Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” of Central Oregon ,<>L N« REDMOND. CROOK COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY, JANUARY !♦. 1913 MIN O N II M U H t M l KM I I It IT MIN H I M H OX I IIK IN HIM it in ,g e. I I . « * I «..«•»■ I I l i l t a I I l a . It«*« s i t u i t .i t ii . A n i l H | a ) r r n x sIlA lrl) l i l t m lulu I Itti- llltttx lf u »I* h I) tiaylord Mrl»anlrl, (hr alayrr. la In (hr "Minty Jail prndlhg (hr prrllmln ary •laiulualltin Hr In 23» old. and a aon of Mra puch by hrr tirai hn»blind Mir haa a aon by hrr »««■■ ood huahaud. Itol.rrl J lit ow n. ugi d »1«. Who la wllli hla niotbrr ut thr rail'll Mrliunlrl w aa vary cool at Ihr roronrr a Imiurat, (idling a *1 ralglit ainry, and «aa arrnilugly mu a pari h Ir aorry for having rom- llilllrd Ihr crime, and gyro thr »Id ow tratlflrd that ahr would havr kill rd hrr huahaud If (hr boy had fallnl lo do *«« I'm h waa 53 yrara of agr, and haa two alalrra «horn (hr au- l hurl tira arr now trying lo locate Al (hr bagring laal Thursday af- larooon Mrltanlrl mu » hrld lo Ihr grand Jury w II bout bonds, on ihr i hargr of nral drgrrr murdrr ’Ihr young man » a a ronaldrrably aalon- lahrd a( llir rraull of (hr hrarlng, having rnnfldrnlly l,rrn rip..rting to hr hrld on a niatialaughlrr rhargr. whlrh la ballablr McDaniel waa re- mandrd lo (hr custody of Ihr ahrr­ llT Thr rlrrult court room waa uard for thr hrarlng, and It was pa< knl lo Its rapacity by p«Miplr who rgprrlad (o hear soma aplcy testimony Thla did not occur. Attoriiry Myrra not al­ lowing Mctianlrl or hla itiolhrr to lakr Ihr aland In Ihr young man'» drfrnar A Ml 1(1 I |(\ llltOI'H p o l l \ TO HOT* TOM III-' T i n ; H I.A s s 11 Hi A l.lgltl I'ltinl HW on llewt hule« Tein|M.ralrl) l'ut Oui "il **!* tfi Mund«) I' M i • tn *| '..*•( a h i » « r.| ru n MI Hiver of C o m . Mg lit The weather forecast aent out by thr weather bureau that a cold snap was headed this way proved a true one. and Saturday, Sunday and Mon­ day the thermometer took consider­ able o f a drop. The weather waa the coldest so far thla season, and wood and coal deal- era did a good business while It last­ ed. Slush Ice In (he llearhutea river al Cline Kalla where the electric light and power plant D located, pre­ vented the plant from delivering light Monday night until near mid­ night. and up to that time the city »1 reels were In darkness Aa most of I he alorea are provided with pri­ vate lighting plants, they were not very much Inconvenienced by the stoppage o f the plant. Precautions have (teen taken by the electric peo­ ple to prevent obstructions of their power In (he future, no matter how cold the weather may get. A number o f housewives In the city lost their house plants during the cold weather, and the cold snap had a tendency to keep the rountry people at their homes, thus limiting the hualneaa usually done by the Kedmond merchants on the above days si \ l l I \ \ U V 1 \\ II I The backbone o f the cold weather IIAIM : AX KAKX' MII.I.IOX seemed to be broken Tuesday, and since then the usual good winter Thai the Btate tax levy for 1913 la weather Incident to this section haa to be an even million dollara la the prevailed. newa that cornea from Salem from the S l at e Tax Couimlaalon who have A H O O D P A l'K It gone over the mailer carefully. Thla The New Year's edition o f the will make a rate of about I I - I d ! mtlla II la staled The levy laal year Eugene Guard of KS pages was a val­ waa 13,000.000 and 3 t 10 mill* uable publication for Eugene and vi­ The paper waa 10 pag«»a The valuation upon whlrh the levy' cinity. for thla year