Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Hub City” of Central Oregon remium List of Greetings of the Poultry Show the Season UKDMOND, ( KOOK COUNTY. OKKGON. THURSDAY, DKOKMBKR ' <1. $1.50 PER YEAR ]>i\2 At Redmond, Jan. 15-18 ( ASH PREMIUMS H A ItltK I) I in tirrinluma Ona Hatting of Kgga. ralua |3 00. for tha beat pen of Harrad Plymouth Itorka. «Iran by C A Adama. braadar o f Harrad Plymouth Itorka, Kadmond t»rr rant for drat par rant for aarond ||‘ par rant for third I'hrta Ih «r « ara four or mora pan« «n t«r«d tha a «III he aa f o l l o « « I r for Drat. H l'K K ' .IlfTrlrllt l a t l . ’ ira p . 1 no l>alr o f U d l M ' or Genla' Hhoaa for tha boat in tha rlaaa h a rin g tha moat antrlaa, «I r a n by h A Hobarta KHOOK W haat |) • , all ' laaa WHITK k' • I I k’ ‘ tiy It \| |io ty pm " Hat for tha h l * ! r»t a. orltig Whlta Or « U r n II» / l a l l a f r r f o . It r il III on li o f Muff O r p i n g t o n » l l a. l mo mt |3 oo I'lrtu ra for baat pan o f Huff Orplng- i g l « « n by Khrat H r o a . Redm on d ’>na WIIITC W Y A N D O T m i l " " a o rth o f y: g g Makar for t'a»l W h lta Wyan r l o . garal. « I r a n by tha Redm on d Pharmacy I ’ a f a l l o f l^trd. ralua I I 75. for tha beet pan of l'a Wyandottee. giran by tha Redmond Maat EREL PATRONAGE. THE PAST YEAR WE SINCERELY TRUST THAT HAS BEEN AS PLEASANT AND PROSPEROUS TO YOU AS IT HAS BEEN TO US, AND WE HOPE THE NEW YEAR PROSPERITY TO W ILL BRING ADDED ALL. ItKOS LKUH O RN8 One bog of Panry Hplttenberg Applaa for the bast pan of White leghorns. «Iran by the Kadmond Gro­ cery Company. 13 (.oaves of llread. ralua 11.00, for the best W hite legh orn Cockerel, glren by the Cash Grocery and llskery, Itadmond Ona to r p a rk s«« of Seneca Poultry Food for tha bast White Leghorn Pullet, glren by R. MrSherry. Redmond o i l i n g o f E gg ». ralua $ : 00 ror « r ond brat Orpington C ock erel. « I r a n by H C. Inimala, >•’ . f In ORPINGTONS o k pin g to n h IS LA N D W H IT K I t r . l n. ,.u.l krtrl m rr (l fu r ( h a h l g h a a t a r o r l n g g lim Plymouth Ona Mattreaa. ralua $4 00, for the beat pan of Ithoda Inland Had». «Iran by Al Wright. Itadmond. " 0 pounds o f ll aef Scrap for tha hlghaat arorlng In tha Auiarlran r l a u . « I r a n by tha I'nlon Maal uf I'ortlaml ■ | "f HOCKS Cuff l.lnka or luidles' Shirt Walat Hat, ralua 12.00, for tha Iiaat pau of Whlta Plymouth Korka, «Iran by J ( ' Williams, Itadmond , . . ■ i i WE EXTEND TO OUR CUSTOMERS THE GREETINGS OF THE SEASON AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR LIB- WHITK PLYMOUTH ROCKS » by tha Hadtnond Hank o f Commerce I PLYM O U TH On» Chair for tha baat pan of Huff Itorka. gltan by C. II Irrln. Itadmond tir for aarond I r for third i ! f ! ou Aluminum Kattla for hlghaat arorlng Bar- rad Plymouth Rock Corkerel, «Iran by Kendall A I'haptnan. Kadmond SPECIAL PREMIUMS P ROCKS Ona Hatting of Egg«. ralua $2 00. fo r tha aarond Iiaat |».n of Harrad Plymouth K im ka, «Ira n by Al Wright, braadar o f Harrad Plymouth Itorka, Itad- tnond f i r r Ih* head I l f rash premium« » « . all your at t>n tu Ih* way that prlrra ara offered I pM 'ru t «titrx f « « In «ai li < lau i,r h larloty [ PLYM O U TH Redmond Bank of Commerce U. S. DEPOSITORY ANCONAS One Setting o f Kgga for the second best pan of Anronaa. glren by J. W. Brewer, breeder o f Anconas. Kadmond. OOLDKN W YAN D O TTE S Ona pair o f (¡lores, ralua $1.50. for tha baat pan of Golden Wyandoltas. «Iran by Freeberg Hroa . Red­ mond. We Greet You With the Compliments of the.... Season Capital Fully Paid................................