■M thuhhdai TEILS ABOUT A "GAS” HORSE O N K O F O IK K UtMKK KUIKNDS W KITK'S 1N> THK s i"!tH C «'! N N v \ ii «> iv km K» i x d k t n iu ì o f lawyer'« fee*. pulling apart In the middle The front end, of courae. will walk on two legs and you ran «ell It to Rtngltiig H r»» for a million dollar«. Then for thla money you ran but a pearl handle for the hind end and uae It tor a wheel barrow It'» areal. NEWSY HAPPENINGS AT POWELL BUTTE FOItKNtNNN OK I N C M W KKK KDITKD lit H IK 4KIU N I r O i m i M M W U NT lilV K S \ GOOD III Nt II OK ITKMS KHOM NIION K SM TH *N The grandest thlna that haa ever beeu heard of is now bein« worked out to completion. It'» the thlna we have been looktna for for year*— February 4th. that 1», the wlae one». The other Alvin Klaaa went to llend W'ednea- one» couldn't even tmaalne aurh a thlna aa this la. It la «rent that I day with a load of hay Mr and Mr» V. A. Tharp and fam­ have worked up auch a reputation that I’m the flrat man to hear of ily came In Tueaday nlaht for a vtalt thla. It la alao area! that you hap­ with Mra. G. C. Trueadale and fam­ The pen to be a aubacriber to the Spokea- ily. The ladtea are »later«. man. where you aet onto all theae Tharpa are returning to their home in Urand Junction. Col., having paaa- wonderful thlna» flrat Well. friend», the very lateat la the «“d 'he winter In Tacoma. Wn. "gasoline horae." Thla contraption -'* ** Golden 1» overseeing the is a hummer, and will be put out in »orting and hauling of the W llaou this county flrat. Crook county haa P*>t*ioea theae day». Several team» lately been put on the Wonder Clr- aa‘* »Ingle men are buay moving the cult, and you can be mighty glad you tuber». sleep and eat here But now about ' ,r ani* '* r*- l*«nbury and Mr. the new "gasoline horae." Thla horse *°d Mra. Boyd of Alfalfa, were Sun- is an animal and an automobile com- Ja-V gueata at the Get». Beckman bined. The front end has legs and home. Borne of our people are enjoying the hind end has wheels. The wheel end can be used In dry weather and the water hauling stunt aa a result the leg end in wet weather The of a break In the big canal recently. front end eata hay and the hind end m*loh necessitated the turning off of eats gasoline. In rainy weather the '**• » « t e r before all had time to All driver sits on a saddle In front and 'heir ponds and cisterns. Mrs. A. W. Bayn went to Prine­ in dry weather on a cushion seat be­ ville Monday to be with Mlsa Gladys hind. There Is an awful advantage in who is quite 111. A. W. went down having a machine horse of this kind Tuesday alao. At a meeting of dairymen In Red­ Suppose you are going along the road from Redmond to Prineville. mond Saturday afternoon C. II Fos- and are using the front end for pow- *er * * * appointed one of a commit- er. what would you do If you met an three to inv<>stlgate prices of automobile and your front end. creamery supplies, etc. The com- which Is a horse, got afraid of It? mlttee also had instructions to ap- Why. »Imply turn on the gasoline be- P°,nt ,wo Persona in their respective hind and pass by in a jiffy, pushing district» to canvas the situation and the scared front end along. Then «»certain how many cowa could be suppose you are coming along this depended on for the coming season, sapie road, using the back end for A» ‘ here are not enough cows In power, what would you do if you met each section to justify a creamery, a horse and the back end of your an- *he contention seems to be. which Itnal. which Is an automobile, got l°c»«lon will get a co-operative afraid of it? Why. simply turn off creamery, or whether the dairymen the gasoline, tap the front end with of »** »djacent districts will ro-oper- the whip, and pull the scared hind ate and buy out 'he present cream- end along. You see it works both