rhe i ti Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” o f Central Oregon VOL No. 82 RKDMOND. ('KOOK COUNTY, OKKOON. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1913 jtedmond Is to Be the Gateway for Newcomers Entering Central Oregon %Il | ii> m e*«rk «ra fr o lli Ih r ••«»( Tlm above from (h» Harney coun- If S i-.» nf Inni week. |.aa 1.1 Infla-<1 ni Murin, liai ilIr inani, any explana­ nr| n in n i) !•> » » ) ar- L| a n «l T r it i«* « l l l r a r r i « m ii | mhm *«| i»f aainat tiratili, nt io (ha (M>o|.t.- from tha outal.la who ara daalroua of lo- L u i i i u l . r r l lt o lilr |M*«»|»|r. I m i ««* r * . ratina lu that aacllon. puf t i o l r l * i « i»toiliMMttoll«»toa A l r r « . Tha mattar haa ln.an taken up by L t ilr pr»« **• A ln i « « I I I Itoli r «ili l l i r tha Kadmund Commercial Club and rlllxena generally of (ha city, and ev- L «i in r lrAtoa|M »rlACI«in o r « i i ) > «rythlna »III ba dona lo rara for (ha r| *r ICrto«l«*r* n f I h r New« Ì ■ ..ili e m p ia te • '• iiilu g lai M unta i.r t I START RIGHT bualuaaa of (ha llurna and llarnay ruunty propla. Advartlnamanta have baan put In aaatarn |ia|>ara advlalna nawcomara daalroua of going (o llurna or other iMiinta In llarnay rouuty, to buy tick- ala to Itcdmnnd and ko Into tba In­ terior via Prlnevllle Title all inanaa that Redmond will are a largo numlwr of nawcomara ar­ rive In thla city thla aprlna and suiu- tuer. Il alao uiaaua that tha heavy frelaht traffic of the llarnay county paopla will originate hare on the two llnea of rallroada for overland trana- iKirtatlon by auto trurka and wagons Tha Itadmond farm ers' t'nlon big warchouiMi. the largest In Central Or­ egon, la amply able (o take rare of all demands made upon It. Redmond la rightly named— "The llub City of Central Oregon." HE NEW WATER SYSTEM IS lilla Fire at Mend last Friday morning at « o'clock, wiped out a row of wooden buildings on Rond street, en­ tailing a loss of nearly $ It).(too The origin of ihe Ore la unknown. The new Flrat National Rank building, which Is of stone, prevented the fur­ ther spread of the flumes Two aa- liMina. a barber shop, a reatnurant. a pool hall and bowling alley were the places burned out. The same site t the regular council mealing f i c i up with (be n.-w ayatem The contrari price of the ayatem wsa burned out In Nov. 1910. Some «day evening, which lasted until of the burned out men will rebuild* c I. n k Wednesday morning, the was 1.1«.«70. and the city agreed at the Tuesday night meeting to pay SI I I I M i l . SI I’ KRYISOR . ■ ■ .o le in » a. gone over by the contractor (li . i t i o , in round \ M i T ill ANT o m t K I I councilman and Contractor lluf numbers. i » 1 . tailed tha plant At the The city council and members of Prlnrvllle Journal: Victor Sbawe. t 1 of tha meeting there wa> the presa made an Inspection of the a teacher In the Prlnerltle public It. metary différence, about completed water plant laat Saturday school, haa been appoint.! school » ■ - « the r.iuncll and t he afternoon, at which timo some de­ supervisor and truant officer for lie commenced hla r. t..r, in favor of the city The ferta were found In the ayatem. Crook eoiM»«y. official duties Ihe Itrst of the week. rartor had added extras to which the will be remedied One of the County Superintendent Myers oays nal en tra ri, and the rounrll principal rut defects ta the leakage of that he la determined to rigidly en­ onte of the original contrari the es rewervolr. though It was built ac­ force the law In reference to truants. ite for unllntahed work, etc cording to pinna and apactflcutlonn, The (M-nalty for non-compliance la a r lluflow left for Portland yea and this cannot he repaired until flue of from |5 to $15 Inflicted on ty n urtilng to aubmlt the ligure» warmer weather The present leak the parents of the delinquent, or Im­ fl- I to Ilia partner Mr J.-f will not Interfere In furnishing a suf- prisonment In the county jail for a and It la though! there will b e Helen! aupply of water to the city for term of from two to ten days. |i " I. lu I be mat all purpose« I o *»(M -ra tlv e t reamer) — rll accepting the water ayatem An ordinance amending Ihe pres­ The farmers and dairymen of the Ih« e II v ent liquor license law was Introduc­ western part of the county are urged filth the plant has not yet been ed. read the Hrst time and referred to attend a dairy meeting to take ac­ ft '• 1 |M-rn lealuti haa I- ■ to a committee, which is expected tion In regard to organizing a co-op­ both by the city and the con- to report on the measure at the next erative creamery. The meeting will ■or to the city plumbers to con­ meeting. February 25th he held on Saturday. February 22d. In the afternoon at Khrcta hall. I* man who abstains from evil When your huslm-as rival nays use of fear of punishment la al* mean things about you. It Is a cotn- Kvrry riot t>mphaalz<>s th« fart rrgarded aa a sinner, yet he la pllnu-nt. you are doing better than that rluta are «-sally organ lied and sin. • I d . moat reliable good man lie Is It li.ti w.