$25,000.00 Surplus and Profits............................ N orth w est P o u l t r y J o u r n a l SALEM and PO R TLA N D . OREGON Offara ona yaar’a aubarriptlon to tha paraon Exhibiting tha baat Hrnwn Laghorn Mai«. Exhibiting tha beat W hlta Orpington Female. Exhibiting tha baat W hite W yandotte Female. Exhibiting tha baat W hite Leghorn Male. Exhibiting tha largeat display o f Bantams. And one year's subscription to the youngest ex­ hibitor. Pacific Homestead — O FFERS— ONE Y E A R 'S SU BSCRIPTIO N FOR TH E BEST BIRD IN EACH BREED E X H IB IT E D H o a r d ’ s D a i r y m a n CLOTHING We have made another cut in our clothing depart­ ment. You will be surprised at the bargains we offer. Don’t miss them. Remember the place EHRET BROS. In the Brick Building firing us your Kggs and Butter, Highest Market Price Paid F O R T ATK IN SO N . WIS. — OFFER8— One three year»' subscription, valued at $1.90, for the beat pair o f Mam. Bronte Turkey«. Ona two years' subscription, valued at $1.50, for tha baat pair o f Buff Orpington Ducks. On« yaar'a subscription for the baat Rhode Island Pullet One yaar'a subscription for the baat W hite Mi­ norca Pullet. One year's subscription fo r the beat Ancona Pullet. The Pacific Poultryman SEATTLE. W ASH., Ona three years' subscription for the beet Rhode Ie- land Rad Cockerel. One three years' subscription for the best Ancona Cockerel. Ona years' aubarriptlon for tha bast Brown Laghorn female. Ona years' subscription for the best Buff Plymouth Rock female. Ona years' subscription for tha bast W hite Orpington male. One years' subscription for the best Buff Orpington male. One years' subscription for the best W hite Minorca male. 3,000.00 The Feathered World W A L L A W A L L A . W ASH ., — W I L L G IV E — One year's subscription to the person exhibiting The best Buff Orpington Cockerel. The best W hite Minorca Pullet. The best Barred Plymouth Rock Pullet. The best Rhode Island Red Cockerel. The best Golden Wyandotte Cockerel. The best W hite W yandotte Cockerel. The" “ p.‘ 1302568765 PO R TLA N D . OREGON. — O FFERS— ONE Y E A R 'S SU B SC RIPTIO N TO EACH W IN N E R O F A SECOND P R IZ E Poultry Life Publishing Co. 308 Spaulding Building, Portland, Oregon, Offers 20 Yearly Subscriptions to be Placed by the Association On Individual Winners of 3rd Prizes. REDMOND SPOKESMAN Offers the following 1 year subscriptions to the Spokesman for the best White Plymouth Rock Cock. White Plymouth Rook Hen, Rhode island Red Cock, Ancona Cock, Golden Wyandotte Cock, Ancona Hen, Golden Wyandotte Hen, Brown Leghorn Hen. Buff Plymouth Rock Cock, Barred Plymouth Rock Cock Buff Plymouth Rock Hen, Barred Plymouth Rock Hen (Continued on last page)