The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, August 15, 1912, Image 1

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Published at the “ Hub City” of Central Oregon
v o i* a
No. <;
Moiulny niirht. A uriis I 12th,
Horn«' person o r | hth «» iii « linikc in­
to The S|M>k<-hinun office uml
Umprrwl with th<* l.inntype
th«' machine with which the tyjH*
for The S|M>keMiimn i* set.
The Linotype wan put out of
cnntmiMion. uml the nows tout
ter in the |m|ter thin week in nee-
»■»o««rily curtailed.
An ex|*ort machinist has G-en
sent for uml it i t expecte«| th«’
machine will I h > runnintt in a du>
«>r two.
O iilln a toe
N ii . 'iu
An ordinance ta rontrart an Indrbt
t-ilnvaa un behalf ut Ih» rlty
llrttninntl. Oregon. and upon ili»
credit thereof, by laaulnc I hr nr
¿■■liable roupon banda ut thr city
In Ihr a c t m a l « aiuminl at r l(h t
thouaand dallara |(X,ooo|, fur
purpose o f acquiring water­
works far tlrr and domratlr pur
(Mirra, prescribing thr farm at raid
honda. and providing for thr levy
o f tair a to pay the principal there
o f and tbr Interrai thereon
Whrrraa. under the provisions of
the charter of thr rlty o f Itrdmond.
Oregon, the romtuon rounrll la au
Ih orlied lo contrari an Indrbtednraa
on behalf of Ihr rlty and upon the
credit thereof by laaulng the negoti­
able bonda of the rlty, for the pur
poor o f acquiring water worka fur
llrr and domratlr
purpoara. In an
amount nut exceeding Ihr aggregate
amount o f thirty flvr thouauud dol
lara I | rt&.lino I , and
Whrrraa, thr com m on rounrll of
aald rlty of Krdmond haa found and
dura hrrrby find and tlrrlarr that
thr hraltli and aafrty o f Ihr illy of
Itrdmond and thr Inhahtlanta thrrr
of demand thr Immrdlatr construe
Hon of a ayalnii of water aorka for
rr and domratlr purpoara, thr aaflir
o lie owned and operated by thr
|lty. and.
Whrrraa. the t Ity of Itrdmond
dora uot have and will not receive
from the prut reda of thr laaue of
twenty seven
thouaand dollara (1ST.0001, author-
lied November 7th. 1011, adequate
and sufficient funda with whlrh
|iay for thr ronatrurtlon nr Inatalla
lion of aui h ayatrm of r a t e r worka.
and therefore
haa found and dura
find and derlarn that It la
liri eaaary for the rlty to laaue Ita nr
tolla b le roupoti water bonda In the
additional aggregate
amount of
rlaht thouaand dollara t|X,0UM| for
the p u r|M iae o f acquiring aurb ayatrm
of water worka
Now therefore be It ordained by
the roiumon rounrll o f thr rlty of
Her i ion I
Thai a ayatem o f wa
ter worka for lire and domratlr pur
(Mirra tie ronat rutted
and arqulred
by thr common rounrll o f the rlty of
o f aurb rapacity, clien t
and magnitude aa to aald rounrll
may armi nrreoaary for the nreda iff
Inhabltanta of aald rlty, aald
system ta I ■ owned, managed and
o|>rralrtl by tbr rlty
Section 3
That aultablr and her
r««ary ground, rlghta o f way. water,
water rlghta, machinery and appll-
anrea. be acqulr.-d by aald rlty by
purchase, donation, rondemnatlou.or
utherwlae. for the proper conatrur-
tlon. operation and maintenance of
the aald ayatrm of water worka
Section 3
That there be laaued
the negotiable coupon bonda of the
• Ity ln Ihe agg reg alr amount o f
elght thouaand dollara I (X.000 I, for
the purpuro o f arqulrlng watrrwnrka
for tire and domeatlr purpoaea. aald
honda to hear date thr ftrat day of
Augual, A I ) , l k l Z . and to maturo
aa followa
«tur thouaand dollara 1 (1 ,0 00 1)0)
ten t l O l yeara aftrr dale,
Une thouaand dollara i(I.OOSOO)
eleven l i l i yerra aftrr date.
One thouaand dollara <11,000 001
twelvr ( 1 3 ) yeara after date:
One thouaand dollara i f l . u o u o o i
thlrteen «13y yeara after date.
One thouaand dollara <11.000 00 )
fourleen l i l i yeara aftrr date,
One thouaand dollara 111,000.00)
flfteen < 1 & I yeara after date.
