GO TO Lynch & Roberts’ Store FOR Christmas Gifts THEY H A V E W H A T YOU W A N T Toys, Large and Small Dolls, Large and Small Doll Buggies, Large and Small Cut (dass, Various Sets Haviland China Dry Goods Specialties Fine Linens for Table Linen Handkerchiefs Initial Handkerchiefs Fancy Scarfs Everything for Christmas Gifts LYNCH & ROBERTS THE STOKE OF BETTER VALUES and LOWER PRICES ociety Directory iHIdrlo, l.llly »Ur, »old by Smith A Altlngham. It la Ihr HKST bit rigar In thr city 2tf I H«*1 iim >»«I (««dge N«« I l o , H I*. — W rit» to thr Socrrtary o f thr Red- I Wort» every Monday night In »in »» Hall Visiting K nights aro tuond I'oultry Show for a pranilum I 'lie.! Hat 2 212 \V J Buck lay. C P It K III».!. K Of II I H I.lve. energetic tiew»pa|ier can- A|>- alinomi laMlgr, I. II. O. K. No. 221 vaaarra call make good money. 33tf Morta «vary Thursday night la ply at Hpokeatuan office. N trriT K All reading matter, notice«, etc. for r n le ria lnmewta from w h lrli reve­ nue I» to tie derivili. H ill lie eliargrd regular ailvertUIng rate« In The Spoke« man. W t ■ hall V isiting hrothor» ara A classified ^rl!«||y Inviteli to »tlrllil tlralree work J. C. W illiam ». N. U. falls Everett Case, See IIU U U M II TIM E « kllO l«ln arrivo» from north 7 SO p in tain arriva« from s o u t h ,. 7 21a m II I I A t ' K l II.. A c r il i J. II. Ilanrr Abstract Co.. Inc. < <> plotr trart Iniloioa ami pho Mraphlc roplra o f t'rook fou nt)' vonla I'ou n ly map» and blur Rimini. Prinevllle, O regon. BUSINESS LCK’ALS you want purr milk or cream Ilion« Tlrhenor. No I l o . 4 «tf If You are Invited to attend the Red '"id Poultry Show and bring your |lr.|s 2212 l.owney'a rh orolatra will make a piirUimaa preaent that any lady P'uiM llkr At thr R edm ond Phar “»• y In I and 2 lt> bog««. 22tf S«dil Out ltu»lnr«a In terrsl— advertisem ent la a H Hanks has sold hla Interest in hunter, and seldom the Redm ond Dumber A Produce Co. ii> II II MeMteM« Mr Hanks Was The BEST bit rigar In the rtty I» the prim e m over In organisin g the above business, and during hla c o n ­ the Kl Sldrlo, l.llly »Itr. »old by nection with the Arm hla business Smith * Alllngham , 2tf ability wa* the m«*ana o f bringing In a g o o d line o f trade Thr Hrdtnond Poultry Association will hold a poultry «how at Kedmond Hewing S o lle t) Dine— Iirrem hor 18 to 21. 22l2 About 30 member* o f the Sage Brush Sewing Society met at the Her the now "K an t I«eak K leets" home o f C. K. M«*ad on T hanksgiv­ Gennaro R oofing; 1 ply and 2 ply ing day and had n Cnlon T h an ksgiv­ K. C . Immole 6tf ing dinner. The Redm ond Pharmacy has a Money to loan on Im proved freali line o f Uiwney a chocolates In farms. Wm. U. Phoenix. R ed­ mond. O regon. 4 9 lf I and 2 pound boxes , 22tf ltdurn«*«l From Portlam l— J. W. Brew er, president o f the Any person desiring to ««cu r « a Bunk o f Com m erce, w ho was In Port­ loan ou Ihetr real estate, farm ing land last w«>ek on business, returned lamia only, during thla m onth, at 8 home Friday evening. per cent Interest, write full Inform a­ tion o f land, liuprovementa. value M uvnl Into T im n — and the amount o f the loan dealred S. It. Snider and fam ily, who have Ito Howard W. Turner. Madras. Ore­ been living In the country for sever­ gon. 2211 al months, returned to the city last NOTICI* (¡rrgury'a Variety »lo re will give Iprrlal prlrra on moat everything In week to remain during the winter. Dissolution o f Partnership phrir »tore until N ovem ber 20th In V '1, r in make room for Holiday Nolle«« la heraby given that the H«-re Thanksgiving— Don't fall to Inveatlgair partnership heretofore existing be- J. A. N orw ood and w ife, form er 15t r t w«*«*n Q. \V Hess and Perry Reedy residents o f this city, w ere In R ed­ was, by mutual consent, d is s o lv e d 1 mond Thanksgiving day visiting and II you want fo keep poatod take on O ctober 28. 