NOTICE r m m iD A Y , j i * n k 2«, i » i a THE REDMOND SPOKESMAN On and after Monday, June 10, 1912, all retail business from my store will be CASH, and all wholesale business will be on 30 days. A discount will be given on all cash purchases. By this plan you will save money on feed and poultry supplies. McSHERRY R. O rd in a n c e No. 2tI Adding New Accounts We are constantly adding new accounts, and laereaaiag at a very satisfactory rate as shown by statements. our business Is our published It Is a com m on practice for people to lay aside money for a special object; to satisfy a particu lar need, or to provide against possible e « » i f'licjr. Our facilities for handllug such business are moat escollen! W hen money has been left with us for a speclfth purpose we carefully carry out the desires of the depositor. Re­ sides. wo have SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES for anyone wishing to valuables. A cordial bask rOl'K HANK. use them for the safe keeping of papers or Invitation la extended to VOI' to m ake this STATE BANK OF REDMOND W. 8 Itodm an. I'res Jos It Jackson. Vice-I’res. Roy A Hush, t'osh ler. Furniture See me before you place your furniture orders. I have a complete stock C. E IRVIN, Furniture & Undertaking Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in L u m b er an d B u ild in g M aterial £ s Shingles, Brick. Lime and Cement Roofing and Building Paper Office and Yard 2 blocks ea.\t of Hotel Redmond A n o r d in a n c e p r o v i d i n g f o r th e h o l d ­ in g o f a s p e c ia l e le c t io n f o r th e p u r| K ise o f s u b m i t t i n g to t h e q u a l ­ ifie d e le c t o r s o f tlie C i t y o f lte«l m ond. O re g o n , c e r t a in p ro p o se d am e n d m e n ts to th e c h a rt e r of a a ld c ity . PAGE T H R E E Redmond. Oregon, held on th« I Itti •lay of J uno, I »12. Approved Mil» I Itti day of June, 1912. H. F JONES, Mayor. A ttest’ J. A W illcox. R ecorder. < trillim i» <• K o. 2 7 An ordinane« vacating th« all«y In Hlocks One and Tw enty, Original plat of Redm ond, Oregon W hereaa, J W. Htlres, Wtn. 0 PboMtlx; W I. I’hoenlx, u. w. W ells. John fi. lattnb and V . w. McCaffary did on th« 9th day of April, Ik 12. present to the Common Council of the City of Redm ond. O r­ egon. their certain petition asking that the alley In Hlorks One ( I ) and Twenty (2 0 ) O riginal I’lat of the City of Redm ond, O regon, be vacat­ ed, and W hereas, It appears th at the said J W m ires; Win. O. Phoenix; F I. Phoenix; O. W W ells; John K. l-amli and F W. MeCafTery are the sole, exclusive and only ow ners of said blocks and th at the rights and Interests of no other person firm or corporation Is or will be effected hy the grunting of the prayer of aald petitioners and the vacation of the alleys and. W hereas. the said J. W. Htlres: Win (J Phoenix, F I. Phoenix; G. W W ells; John K. la m b and P. W. McCaffery have caused notices of (he said application to he posted In three public places In the City of Redmond, Oregon, to -w it: One on a telephone pole at the southw est cor­ ner of Sixth and f) atreets; one on a telephone pole at th e southw est corner of Sixth and K atreets; and one In the poatoffice for a period of thirty days previous thereto as ap­ pears hy the affidavit of posting en ­ dorsed on the back of the notlre of application now on tile w ith the City Recorder, and W hereas, the granting of the prayer of aald petitioners and the vacation of aald alley will m ake the aald prem ises m ore valuable to the ow ners and not work any detrim ent to the public In any m anner, now, therefore. He It ordained hy th e Common Council of the City of Kedinond, O r­ egon Section 1. T hat th e alley In Hlocks One l l ) and Tw enty (20) of the O riginal plat of the City of Red­ mond. Oregon, be and the sam e are hereby vacated and the prior plat­ ting thereof held for naught. Passed at a regular m eeting of the Common Council of the City oT Redm ond. Oregon, held on the 11th day of June. 1912. Approved this 11th day of J u n e ,' 1912 H. F. JONES. Mayor. A ttest: J. A. W lllcox, Recorder. W hereas, certain pru|K>sed am end­ m ents to the rh s rle r of the City of Redmond. Oregon, hss been present­ ed to the common council of said city by Initiative petition, and have been approved by aald common council, and are now on file In the office of the city recorder, now, therefore. He It O rdained by the Common Council of the City of Redm ond, O r­ egon Section I. T hat a special election he held on the I6 th day of July, I HI 2. for the purpose of subm itting the aforesaid proposed am endm ents to said rh a rte r to the quallfled elec­ tors of the City O f Redm ond. Ore- gou. for th eir adoption or rejection T hat the polls of aald election be opened In the forenoon of aald day at E ight o'clock and closed at Six ¡o'clock in the afternoon thereof. Section 2. A rgum ents In favor of | the adoption of aald am endm ents to said ch a rte r may he filed w ith the city recorder not later than thirty THROWING THE DICE. days and those opposing their adop­ tion not later than tw enty days be­ T h e A . v c ia n t G e r m a n s W a r « F u r i o u s fore said electlou G a m b ie r s a t T h is G a m s. Section 3. The city recorder The Invention of dice ha* been of shall cauae