One thouaand dollara 1 ( 1.000 00)
alateen 1 1 <1 1 yeara after date;
One thouaand dollara 1(1,0 00 00)
arventeen < 17 ) yeara after date
Sald bonda to ronalat o f elght IX I
honda ln ihe denomlnailon o f
thouaand dollara t ( l . o o o o O ) eacb,
nutubered ronaerutlvely from one
11) to elght IX) , both numhera ln-
rlualve, and to be payable aa afore-
aald ln thr or d rr of thrlr number. to
w II
llond numbered one l l l , ten 1 1 0 )
yeara after date.
llond numbered two <2>. eleven
l 11 l yeara after date.
llond numbered thrre <3l , twelve
t I Z l yeara after date:
llond numbered four 14) , thlrteen
• 13) yeara after date,
llond numbered tlve t S) . fourleen
114 1 yeara after date.
llond numbered alx |4). flfteen
« 1 & I yeara after date:
llond numbert-d aeren ( 7 ) . alxteen
t 1X1 yeara after date:
llond numbered elght IX) , aeven-
leen ( 17) yeara after date.
Iloth the principal and Intereat to
lie payable at the olllre o f the City
treaaurer ln Hedmond. Oregon, or at
the National l'ark llank, the floral
•Igenry of tlie otate o f Oregon. ln the
rlty of New York, I' S A . or ln the
event of the dlarotitlnuanre o f aurb
Floral Agency, then at the banking
houae of K ountie llrothera In aald
I'lty and State o f New York, at Ihe
option of the holder
Said bonda to
bear Inlereat at the rate o f aeven per
centum (7 per centum ) per annum,
aeml annually on the flrat
day o f February and the flrat day of
Auguat In each year, aud aald Inter­
eat to be repreaented by aeml annual
Intereat roupona attached to each of
aald bonda. each coupon repreaent-
Ing a half yearly payment o f the Int-
ereat on the bond to whlrh It la at­
tached. aald bonda to tie atgned by
the mayor, atteated by the recorder,
and rounteralgned by the treaaurer,
aud to bear the weal o f the rlty and
the couporia thereto attached to bear
the original or engraved
algnature of the rlty treaaurer
Section 4
the aald bonda
and roupona be In aubatantlally the
following form, to-wlt
I Form o f Itond)
I'nlted Statea o f America
State o f Oregon
County of Crook
(Tty of Itedmond
N o ............
(1 .0 0 0 .0 0
The city of Hedmond. In the co u n ­
ty of Crook and State of Oregon, for
value received, hereby arknowledgea
Itaelf to be Indebted
promises to pay to bearer the aum
of one thouaand
dollara In lawful
money of the I'nlted Statea of A m er­
ica. on the flrat day of Auguat. A. I)
10............... with Intereat thereon at
the rate o f aeven per centum per an­
num. payable semi-annually on the
flrat day o f February and the flrat
day of Auguat In each year, upon the
presentation and surrender of
bond and the annexed coupons aa
they severally
become due,
principal and Intereat being payable
at the office of the city treaaurer In
Itedmond. Oregon, or at the National
I'ark llank. the fiscal agency o f the
Slate o f Oregon. In the city o f New
York. C. S A . or In the event o f the
discontinuance o f such fiscal agency,
at the banking
houae of
Redmond, Saturday, August 17, 1912
p R o G R A M
2:00 I*. M.
Inspection o f the Demonstration Farm,
One mile north of Redmond.
5:00 I’. M.
Concert by the Redmond Concert Bund
at Demonstration Farm.
7:00 1’. M.
Inspection of Office and Laboratory
over Bank of Commerce.
8:00 P. M.
Auspices Fanner’s Union
Five Minute Speeches by Local Notables.
"Dispositionof Farm Crops” ,
By Dr. James Withycombe.
Director o f State Kx|>eriment Stationa.
"Crop Rotation and Soil Fertility” ,
By Prof. H. IX Scuihler,
Agronomist, State Experiment Stationa.
"Agricultural Extension W o rk ” ,
Dr. W. •! Kerr.
I're»i«lent Oregon Agricultural College.
Guides will lie on band at the Demonstration Farm all day
to show visitors over (Jie farm and explain the demonstrations
and experiment*.
Visitors are requested to register their names in the
register at the Demonstration Farm.
$1.50 PER YEAR
O.-R. & N.
Train leaves Redmond 7:15 a. m., arriving Portland
Union Depot 5:30 p. m. Returning leaves Portland 7:50
a. m., or 10:00 a. m., arriving Redmond 7:30 p. m.
For particulars apply to
H. B A l’ KOL, Agent, Redmond, Oregon.
A cool, delightful Summer Resort on the shore o f the
Pacific Ocean.
Only a few pleasant hours down the Columbia from
Reached via O-YV. R. & N. Steamers. T. J. POTTER
out of Portland at 10:30 p. m„ or THE HASSALO 8 a. m
Kounfze Hrofhers In said city and
State o f New York, at the option o f
the holder.
