The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, December 05, 1912, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    lU M D A V , l> M '
ft, 1*11
fury M h » pegan in reair
perat* W M his ilamlm to go
" l l a r » I fnuirht all llw w year»
nu lliln g !” he cried
T h e thing that drew him w ith all
Imi ' • U I I h m jvwwv-r waa tin* vtevqver
vnv-anlug Ivetwean llw line«
II«* knew
timi v-arb day Ih r Inroinpletatieaa of
her IIfr hud In-rii Isirne In i i | miii her
with crushing fo rm
And r r t hr f r i t
hjr an Inallnrf it,-.-|>vr than reason. that
th r day h r returned from hla r i l l r and
toni'hrd h rr hand would m ark tha Iw
ginning of a tra gw lv for Iwith
In th r paat nln* years h r had th ro w n
hla llf r aw ay only to And tt In greater
I tow nr
T h r Am t y ra r w h lrh h r had
yl**n of unselflah d rro tlo n to th r a rr r
Ira of the |>ro|ila had lawn a faillira,
tint a’ th r ro d of four yrar* h r waa
nominated for dlatrtrt atto rn ry and
wna swept Into 0111'« hy a large ma
T h r a n fo n a m rn t of Juatlm
ceased to lia a toka and h rr* ma a U r ­
ina faith
Ilia w ork had a flrrrd th r atata In a
nohlar and rlra n a r civic tifa
I tutina
th r paat y ra r h r had Ivav-viroa o n r of
tlir foremost tlaurr* In Am erican It r
m ir rar.» th r t*-«t t o r r i and th r moat
hatrd and t r a m i man In public Ilf* In
, N rw Vork
M r aakrd no fa»ora. h r
aoiiaht no p rrfa rm rn t.
C o p y r i g h i . I U U , fey 1 h o m u 1)1 t o n
T h * w ork on whh-h ha bad Juat an
}r* rom* w ithout profani
Ita haan t loat in* arerai of happy m ating
WB* * n Ihvratlaatlon tirfor* an
una aud th* abadowa
and m arrylna
A mora Issnitlfiil aven unnaually Intalllaro t aram i Ju ry of tlir
Ilf* I ha »a neve» arru than tha on* In crim inal acta of a irn»np of the m<*«t
|rpp*d Inalila, tourbm l * twll amt
tlir In,me ..f my rhlldhr**!
Art my ilartfif «»»«I pow erful firm mien* of the
W hen he r^Nllted the nmirnl
a rock tall Ma piarmi tha a«*** moth*» waa only fonti mm and my fn world
llttl* tabla by hla ahi» and
thar tw enty on* w h rn they war* roar tuda of the funk he had utidertnk«*n
I at It
* hat an aalnln* art, thla
rle.1 S o w folk* only allow thrm aalvra he at «»tire fuit hie fiuti«* If» order for
O n ly « . f e w »aar* ayo a rr ra t
m llll'inalra w ho llv rd In a paiai-r on
F ifth avenue Im ldlf an id to a nrwa|>a
fiar ref airier. " T h r pu bllr tir d — d r
T lm r a h a » » ehafeged
I hr mllliounlra*
h a v r tiraun to h u t Itir newspapers and
fir* tur p u h llr fa rm
We a rr w alklna
on ilia rru a t of a ron-ano of p u h llr
w rath
I am ro n frn t to lira and tlyhl
for th* right w in or im r and play
n i l llttlr part in Itila m ig h t» d ra in a r
"1 had hopad you w a r» firmi of fiant
Ina a loaluy b a ttle ”
“ I'll llaht tilla laittl* to a finish and
I'll win
If <iod lira* I I I w in I in *o
aura of It. m y boy.“
T lir
doctor panami and Illa aya*
“ I ’m ao aura of It that I ’m not ouly
Boina lo rafuna till* h rllir from H I»
rua. but my anawar w ill tir a tiardrr
I ’m aolna b> i*-giu nu o th rr hla
Bar ifnd mora Im portant *ult for tha
dlaaolutlou of tti* Atui-rli au chemical
tru st."
