Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” o f Central Oregon 'OL 3. N». 2H REDMOND, ( KOOK COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1913 edication of Big Union Warehouse Greetings of Is a Pleasant Event the Season indication o f lb » lt»n «am liuuM i In thia In thia t an im i Oragon country iban fvai Friday aftern oon ami even tha plonaar hlmaalf With Itila In r<- « lara» crow d » o f | mk >| i I« »lew I aliali lirlally raíala a vary faw ■ II o f lb » •iirrotinitln* Ioana o f niy o * n eiparlanraa o f lata y»ara. country Al noon a bla fr»» In tha I iii | h that I m ay tharaby giva i ••• served on Ib» u|>|>»r Hum you a b a i l a r undaratandlng of iba warehouse II * a i strictly a plonaar» aid» of i ha raw by lllualra » feed. ami lb » bill o f fa r» ron lion than by analyala 1 of potalo aoup. p otalo rah«. In Iba ftrat piara, lat ma aak a . »alada and potato rhlpa It j What la lha dlffaranra ba f uiatrd Ibat about III! p»npl» Iwaall a plonaar and a laudarfiMil ’ (••■I at uoonlltu» and In Iba ava Thara rould l than a third o f a century ago, winter's wood I »lopped, atood up v>te the pega for my Aral real In tny buggy, hallad him and aakad to aaalat In dedicating a alrur him what ha »a a doing "O h. Juat ■ at apeaka ao clearly o f change pluwlug a little,*' ha replied I aakad He hr Immédiat» paat and portend» him what he propoæ d to rala» o. h for the fu tu r», flaahea be ■aid he thought he would try a faw my mind aurb a panoram ic view nal» I grew a little faretloua and ne abort human « d a t e u r » that It told hlm I w aa aorry to aee my old Ith unuaual difficulty, I aeaura road plowed U|> Aa I reaumed my I thaï I undertake to And »ord a aaat In tha buggy and drove on What a alíame xmvey to you the amalle*! frac thought to myaelf It la for that man to be »polling a al part o f my faellnga »thing, I aaaur» you, aave the : pretty fair quality o f graaa In any *ht that I m ight, by ao doing, aurh manner How do you auppoæ I felt, tny ■me amali way render aaelatatice he rierrtaee. could ba v» Induced friend*, when, two year* afterw ard I paaaetl that u m e way and found the to undertake It. aaaing all thia. for the proprie- ■ante man threahlng 35 huahela to forbid that I ahould detain you tha arre wheal from that Identical , I think » « have now com e to place of ground? To being not a little dull o f com- an undaratandlng o f each other •< thlnga hav» com a to aurh a prehetialon I have alwaya admitted, In thia aectlon o f the country •till, after I get up from being I (he 11 f f n r e m aa and relatlonahlpa knocked down once. I generally the pioneer and the tenderfoot know enough lo keep away from lha from whence I received be aafaly anali led without deal- direction Since aeelng <11 • IN I INNI T O ARE “FORNINSr THE CAREY ACT OK P IO N E E R SK T- ONK OK TH KM threshing outfit. BRING Capital Fully Paid................................... $25,000.00 Surplus and Profits............................... 3,000.00 TI.ER.H V IV ID I,Y T O I J t BY Who carries the largest Stock of Hardware, Ag­ ricultural Implements, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, Paints, Oils, etc. of any store in Central Oregon. Everything from a pegging awl to a complete TO WILL U . S. D E P O S IT O R Y Continued on Page 3 Hardware Man BEEN AS PLEASANT AND Redmond Bank of Commerce He next took me to a cold storage ewtabllahment. I think he thought 1 I needed coolin g off a little. I saw them making Ire for the Brat time In my life. and. after I had gotten out of town and on my way home and The Reliable HAS WE HOPE THE NEW YEAR And that poor old river, ao furloua at thia Aral Interference I w onder­ ed how few m ore aummera It would be until It ahould be loaded doyvn un­ til It would fairly groan out the bal­ ance o f Ita existence- gronn out Ita etlatenre under the load o f the white m an'» burden. I think I atood up well under the rhatterlng o f my friend that after­ noon. conalderlng the clrcumatancea; rlrrumatanrea about which he knew nothing, until Anally I took a hand In the converaatlon m yaelf and aald to him : "H old on. my frien d ; llaten to me I am running over with acre feet; I am chock full o f power unit* and my velocity 1» aotnethlng terrlfAr. loot's get nut o f here. I believe I am aee­ lng th in gs." M unz YEAR WE SINCERELY TRUST THAT PROSPEROUS TO YOU AS IT HAS BEEN TO US, AND Ht'FFKKI.NUM A lfr e d $1.50 PER YEAR Irrigation Congrí*.» I.Ixten«, and Money la Mought lo Inventi, gate Yarloua W ork on Koot at 1‘reeent The Irrigation Congreaa that met In Portland laat week took a hard alap at the Carey Act. and draatlc law» were advocated. It was claim ­ ed the Carey Act measures w ere In­ adequate. too deceptive and expen­ sive. J. W. Ilrewer o f thia city, and J. N. B. Oerktng o f laHdlaw. were there to lead the fight against the C olum ­ bia Southern, all the properties o f which are In the hands o f the state. They sought legislation that will give the state pow er to guarantee the bonds o f worthy Irrigation project». Now Irrigation securities have no market whatever. W ith the atate back o f them value w ould be sus­ tained. Beneflt to the atate would be through developm ent obtained D epreciation o f value baa entirely quieted the Colum bia Southern pro­ ject. which Mr. Rrewer declared con ­ tains the best land In the atate. Speaker after speaker told how their Irrigation project*, undertaken under the provisions o f the Carey Act. either have failed entirely or have been carried out successfully only at an expense far greater than the original estimates. Particularly pitiful and dram atic waa the recital by J N. B. Oerktng o f Ijkldlaw, o f the difficulties and I S ta te Is B la m e d $ 3 .6 4 3 .1 » D I K IN G T H E " I confess that when I m yself went on to tny hom estead I did not Y E A R O F 1012 know the difference between the Carey Act and the desert land la w ., But I have found out sin ce." He charged that the state has shirked its responsibility If It Is back Through the courtesy o f Postm as­ o f the Colum bia Southern project. ter M oore The Spokesm an Is enabled “ I am not a la w y er," he continu ­ to publish the receipts o f the Red­ ed. "an d can 't tell w hether the state m ond postofftce for the years 1909, Is duty bound to back It or not. I 1910. 1911 and 1912. certainly believe, though, that the The total business o f the year state Is m orally obliged to give Ita 1909 was $786.10. aid to those people w ho have gone F or 1910. »2,07 5 59. on to this project, when they were F or 1911, 3.014.19. given reason to believe, and Justly so F or 1912, $3.643.49. that the state would aid them. Mr. M oore states that every month "M y Idea Is that the atate should In 1912 show ed an Increase over the get back o f the m inor propositions. correspon din g month In 1911. The It Isn't quite clear to me what the postm aster expects, now that the beneflt would be o f backing these parcel post law Is In operation, that the business o f the office for 1913 Continued on Page 2 w ill go way over that o f 1912.