The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, July 11, 1912, Image 1

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P u b lis h e d a t th e “ H u b C i t y ” o f C e n tr a l O r e g o n
N«. 1
■riL < i immi t i i ► K tri.tiN *
|f( ( ( M i t i l i » T O « K M
tt tTM l ri.tMT
rtora ut (ho t 'l l y of lle«l
J u D I M h . « «(M»rl»l
l M v i l i bo h«l<l In I h » Cltjf o f
H p f f o . I h . l>ur|HNM' o f n'lbmll
V |kr » I « lorn of m M «'ll|r. for
^^^B r<>«al
rejerll un. l » o
i l o amend lit«’ charlar
lh a
liti porta rne
o f ihla
III. council, ar an Informal
raof, halli on Ilia * th i|«f
n u lb o rU ad an preparation
K M H I l u n o f a at a ir m a n ! r o l a r
i t o S t l na tion aa fully aa poaalbla
(h o b- n in n ili*
I r a i placa, whan Ih r char
pu hllllllcl
lha >| m . |i]
$Ald In March. 1911. I( waa
1 l o Inalali In lha rlljr
_______o f w a fe r » o r l i » i n m I I )
« • M *ba
S ta n d p ip e "
|k ft waa p ro p o rr il lo arai I a
^ | y | o f | H mu» «a lio n a i a pac
a« 4 • rra n e e n ie n ta
w are
m ade
th * ( ' c w i, a r C o io do
« II waa eallmaiail ihn!
would coal ahoul (3 0 .
Hl pro « lalona ware made In
ir f o r an Imlablednraa of
r a d ( 1 6 .0 0 0 00
Mo anon
b n ama
affa. M i a
f ro m Ilia council
r lall rd
f u i lha purpoaa o f piacine
• f t M ” . and aacurln« blda
• d H r i " tlon o f lha w ork
M «
li m a
n a *o ii ail on a/ d><
, W fi
opanml up with
VS la ban Kranrlaro. I Vanear. Mr
I M I ith ar p la ta «
Thaar af
• f w w l ' a d In internatine
In lha
M l Qp I'o nirnriln e ffrtn o f Jaf
A S h f l o n . o f t’ nrtland. and aa
M t $ 0 " propoaad to pay for lha
MS by the laaua o f hitada and na
| r m warn nnahla in rarr>
(b ay
aaaoi laiad
lha hondtne hnoar o f J
lMMWy A (*n o f D e n » e r
o f JeiTrry A Ituflnn, and
»■ flo i
tollh a rapraaatilatlta o f J II
i 'o . had th nrouehly in va»
M l the nltuatlon
and a a il m alrd
f f con»! r u e ! In* l h a
»> » ' (
• d III'on. lha M il l firm o f Jaf
A Bn Mon euhmlttnd a hid
M d
( 3 4,Son no.
au bfrci. of
courar. lo lha ap pro val o f lha atlor
naya for Ih r hondlne com pan y aa lo
lh a laenll ly o f Ilia propOw d laaua of
Til la bid waa nriaptad and a
con tra ct r n l r r e d
ll y ihla lim a «umiliar waa liara and
lh a a t t o r n e y « ware away on their va
ralli ni and b e f o i « a dacUion
ha had from them fall bad arrived
H o w e v e r , whan they did finally paaa
upon lha m e n a r they required an in*
alleili rhaneaa and r orrac 'io n e lo l>a
■onda which rnnauined
p ohnhly
ninniti o f lim a
Than (he
houaa req uired «nauranrr of
Ilia n
uaurlnl a h lll ly o f lha C < W A t *
Co In rnrry out thalr oo nlrar t with
lha ally, noil noi brine a itu flrd
rrfunad lo co further
w it h lha p ro jarl
Thla. o f
cotiraa. narcanllnird
chauna o f plan» and Ihr
rasa'vo lr
ayalaui waa adopted by lha council.
baine lha Intention of aacurln«
w ater from lha I’ llul
«a nal
and r on a tru rtln *.