U lna ri allppad hla a rm around th r
o ld rr uiun w ith a movam aut of In
attic tit* tamlarura*
"luxik h rrr. dm lor. I ’v r llra d In »o u r
boma for fourtrau yra ra and I ’va
arow n to lora you aa m y ow n fa th rr
You luuat llatan to m r now
I ran a ir*
■io lim a to yo u r aulì
I am Juat a m a r­
ina on a arra I atru**l* for th r propia.
T rn n riid o u a laaura a rr at atnk* “
You'll go dow n a wreck If jo u f a ll"
"I'erhap *. hut I f » my d u ty ."
“tlood b o y ’“ the older m ao cried,
sailing H iuart's hand
"Y o u can't fall
T h a t's w hy I'm going to risk «11 In
my tight."
“ Itut tha c a s e * are not the sa m e “
“ No. I'm old aud played out— my
life's sand* ar* nearly run. I haven't
wu w
„ . k -b u t surb aa I have I
m uch
to r r in
• off>r „ fr^ |y to (in d and tny .-out)
I envy you the opportunity to
mnka a greater aacrlfl- e and you ad
vtae me to com prom ise for a p a ltry
sum of money a righteous can«* mere
ly to save uiy own skin
I'm proud o*
you proud that you live In tuy bouaw.
proud I list |'*a know n aud kivMt you.
and trtMl to teach you the Joy and tha
fimllsliuvaa of th ro w ing yo u r Ufa
aw ay T
W ith a w av* of bta hand th* stal
w art llgure of the opt man pnseed out
and left biro brooding In sorrow ful
Me selievt hla jien at last, aet bis face
'Ik* flint aud resolutely wrote t>t* ao
i _
of potaon luto lita alom arh to
to m a rry In roUl hie-id ra lru la tlu a w ith ,,1# •"«»«'•m* r lf o r t It waa nrrra aary
malady of th* a » u l’ M » amllml
a m ir a r y thalr hunk arrount*
M y ,h *' b*’ g1v* " n *****
|lf and suddenly recalled anma
naothar had town m arried a li month* that tnlffhl dietrart hla attention from
t i . doctor waa fond of repeating at you r aa*. and )# t harr I alt on a ,l" er^mtrr ta.k
l-.y . I'm rleh ao luna a* iher* pedestal and h a rr th . tmpudaue« t o , T '** o0*
Im portane*
HUI na of |>ai>pl* In the world talk to you a* a rh lld ” -
»•»Ina hi* tim a out
! than t am "
"H u t you r* not Im pudant. J|ro - .h a
w “ hl'
M •*1
vlsnry counsel to Iir Wvsstman In hla
■ P*
thar* was an antidota ! » t
hrok# In *ac*rly . “ and I understand*
1 Ihl# 1 *»I*MU
If hr roll Ut Ilf»
" I'm tiratnnlna to wonder “ Htuart aulì for damages against the chemical
rtalu for a alliai* montani in an
ro n lln o rd “ w h rth er nature m adr a tr>'at. wlileh hkd hern dragging Ita
tfe mor* ho|*etraa and w ra trh rd m laiakr wheii ah* inaile woitian aa rha ro a r»r through th r m u rta for rea m
T o hla a ma Arment h r had h « I r*
liai It waa w o rth tryln a
I oner k n rw a atri » f J f i w g m
ralva.I an offer from Itivi no* attorneys
|p-ae left Ih* liquor M W tlc-t
whom | ball*»* tifa waa Ih* deepaat to rouiprom ls* thla null for
a few m inute* waa treading ht*
traaedy of Ilo hlglieal Joy of wlil. b ber Ms would of m u ra r advine tha doctor
krough th* tbrona* " f the lower
beati «sili aver li» rapatila
tùia» w by
to ain-ept It Im m ediately
II* had
W h rn he raaehad the hoiiaa