cry company in Redmond. The latter ways No matter what you meet on proposition seem« to be the moat fea the road you can get by. If the horse ®'ble tor the present, end gets afraid of an automobile use -Mr. Davidson of Bend. Is visiting the automobile end. and If the auto- h‘» w‘ fe a‘ Bu,,e Valley for a few mobile end gets afraid of a horse use day». the horse end. Win. Colliver of South Bend, Wn , Then, again, you can work it like •» ln ,hla »action for a few days. Mr this: On special occasions when you Colliver is an old friend of Mr. and want double the speed of the old -Mrs. Wallace Smith, fashioned automobiles and horses we Reeves W lllcoien recently rented now have, turn on the power at both an 'be 1*111 Wilson ranch, and ends and glue yourself to the seat so (trow a bumper crop of oats on you won't fly out. By putting both it this season. We understand that Tom l-ang- ends on high gear and using the whip and the throttle at the same don and Geo. Hobbs have purchased time, there will be something mov- a potato sorter and will sort their ing. The horse end will try to keep big cr°P •'«for® hauling to market, anead of the automoblfe end. and the Th«>r market only flrst class po- automobile end will try to run over tatoes, feeding the culls to hogs. The following Howell Butteites at­ the horse end. In that manner you will cover double the ground In the tended the recent warehouse dance same length of time— In other words at Redmond: Mr. and Mrs. Allen the front end will cover each mile Willcoxen. Gladys Bayn and Ross and the hind end will cover ekeh Bussett, Hazel Bayn and Alvin Riggs mile, thus your machine Is practical- an<* Beeves Willcoxen. Mr. and Mrs ly covering two miles for every mile A - • Bayn started to the dance but you run. Ain't that going some? "h en °nly a couple of miles from In order to get all the power that 'heir home Mr. Bayn was seized with is in the contraption you must apply violent pains and they were com pel 1- the brakes on the automobile end e<1 "> re'u™- Mr.Bayn. in conversa- and hold the lines tight on the anl- t,on * 1,h a Mend 'he “ ext morning, mal end This will make both ends »»I*1 he had ful|Jr recovered from the work like blazes. The front end will »'tack, but the disease was apt to re- have to pull harder In order to move turn without warning Mr. Bayn Is the hind end along, and the hind end certain his case Is a new one to med- w111 have to push harder to shove the Icology^and has named it "The Cow- front end along. You see in that way klek-ltls. The name, he says, ex- you get the maximum power out of P*a' n* itself, and he further states It both ends, and that's what makes the '» hl» belief that the only successful speed. remedy Is complete rest. It Is to be Another advantage is this: You hoped this ailment will not prove can't have any collisions with this contagious, as the remedy Is ex­ automobile-horse. When you go tremely scarce in these parts. Allen Willcoxen took a load of along the road at a mile-a-second clip and meet a wagon, turn the au­ dressed hogs into Redmond Wednes­ tomobile end to the right; the horse day. end will then turn to the left to let the auto end by. When one end turns to the right and the other end turns to the left the machine will have to stay on the center, and you know what a machine gets "on cen­ ter” — It stops— so there you're sav­ ed again. In the early spring when the front end feels its oats, gets spunky, and THK HIM. CKKNTING MVHTKM OK tries to kick over the gasoline can, simply reverse the engine on the BOND IHM (K M BY » OI NTIKH hind end and throw the front end on GO KM THROUGH HOI HK Its nose. If you do this a number of Note« of Intere*! Feb S. t i l l . Our aprine weather laat week aeerned to bring ou the time old "spring fever," for there were ao