The Redmond Spokesman Published at the “ Huh City” of Central Oregon VOL 3. No. 13 THE REDMOND IMITATO AND PAIR OCT. 11-12 REDMOND, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY. OCTOBKR 3. 1012 On« mor« weak anil tha Htrnml Annual lt«« on In full lilaat Th« various roininlli««a for lh« Hhow ha«« work««! dllllgantly lo mail« lh« how ihla y«ar a wlnnar, h a«« of llrrfil auhalanllal prlsaa for all klmta .f «ihlblta. anil II la aip*M-t«d that h« whol« aurroumllna country will nlaf lh« b«at aaiupl«« of (r ain ami laaaa* and root rropa they ha«« rh« K W lH H ull« arrllun will tin • >ubl«dl« a«nd In a airona Una of thlhlla lo entúpala for prltaa. and th«r aaeitona will alan ba hara with hair baal products Tbara will It« lenty of apace for all «(b ib lia lhal aa« ba brought In ll la urgad tip it «ihlbltura lh al they bring thalr ihlblta In «arljr lo a«nld lha ruah r Incident lo lh « opanlng day of an «««n t of thla kind g l AI.IKM On lh « dalaa of lh a Hhow a farm ara In alllu le will ba bald In lha eve I UK nluga October I lilt and 12th Tba Inatltutaa w ill rondurled by profee- anra from lh a A gricultural College, ami prnfnaaora from lha a* III a college w ill art a a Judgaa al lha Hhow and d A aw ard lha pramluma Kra« band ronrarta will ba glran t'o un ly Judge, aa« h evening of lha allow, and *l«l- lora to lha r lly w ill It« «n larlaln ad In lha fraa. open h aarlad manner for which lha Itadmond paopla ara fa tnoua I'ounly Judge, llam am bar lha dalaa. l>rlob«r 11 and 12. and coma lo Redmond and being a capable aa«« lha baal «ahlblt of polalnaa and olhar farm prtidurla lh al ran ba pro durad in Central Oregon 11.50 PER YEAR BE SAFE ATMiNH I-(III BE SURE (IKKII’K It is b e t t e r to cen t and K N O W haa an >f and la the buelneee man get 4 per W h e n in th e n c o m e to th e o ffic e r s o f e y is s a fe , th a n to in v e s t in th is B a n k w h o w ill b e g la d s o m e o il, m in in g o r t o w n s ite to a d v is e y o u r e g a r d in g a n y s c h e m e th a t p r o m is e s m u c h , in v e s tm e n t y o u m a y c o n te m ­ a n d u s u a lly t a k e s y o u r p rin - p la te . O ne B e su re y o u r d o lla r s t a r t s a n ac- b e s a fe . c o u n t h e re . a h e s ita te ; y o u r m on- c ip a l. " - d o u b t, m o n e y w ill W e p a y 4 p e r c e n t, - - t h e s a fe r a te . B. 4 CARS SHEEP SHIPPED OUT large ahlpinanla ara r i p e r teil lo fol­ low In a f«w daya Th« lladinond ro rrala ara lha moat m n ran lan t of any on Ilia Una of lha railroad« In Ihla part of lha a la i«. or lha en tlr« «action of ('a n ­ tral dragon They a r« aeparatlng ro rrala and «a«a the aheap uien run ■Idarable lim e In aeparatlng (hair ahaap for loading for m arket and alao In alao nil« an adm lnlatralion of Ihe «(Taira (he office that w ill be aattsfactor] the moet « la d in g The office of County Judge quires a good, capable buelneee r and law yer, and U A MrKarlam the man who ran fill (he bill liMIIMI HIM U M V K IilK IT H m i 1 ' I r r i g a t i o n I o .— Al Ihe prim ary election Mr Kirk W hllad had a warrant « e r r ­ h k iv u m t in ii C U IU M U ed on him (hla weak charging him P arian « received IPS volaa out tw llh m isappropriation of w at»r be­ Ki>H HHII*l*KHn longing lo the Central dragon Irri­ gation Co The raae waa triad In a luatlre court and Mr W hllad won aaaerllona lo the contrary out Deputy District Attornty W in «landing fourteen «a r loada of ahaap w«ra proaerulad lha «aa« and Mr W’hlled lip pad from Iba parda hara Tuan Kothlwg lo Advertía««— acted aa allo rn ay In hla own behalf lo lha t'nlon Maal f*o of P o n ­ ti Th« ah««p w ar« anld by N We l aw Help Vow Hall— lllamann of P rln ««llla , and all of t'a u ally when you buy eomelhlng m w »ra d rl«an In hara from lha new for the home or office lha Irene i«rn pari of lha m u n ly Thla la action leaves you with aom alhlng to Krai larga shipment of ab««p out aall eomethlng etill valuable to advartlalng worth w hile for hrra tinea lh a corrala war« bulli somebody The Mpokeaman'e "For ad reader. Inlng lha r lly on lha «aa! f>lh«r Hale" ads w ill aerve you SECOND ANNUAL edmond Potato Show and Fair Redmond U. S. Bank of Commerce DEPOSITORY • d ► - n r i d - j C ap ital F u lly P aid S u rp lu s an d P r o fits .... ..................... $25,000.00 ..................... 