dui ih » blvssl eom» and *o ao qul> kly n r v ir u -llrv r< l lia m u id w in a |irnny
k<hlnat»n equate h* found M ar
|u bar • h o r k a f
W liai rould hr lllvann motiva In
aditi a lo the lib ra ry
A aiiddru Ituah mantlml i l a r r l r t s ttiukllig •m li an offerì It waa Inipoa
Jim . d e a r'
W h rra on aarth
far*, and ali» lu ru rd away Ihat ha
aitila that Ilia ahrewd llttlr prraidant
(on tv*n for nearly tw o d a y « !“
nilght noi aew Biliari'* liead tieul low of ttie A meri« an Ohe ni h a I rom [iany
“ I h a «* n ’t aaan you aloe*
aud rea Ieri h rfw ra n hl* tinnii*
bad anyfhlua hi fear personally fnun
aldina" —
1 *1 luted am b a llllla girl IKK-»,
this allai k
Hta fortune now m u id
i t yon alna for m a t ' h* hrok* In
U s a r N a a — f o u r letter Is v e ry Bind
«lear* -
lint !•» Ira* ttuin RM> laai.iBBI. and tlir
rig h t* -
Hha [>*uaa<l ami aud-
be h>>a*»l and tall you that It ba* s tirre d
lla rrla t'a far* auddrnly flualoal w lth laao* of aueb a *ult aa the one Wood
itw m orle e I » « tried to BUI an d can t. I
I cl»i ¡- m ! her banda
" I 'll get my
|t waa Ino w om lerful tu ha irti*, man had nm iigtii and on w hich hr
h ate to *oy no, but I m u s t
Um cereljr.
Y o u '»* nevar heard ma
tuli II waa trua' Aud ha Uad •-Itoseli had a|irul ao Uiurb of hla time and
I f bat. ha va you?
I’ ra learned
Ibi* rurloita way tu tali Iter Ite r »ole*
|a>wn « a tbs B w a nn r* Itll lwr"
oank lo tha aoflaat w lilaper a* ab» bau!
It Plight ba Nan It uniat !■*
Mar ed lot» In hla office developing bis
know yno’ll Ilk* tt “
great case
1!» was disappointed In
latter aurely mad* llw r i p a n il on ra*
Jrl llatrnrd to her. rntrane*<t ritmar :
“ And yoo Iota bar alili. J l m f
tb* flnai show ing of th* evldeoca to
nabla. Bh* k n rw this aulì waa an
id heard that ohi aína of th*
l l u head d r . . . , « l lower « . h . .Ighad
,n l h r mm. of m ertlng
be presented to tb* grand Ju ry.
M l»
“ I h » Ml and loai her. little p e l’ Bh* !
w )n , r f , h, hn(1 lw>
facta were not aa strong as ba a t
w a . m arried tw o d a y . -g o
Bhe e ,m r
M OW (|na ot
„ . . „ , , , » , 11 ,
parted to make them
!• tfe* graat rlty . Isarfead It t w ays and „ rr wr))|(h hrr
| A t 10 o'clock be quit w ork and bar
sold hrrwelf for gulit "
and her nivrrtiiln m cn lN hud mini# h** rted home to refresh hla tired spirit
T il# color had slowly returned lo th r the auhjert of e lid ir«» eniiim ent Hhe w ith H a rrie t'» music. As he hurried
llttlr f m k led fai-a w ith Ita crow n of had «el a pare for e ttra ra g n n re which
up the slrpa be nearly collided w ith
golden Ualr, and the deep brown a y n made the old leaders eland aghast
a handsome young fellow Just emerg
overflowed with tear* for Just a im ­ H er w orldly w l«a mm her bad lean de ,d Ing from tha door. Me was dressed
Mb* hr Via lievi i he'll away before for lhe I vast flre year«
wall, aud he bad evidently been calling
Í •/
ha raiaed hi* bead. *u that b* never
on aotna one— (s-rha|s on H a rrie t!