lha top
f o r k e d Hor n Multe, a reaervolr o f
1 . 0 0 0 .non c a llo ,a i « p a r l i y and lha
In alall ln «. by lha r lly, o f ila
pum pln e plant
Thla plau
«n o d lo ib a council and prelim inary
aurveya w e re m*d< and another con­
tr ae ! was anlcrad Into with Jeffery
A lluftn n l o ronalrurl
ihla ayalriu
fo r lha m m o f S3 7.000
Thla c o n ­
tr a e ! waa conditioned na lha aacur-
In* o f water from the U. O. I Co
way, une of Iba chancee
m ade In the • ’ aclar, ( der Ihr dl
r aril o n o f the a o v a r a l l o m a r a , au
th o r lia d lha la« ( « o r a o
lha m m g l (3 7 .0 0 0 OH Ho thla laai
c o n t r a i l )uat cleaned up lha bond*
H o w e v e r , whan Iba quaallon o f tak
l o e water fro m I b a tanni waa
pre ­
sented lo Iba I* f l I Co Ibay Inal«
lad upon f a r m * which I h r council did
noi feel Justified la ( r a m i n e
Inalane*, they required
Klia t. (b at water lor all o f
t o w n « ! ! « located on section Id
purchased al lha r ale o f ( 6 0 00 par
part o f Ihla did
ha ve lo ha purchased until 1*17, bul
Ibay «asurad U« I h « ' If wa delayed
purchaalae until l h a ’ lim a wr would
have to pay at least 1 1 u n n o
Keciind. Ihay required lha r l l y (o
secure Ihr marn ai o f each lot hold
ar In lhal |w>rtlon o f the r l l y no! In
section I t lo l b * diversion nf
point o f d e li v e r y of lha water from
(h e h i « h •- » i Irrle ablc point on «ach
fo r ty lo lha fool of f o r k e d
(lo r n
Il u d a
Ih.vt lha r l l y hold lha
company harm less on
such dltarulon
T hird . Ihay required lhal th e an
nual m alm e n arn e l a i o f
10 cania
par acre ha S M i i m e d by lha r l l y
T h e y made »t im« « ( h e r and f u r t h ­
er requirements, hut lha ab ove
a n o u « h lo show the Isipnaalt UH v o f
d aall n e with (In III
This, o f rourne
in-caaallalad a ctianea o f plana and
the present proposed ayslaiu.
lha l
la, o f « o l i i « l o (ha I last hulea rive r
and pum pln e lha water In lha top o f
f o r k e d H orn Ilud a, was adoptad
A f t e r considerab le delay and
pruaa In lha way o f fu rthe r aurveya
and estim ate s a con tract waa e n t e r ­
ad Into w llb Jeffery A llu fto n
lha cniistrurllua o f aald system
lha price o f (.'16.(70 Oil
amount ( 3 6 .0 0 0 no Is lo h# paid In
honda and ( 1 , ( 7 0 no by lha laaua of
T h e reason
lh a l
whole am ou ul la noi lo be paid for
In bonds
la lh a l
I auaay A C o to
whom Jeffary A Hutton had sold lha
bonds, refused lo acrapl m o r * Iban
l l l . o u o nú In bonds
Therefor* J ef­
fery A Muflón « « r e a d lo taka
baiarne due them In w a r r a a la
Thla. o f course,
nee esaltateli
amendment In lha c harte r n u tho rli -
Ine Ilia Issue o f honda In the sum o f
i n . l t n i 0 ", and l( la up lo you lo
say whet her such authority shall be
« I v a n lo lha council.
On your t o l a ilrpenil» lha
l l o a o f a walr-r sysiatn f o r lha city.