3,000.00 r n L p J. W . B R E W E R , P resid en t G U Y E. D O BSO N , V ice-P resid en t G. M. SLOCUM , C ashier I ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUICIDE POWELL BUTTE TO BE HELD AT REDMOND, ORE. RIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 11-12 iberal Premiums will be given on Potatoes and all kinds of Farm Products Competition open to any person in Crook County HKDMOND NCHOOLM SHOW A DK- HHKKP HKRDKK T.AKKM H I 8 U R LOADKD GRAIN WAGON ON WAT CIDK» (IAIN OVRR I .AST The altan dan ca al the Redmond arhoola at Ihe clone of Ihe month of Septem ber ahowed an enrollm ent of 171 puplla aa agalnat 148 for (he flrat month of the fall term last year and more are expected to enter the arhoola the present month Prof. Thompson, the principal, la well pleaaed with the showing thus far made and alao with the good work the various teacher* are doing, lie looks forward to a successful and aatlarylng school year In a ll the de­ part roenta. SPARKS THEATER TO OPEN ABOUT TOTH INIr HOI SK IJtst T hursday afternoon Thomas R lnquttte. better known around here as "F ren ch y.” died In a room at the Redmond G rill from the effects of drinking two ounces of carbolic acid. Mr. M urray, proprietor of the G rill, discovered the m an’a condition In early afternoon and called In a phy­ sician. but the effect of the drug had taken too strong a hold on the m an’s system and It waa Impossible to save his life. The man had been drinking and It la thought the suicide was pre­ m editated as the carbolic acid waa bought at Slaters some tim e before the man cam e here. R lnquette waa pretty well known In th is section. He had recently been herding sheep for the Black Butte Co. As far as known he had no relatives in this part of the state fully equipped with a ll the latest ac- MOV I Nil IMITI KK HOI'HK i-eaaorlea that can be had An en­ SOON HK RKAItV KOK gine and dynamo w ill furnish good THK 1‘IBI.IC light for the pictures aad patrons of the house w ill And that th eir con­ venience has been consulted In ev­ A stage has been The building on 8th street that la ery p articular. being rem odeled for Mra. S p ark »’ built In the rear of the place to ac­ moving picture house and th eater ta commodate show companies. fast nearing completion, and w ill be Redmond w ill soon have one of ready for the opening next week the beet moving picture houses In about the 10th. The houee w ill be C entral Oregon. N KW Premium list send to A. J. HANEY, Sec. Redmond Commercial Club YKAR HKKK IN A ROOM- TO BKND BI NS OVKK CHAS. OKAVKS Powell B utte. Oct. 2. (S p ecial.) — W hile on hla way to Bend Tuesday m orning Chas. Graves was run over and alm ost in stan tly killed by a w ag­ on loaded with wheat which he was takin g to Bend to sell for Lee Hobbs The team belonged to Mr. Hobbs and were a p air of m ules, and it la (hot when they started running the load slipped, causing Mr. Graves to lose his balance and in some m anner to fall beneath the h eavily loaded w ag­ on. Oeo. Hobbs, who was also ta k ­ ing wheat to Bend, and was only a short distance behind the unfortu­ nate man. aaya be heard the rum ble of the wagon aa tho the mulee were running, but thought nothing more of It un til he cam e upon sacks of grain by the road aide Thinking some accident m ight h are occurred. Mr. Hobbs hitched hla horses and started on foot In pursuit of the run­ ning team . Passing around a curve In the road he waa confronted by (he body of Mr. Graves lyin g Just aa (he heavy wagon had passed over It. The body was taken to Powell Butte Station by order of the coroner, and waa held there until afternoon when It was taken to Prtnevtlle by the Lip- man U ndertaking people to be pre­ pared for b urial. Continued on Page 3