Me wna w aiting the a rriva l of \\ otal
ku rw
m i it for a ru n fe ren-e over ttlveua of
Htuart let bltuaelf In softly and sta rt­
“ I'm an sorry, J im ." aba w ill al tu pi I
f rr of i-omi<miiilae. and be dreaded I he ed at the sight of H a rrie t's sm iling
“ I iiudrrataud now “
onte» l
face In the jiarlor doorw ay
Ilia worst
“ It * very *wret to bar* you «hare
"Bn fhe little weasel has offered to fears wore confirmed. She waa dress
Ibt* ugly ae. r>-t of my llfa. llttlr tan
compromise my atilt for half the sum ed In a dainty evening gow n and bad
It will help m* *
we named, a h i" the doctor asked In evidently enjoyed ber visitor.
“ Am ! you a rr aorry you aver knew triu m ph
Htuart pretended not to notice tbe
her Jim »“
Aa ba «at
“ I assure ro u that If the case cornea fact and asked her to play
“ No. I'm md aorry
l'» a arow o to to Ita Anal travi you ara certain fo nioe ' dream ing aud w atching tha rh yth m ic
w e that thar*'a )u «t on* Ihlna In lh r
movement of her delicate hands he
"Ho you hare aald amtln and again
world that's realty tda big aa Mod I* my hoy." was th* gvaal Matured reply
lsurau to realise at laat that hla little
hlg tha man who ha* attained a rh a r
'hut h i« sudden terror and thla offer pal. stub nosed, red haired and free
a rt rr
I haven't II v m I at all yet
I'm show that we bave won alrend*. and klevl. bad silently and m ysteriously
Juai iM-gtnnlng to are w hat It means to he known It
dire n a haa seen the g row n Into a .-harm ing wotnnn. She
I uili now I'»* thought only ot handw riting on the wall.
W hen the was tw e n ty four now In the pride and
A new light haa Illum ined the American |veople are once a rou aval glory of [ierfM-t young womanhood,
N o w — Ir a going to live for oth
their w m th w ill sweep the trusta Into and re t «be had no lovers. Me won
f r o m today I shall a*k nothing the bottomless pit "
dcred w h y
H e r music, of course. It
for m yarif. and I ran n rre r lav dlsap
hud been the one absorbing pasalon of
“ dire n a tan t w o rryin g about the peo
(aiiniiat again "
And her eye« hud alw aya »p a r
Ida or thetr w ra th ."
Martlet looked np lywlekl*
“ Th e n It's tim e he tvegnn!“ the doctor k i d w ith deep |oy at hla slightest
“ W ould It please you. Jtiu . If I ah.mid cried
"M a rk inv word, the day of the w ord of prilae. F o r fhe first tim e It
make a great r in g e rf
had ivrenrr-ed to him aa an Im mediate
common people h*n dawned T h l« mud
"M o re than I can tell yon. dMir
sill of tin* w orld hits learned to rend possibility that ahe m ight m a rry and
Your yole* ta a divine g if t I envy you and w rite and begun to think
Me their live « drift apart.
Ita power."
A sweet com radeship had grow n be­
will never iw content ngnln until he
m* w h a t » a a a r e t h i n k in g a b o u t,
Ite r erra w -r ^ shining w ith a great turns the W o r l d U|mlde d ow n '
tween them
Me resented the Idea of
a break in their relatlona.
Yet w hy
" d u t m u must .unalder thla offer
I a h urntm l tlm ra
Hut abr waa
“ I know that It mean* yanra and You hare too much al stnke.
Vour «hould h e ! tVhnt rights had he over
ng It tonight w ith a statute, new yrara of patient work, hut I'll do It." factor» haa lawn clo-cd for lira years
her life !