the said am endm ents to old ascrtlwd to I’alsmedes. the son of said ch arter and all argum ents sub­ Naupltli*. king of Kultur*. nlmut 1244 m itted as herein provided to be B 0_, and si-ei to a (.'reck soldier mimed printed and bound In pam phlet form Ales, which I* the I-atln for a die. but and shall also cause, so fsr ss prac­ Herodotus n*xtgna both dice and eben* ticable. one copy of such pam phlet to the t.ydlnn*. to be delivered, eith er by carrier or The ntn leiit German* would gamble Ity m all, to each elector within the away at dice all that they were worth city of Redmond, not leas than eight and then their lllwrty. subm itting to days before said election. slavery If they lost, nnd the Saxons. Section 4. The council shall, at Itane* nnd Norman* were all addicted their last regular m eeting prior to to the game Eox Tnltiot Is of opinion said election, appoint three Judges that the Ijittu* Inveliteli. If not the and two clerks of said election who game, at least Ihe mime for the single shall, before entering upon th e ir du­ point, which they called mm*. The ties. tak e and subscribe to the oath Germanic rm-ea. adopting ibi* practice required of Judges and clerks of from the Greek*, translated the Creek ••lection by the general laws of this corruption of unu* Into ax*, which ha* state, and who shall. Im m ediately a f­ now Itecoine a«-*. The root of this ter the close of said election and be­ word lie* In the Latin, aa the monetary fore separating, proceed to canvass unit the votes cast at said election and John of Salisbury In the tw elfth cen­ declare the result thereof and report tury mention* ten different use* of the such result, duly certified to by dice. Stow mention* two entertain them , to the council w ithin three menta given by the city of Loudon at wlil-h d ic e were ID evidence.—Loodou days thereafter. Section 6. The laws of the state Telegraph. of Oregon regulating and relative to Ons of ths Family. the m anner of holding and conduct­ Tibbie hud placed by her aunt ing elections shall apply to said elec- In a situation t»*-u ot all work in a j tlon. except th at no registration family or tbree. us maid tbe eud or a week | shall be required, and no person who the auut "atep|*ed At aloug ’ is not an elector under such laws Tibbie was getting on. iu ’ to see bow and a bona tide resident of th e city 'TH> you like your work?” asked tbe • if Redmond shall be allow ed to vote a u n t | thereat. ~'T ls fair,” said tbe laconic Tibbie. Section 6. The R ecorder shall “And urw they making you feet at prepare the proper ballots and shall homef” also provide the necessary poll "((titles they are. aud whiles they hooka, paper, pencils, polling place, aren't.” and all other things required to “ Now. w hst do you be meaning by properly conduct said election. The that?' asked the aunt Impatiently. ballots shall be In the form req u ir­ •Awest." said Tibbie, "they have nn' ed hy the laws of this state relative asked me to gang f kirk w f them yet. to m easures subm itted to the elec­ but last night they went on wl' a tors of the state by the S tate le g is ­ grit ml quarr'l they were having, all latu re and the rules, regulations and the three o' them, wl' me tnkkuig the statu tes of the state relative to such dishes off o the tshte, Jtai as If I’d m easures and elections shall obtain been one o the fam ily."— (o u th 's Com­ and be followed so far as practica­ panion. ble. S a c r ific e d to R e fo rm . Section 7. It Is hereby adjudged | "You have abandoned tbe ptctureoqne and declared that existing conditions custom of crowning a queen of the are such that this art la necessary Mayf" for the Im m ediate preservation of "Yes.1' replied tbe merry villager: the public peace, health and safety, "w# bad to give It up. There got to ho and, owing to the urgent necessity ninny candidate* a id so much cam of securing an adequate w ater sys­ so pslguhig that ixdltle* left us no tlrno tem for the purpose of supplying the for bualneos."— W ashington Star. residents of the City of Redm ond 'w ith w ater for Are and dom estic P la c in g t h s B la m e . purposes, an em ergency Is hereby “1 admit without hesitation." aald deelared to exist, and this ordinance the man who trlea to cooceal hla self shall take effect and be In full force esteem, "that w hatever I am today ts and effect from and after Its publi­ due to the lnflnei*ce of my wife." cation as provided by law. "T hat's rig h t.' replied Mr. Urowcb I’aaaed at a regular m eeting of er. "Always blame tba woman."— .th e common council of the ('Ity of \ Y n « t k t n i r t i \ n S t i r . GOOD MEAT at Living Prices FURNISHED BY THF! Sisters Meat Market Orders called for and delivered to any part of Redmond. You will like our meats and prices Everything for Building r.iiimmiiiiiiMimiiiiiimimiii!iiiiimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiin | = | | We are in a position to supply your wants in anything in the Lumber and Building Material Line. § = | = on the above before placing an | order. Estimates will be cheer- | fully furnished. = f | GET OUR PRICES uimiimiiiiimm..... . e [ e ................. R . C. Im m e le SMITH & ALL1NGHAM Wines and Liquors Imported and Domestic Cigars Nothing but the BEST is served at our place Redmond, - Oregon