The Redmond spokesman. (Redmond, Crook County, Or.) 1910-current, May 09, 1912, Image 1

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    Redmond Spokesman
Published at the “ Hub City” of Central Oregon
fM*. 2.
j|»|s ,
No. 44
K A K 'I »
K A IIll.t
P o t in .
H i 4 ,
ruoBtp. Infuri«» 'III«' Mi«.k. »man limi
ground f**r uim « « U h *-ti1 1 1v »1 «• < 1 rrn p»
oa Ih»
uiotiNt m i loti farti) la all l«v>
il numi for mmm U iim nini f«*r
«»f i llf T r m it felini* hav«* b m i
lo rertalti piata.
T h e rari!
| « f t » «
jgf^l g§v
Orar l o o \ a r i d i « * of
bave tx*«* t) *t*e«|c*<l Ih I n ««M'fe
)l (rial piala
Arre piala are
h#lM * dell IO barlrjra. oala. flrld
IWM. I anici«**, potalo«* atxl «urti,
ai d rabbatte
ni amounta of aaler «111 be
rioter, alfalfa And |Mitat«w**
whldi la (he ino*t eronotnl-
f'Al MI» »* *«» u»« a l ’ li Ihfi«’ rn*i»a
|h rulllvatlon of row rropa
of n«*)d peaa In
rulllvaled drlll ro «a «III be
naad tu rotine» iii»n « u h a minimum
i.f irriK»<i«*n mi ««»rialti
I A ferlltUer (rial haa beeti
lo aho« thè relative value of
K K D M O N I). C R O O K C O U N T Y . O R E G O N . T H U R S D A Y ,
mill rur»i| for arrordlng
lo III» dlri'illoii» furnlshrd «|th ih»
, “ ’««t
This « I I I r l i » ih » tarmar» In
»«i'll h» «Utjf a ihuiii» lo rorn|.iir»
ih»lr li» ul «»»il «mi |irurt|i <.» «u h
iho«** r»< oiiiin»mi»i| \,y th» experta,
uinl ih»)! «ili I»» raising «mu» pur«,
ar<llmal»d *■• i| for tutum um -
Ih » list of re* o|>»r«lliiK f«rm »r«
Tor Hila region ltirimi» l'. Il Ko«t»r
■ >f |*o«»11 lim i», Mr Hunter of |*o»
i'll Muli*, «mi li»mi, \v II l ’iitirteney
of laitdlaw. J W Itrown of Laldlaw.
<1 A llradley, U l*ln«*, C. Il l*»u
i»r, Unni
H ism I h »« h»»n |il«r»(| for trial at
l.aiiionta, t’ulver. Mrlollua ami on
Ih» Agency rialti«, and II U d»»lr»d
that a few mor» «h o h a i» ground
«ullahl» for ro-operatlv» work
olh»r dUlrlrla «III correspond wllh
Ih» superintendent ami arratig» lo
receive a irla! of thU kind.
Olili» «mi laboratory room« ar»
brillìi »i|ul|>p»d In th» Hank of l'nm
m m » building, ami r»gular hour«
«U t h» »«tablUh»*! for consultation
A supply of bulletins «fili h» provili-
»d for dUIrlbullon. and Ib» labora
nord for quirk, approulmai»
aiialy«!« of oolU. alkali»«. « a l » r « ami
am i«
for l«v»llng
and for mraaurlng wal»r «III be In-
rludn! In Ih» equipment of 111» «la
about thing« agricultural «III
« I m i prompt afir ut Ion at all times
Injure! tu l(uiiawa)
J M Judd «b ile driving a new
team Monday afi»rniM*n had a bad
HU wlfr and rhlldrrn
»•■r» thro»n out of ih» rig ami Mr«
Judd'« fi*ot caught In ou» of th»
« h»rI*
and ah» « a « dragged for
^ ^ ^ | t
A ir i
papa th »ffwl of KVpNum and polaalt «omr dUlanr», bui aside from aer­
erai «n e re brut«»« and a rut over
$ 1 thè fertilità of (he eoli
«menta are belila ttia«1e be nn» ry». ih» lady w «« noi «erloualy
tviaalt ipt Power* an i pr«»arr«nlve Injured, although «he la routined to
fariMb Itt Ih«» dlfTetmi dry tarmiti* her bed.
jiad tflÌKalcd *re(|on* « h e r r b f otte
A woman might a* well propose;
W Èm >
cholre pe«|litree«l »r«-d lo her husband always claim« she did
be, u mailer of pride of Itedmond’»
citizen» to see that the money Is
forthcoming to meet these obliga­
The m-zt meeting of the Club will
be on Wednesday evening, the 15th.
and It Is sincerely expected that all
citizens who have the Interest
Itedmond at heart will be present
and there decide the future of her
Commercial Club.