Atvsolntely none, of course
I he g irl leaned forw a rd at ah» rrtrd
W ho waa that fe llo w ! W here had he
Your atore haa been «old. your busi
• nd laid her frlru d ly hand on hla
W hen the laat Mh<> ot hla fivotatep nvaa ruined, and yon are lighting to pay met him before!
hml a Irlek o f Iranttig forw a rd Ilk* In the hall shore died aw ny and hi«
Me rose w ith a sudden frow n
(he Interest on your ilehta
I'r e seen
[when talking to h im Ihat had at- door had rloeed th* little golden head you grow ing poorer dally until n a i aa fate the v e rr h o y -t h e tall dream y
milliard h lu a rt
bowed low In a i » «alona ta lander have turned »o n r home Info a lodging looking ronngster w ho danced w ith
til m r what you are th in king
h rr so m any tim e « that Dlght ten years
bouse and tilled It w ith strangers.''
.Mm.“ ahr aald. a amlla flitting
“Mod help me to keep my arerei and
*T'»a rn jo in t know ing them
My ago at her htrthdav p a rty' She «»Id
ml hrr tender, rip r e a a lv r eye*
he was too fra il— that her prince must
yat to lo»a and help him alw ays!"
sympathies tim e hewn made larger."
wa* arrlng a » talon, little pal."
he strong
W e ll eon found him. be
" d u t la thla tai (tie yours alone, dot­
ririn slowly. ” thi» vision of a gala
had got strong
to r i You are hut one among millions
C H A P r i f f v i l.
of grand n|i*nt.
Htuart aald. w ith a studied tndlffar
You are try in g to (w ar the burden ot
A n Old Partum*.
hi with light, and I w as lighting
all M a re » » it counted the coatí M ar
lO K nina yenrw Btunrt had ra-
*ay through the throne at th r rn
“T e ll me. little pal. w ho waa that
rlet'a course In music w ill continue two
fuaeii to are or a|i*nk to Nan
'• •» hear a graat singer who*#
»ears longer
T h e last year ahe muat tall young fallow I i n Into on the
Me met Hlvena a* a m atter of
had la-gun to th rill th r world
spend abroad
Ite r ripense* w ill be atep«?“
course, but alwaya dow ntow n
k'l " lu ll a hush of Intense »llrnea.
" W h y . don't yon rem em ber m y frail
T h is settlement Is a generous
I im# iiefors Ih s fi«iilig h ts, aaw during hualne«» hour» or at one of hla one. no m atter what dire n a ' m o tiv a “
young adm ire r o f long a g o l“
Por the flrat year Nan had r*
|ei>iirpirrM| T h e cro w d went mad rinim
“ Ho t o ii lore him . g irlie T '
" I can't eonipronilse w ith a man who
I rn lh ti«|„,m
| tlffa^l m y hat and «ru le d hla attitude In angry pride and haa crushed my hualne»» by a run
“ W hen I waa vary, very ronng. I
*1 on high until ah# aaw.
thought I did.
It makes me laugh
»piracy of » r a tin im i blackm ail “
»Ifni smile lighted her face, and to do a curtoii* thing which had grow n
It's w onderful how m uch w «
“O h. come, conia, doctor, talk com
j ' ' 1 * ' " ''r lh r heads of th r people to lie a part of M » Inmoat life
mon sense! You were not ruined by can outgrow . Isn't I t F ’
' ’lew me a klaa ”
the pa*t eight yean» »he had w ritten a
“ I Jnat don't like him. and I don't
b la -km a ll
You were rruahed by a
tiniest fm w n rla«ida<1 th* gtrl'a brief dally diary recording h rr doings
law of progress aa rwelatlevuv aa the w ant rou to like him. Yon aaa. llttl»
thought* amt inrmorlea w hich she mall
pal. I'm yo u r gu a rdia n."
•aw of g r a v i!» "
r *>n wa* *hr, J l m r
n t to him every Holiday night.
