T H K RICHMOND HIMKKHMAN PAOK K IO H T If ihla rule la h>lk>wed milk flavo» la o »l llkaly l«> occur Hym plom a f k a w .!«**ek*p fr»*m f»»ir in thirty »lx hoar* a fivr calving H u m l nation *-«*aa«*». »ltd«Ian ilecreus«* In uillk flow, ilultucss of lha oyes, unataody g ill stamping with tbe him! I«-*» at length falls helpless to lha ground turn* haml lo *"W »Ida an«l a* a# ,-|,*a»* or lias flsl w ith e ilralnltlea vxlendeit I U mattl II Is ummlty a fatal m l» taka to doaa for milk fever In msny casas lha muscle» of Ilia lhr«*»t are paral» wsl an«l lha «s«w. having no power It* awalh'w lha medicine given g>»-» Inin the lungs sin! *>ftan r u n * « Buffalo Skylark A m death N oUtaift Bull T h e lrealm«*nt giving prompt relief In tin* severe»! »-a»«'» ami o n « t«» he re Iks) ou la filling lha odder w ltb pura o n gen or w ith common air hy meaua of a hu-ycle pum p or a rubl«*r Iwrlb avrtuge an«! a common milk syphon or similar t i l l » I'a m p lha inhler aa full a* possible and pnl a ru W a r hand By L A U R A R O S F , arouml the teata. or tie w ith la p « to DmnooiOatiif l^airvtug k«*ap In the air Massage the u ,l,l«r so al (h r A Hitano A g m u itu t aJ A oi- as to forre the air to all part* It may legc. G u rlj'h . Canada. lw> necees*r r to repeat lha Inflation T b la treatment usuallv vfTect« a ears In a few hours* Is* not give any mad (A'opjrHaht. IIU . by A C K c O u r , A Co | trina. I IK S are a (ertlble l«>rmeut al Mam mitis — Cakad Uddae— Inflamma tlm ra am i ha»«* much to d«> t.an af udder— OacgaA w ith ib « le— enlng of th«* m ill Hymploma t ’ atially at flrat the milk flow T b a i n * « ar* *o » orrtisl an«l k»i>( •» busy llghilng |b« HI«» la watery and aonieilmea «llavolonsl that lb«*y l**«e uiu.-li of I he d m « tliaj frith hk»«»l and may rontatu rk«tta>! curdy matter, and tba |>art affected la *ti«>uld be fr,-«lUig. and It U lb* lr »»m l starved co n d itio « (bat largely r i M M •w«t|l«n and p a infu l In w*«erw rases tha row w ill have a chill, amt the lha s h rin k »* » In flaeli am! m il l Houiethlug #h«*ul«l ba J » n a lo rkl iba Hint*, ear* ami horns barome cold then favar w ill follow and tba «nl*!er ro w » of (hta By |wal. Tha T b a fo llo w ’ :»* u ilitu ra ha* law « become« hot. awollan and hart! found aa affts-tlve am! laa» a ip ru a lra milk flow tlacrsaaea or st” i*a Th e cow than m auy o f tba fly r* m »d l»a on tba « e l» hut Itttla ami d**es not rbaw her cud. w a r t at: Treatm ent O lv « oxygen treatment A>ua gallon of B«h or n a l oil or old grvaa* o f any kind, on* plot of .» a l «*11 aa «1 earrtbe«l for milk fever am! a g.»*1 I f (he rnkler reuiklns (k rro a rn n and tw»> ounces »four labia- d**ae of aalta hard rub well w ith g*»*se grease *»c *l*»vonfula> of .-ru d « cnrboll«- a. Id M ix wall togvther am! a|>ply with a a m i horaiad o il When tba entire ud ler la rak«*d take a plise -I heavy cloth or spray lo all (»arts »le a p « lha n d ilrr A lw a y s i>ul II on aftar m ilking Cloth am! put It uniter the udder, n u t to avoid th* »troiut od**r getting Into Ing Incisions for the teat», ami fasten It on lop. placing a (ra w or a i*a«l on (h r m ilk. In d ry weather oua apptb-a tlon a w ork Is usually »iirtl-tenl If the hack ao aa n «t to chafe the cow (ba r o w » ara out lu a h «a * y rain It will T h is relieve« tha udder by easing (ha ba u .»