-re not be would not that th«> leaders are usually able to »*,r abuse you secure a compromise I WHEN YOU PUT AN ADVERTISEMENT IN A PAPER YOU WANT TO LET THE MOST YOU CAN FOR YOl'R MONEY IN THE WAY OF RESULTS. THE PAPER WITH THE LARGEST CIR­ CULATION ALWAYS RESULTS— AND GIVES THE BEST THAT IS WHAT WE CAN DO FOR YOU. MR. ADVERTISER. The Spokesman FEW D O LLARS deposited in the bank but by continually adding thereto the result will be eminently satisfactory in the end. While the present may look bright none know when the sky will be overcast, and it is the duty of the wise man to prepare for the future. Open an account today with the Redmond Bank of Commerce A and see what a few dimes saved eack week will amount to in a year. I E START RIGHT to open a bank account does not seem much, IM»W OK IIKND B U ILD ING S O KNTIIOYKO in BLAZE IlA # ." START RIGHT A t i a t r I r i m i l a n m i l i i K «Ir*a| » f u . u h i P * r d i r tot « l i i b g $1.50 PER YEAR START RIGHT START RIGHT The Country Editor a Selling Agent I Reprinted from the editorial c o l-; reach. unins of the New York Evening Jour­ THE COUNTRY NEW SPAPER IS nal. 1 THE BEST OF A L L ADVERTISING “ We repeat that advertising In MEDIUMS. And the publisher's profits should country newspapers, properly utilis­ ed. Is the most valuable advertising be not less than six dollars annually In the world for Its cost. We urge for every copy of the paper sold. Little by little advertisers will advertisers to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the country come to learn the value of the coun­ newspapers. We add. Incidentally, try newspaper, and very rapidly, let that we don't own and never expect us hope, the country editors will to own auy country newspaper or to come to learn the value of that have an Interest In a country news­ which they have for sale and will de­ mand and get their share of the na­ paper. A country editor with 500 circula­ tional prosperity, acting as natlontl tion or more for hla dally or weekly Industrial and commercial represen­ can talk TO FIVK HUNDRKD GOOD tatives. and not merely as the local local merchanta, T Y P IC A L AMERICAN FAMILIES. mouthpieces of A L L PURCHASERS, A LL DESIRA­ barely able to support themselves. The publishers that really protect BLE CUSTOMERS. the people— the hard working own­ Every publisher of a country news ers and editors of the 15.000 or paper should be, through his adver­ more country dallies and weeklies—- tising columns, the trusted and val­ must unite to protect themselves and ued agent and promoter of at least get their share of national prosperity ten great Industrial merchandising They must free themselves from concerns. the Idea that the country editor Is The country publisher should be the private property of the local able through his columns TO SELL druggist, grocery man, butcher and EVERYTHING. His readers BUY hardware dealer. EVERYTHING that is for sale— They must give good and faithful from nails to pianos, from pills to service to their local business men. automobiles They buy paint and and at the same time good and faith­ rooting and stoves and lamps— hun­ ful service to the great mass of so- dreds of commodities that the city called FOREIGN ADVERTISERS dweller never buys. Thus their prosperity will be doubled There Is not a community In the and quadrupled and their capacity United States in any one of which 10 for usefulness Increased accordingly. or 15 or even 50 great American The country editor with H H cir­ merchants and manufacturers would culation can make himself worth to not gladly hire at high pay s compe­ the community at least $6000 year­ tent. earnest representative able to ly. He can make his paper EARN talk every day to 500 or more fami­ that If he chooses to do It. lies. He must be hla own master, not And every bualneaa like, hard ruled by local merchants or corpora­ working country publisher IS SUCH tion or politics— recognising only his AN AGENT, able every day to reach readers aa clients, customers, advis­ the consumers that nobody else can ers and equals. START RIGHT PROGRESSED IN 1912 On last Wednesday evening the annual Congregational Meeting was held at the Presbyterian church. An elegant repast was served by the la­ dles. Revs. B. Vernon. J. M. Cren­ shaw and B. Harper were present, the latter on behalf of the Home Mis­ sion board, and he asked the congre­ gation to increase f50 on the pas­ tor's salary and ask $50 less of the board, which aids. The church vot­ ed to comply with the request. Rev. F. Harvey was reappointed stated supply of the pulpit for the ensuing year. The report of the treasurer. E. C. Park, showed a sufficiency to pay the present year's salary, with a balance on the right side. The report of W. B. Chapman on the church building fund, showed that over $1000 had beeu expended In labor on the building. The total amount subscribed was $2878.60; received from church board of erec­ tion $1979; outstanding obligations. $800. The report of Mrs. J. Q. McGuffie for the Ladles Guild, showed good and valuable work done and a bal­ ance in the bank of $16. George Bradley and B. A. Ken­ dall were appointed ushers. Roy A. Bush was elected a trustee for three years. Few l.lcente* Paid— Only 32 dog licenses have been paid since the license ordinance went Into effect in December. The license law makes it the duty of the city marshal to collect licenses for every dog owned In the city, but he hasn't done It so far. Dog owners who have paid their licenses, say they are not getting a square deal, and want to know why. The Spokesman for good printing It