The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, December 19, 1912, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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For the Approaching Holidays
W e call special attention to our splendid assortment of
SILV E R W A R E , Community and 1847 only complete
line in town. C U T GLASS and SILVERW ARE.
Tools o f all descriptions.
L(x>k at those Tool Chests
filled with tools for the boys.
Nickle Serving Dishes, Cassarolles, Bean Pots, and a
large number of other useful and serviceable articles.
Call in and make your selection and we will make delivery' at any
time you designate.
Successor to Joseph H. Jackson,
the soft coal aold by R MrSherry.
state that It Is cheaper than wood
Thorough tests have been made and
the results have been satisfactory.
Redmond Ixelge N o . 110. K. I*.
The coal keeps a good (Ire all night
Ueetl every Monday night In or all day, when properly used In a
Mumas Hall. Visiting Knights are coal stove. If Interested see R Me-
2 31 f
cordially invited.
W. J. Buckley. C. C.
Owing to the fart that many peo­
R. K. Olson K. of R. ft 3.
ple do their Christmas shopping at
Redmond I.o<lgc, 1. O. O. K. No. « I night. Lynch ft Roberts will keep
Meets every Thursday night In their store open evenings until af­
Ebrets hall. Visiting brothers are ter Xmas.
cordially Invited to attend.
From Dec. 25 up to Jan. 2nd If
J. C. Williams. N. O.
you fall to visit Gregory's Variety
Everett Case. Sec.
store and examine the bargains they
will be showing on the above dates,
Train arrives from north. .7:30 p. m. you will regret It. They will also
Train arrives from south. .7:21a. m. place their entire stock of men's, la­
dles' and children's sweaters on
special sale until they are all closed
Society Directory
The J. H. Haner Abstract fo., Inc.
Complete tract Indexes and pho­
tographic copies of Crook county
County maps and blue
printing. Prlnevllle, Oregon.
If you want pure milk or cream
phone Tlchenor, No. 810.
4 4tf
Low-ney's chocolates will make a
Christmas present that any lady
would like. At the Redmond Phar­
macy in 1 and 2 lb. boxes.
For 11.50 you can get a holiday
box of 12 El Hidelo Cigars at A. G.
2 3 1 2
If you want comfort in heating or
cooking you will burn coal, the kind
McSherry sells. It is cheaper than
wood and far less trouble to handle.
For particulars see R. McSherry—
he’ll enlighten you.
Just a box of Lowney's candy for
In 1 or 2 pound boxes
at the Redmond Pharmacy.
If you want to make a smoker a
nice holiday present buy a box of 12
El Sldelo Cigars for sale at A. G. Al-
The Redmond Pharmacy haa a
freah line of Lowney's chocolates in
1 and 2 pound boxes
Regulation exhibition coops for
sale by Al Wright, asst secy Red­
mond Poultry Assn.
To be sure that the Christmas
gift you purchase Is up to date, buy
o f Lynch ft Roberta. Their line of
holiday goods will please you 23t2
A holiday box of 12 El 8ldelo Ci­
gar«, bought at Allingham’s. makes
an acceptable present for any smok­
er. They're fine.
Those in the city who have used
4 ' J
street that Is being built by the Red­
mond Union Warehouse Co . Is now
enclosed and soon will be ready for
storage purposes.
l!la«t K ium ked o ff 4 liliune) —
While shooting off a heavy blast
In the rear of The Spokesman office
Saturday morlng In an electric light
pole hole, the ehaln confining sever­
al logs placed over the hole broke,
and a big piece from a log sailed up
In the air. knocking off a portion of
the chimney on The Spokesman o f­
fice. and continued ita flight for 15«
feet where tt landed In the side of
Dr. Cline's barn
(living Reni Bargain«—
Attention Is called to the page ad
on page 6 of Freeberg Bros., who ad­
vertise all their stock of goods at re­
duced prices for a limited time This
is no fake sale, but bona fide In ev­
ery respect.
Read the !d *—
Don't worry over the fact that, by
reading the ads you might have sav­
ed a few dollars on last week's pur­
chases. but get Interested In the fart
that the same thing Is true of your
All reading matter, notices, etc. next purchases
for entertainments from which reve­
nue is to I h * derive«!, will be « barged Is Visiting Kelativ«*«—
Mrs C. W Khret and children left
regular advertising rates In Tlie
Tuesday for Sherwood, Oregon, for a
holiday visit with relatives at her old
Slight Fall «»f Sn«iw —
There was a slight fall of snow In
Redmond and vicinity last Saturday (Mliiers Her«-—
night, the second fall of snow so far
Prest Crawford of the Tum-A-
this season.
Sunday night another I,umber Co., and Dlst Manager
slight snow storm visited this sec­ Walt of the same company, arrived
tion, but the warm weather Monday
here Tuesday night to look after the
melted most of It off before night.
business interests of the company at
this point, take Invoice, etc.
Returne«l From Visit—
Mrs. W. H. Hobbs and daughter
returned Saturday night from an ex­ (Tuvnge In Hofei—
tended visit with relatives in Nebras­
It Is understood there will be a
ka— her old home
change In the management of the
Hotel Redmond the first of the year.
Money to loan on Improved P. C. Holland, the less«-e, retiring,
Wm. G. Phoenix, Red­ and H. F. Jones, the owner of the
mond, Oregon.
4 9 tf
property, taking It over and conduc­
ting the hotel.