J. W. BR EW ER .
Juniper Heading Circle
< i WMKIW'I »1. I l.l II
To Ih» I’ll Urns of Itedmond:
ll la with regret that I am com-
|t»llei| to call the attention of Ihr
good rltUen» of Itedmond to the
condition of your Commercial Club
and to u«k the question " »h a t are
you going to do about It?"
Since the t|r«t of September last,
»hen you »elected me ua your presi­
dent, the ofhi ers have worked un
ceuslngly for the good of the Club
and Itedmond, but they have not re­
ceived ihe support from the busln*-««
men «ml cttlxens to that degree that
Ihe fluii merita
Those who have not been In di­
rect touch with the work of the
Club ran little appreciate Ihe lime
and effort put forth und the good
that ha* been accomplished, and for
this It should be the duty of every
citizen to stand for hi» town and
a salat In every way possible In the
work of the Club
Since the first
of January It ha» been almost Im­
pilasi hie to get more than a quorum
at meeting» and with the »mall at­
tendance the Interest lag» In propor­
tion and the responsibility I» placed
onto a few shoulders
Including our advertising »ilien­
ses, the club haa expended lu the
past eight month» over «1500. and
we now have outstanding bill» to the
amount of about CIMI, part of which
are due, and It I», or surely should
$1.60 PER YEAR
M A Y 9. 1912
Ideal Chocol ates
re c e iv e d
Fam ous
lio n s.
Id e a l
C h o c o la te s
o f th e
A s s o r t e d fla v o rs, s t r a w b e r r y ,
le m o n , p in e a p p le , v a n illa , etc.
Since the weather conditions or*
May lat were not favorable to a
meeting In the country, the Circle
1 n n r l i r
V n A A i n
did not meet with Mrs. Marlon as
planned, ily the kindness of Mrs
Osborne, the program was held at
her home. Most of the club mem­
Id e a l T a ffy , l b ............................
ber» were present and those taking
part In the program had carefully
C o m m e r c ia l C h o c o la te s, lb .... ......20c
prepared papers. The first paper of
P e a n u t B u tte r, l b ...................... ... .20c
the afternoon, “The Japanese Ijin-
elly B e a n s , l b ............................. ..... 20c
guage," was given by yrs. Foote.
She described the characters
P u r e S u g a r S tic k C a n d y , lb ... ......15c
aoine of the peculiarities of syntax.
P la in M ix e d , l b .......................... . . . 1 5 c
She spoke of the difficulties in learn­
ing the language. She told of a re­
T h e s e p ric e s a r e f o r th is w e e k on ly.
form commission that had been ap­
pointed to simplify the language, of
the problems this commission had to
face and the slow but certain pro­
gress they were making. Mrs Rod-
man read an Interesting paper on
Japanese literature.
She spoke of
the qualntness and simplicity of Jap­
anese poetry, of the newspaper and
of the present demand for foreign
Mrs. Anderson read a
selection from Hearn's Koko-ro. A f­
im V K L I. Ill'T T E
ter the usual social hour over the
ground in excellent condition and
tea cup, the club adjourned. On May
May 7th.
are looking for splendid crops this
15th Mrs. I>e Sousa will entertain at
Mrs. N. P. Alley and children re­ fall.
the home of Mrs. Anderson. A full
turned from Sisters Monday, where
Miss Hubbard leaves Tuesday for
attendsnee Is desired as officers are
they had been vlsiing Mrs.
Ally's her homestead on the lower desert.
to be elected for the ensuing year.
John Tetherow and family are re­
Roll call will lie anwered by quota­
Mr. Uurson Moore of Spokane. Is turning to their farm at Tetherow
tions from the Bible.
visiting E. A. Bussett.
The men Bridge for the summer.
Mr. Bishop left last week for Sla­
riasstffed Ads bring are cousins.
Mr. Jacobson, a traveling sales­ ters where he is employed as cook
results. Try them.
man for the I’nited States Cream in a camp.
Separator, was calling on our people
Mr. and Mrs. Dry den Rannalla
have moved in from their ranch. Mr.
Among the large shipment of milk RannalU is helping Mr. Wright put
stock to be brought to Redmond this in his crop on the Cline Falls ranch.
week Is a fine registered Holstein
Jim Whelply, J. A. Vosburg and
bull, consigned to Geo. C. Truesdale. I. L. Harader are sowing land plas­
There’s nothing too good for our ter this week.
farmers In the way of a better grade
Mr. Van Horn and family visited
of stock.