1912. Perry Reedy calling on friends Mr. N orw ood Is pho Spokeaman f l Ml n year. continuing the business and assum ­ now engaged In the general store ing all liabilities snd collecting all business at Culver. J ih ’. i a box o f l-ow ney's candy for accounts from the above date. (). W . IIKSS, Ihrlsiinas In | or 2 pound box«» Visited at U l i l l » » — Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Pheonlx and F 'he Redmond Pharm acy. 221 f 2H 3 PK RRY R E ED T W S. Rodm an w ere R edm ond vial- tors at Daldlaw Sunday. If you want to keep poste«! lake Nothing to Advertise— F*’" spokesman People are com ing to reallte that the »lore which haa nothing to ad­ Kl Sldelo. the BEST bit cigar lo vertise has nothing lo repay a shop­ r* Itad In Redm ond, can be bought per for their lim e In visiting It. Only the offer o f real values makes «tore *' Hnilth A A llln gh am 's 2tf advertising worth w hile for the Hawkers who en joy a good cigar store, or w«»rth the attention o f the w'll be able to find same In the Kl ad reader. f I.Ro a year. J. 1>. Butler Marries— J. D Butler, the druggist, and Miss Me«la N ichols o f M edford .Ore- gon, were m arried at the Presbyter- tun Mans e al P o r t l a m l on NOT. 2 7th They arrived In K edm ond last F ri­ day evening via auto from T «rr«- bonne and Mr. Itutler'a frien d » here form ed a "w ed d in g procession " and escorted the bride and groom to the R. C. Inim ele residence on east A street, where the Butlers w ill reside CIÏÏ ELECTION BRINGS OUT A LARGE VOTE silverw are the com ing h olidays will do well to aee the large and com plete stock that A lfred Munz carries. He has the only com plete line o f C om ­ m unity silverw are In the city. Do not buy any Inferior silverw are but Hervlre o f Song— go and see him and buy g ood goods The children o f the Presbyterian at fair pricea. J1 1 Sunday School are being trained for a service o f song and iiiualc for H ere on Business— At the city election held M onday. j Christmas. Champ Smith o f P rinevllle and D ecem ber 2, fo r m ayor, three cou n cil Harry M ontgom ery o f W illow Creek, men fo r tw o years, and one cou n cil­ w ere in R edm ond yesterday on busi­ man fo r one year, a large vote w as Ha« New ltc«lil«-n Mr. and Mra. Wm. F roe be have ness. cast, 268 being the num ber o f b a l­ moved Into the house recently o ccu ­ lots. The follow in g w ere elected: pied by J. H. M endenhall on north Deft fo r See It 1«-— Councllm en for 2-year term — C. N" J. H. M endenhall and w ife yester­ Ehret. R. C. ltnm ele. R. M cSherry. Sixth street. day left for Seattle w here they w ill Councilm an fo r 1-year term — W . make their fu tu re home. A lthough G. Phoenix. ■ »«■king at l a n d — Wm. R oderick o f North Y’ akima, leaving the city, Mr M endenhall has F ollow in g Is the vote fo r the d if­ was here last week lookin g at land great faith In the future o f R edm ond ferent can didates: weat o f the city with a view to locate F or M ayor— J. F. Hosch 248, J. C. M