Advertising Must Grow—
No store In this city esn OROW— Indian« Give Hliow —
or even "hold Its ow n"— nowadays
Several Indians from the Warm
unless its advertising GROWS. That
Is the new law, based upon the bet­ Springs reservation were In the city
ter education of the people In Bt'Y- Tuesday and gave some of their war
dances at the Sparks Theater In the
evening. The same Indians gave a
Holiday H in d o »« Attract—
show at Bend Monday night.
The display of holiday goods In
some of the Redmond store windows Izookml Good to Him—
A capitalist waa here last week for
among the atores with displays are
Lynch ft Roberts, Gregory's, Sher­ a few days looking the field In this
wood ft Courtright, Khret Bros, and section over with a view to Investing
and he said he had traveled all over
the Redmond Pharmacy.
Central Oregon and visited all of
the different towns, but that Red­
Keep Copies o f Your lift e r s —
To keep In touch with your busi­ mond had better prospects of becom­
ness at all timea you should keep ing a large city than any other place
copies of all lettera written. The he had seen.
Spokesman haa copy paper especially
designed for that purpose, that sells
Thinks Redmond (». K.—
at a reasonable rate.
Geo. T. Dutton of the Mt. Vernon
Orchards of White Salmon. Wn.. was
New Warehouse Well Along—
The big potato warehouse on the In Redmond this week visiting J M
east side of the railroad track on E Judd and family. Mr. Dutton said It
Redmond and Vicinity
Redmond, Oregon
wsa an asaured fact. from thè pree U ’ P R E llA T » « P o h l« M \ N
e ut Indirai Iona, that Redmond would
Is ||i| M triH iM . MEDII M
make a large city, and Ibis section
The wide aeake buslnesa men of
become one of thè beat producine ra­
Redmond appreciate (he rolumne of
giona In Central Oregon
The Spokesman as an adverlislnc
Their ada are allracflvely
téme for live Mollila,e—
««-( up and ltlS$ know they gel re-
City Recorder | 1* llewltt esperta •'•Its The Spokesman la (he largest
to leave thls week for Lincoln. Neh . sad best equipped newspaper and
hla old homa. to viali relatlvea dur­ Job "fflre In Central Oregon, without
ine thè holldays
any fear of successful contradiction,
and able to handle all rlaaaes of
New I slrsilarv Oul —
The business men of thè city Hate
begun to dlatrlbute thelr 1913 ral Nt>U 7» t IN K S llI T H 'llt ilD
FF\ l it \T OREGON t IT »
endara. and some of thè ralendars
are worka of art Karh ,ear thè ral-
Dr Norris, city health officer of
andar makrrs gei up more tasty de
Oregon City, says fhere are prubably
70 rases of typhoid fever In the ctfy
at the present time
ft Is stated
N i I mhi I I'kam for Two \! reft«—
The Redmond schools will close that many have not taken the pre­
this week Friday for two weeks for caution to boil their drinking water
Dr Norria haa made the following
the holiday vacation
"It la Imperative that
water used for drinking purpose*
Leave Alsoat the First—
C H Miller, who some Mine ago should be boiled. If the residents of
sold his farm north of the city, ex the city wish to safeguard them­
The water should be boiled
pecta to leave about the first of the selves
year In serch of a new location
lie until the health officers notify the
has not yet decided where he will lo- public fo the contrary
cate, but The Spokesman predicts he
Mr* Forrest Hale left this week
will eventually return to the Red­
mond District after Investigation In for Salt Lake CUyr to visit relatives
for an indefinite time
other localities
•Mil Timer Com«-« |!at I v -
••Jltn" Toney left Monday on
K L Iverson and wife, former pio­ business trip to Portland
neer residents of this city, but who
have been away for the past three
and a half yeara, arrived In Red­
mond Monday
Mr Ivcraon waa for­
merly In the general merchandise
business here, and aold out to Lynch
Roberta In January. IK lo
Iveraon thinks Redmond has a good
future, and will remain here for an
Indefinite time
M|«ikan<- Packer fo Hell Choice Cuts
From Prise Winning Steer
A Spokane dispatch says
bone steaks at 825 each may see in _
little expensive to the ordinary per­
son, but that la the price at least six
persona will pay for choice cuts sup
piled by Royal, the grand champion
Hereford prlxe winning steer, at the
l*ewlaton Livestock Show.
The steer was bought by K H
Stanton, of the K fl Stanton Com­
pany of Spokane, and the price paid
was $1450, or $1 05 a pound
steer was raised, exhibited and sold
by the Jones' Land and Cattle Com­
pany of Wisdom. Mont , In the Big
Hole llasln.
The Steer waa given a notable re­
ception upon Ra arrival at the N IV
station in Spokane. It was escorted
by a band through the principal
streets of the city
The Spokesman for good printing
I waa very tired when I rata» ft*
down town this morning
»••ut in,- down tu» h to
for Christmas
We have mvlM *
of frlenda to come and take *
mas dinner with ue
Main» salí
wanted to gel the very best k i l l *
groceries because It dtn-sii I btok “**
to aak people to dinner and s®1
the nicest things on the tabi*-
y o u r w if e
w il l
Your frissi«
P H.
I can't tell you all tk® **"
things we got, hut you can g®* ,HrT
thing you want for Chrlstin«» °( ,M
very best at
H obb’s
Cash Bakery and Grocery