Sunday at Nelson Van Buskirk’s.
Mrs. Mary Ormller has returned
Mr. Del more of the Arm of W right
to Portland after an extended Ttsit & Del more of Redmond, has moved
with her grand daughter, Mrs. J. M. with his family onto the Bevard
place, which he has rented for the
Ross Bussett has rented his place year.
to his cousin. Ed Huffine. and has
The Rucker brothers have recent­
gone to Portland for the summer.
ly purchased a new potato planter o f
Mrs. Wallace Smith entertained which they are making good use.
very delightfully at a dinner given They have planted a large field for
at her home Sunday. Mrs. Smith’s themselves and are also planting for
guests were Mr. and Mrs. Levi Van their neighbors.
Doren and Raymond, Mr. and Mrs.
Potatoes are to be one of the main
Geo. C. Truesdale and Miss Viola and crops around here this season.
Pauline Truesdale.
Beckwith Bros, expect to plant forty
Frank Kelley of the Sisters, com­ acres to potatoes. Many others have
bined business and pleasure I d a trip planted several acres.
here last week,
Mr. Kelley is an
old time resident of the Powell Butte
section and is surprised at the many
changes that have taken place here Free Demonstration W ill Be Given
since his removal to Sisters.
Here Saturila)- Afternoon
Final examination Is being given
at the Shepard scrool this week. The
C. A. Morse will give a free dem­
teacher and pupils have prepared a
onstration Saturday afternoon of a
delightful little program to be given
Vacuum Clothes Washer he is sell­
Saturday evening, following which
ing, in the room next to the Central
the eighth grade girls will serve a
Oregon Irrigated Land Co., on <(b
buffet lunch. All are cordially In­
street. This washer is a wonder in
the way It takes dirt out of clothes,
S. D. Mustard and A. H. Rohde
and the public is invited to call and
were visitors at Prlnevllle last Wed­
see the machine in operation. T h «
price of the machine is very moder­
E. A. Bussett Is attending court
ate, $3.50, and will prove a boon to
at the county seat this week.
any housewife. Mr. Morse will also
demonstrate at homes by appoint­
la n a y opccis IS
Leave our store every clay because we sell them
Royal Worcester Non-Rustable Corsets
and insure you against corset troubles.
The most potent charm of
womanly beauty is a PERFECT CORSET, attained through wearing a
Perfect Corset correctly fitted.
Royal Worcester Corsets beautify and
improve every figure, moulding the form until it assumes the graceful
and symetrical lines of the ideal.
In fact the Royal Worcester is the
one M EDIUM Priced Corset that combines every health and fashion
feature, and is the favorite of every woman.
P R IC E S , $1.00 to $3.00
t U M V S IZ
We will give FREE with every $5 cash purchase a beautiful framed
Enameled Picture, 20\24
Rig: Department Store
Highest in Quality, Lowest in Price
Highent Price paid for Eggs.
Bring them to us
The Cline Falls school closed last
Seven Yearn Old Tixlay
Friday after an eight months' term.
The school children and their par­
Today Is the 7th birthday of th#
ents gave a picnic down by the river. City of Redmond. Seven years ago
Miss Hubbard furnished Ice cream In 1905, the city was founded by W .
for the crowd. It was a warm, sun­ A. Belcher, who pitched his tent on
shiny day and everyone reported an the site of what Is now the City of
enjoyable time.
Mr. Belcher has seen
Roy Rannalls of Grants Pass, is the city grow wonderfully in the
here atending to business Interests past seven years.
In this vicinity, lie is stopping at
J. W. Wright's, but expects to re­
The Presbyterian ladles'
turn soon to his work in the Valley. will entertain at a ’’8ilver Tea” on
He says that everything over the Thursday afternoon. May 18th from
mountains Is looking fine.
1:00 to 5:00 In the church parlors;
Mr. Van Buskirk has sold his farm entrance west door. Ail the ladles
to Mr. Brown of Sheridan. Or.
Mr. are cordially Invited to come, bring
Brown has returned for hts family, a friend and spend a social hour
and expects to take possession here over the tea cups and your embroid­
the 15th of July.
Dan Catlow made a business trip
to Portland this week, expecting to
People are disposed to forgive an
be gone a couple of weeks.
old man any folly nntll he becomes
A heavy rain fell here last week, defendant In a breach of promts*
and the prospects are that more will | suit.