-»»* a ry to go over tb rm again. weight Another fly raturdy la tan p a rt« of Faa 1 « ’ «reed Uddee. lard or o tb rr grease to ona part of p in « H u b well after m ilking w ith tlalmenl tar. M ix wall and apply w ith a bru»b made from four min**» sweet oil. four o r cloth onca o r tw lra a weak to tba ounce» laudanum , three o u t » « » of ax parts most attack.*! T h is la aplandld tract of t*ella«!onna aa a relief from the horti fly. •tuny ar Ropy M*lk (N a t a 0 *••••- I f (ba flies make tba ro w * raatleaa M ilk which Is* mua* stringy slimy d u rin g m llktn* so that they w ill not aland, a cod on blanket th ro w n o »«r or ropy after standing awblla la n**t them at that d m « la a *raal help. due to tba r o w i condition, but U caused hy a larga num ber of bacteria Heap th « Stabla D ark. w hich daveiop I d ibe milk and «hange It Is a * » - I plan to ilarken tba ala bla d u rin g the day and to hava the w indow s acreenad. T o prorant tba fllea (bat are on the r o w « from ( u l i i i Into tba atabla w ltb them arrange aoma ev»rgr«*«n b o w l brush, brooms or aacklug at tba en trance Aa the row * paaa through thla m any flies are bru»h>*J off and rem alu oulalda T h * housefly ha» a lw a ys baau a trou­ blesome nuisance. but Uow It la looked u|»>n aa a »a ry potent agent In sprra«!- Ing aurb dang«*r*>u» d!»eaaea aa (ypbob! ferer. rholara In fa n tu m , aum m er rom plaint, etc I f a cow abow* aym ptoitu o f being III do not delay doing aotnriblug for her Begin at onca to rb«*’k th* Iron ble. E v e ry d a iry stable should have In It a medicine cheat or ahelf provided with such drugs aa are «’om roonly used In raac* of alekne*« am ong the atilinala A short Hat I* given below Each hot tie or package should he distinctly la tieled and the supply renew «.! as soon aa exhaust*«! H plrlt« o f turpebflne, ra w linseed oil. sulph ur. aa!t|>eter. car bollc acid, nux voinlea. epaom aalta. ground ginger, va aline cam phors!«*! oil. laudanum . I«»ru' lc add. T h e re should be on hand a common bicycle pum p, a few feet of ruhlier P h o to by <*r»gofi A g r la u ltu r a l r g ||« |* hose and a m ilk siphon or »ub* to In­ « « T > 'H m v i . i - s aamr ra g sert In the teat. Im m erse tb* tul># In * c l x a m s n a * « a n sp i u n i t aaaiTaav. boiling w ater to disinfect It and oil be tba m ilk augar Into a slim y or ropy fore gently lna«*r«lng It Into tb* teal mass T h e taK-teria usually come from opening. dust or bad w atar and g«*t Into the H e w t* K sam ine a •¡ok Cew . uillk at m ilking tim e or a fte rw a rd F irst, take the t#ni|*er«tura of the Th o ro u g h ly clean and dlalnfact (he anim al by placing a self registering stabla and a. aid all m ilk palla, strain v«werInary fever therm om eter In Ibe era, caua. ate. rectum , a llow in g It to rem ain there L u m p « In Teata. fr«»m t h r w to five mluute* T h e nor I f the lum p or tutnor be near tha mal tetniw rafure of a ro w la from 1*H to 100 «h-gree* K.. hut In * in w cowa point or h a lfw a y U|> Ilia lain a vet. m ay t>* higher. It la usually so In e iiiiu rU n may operala «tu-ceawfully; otherw ise It la w ell to l***f the cow. yo u n g animals. Second, take tb* pulse, w hich can b* a* she w ill not Im prove and her off­ found at the angle of th# low er Jaw spring m ay ba sim ila rly affis-ted bone T h e norm al lieat of a co w ’s C aw pa a. pulse Is from fifty to sixty per minute H y m p lo m a — T e a ls vary sore, brenk T h ir d , count the respiration« of the out In pimple* and form arahby sores anim al or num lier o f tim e« If breath#« A troublesome contagious disease, and by w a tch in g the aide* o f the flunk» or the ro w should Is* lsolatwl by pressing y o u r ear to her side T h e A m ilker ra n inka It from one cow norm al respiration o f a cow la from 10 another on his hand* or clothes. fifteen to tw e n ty |>er m inute Uerinsly.