many tardy people even the teach­ er». The 10th grade la rather undecid­ ed about starting In on their geome­ try. W'e must congratulale the loth grade because they flulshed their If you want pure milk or cream physical geography In a half term, 4 4tf and It la supposed to be taken a full phone Tlchenor. No 810 year. The 9th grade la much Interealed In botany. They are studying »teina now lt.NII.KOAD riM I CLASSIC!KD COI.I'MN You may talk about women, How they giggle and flirt; But the larger the woman The smaller the skirt. Mndt* to o rtfr Measure m< * sksft it. . Killed der« I'ron, j I MHS I I. K „ m , m 1 'UssUir Redmond. "n l I* II RE Jersey Mil Kwlmond * Oregon ‘ b'ÜN'«-" •'lutimi al SII) lutti ceti, orricK N K Corner Ben (¡otter luirge buslnt-aa corner In faatest growing suburban section of Seattle; end of car line; amali building rent­ ed; 75 feet additional frontage avail­ able for building Will exchange for Improved Irrigated land In the vicinity of Redmond. F A Thole, owner. 50# Weal 65th St . Seattle. Wash. |tt| n e K. U. I li llK N ok . PHYSICIAN and SCKCKON HITI NTH»N NN NNTMt Want to buy a good freab milk row: will pay $75. K A Chat, D«a chutes, Ore. 39tf m oia J. F. IIOSCH, M. I). A No. 1 grocery clerk, beat of ref ererires, seeks situation or position In randy «tore C. K. Corwin. Ar llngton. Ore lu tf latest poetry by Hrof. Thompson KOU IIK NT "Marlon, keep your nose on the Improved Irrigated land In the front o f your face; Ap Anywhere else It la out of place." Howell Butte dlatrlrt for rent ply to O. A. MrFarlane, Itedinond, 2«tf Poetry by a High School student: Oregon. You may talk about a woman. Their style and all of that; But the smaller the woman The bigger the hat. nuf The Spnella (!. A. McFarlane LAWYER l NIII• The 13 grade scema to lie decreas­ Train arrive« from north T 10 p m ing In numbers, but the old saying Train arrive« from south 7 2 1« m la "a little goes a long ways." or II IIAt'KOI.. Agent "good goods sometimes come In small packages " The J. H. Ilancr Abstract Co.. Inf Complete tract Indexes and pho Itouglaa Mularky scented to be tographlc copies of Crook county rather nervous the latter part of laat record« County maps and blue week, for In the afternoon one day printing Urlnevtlle, Oregon when thtuga were unusually quiet, a loud crash and screech were audible all over the building and on investi­ gating. Douglas waa found on the floor In the aisle beside his desk Advertisements published under thla head at one cent a word for Want Ad«. each Insertion No advertisement Wanted By l*rof. Thompson, a Inserted for less than l i rents Or little patience to be used in the 8th dera from out of town must Inform grade arithmetic class ua bow many Issue« the ad ta to Out of town orders must t>e Wanted Something to take the run Initials and curl out of hair Apply to Donald B accompanied by cash Wanted -A better memory for figures count as words muff, rubberl. etc. Apply to Kve- >11» HAIX lyn S. Wanted Kodaks, music and po- Crystal White Orpington I'ullel» etry to be left out of school room for sale Kggs In arasou, fair price Miss Doty J. J Chapman. Howell Butte Orpine Wanted By a special few of our ton Ranch. Redmond, Ore 3013 students, a mail carrier. For Sale lU’ I ..... t M . ItfC ,C 1 \ wise man will not rob y»u. be it A dUcuuni cause be kuowa you will make a dia») a g r e e a b l e Bias about It that will In j u t e him more than Ibe profil of tbe robbery Will b elie llt hint "Ikt you thluk only of m e?" mur­ 1*1 III It MU.N mured the bride "T ell me that you Having decided tv* quit farming I think only of me " will rltNM out at pubib auction all "Il'a thla way." explained the my stock, machinery, furniture, bar. grootu gently "Now and then I have etc . on the U II MelaHln place, I «» to thluk of the