A f a v o r a b le vota inaura« (he c o n ­
struction o f lha ayalrm aa a con tra ri
has alread y bean ente red Into with
Je ffe ry
ae rea io m in u lan te lha construc tio n
o f lha ayalrm within th ir ty days a f ­
ter I h « p a s s a «« o f an ordinan ce au-
I h o r l i l n « lha laaua o f the bonds, and
l o r om p a la lha «a m a w ll h ln ninety
t h e r e a f t e r , and (ha fulfilment
•if M i d con tra ri la «i i a r a m a a d by a
bond o f lha Am eric an Surety Co. In
the «um o f (3 6 .0 0 0 00, which
M i d firm has Iliad wrlih lha r l l y
Maid or dinance w ill ha p a s s e d
(ha rou n rll Jual aa aoon aa you au-
th orite (hain lo do so
Ho you aa« Ilia e ntir e m e t i e r la up
l o you
Now aa lo amendment N o I
der (ha present char te r tharv la no
limit to the laaua o f w a r r a n t« by lha
T h r council ran o r d e r the ta-
aue o f warrants in any sum and lha
M in e w ould be bald l r « a l and bind-
Inc upon ( b e r l l y
I f Ihla am endment la d efe ated
will leave i n s i l a r » Just w h ere (hey
are al present.
The praaenl IndebtedneM o f
rlly . as reprra en led by warrants out-
atandlne. I« about (1 .0 0 0 00
rou nrll e e ilm a lr a that (h e coal
lha s a l a r system will he about $3.-
noi) on In addition ( o (h e 1 3 6.0 0 « 00
payable In bonds, and Includine (h e
J effe ry A Muflón In
T hla Includes lha pur­
chase o f ric h ! of way. o f a raae rrolr
t i l e e n e l n e e r l n « expenses and Inci­
th lnklne that
th ere
oueht to l>e some limit on th r city
aa to the .«mount o f Indebted neM to
be c o n tr a lla d they
ha ve
C ontinue d on
l‘ a«e
I.umher Co. Send*
f.»0 ( berk to the Red­
mond Department
I’ hone
The new phone directory o f
tin- Deschutes
Mutual T ele ­
phone Co. has been issued from
the press o f The Spokesman
this week.
The directory con­
tains the names o f the Red­
mond. Powell Butte. Laidlaw,
and Prineville subscribers, and
contains 21 pages. It is the lar­
gest and most comprehensive
phone directory ever gotten out
in Crook county.
Shredded Cocnanut, per lb. .25c
Seeded Raisins, per lb . . . 12l wC
Bulk Tea. {»er l b ................. 30c
Dried Apples, per lb . . . . 12Vvc
2 oz. Royal Club Vanila Extract, 21c
In the Brick Building
e buy Butter and Ejrv>
A L L T H E TIM E - Dutch Belted Hol-
stiens.Guemsyes, Red Durhams, Ayr-
shires and Big Jerseys, fresh milkers or
close springers; also several Register­
ed and Graded Jersey, Holstien and
Short Horn BULLS.
I also have
Yearling Heifers, one or two year old
Steers for feeders in car lots or less on
demand. C R E D IT Given on feeders.
Call at the old Redmond ranch, one-
quarter mile north of Redmond, Ore.,
at the Railroad Stockyard, or write to
Redmond, Oregon
Has been so successfully applied to our peices that economical buy-
s will find it to their advantage to do their buying o f us.
Our grocery stock is complete and prices as low as the lowest.
in’s $4.00 to $5.00 Oxfords, $145
Cows on Sale
C. P. J U D G E
H a d Rice, per lb ......... 8 l-3c
Ptit Jar Queen O lives.......... 30c
Goldust. per p k g .................. 25c
Pearline, per pkg .................15c
High Grade Dairy
In Appreciation o f the grrod
work done by the Redmond vol­
unteer fire department at the
livery ham fire last week, and
the effo rt« the firemen put forth
in Having the Tum-A-Lum Lum­
ber Co's. property adjoining,
the company ha* sent the fol­
lowing letter to Fire Chief G.
W. W e ll*:
To the Officers and Members o f
the Redmond Fire Depart­
ment, Redmond, Oregon.
Gentlemen: The president o f
our company has requested us
to thank you individually and
as an organization, for your ex ­
cellent services at the fire the
morning o f July 2, 1912.