— D reaa the -ore* three time* I f the tem perature, pulse o r resplra a day w ith nn ointm ent mud«* hy m ix tlon Is found to v a ry much from the Ing four drama boraeir acid, tw enty norm al, p m w ill know th* anim al Is drop* o f carbolic a d d . w ltb tw o ounrea ailing D u ll, glaxy eyes: cold ears; d ry. of vaseline hot nose; harsh, rum ple«! coat; lack of I f Ibe teats ara very sore It m ay tie appetite, n im lim fio n ceased and and well to use a tent siphon to 4yaw the den shrinkage o f m ilk are o u tw a rd In m ilk. db-atlona that som ething la w rong w ith Diarrhea or Scour* In Calvea. the cow. Cause Overfeeding, amlden change» M ilk from sick cowa la unwholesome In feed, filthy, wet stalls. d irty feed and In «rime cases poaltlvely danger palls, etc. ona Tre a tm e n t— A cup o f strong black Hick anim ats should !>* removed front lea la said In ha good. Others give the herd, and es(a«-1«My If there Is* from one to tw o ounces of castor oil any suspicion of a contagions disease and one tena|monfnl of laudanum . P artu rient A pep lasy— C em m only C a ll­ Keed new milk and keep eve ryth ing ed M ilk Paver. c|«*an. K nu r o r live hours after the ra n * * .— M ilk in g the cow out too 011 Is given s leaspoonfnl of a m ix th oro ugh ly after calving Better not In re of one part saint and tw o parta to d ra w any m ilk »he first tw e n ty -fo u r siilinltrsle o f bism uth m ay Is* given hi botira. hut Just leave the calf w ith the hnlf a pint o f m ilk or the pow der ro w . If fo r any reason It la not dealr placed on the tongue and washed A simple able to leave the calf w ith her draw dow n w ltb a little m ilk only a little m ilk at frequent Intervale remedy la to add In the milk one flfth the drat three days If trouble be fear •f Its bulk o f lima watar. T H I IIHD a t , no » , Farm Dairying: To the Farmers I want all the Beef. 1'ork and Mutton cattle you can bring in. I am prepared to handle this class of business at my market and will pay the highest market prices for ginxl stock. If you have anything to sell in the above line come in and see me. I had rather pay the money here for cattle than to send 't away to outside markets. BRING IN YOl’R LIVE STOCK. Redmond M arket J. B. ROE. Proprietor Central Oregon Garage Presto-Lite Gas Tanks —NOW HAS— STYLE B. $25.00 EXCHANGE, $2.75 CLEAN GAS, NO CLOGGED PIPES AS WITH CAR- BITE GENERATORS. TURN ON THE GAS WITH A KEY AND PRESTO- LITE. CLEAN GAS. ALSO GASOLINE. SUNDRIES. DIAMOND TIRES. HESS & REEDY, Prop’rs. phone -at A. E. WYATT’S Pool and Billiard Hall The most complete place of its kind in Central Oregon. Every attention for the comfort of our patrons. FINE LINE OF CIGARS, TOBACCOS. ETC. BUCKLEY EXPRESS CO. The Old Reliable Stage Line Redmond to Prineville Daily Passengers and Express DRAYING AND HEAVY HAULING Furniture See me before you place your furniture orders. I have a complete stock C. H. IRVIN, Furniture & Undertaking XVII.—Cow Diseases. First Article. ami Iniuiri In F y«ur |Mirw igpk. ^ ton will I h . ilttn* ml«*rests by buying « y lU ng.\ for t h«*y ,,n hy mf>We»r for boxes, etc. Hama will p* r* * "1'* » reasonable. f jir g e q u a n ilt u , „ .i^ at a discou n t. It you Th a Hpoki