oved Into New House— In thla action. ; W illiam s 1. Roy A. Bush and fam ily this week F or Councllm en— m oved Into their new house on A W as H ere Kritlay— W . G. Phoenix 174. G. S. K earney, w ho has a good street between 8th snd 9th streets. C. N. Ehret 166. farm half way between this city and Mr. Bush’s house is one o f the at­ R ob ert M cSherry 135. Slaters, was in town trading with the tractive residences In the city. R. C. Im m ele 122. m erchants the latter part o f last M. A. Dynch 111. Stcreoptlcon l.e itu re — » c e l l. H. F. Jones 84. H. Rottm an. field secretary o f the F. G. Atkinson 1. V P. C K. l will give a stereopti- Visited at Sisters— D. E. Sm ith 1. lecture In the Presbyterian Frank W . McCafTery and Mrs. Mc- con The m em bers o f the city cou n cil A d­ Caffery were R edm ond visitors at church next Tuesday evening. for the follow in g year w ill be: Ehret. mission f r e e —a silver collection . Sisters last w eek. Bush. Phoenix. Anderson, M cSherry, Iteihnomt P eople at Hist Sisters H erald: l)r. R odem eyer and fam ily and J. K. Jensen and fam ily, o f R edm ond, w ere Thanks­ giving guests o f Mr. and Mrs. Claude Knapp. R eception f«>r Mrs. M endenhall— The local lod g e o f R ebekahs gave a reception Sunday aftern oon at the residence o f Mrs J. A. W llleox to Mrs. J. H. M endenhall, on e o f their m em bers, w ho left thla week for her new hom e In Seattle. Mew T ran sfer U n e— C. H Raggott has started a quirk delivery express and tran sfer line In the city, and a lr e a d y is getting his share o f the business. Mr. Baggott Is well known and liked by the busi­ ness men o f Redm ond Immele. Visitors D epart— Mrs. U. R. Smith and daughter. Miss lx>ra. o f Dincoln. Neb., w ho have been visiting with D. E. Sm ith and fam ily for several weeks, left last w eek fo r M edford. Ore. They expect to spend several weeks there Story I.eft lllll Out— and then go to C alifornia for the re­ In the story last week o f the R ed­ m ainder o f the w inter. m ond hunters w ho went to Pow ell Butte rabbit hunting, the. name o f Entertaine«l Friend«— W m . l.eavltt was unintentionally Mrs. L. D. Stephens and Mrs. T. E. om itted. " B i l l " was there with bells Simpson gave a Thanksgiving dinner on and shot hla share o f cotton tails. at the h om e o f Mr. and Mrs. Steph­ Dave Selling G roceries— Dave M iller Is now clerking in the Met W ith Serious A ccident— On Monday w hile R. K. O lson, a grocery departm ent at Dynch A Rob- carpenter, was w orkin g on the new erta’ big departm ent store. potato w arehouse, he had the m isfor­ tune to fall through the breaking o f Visited tliq C ou n t) Sent— C. H. Irvin, the fn rnlture man o f a beam, sustaining a painful Injury this city, made a business trip to o f three ribs being torn. Dr. Hosch attended him. and the local K P. P rinevllle Tuesday. lodge aided him with kind Service ------------- during Monday night at the hom e o f H»y G ood S llv ern ar buying Chaplain Ordway. A nyone w ho contem plate ens. h alf a m ile northwest o f the city to the follow in g frien d s: Mr. and Mrs. M ltchel, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mrs. l.em on, Mr. Fos«. Jam es Foss, W m . MeKwing, all o f T erre­ bon n e; Wm Grantham, New Y ork : Mr ami Mrs T K. Simpson, Mr. Foster and Clide W ortx o f Redm ond. Y ou are rarely able to flatter peo­ ple Into doing a good th in g, flattery seem s to be a friend o f the devil.