This bond la laaued for the pur-
pose o f acquiring water works for
Are and domestic purposes by virtue
o f and In full conform ity with the
constitution and laws o f the State o f
Oregon, the charter o f the city o f
Redmond. and an ordinance o f said
city, duly adopted and made a law
thereof prior to the issue o f this
bond, and It Is hereby certified that
all requirements of law have been
fully complied with by the proper of-
fleers o f said city In the laaulng o f
this bond, and that the total debt o f
aald city. Including that o f this bond
does not exceed any limit of indebt-
ednesa prescribed by the constitution
or laws o f the State o f Oregon, or
the charter and ordinances o f the
city o f Redmond, and that provision
has been made In full c on form ity
with law for the levy and collection
of an annual tax sufficient to pay the
Intereat onthls bond and also the
principal thereof as they become
The faith and credit o f the city o f
Redmond are hereby pledged for the
punctual payment o f the principal
and Interest o f this bond
In testimony
whereof the com -
mon council o f the city o f Redmond
has caused this bond to be signed by
the mayor o f said city, attested by
the recorder
thereof, and counter-
signed by the city treasurer, and the
seal o f said city affixed, as o f the first
day o f August. A. D. 1 (1 3 .
aald city or any o f Ita ofllcers or em-
ployeea o f any o f the funds derived
from the sale thereof.
Section 4.
When the city shall
have com pleted the construction o f
such water works, that the same be
operated and managed by the city,
and all water taxes, rates, and rents
for water furnished and used there-
from, be directly collected
by the
city In such manner aa shall be pro-
vided by ordinance or resolution, and
the proceeds of aald taxes, rates and
together with all
therefrom. Including the plumbin g
a nd tapping o f mains and laying and
connecting supply pipes thereto, be
used to defray the running expenses
o f such water works and to keep the
same in repair; and the balance o f
said Income from said water worka
shall constitute a fund to pay th*
principal and Interest o f said bonda:
and after the construction o f aald
water works, the tapping o f mains
thereof for the purpose o f attaching
supply pipes thereto, and the laying
of such supply pipes, dig gin g o f
trenches th erefor from the mains to
the sidewalk and placing stops there-
in whenever the same shall be re-
qulred. shall be done only by the em-
ployes o f the city engaged for that
purpose, and the proceeds th ereof
shall be treated as in com e from said
water w orks and devoted to the lnt-
erest and redemption funds as here-
inbefore provided; and no contract
»hall be made
with o r permission
given to. any person, com pany
corporation to tap said mains or lay
said supply pipes, or to run or oper­
ate said water works oth erwis e than
as herein provided.
Section 7. That the Interest fall­
ing due on said bonds on the first
day o f Fbruary, A. D. 1913. and on
the first day o f August. A. D. 1913,
City Treasurer.
paid out o f the general
fund o f said city, and for the pur­
(F o r m o f Coupon)
N o .................
( 3 5 00 pose o f reim bursing
On t h e ......................dxy o f .............. fund for said two semi-annual In­
stallments o f Interest and to meet
A. D.. 1 9 ......... the city o f Redmond.
In the State o f Oregon, will pay to the Interest accruin g on said bonds
the bearer thirty-five dollars in law- on l *le hrst day o f February and the
ful money of the I'nlted States of first day o f August. A. D. 1914,
levied in the year
America, at the office o f the city there shall
treasurer ln Redmond. Oregon, or at 1912 on all the taxable property in
the National
Park Rank, the fiscal said city. In addition to all other
agency o f the State o f Oregon. In the taxes, a direct annual tax sufficient
city of New York. C. S. A., or In the to produce the sum o f one thousand,
twenty 1 ( 1 ,1 3 0 )
event o f the discontinuance o f such one hundred and
Fiscal Agency, then at the banking
that in order to raise the
house o f Kountxe Brothers In said necessary funds with which to pay
city and State o f New Y'ork. at the the Interest due February 1. 1915,
option o f the holder, being Interest and thereafter, up to and Including
1, 1921.
promptly and as
then due on Its negotiable coupon August
the same accrues, there shall be lev­
bond dated Auguat 1. 1913.
ied In each o f the years 1913 to
(Fac-aiinile signature)
1919 inclusive, on all the taxable
property In aald city. In addition to
City Treasurer
all other taxes, a direct annual tax
Section .V That aald bonds when
<« produce ihe sum o f five
issued, be disposed of by the c o m ­ hundred and sixty dollars ( ( 5 4 0 ) ,
mon council o f said city according to for the purpose o f paying two
law and the charter o f said city, and stallments o f said Interest; that la
the funds raised thereby applied order to raise the necessary funds
solely for the purpose
which with which to pay the Interest due
August 1,
said bonda are Issued, but the pur February 1 and
chaser or purchasers o f said bonds l,ron'P'*3r *nd ••
same accrues,
shall not In any manner be responsl- * ,u* to
* «Inking fund for the
ble for the application o r disposal by|
Continued on Page 4