la baaed la $900.000- larger than the Portland Oregonian ooo (Itir reason why thr levy la Annual, which Is a big feather In the tut much lower thla yrar la (hr f a d cap of the Guard publishers, and al- that It dura not cover (he legislative ao for the people o f Eugene. appropriation* which thr one o f last " ( l o w did you feel at the fashion­ year did. able w ed d in g?” "A bout aa ronaplruoua aa my pick­ Illa friend Ho In for any kind of le dish looked among the jeweled sport. Mr Speck»? brontea and ropes of pearls." Speck* Yea. I collect Inaerts. WE EXTEND TO OUR CUSTOMERS THE GREETINGS OF THE SEASON AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR LIB- EREL PATRONAGE. THE PAST YEAR HAS BEEN AS PLEASANT AND WE HOPE THE NEW YEAR PROSPERITY TO W ILL BRING ADDED ALL. Redmond Bank of Commerce U. S. DEPOSITORY Capital Fully Paid.................................. $25,000.00 Surplus and Profits.............................. 3,000.00 PARCELS POST "• « 5 S L 5 INE BEATS EXPRESS TO POTATO MEN H. Hanks waa severely Injured last Friday afternoon by being cut with a wood saw he was operating at the Farmers' Cnion warehouse HD right arm to the elbow was cut open to the bone, and all o f the fin­ gers on hD right hand were nearly severed. The injured man was at­ tended by Dr. J. F. Hosch w ho took over 50 stitches In the wounds. The fingers were placed back on the band, and at present writing the In­ dications are that the fingers will grow to the hand again. The wound in the arm is giving Mr. Hanks the most trouble at present. Just how the accident happened is hard to tell. The saw was running at about half speed and Mr. Hanks, who was at the saw table, started to go around the machine to regulate the speed, and It Is presumed he stumbled and hla arm and hand cam e In contact with the saw. G K H G O (J I I C k K K H Y M A H . T H A N HY K X P R K S S Redmond Poultry Show WE SINCERELY TRUST THAT PROSPEROUS TO YOU AS IT HAS BEEN TO US. AND IX C H IC A G O T I M K T K S T P A C K A - January 15-18 TP It) Hlu*lt Ire SPECIAL STOCK TRAIN EVERY WEDNESDAY $i»r i | hr filr di'Alrr and hla did not grl along, and althrr a 'Ui or a » « a hound lo T h r evidence thrrr given « a a In r parllrulara unfit for publics- . tiring o f aurh a m o l t i n g na T h r body « a a brought to thr Turaday afternoon and prr|>arrd [burial r"t> ‘in I'orh » n * A man « rII Ilk ill o»rr Ihr rounty. Ilr atH-urnl hall plis-r of laud a h lrh « a a hla for several yrara. and had It Into a aplrudld littla* ranrh, without on«» dollar and ¡ding It mitlrrly by hla own rffort hla murdrr wrought thr arltlrra ¡'!* lulghhurltiHtd up lo a whllr Greetings of the Season DAYS 'inevlllr Journal. Jan I ll«r> I'txh, a «>11 k a o « n ran« her anti Itf. »I- i «if tliia oily, «lift hi* hum* anil a half mll>a up (hr Orhoru. ■Imi ami altnoal Inaianlly killed }.!*> til urn I it* hr III* stepson.Oa) llrttanlrl. « h o liuin>«|lal«ly tel hunt (hr ahrrllT a ml « a « « Itluiarlf i ii*tml» Th« ahowllna occur. * ! i and al I 10 lh « victim tlrad Thr shooting » « a donr a 13 gauge Winchester ahnl ■ and *r*rral « o u n d a » rrr In d. dim aho( pier« lug (hr heart o(h>ra lnjur«d lh « rhaal anil |r organa of (ha thurarrlr rarity |»runrr Hr dr and County i*byal Thr Oregon Trunk Hallway now t.daarda « r r r rarly on thr (h r furtnrr * lt h a haatlly am- makra a specialty of livestock »hip. ^llrd Jury, and (hr muihrr and mrnta from Central Oregon points lo aon » r r r subject»«] to a rigid «»• thr I'orlland uiarkrl every Wedtira- Thr (rain leave# all (.'antral ballon, even though thr boy ail day Oregon points Wednesday morning, '¡»•I