JJ Redmond Spokesman Published at the “Hub City” of Central Oregon ■ n | REDMOND, <'KOOK COUNTY. OREGON, THUIWDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1912 10 BE HELD DECEMBER 18-21 THE - Saturd ay Mr Green iif North thla city tier BN •’ »IH r l r m r . i l » poultry mul l « . . m i l . gave an Ihtereatlng ■i nil«« ^ talk .if ( !.. t>. I h r i n r M t F... r a H r . I n , . . . ,| I ’.. i »Hun. •( the Com m ercia l Club I »l>i>kr |i OH ruca. $ poultry hollara. M»raora III.a to (r«<| lira destroying Irll a Bi n ) 1 a > I n « ami o lh e r Important poultry kina rr hla ilila Poultry |r«« a.tilrroa the hail Ao oor l o t i o n lu a a lln l lit matters llml BII.I d l « u a e r d pertaining to I i. b In. the » I H I | Il I ICICI MAN INTKHKMTM ICI H III.M i All Indication* point to a very auc- I I* T ill- : M. k k n / i k .ro aful ah o n Madraa. Mrtollue.Cul- V \ IrliK Y ver and llend fancier* will bring their heat hlrda to ronipete for the numeroua prlrra given to wlnnrra Crlnevllle, with their fine dlaplay. II.ou.lut ion I lirai Autliorlrra tlir and I'owell II.itte, loildlaia and Hla- tera will alal c h i l d r e n * ■ .-a* In p l a t e thlo I .. h r h In. I t h r Imluatrlal I I r » a aa .lotir r "..| l I • rontrat ...illl'lra ..' Ihla year, ... . . ■ »»a it dona in ovary rounty In »tatv n o t yaar N Marla. flrln ralo« enough poultry anil I to i.ffart I hr e n tire root of th * |> •< »trill of th r atalr. la th r lila $1.50 PER YEAH In an opinion rendered recently • MtOTMJT General Crawford hold* that If a city council declin e* to Is- Htte licensee to ealoon men when they are e ntitled to them under the law. mandam us proceeding* may be Insti­ tuted against the council and prose­ cuted with success. T h e opinion was rendered In re ­ sponse to a request made by E. E. Hleakntan of H ardman, and It la con­ sidered of Importance In that It puts a damper on the hopes of the dry e l­ em ent In various towns which, with the women's vote, had planned to m ake those towns dry by e lecting rounctlmen opposed to saloons, who would declin e to Issue licenses. n ie a k m a n represented to the At­ torney General that H ardm an had voted wet under the Home Rule am endm ent, and that It was the de­ sire o f the dry e lem e n t to m ake It dry by e lecting a dry council, which would declin e to tsaue saloon lice n ­ ses, and he desired to know If It would be legal. T h e Attorney G e n ­ eral holda that It would not. and cites a Suprem e Court decision, hold­ ing that In such cases saloon men could Institute m andam us proceed­ ings against the council and compel It to Issue the licenses In question. Front an cient tim es riot and re­ form have a lter n ate d , the riotin g a l ­ ways lasting longer than the reform . T h e cou nty superintend ent of this county will hold the re g u lar e xam in ­ ation for applican ts for s ta te and county (tapers at the court house In Prtneville, as follows: F o r S t a t e Papers, com m encing on Wednesday. Dec. 1 8th . at 9 o'clo ck, a. m . and con tin uing until S a t u r ­ day. Dec. 31, at 4 p. m. Wednesday forenoon— W ritin g U. S. History. Physiology. Wednesday afterno o n — Physical Geography. Readin g, Composition, Methods In Reading, Methods In A ri­ thmetic. T hu rsday forenoon — A rithmetic. H istory of E d u catio n . Methods in Geography. Psvcology. T h u rsd ay a fte rn o o n — G eography G r a m m a r, A m erican L ite ra tu re , Physics. Methods In L angu age, T h e ­ sis fo r P rim a ry Certificate. F r id a y forenoon — T h e o ry and P ra ctic e , O rthography, E n g lish L it ­ eratu re . F r id ay a fterno o n — S ch ool I.aw. Bota ny. Alg rebra, Civil Gov’t. Satu rd ay fo re n o o n — Geology. Ge­ ometry . Satu rd ay a fte rn o o n — G e n eral Hls- ( Continued on last page) Your Holiday Shopping Will not be complete unless you call at our store and look at the large number of useful 0 and acceptable presents we have to offer you. You will consult your own interests by not buying any presents until you have looked our stock over. We especially call your at­ tention to our line of candies, for we are Headquarters for Christmas Candies S H E R W O O D -C O U R T R IG H T (Successor to J. H. Mendenhall)