldlaw, says a dispatch to a Port land paper. John It. Winter, a Laid law merchant and rancher, la Hie promoter of the enterprise, the nral In Crook county and the second In Central Oregon. ,\|r w im er has already plared or- ant! be prmured on .horl notice We have a service station for eg- And don't forget we do a general xhr «ulti II)« a '.h# ditlil 1 fclirhen for ib im i broom • hange of Presto Mte lank. ihi ! befar. I * I M\t%i fcâ*f»A I t i n t -1 * « to«» h r « broom f»»r • j ^ garage business, repair work, lire re­ AAA « I» AH Al lh* pairing, and storage of car* loi# uf good bought a I* H Phone To4 Tc iio ftli IblOgi lo At. 1^1 gN»un*l **f • , ^ I got l»“ - *»«•• tb«* t hfHMM» At Hobb’s sl\ lorT I t o |i|s| t s | s U t»! I tt HING Git»: XT I.OSS That there are at leaat six well de­ fined p o l l i t o dlm-aae.. M i m e of th*m • analog great losses In Oregon, ha. tieen determined by Ihe crop pest In­ vestigation. at the Oregon Agrlrul- tural College The expert, have de­ voted their attention thus far mainly to a survey to dlsrntrnr Ihe extent and distribution of potato dlœaaca. hut It I. planned In the future to •ludy each of the alx principal dis­ e a s e s In detail with special reference to conditions In Oregon I '»operative work la under way to test different varieties of potatoes for dlM'aoe resistance The seed for these lests Is furnished by the It. M department of Agriculture, and a »mall field o f the college farm haa been planted, both good and had po tnloea being used, for comparison. Too Much of a Omul Thing " I was v«iry happy." said the con­ fessor, when, after years of wooing she finally said 'yea,"' Hut why did you break Ihe en­ gagement so MHin after?" naked the friend (| " wna ahe that dissolved Cash Bakery and 6W! v o i it w ir »; w il l LOVK YOC M« i HK ANI» OKT YOil IIKTTKIt MKAIJ IK YOC K» l I* n . B A N L Y HIlWKO ANI» KKKP VOI R IIA lii TRIMMC0- "R e a lly y asid the friend. "Mow