firing (hr fatal aho( *hr rorunrr'a Jury rrturnrd a *«r and la run on a »pn 1*1 schedule to the (hat llrrman Pocb r am r to hla reach I'orlland at lo 30 p m Thla a r n ic a has been ar­ pl ' w uunda ■ auard by a abut aauir day from a ahot gun by and la thr ranged to comply with Ihr wishes of (a of tiaylord Mrltanlrl. aald Central Oregon ahtppera In order de­ bring tlrrd with Infant to hill livery may be made at ihr I'orlland fh* ti**iilt arrina to h a ir barn slock yards In ample time for feed­ outronir o f a long and arrloua ing. watering and reatlng before (he of domratlr Infelicity Marrlrd apeclal aalea Thursday morning. May. Mr and Mra I'orh apprar r * " ' r ■ .-i M. . 1 1 (! •lari, aa (hr ( r a tln io n y ^ d d u r r d $1.60 PER YEAR A Chicago dDpatch says: That the parrel« post la more efficient than the express companies Is prov­ ed beyond a doubt here today, fol­ lowing a test made by the Chicago Tribune. Thla paper sent 20 package« by po*t and 20 by expr»»«« at the same time, addressing them to various lo­ calities In the parcels post lones. In every Instance the parrels post de­ livery reached Its destination first. HufTalo reported the arrival In one day of a package sent there by par­ cels post and Milwaukee a little over eight hours. Comparison was made o f rates, speed o f delivery and the condition o f the packages on receipt. A parcel was mailed at the par­ cels post window by a person un­ known to the officials and was deliv­ ered In Milwaukee eight hours lafer. A package sent by express to the same point was still unheard from after 24 hours. The parrels post charged 10 rents and the express company 25 cents. •'My wife made me promise to quit smoking before she would marry m e." •'And n o w ? ” " I 'm doing my best to get her to promise not to begin.” H im x S K X T IIA I'A K C K I. IN »S T I R O M I U I W I M F . om <> For the first time in the history of the country a coffin was sent thru the mails on January 3rd. from the Zanesville. Ohio, postoffice. It weigh­ ed 14 pounds, and was sent by a c o f ­ fin manufacturing com pany to an un­ dertaker In Dexter City, Ohio. The lid had to be sent in a separate pack­ age. so the body o f the coffin would c om e within the 11 pound limit. The total postage was 68 cents. I H . K. M K Y F .R l t » l N T S O C T A W A V T O ADA K K T I S K O C R P O TA TO K S The suggestion made by H. F. Meyer, manager o f the Redm ond Creamery. In a letter to The Spokes­ man published last week, that the potato growers o f this section adver­ tise their potatoes in Portland, is a good one. Mr. Meyer said it would be a good plan for the grow ers here to send a five pound package o f po­ tatoes to housewives in a certain lo­ cality In Portland, and state that the same kind o f potatoes could be had at any time o f certain grocers. In this way the Redm ond and Powell Rutte potatoes would gain a reputa­ tion they deserve, and the Portland housewives would not buy potatoes grown in any oth er section. The people here and those outside who have eaten potatoes from this section know they cannot be beaten and seldom equaled. The Spokesman suggests the pota­ to growers In this section take thla matter up with Mr. Meyer In Port­ land, for he has agreed to assist them to the utmost o f his ability In getting a market for Redmond and Powell Butte potatoes. Mr. Meyer's address in Portland Is 287 Montgomery street. Sunday school teacher— And what should we do after breaking a c o m ­ mandant ? When a man says: “ I know a se­ Willie— Muxile de papers and hire cret 1 can't tell.” he knows a mean a good lawyer. atory he D dying to spread.