furnace, tuy dear." tulles uorlh o f the Redmond depot, , The Spokesman for good printing on Saturday. Kebruary I lilt Sale lie gins at 10 o'clock «harp, and there will be a free luneh at noon I »III sell horae«. hogs of flue breed. Some thoroughbred ehlekeua. bay. oats, a lot of good uaeful farm machinery, and «»Hue household furniture The terms of »ale are $10 or undsr. eaah. over that amount a credit will be given for alx month« on good bank able paper at lo per cent Intereal Hravllce in all court« and U. S, 3ll | J J It ASTI AN I ami I tfflce P O L K ’S' ^ Business ME G O N und U// A It w i, m u «- « ■ sac tv H » * r-se«. » m i . Iteilmond, "1 . * M l ^ _ _ • Oregon k er». Te iff‘ 1 •* eu **4 Nx ' stas eta.*'» •' ' ■ t «*tn«ae smt v* 1 '*?• u I. n o « s e Every Day in the Year Through Train to Forth I.t-HVi - Hcilrnontl 7:1ft a. m., arrives Portland 1 MTIt.NV T.NkKN I H You The But The may talk about women. bold or sedate; the taller the woman shorter her mate. You may talk about women As much as you can; But the prettier the woman, The homelier the man. Came to my enclosure, four mtlea southwest of Redmond, about Dei 1st. one brown mule, weight b e t w e e n 800 and 900 pounds Owner ran have aaine by proving property and paying expenses. J. A Beckwith, Redmond, Oregon. 29 t 3 Came to my pretnlaea, 8 mile« cast of Hedmoud, on December 9. 1912, a buckskin pony. Owner ran have Signed, same by proving property and pay­ A HIGH SC HOOD STUDENT. ing expenses. J. J. Chapman, Red mond, Oregon. 30t3 structing public highways. The vote MI hi I 1.1.$ n i m s waa 42 to 15. Briefly put, the bill provides that "■ do your next order o f job each county shall have the right to printing. High grade work and isaue bonds for road building pur­ prices satlafactury. The Itedmnnd poses up to 2 per cent of Its assesaed Spokesman. valuation, that the road districts are U ve, energetic newspaper can to be represented in convention, call­ vaaarra can make good money. Ap­ 3 j|f ed by posting of notices, and that ply at Spokesman office. At the end of a session lasting all each district shall have a voice In A classified advertisement la a laat Friday afternoon the House the convention in this manner. When tlreleaa work hunter, and aeldom passed the so-called Hurd bill, call­ a convention is called, the roads to falls. ing for a system of bond Issues by be Improved shall be discussed and Spokesman Claaslfled ads bring counties for the purpose of con- whatever action Is taken shall be the reaults fry them don't coat much MEASURE IS PASSED times the horse end will soon learn to respect its "better half” and be­ come more polite. If for any reason the horse should object to its "better h alf" smoking gasoline, simply hit the front end with a whip, reverse the back end with the lever, and the two ends will be divorced without II \\ IIK N D k " l* \ l* l li" MK M IIK KM OK THK *»* II« M *1 \ » H M I K I I M I. IN V K N T H » IIK l> IN TO U H «1111 1*1 I'll.H guide of the county in the matter of highest Improvement» There was much debate on the measure, which consumed the entire afternoon It » « « supposed to be a moat Important bit of legislation, but several of the members declared the belief that the state had not pro greased at all In road legislation, bill Instead hail passed a bill full of com plicated Clause« and ao rumberaome that || «III prove to be unworkable MUN­ KKH. CEN TR AL OREGON U « Direct Connections Limited Trains — FOR— —TO— SKATTI.K. TACOMA, SPOKANK, M INNI’ Al’O lA I’AI I.. CIlfCAOO, DKNVER, OMAHA, ST H>HS. SAS CITY, and AI.L POINTS EAST and SOI TH via the North Rank Road. Northern Pacific and «•rn Railway*. Fare«, Mcht'tltiles and detail* will l* ,u •>n ret|ue*t, W. D. SKINNER, Traffic Managi'r, l*l»rtl,»nd- H. It AI KOI,, Affent, Hrdmond, Orcu,,n-