“ A re y o n !“
" I f the law of g ra v ity ta unliiat It
who «hall yet «In g before kings aakrd no reply and hr gar* non*
“ Yes
And I'm giving yon dtia legal
w ill he abolished. I cau l compromise
I call her 'Bunahln*.' name« appenm t In Ita story and no
notice that yon hav# no right to m arrv
w ith divena
I refuse hla generosity
name waa «la tin i lo the dainty «tirata
la lla n let W o, d m a ii ’
I'll take onl* what the laat (rth uual of w ithout m y c o n s e n t-y o n promise to
r " 1- Jim . anppoae fro not amtd
of paper which alwn * hor# the par
make me you r confida nt!"
the |asv|ile «ha ll give m e Justice."
Puppnaa f m Jnat a silly little* f,,,,,* of w ild atraw lierrle«
But the
A aoft laugh, full of tenderness and
“ K,dv. who only wlahea to lie man who read them In aliene# knew
give you nothing.'* the law yer aald |oy. c«m e from the girl a « she turned
llnw ..iff
Toll »aitili a girl and iinder«tuud
her eye« u p w a rd for the first tim e:
"* to really and deeply and tru ly
T h e letter from her h# held today
"AM right, gnardle. I'll confer w ith
" I 'll stand n r fall w ith I t
I make
w a « not an unsigned «heet of her diary
you on that occa sion"
P'"r» • l,r„w coni r i c i n i and he took I, w a . a d ire c t personal appeal, tendfef .-onimon raime w ith the people
t that
liu i
l divella
llc v k iia
I la
im i u r
n now
a t |aiwer
I "ini In tilw. atrnknl It trn d e rtr and and tieantlfnl In H » atO'-rrlty
She Img
forget the paat because,she chooses Imtgea. defies the mw hrthes
" '■*
heiiutlfiil linea as tln-v
gisl him In
c _
— »------, h*gt*lntnres and city councils and
" Î ,r " " ' '*«• A rm i» shaped w ris t
hla friendship and advlr*. and legUInm re*
A f te r a m an paaaca 50 he w o u ld
I the
n a » a ..
I» a g ^ a » SB
I m a ■>! n . t f e l h
Imagines that he rule* the nation But
founded arm and gracefully a»keil llint he conic to see her at one»
ra th e r goealp about w ickedness than
fi'vl last,
" ïh l*
» " » temptation «he of finança hala»
engage In It.
1 « wearing atrt|>*a In King Sing to
you've asked a bigger to break tha résolution by w hich ha
m orrow
A dca|a»ttsin of money can
i "" ,,,nn I can answar, dear.” he had lived for year"
B e lie v in g foolish Ilea la a lm o st aa
hot he fastened on the people of A m ar
» Iti «urinila accent
" ! ' » « been
Ila rosa and pnead th# room w ith
bad aa te llin g th em .
' rlM* la t.l» whether tha w orld
Livery, Feed and Sale Stables
Redmond, Prineville and Sisters
Pa*H«*nKer and KxpreHH Stage« Daily
Phone 1 ‘VIZ
..... T h e R e d m o n d ......
Variety Wood Work Shop
Alvlv K I N U H O P W O O D W O R K , F A N C Y o r R O C O H . Plana
a nd K atlm atea fu rn la h e d on a n y k ind of to w n o r (a rm
b u ild in g .
O e n e ra l R e p a ir W o r k . G ood Haw F ilin g .
J. H . R E D E R E R ,
H E R E ’S
Phone .502
G et in on T h is
Buildings put up on the commission basis and
guaranteed. See us for particulars.
Engineers and Architects
If you want to SELL your property
List it with
“That Man McCaffery”
He doesn't ask an exclusive right; he can sell it anyway
Lewiston, Idaho
1 VN
B e n d ...................................... $16.50
Redmond .............................. 15.80
Terrebonne .............’ ____
Culver ................................ 15.00
M etoliu s.............................
Madras . . . » ......................... 14.70
Tickets on sale Dec. 8 and 9.
Retuiti limit Dec. 15.
H. BAl’KOL, Agent, Redmond. Oregon.
(To be Continued)
S. D. FOX & CO.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars
Hotel Redmond Bar
1 Ì