We feel that but for your e f­
ficient services our e n ti' ^
would have gone up in smoke at
that time.
we thank you
most heartily, and, as an earn­
est token o f our sincerity we
hand you herewith our check
for fifty dollars. Use it as you
see fit.
Thanking you again, gentle­
men. and with un abiding faith
in the Redmond fire department
m - are
I-ocal Phone Co. Now Has Its New President of the Oregon
Yours for better equipment
System in Splendid
Trunk R. R. Sees Red-
and new water works.
T U M -A -LU M B E K CO..
W orking Order
mond Saturday
By Aug. A. Anderson, Mgr.
Frank L. Waid, Dist. Mgr.
L S. Asparagus .................. ,10c
[ S. P e a c h e s .......................3(>c
1 S. Clams ...................... ||(
eese, ped l b ...................... 25c
$1.50 PER Y E A R
Non-Rustable Royal Worcester Corset
The Deschutes Mutual Tele­
phone Co. has its line completed
from this city through the Pow­
ell Butte section to Prineville
and is now connected with the
Independent Phone Co., the Pio­
neer Line and the Pacific States
line, all at Prineville.
Subscribers o f the Deschutes
Mutual Telephone Co. can get
direct connection with the com­
panies mentioned above.
Laidlaw and Sisters line is also
connected with the system here
and no better phone service can
be had any where in the state
than what is now given by the
Deschutes Mutual.
Manager Miller o f the Des­
chutes Mutual, put in the new’
phones at Powell Butte the first
o f the week, and the people in
that section can now get into
communication with all sections
o f Central Oregon and outside
points direct from their local
To J. J. Ellinger. president o f
the Deschutes Mutual, and some
o f the other officers o f the
company assisted by local busi­
ness men. is the credit due for
the extension o f the service and
connection with the
long distance lines.
A Good Paper
la s t week the Bend Bulletin
got out an issue o f 44 pages
containing many illustrations of
places and scenes in that city
and vicinity, and a large amount
o f descriptive reading matter.
The paper was a credit to Bend
and to the publishers.
The Band’s Mascot
President John H. Y’ oung o f
the Hill lines in Oregon, made
his first tour o f the Oregon
Trunk last Saturday. He spent
two days looking over the right
o f way and acquainting him­
self with the system
which the Hill interests spent
some $22,000,000.
Mr. Y'oung and other Hill o f­
ficials arrived at Redmond in
their special car between 3 and
4 o’clock last Saturday a fte r­
noon and was met at the depot
by Mayor Jones and a number
o f business men o f the city. A
number o f autos were in wait­
ing. and the new Oregon Trunk
president was taken for a short
ride through the Redmond Dis­
Mr. Y’oung expressed himsel/
as agreeably surprised at the
evidences o f prosperity noticed
in every direction in this dis­
trict. and said he hoped to get
better acquainted with the peo­
ple who are making this coun­
try blossom as the rose.
From here the party went to
Bothersome Kids
A number o f unruly kids are
in the habit o f gathering at the
post office at mail time and mak­
ing a practice o f turning the
combinations on all the lock
boxes they can reach.
master Moore has stood fo r the
kids as long as he intends to.
and warns them to either be­
have when at the office or stay
away altogether.
Beat It Here
A t the wild west show at
Little Howard Bush, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Bush of Bend last Saturday it is sti ted
there were but 60Ò paid adnis-
this city, is the mascot fo r the sions.
A t the wild west s lo w
Redmond Concert band and will given in Redmond on June 13th
soon appear in a special uni­ there were 2913 paid admissions
form that has been ordered for — and there you are.
The youngster, who is
Union Formed
only 3 years old. can blow any
horn or clarinet in the band and
The Spokesman has been in­
can also keep perfect time in formed that a Farmers’ Union
conducting the band. While at was formed in this city Satur­
Madras on the 4th Howard led day afternoon,
composed o f
the hand as drum m ajor on the some o f the farmers in the Red-
march to the ball grounds.
tmond District.